Counterattack Strategies

Chapter 27

Chapter 27 – Women’S Clothing Gangster (9)

Raiders of women’s clothing (9)

Lu Jingqian was about to leave with Bedia, but he was stopped by someone, and this person was someone that almost all the show models didn’t want to see, and he was Baird.

As soon as the other seductive models saw Baird coming towards them, they all hid in other places, not wanting to have direct contact with him. But Baird came here for Lu Jingqian, and he only looked at Lu Jingqian, and the other models avoided him and didn’t pay attention.

Lu Jingqian and Bedia looked at each other, knowing that if they didn’t deal with this person, they would definitely not be able to leave.

Seeing that Baird was obviously coming for Lu Jingqian, the seductive general manager and vice president immediately stepped forward and stood in front of Lu Jingqian, trying to prevent Baird from getting in close contact with Lu Jingqian alone. Don’t say that they already know that Lu Jingqian has Frey Yue’s relationship, even if they don’t know, they can’t let the trump card that their company plans to cultivate have a relationship with someone like Baird.

When Baird saw them stopping in front of Lu Jingqian, the expression on his face immediately changed. He looked at the seductive general manager and said, “I’m just here to say hello. What do you mean? I’m afraid I’ll eat it.” him?”

“Mr. Baird, you misunderstood.” The seductive general manager said with a smile, “We saw you coming, so we took the initiative to say hello to you.”

“I don’t want to say hello to you right now, I just want to say hello to Wen Nan.” Baird said directly with displeasure on his face, “I gave him fireworks in the name of Du Lin, and he didn’t specifically come to thank me Forget it, I took the initiative to come over to say hello to him, and you still have to stop me, isn’t it justified?”

“It turned out that the fireworks gift Du Lin gave Wen Nan was given by Mr. Baird. We didn’t know it before, so we just expressed our thanks to President Lin Seth.” The vice president said, “Now that we know, then we also For Wen Nan, thank Mr. Baird.”

“Why didn’t he thank me himself? I’m already standing here, and he’s here too, and the others aren’t somewhere else.” Baird said dissatisfied.

“Of course he wants to thank Mr. Baird.” The general manager turned to Lu Jingqian and said, “Wen Nan…”

“Thank you for the fireworks gift, Mr. Baird.” Lu Jingqian maintained the basic etiquette, but the smile on his face did not reach his eyes at all.

When Baird heard that Lu Jingqian finally spoke to him, he smiled and said, “How can you express your gratitude to me just by saying thank you? At least you should have a drink with me.”

Baird has watched all of Lu Jingqian’s live broadcasts recently. He is really obsessed with him, and he is determined to get him no matter what means. Although he felt a little distressed because Lu Jingqian was the person who lured you, after all, luu se is a company under the Weiding Group, unlike those small companies with no background, who can get people with some means. Although he hadn’t thought about giving up on getting Lu Jingqian, the more he couldn’t get it, the more he wanted it, and he couldn’t control his desire at all.

Therefore, after several struggles and considerations, Baird decided to get him. Even if he was a seductive person, he was willing to take the risk and give it a try. He felt that after he succeeded, Yu Se would not do anything to him because of a show model, and if this kind of thing made a big splash, everyone would not look good. His reputation is already like this anyway, no matter how bad it is, it won’t be much worse, but You Se will definitely take his reputation into account so as not to make things big. If he solves this matter privately, he will spend more money at worst.

“I’m really sorry Mr. Baird, I can’t drink today.” Lu Jingqian said.

“Why can’t you drink today?” Baird’s face collapsed again, “I don’t think you can’t drink today, but you don’t want to drink with me?”

“I’m not feeling well today, so an important elder of mine told me not to drink alcohol.” Lu Jingqian said calmly.

“Important elder?” Baird said sarcastically, “Your elder really cares a lot. After you go back, tell your elder that since you have already debuted as a show model, you came to this kind of banquet again. , there is no reason not to drink.”

“My elder was also going to attend the banquet today, but he left first because of important matters. Next time we have a chance to meet, Mr. Baird can tell him in person.” Lu Jingqian said.

“Of course I can tell him in person that I don’t have to wait for the next banquet, I can see him anytime you make an appointment.” Baird said, “But you have to drink this glass of wine with me today, or you won’t give it to me.” face.”

“I’m sorry, Mr. Baird.” The general manager said, “Wen Nan has already said that he is not feeling well and can’t drink today. Please don’t force others.”

“Heh, you really want to protect him from drinking when he says he won’t drink?” Baird said sarcastically with a gloomy face. You should be very clear about what kind of person I am, are you planning to offend me to the end?”

“We didn’t intend to offend you, Mr. Baird. You are the one who has been embarrassing us. If Mr. Baird thinks we have offended you, you can go to Weiding Group to complain to President Fred.” The general manager said .

When Baird heard the word Fred, his expression changed again, and he immediately calmed down and said, “Don’t threaten me with your President Fred, my father knows him very well, no matter what It’s also impossible to stand out for a show model.”

“Bedia, take Wen Nan back first.” The general manager turned around and said.

The seductive general manager doesn’t really want to mess with people like Baird, but now Baird insists on embarrassing them. If they behave too timidly, they will only lose face of Weiding Group. And those of them who are assigned from Wei Ding to its subsidiaries all know that Fred Yue is a very protective person, and he has often warned them not to take the initiative to cause trouble, but don’t be timid if trouble comes to your door. Even if it wasn’t Lu Jingqian today, but other show models, since their managers were present, they couldn’t just watch him being embarrassed. What’s more, Lu Jingqian had a direct relationship with Frey. If Frey knew that they didn’t stand up to defend him, the result would definitely be worse than offending Baird.

“Okay.” Bedia nodded, and left with Lu Jingqian.

“You…” Baird blushed in anger, but he could only watch Lu Jingqian leave. He gritted his teeth and said, “Okay, you really don’t take me seriously, do you? Then you all give I’ll just wait!”

Rui Yusheng originally wanted to go to the lounge with his assistant to rest, but after seeing Baird stop Lu Jingqian, he stood still in the corner and watched the whole process silently. After reading it, he lowered his head and began to meditate.

Lu Jingqian returned to the dormitory, and after taking a shower, he sat on the bed, holding his mobile phone, hesitating whether to call Freddie or not. However, he also wondered if this would make him seem too purposeful, and instead make Fred lower his favorability towards him. After much deliberation, Lu Jingqian felt that it would be impossible to just take the initiative to contact him. It seemed that it was more difficult to gain affection for the lover in this life than in the previous one. He should change his way of caring for him.

So he turned on the system and sent a message to the main brain, wanting to get tips on how to do it. Then he got the reply, only the words “actively seduce”.

Active temptation? Lu Jingqian thought to himself, what kind of active seduction is he going to do? , Do you want him to take the initiative to dedicate himself? Just imagining the picture made his face feel hot.

But even if he is willing to take the initiative to dedicate himself, he must have a chance. You can’t just go to him and throw him down, right?

While thinking of a solution, he clicked on all the functions on the phone screen boredly. When he saw the bunch of messages Alva sent him when he wanted to ask him out some time ago, he finally had an idea in his heart.

Early the next morning, before Lu Jingqian got up, he heard the doorbell. He wondered who would come to him at this time. This building is a seduced dormitory, except for the seduced people, no one else can enter.

Lu Jingqian got up with doubts, went to the door and clicked on the surveillance screen outside the door. When he saw the person standing outside was Rui Yusheng, he froze for a moment before opening the door.

“Is there something wrong?” Lu Jingqian asked from the door, looking at him.

“I, can I go in and talk?” Rui Yusheng changed from his usual arrogance and stood outside the door with a rare humility.

Lu Jingqian thought for a while and said, “Come in.”

He turned around and walked to the sofa in the living room, sat down and said, “Although I don’t have to go to the company today, I don’t want to waste too much of my rest time because of you, so please finish what you want to say within ten minutes, and then Leave now.”

“I’m here to apologize to you.” Rui Yusheng lowered his eyes, looked at the ground and said, “Because I wanted to succeed too much, I was lost by the prosperity of the imperial city, so I did some things that shouldn’t be done. .I’m really sorry, I have already reflected on my mistakes, as long as you can forgive me, let me do anything.”

“You can do whatever you want?” Lu Jingqian smiled and said, “Then please disclose everything you have done, and apologize publicly on the Internet, and I will forgive everything you have done. Can you do it?”

Rui Yusheng knelt down suddenly and said, “I beg you, give me a way to survive. I really came to confess my mistake to you with a heart of remorse.”

“When you set up a trap to harm me, did you ever think about giving me a way out?” Lu Jingqian said coldly, “No, right? You are worried that I will steal your glory and block your way, just because You are jealous, so you only want to put me to death! Now you come to apologize to me, but it is just to protect yourself, you are not sincerely repenting at all, do you think I can’t see through you?”

“I did have bad thoughts, but I didn’t cause any actual harm to you, did I? Now that you have President Fred’s backing, I can’t do anything even if I want to, and I really regret it , please believe me, give me a way out, please, please.” Rui Yusheng pleaded with tears, almost lying on the ground.

“It’s true that you can’t do any harm to me now, but you can’t be forgiven for the harm you did to me before, even if you lose your life.”

Rui Yusheng raised his head abruptly, looked at Lu Jingqian excitedly and said, “I just stole your admission letter, and even if you don’t have that admission letter, you can still get in. I made up those words to deceive you, It’s just to satisfy my own vanity. None of these things have caused any harm to you, why can’t I be forgiven for giving my life?! You can’t bully others too much, right?”

“Then what about you instructing Alva to take me to dinner with the client? If I hadn’t been vigilant and happened to meet Uncle Fred to take me away, you would definitely not be kneeling in front of me now, but using this Threatening me with this matter, and then showing off in front of me?” Lu Jingqian looked at him coldly and said.

“This incident didn’t hurt you in the end, did it?” Rui Yusheng shed tears of grievance and said, “After you left, I was the one who rushed over to drink with those clients all night. The trap, the result is that I have suffered on my own, and I have been punished, haven’t I?”

“Whether you were hurt or not, only the victim has the final say. What you say doesn’t count.” Lu Jingqian said, “Ten minutes have passed, you can go.”

“Wen Nan, please, don’t tell President Frey Yue what I have done. I really dare not do anything to you in the future. Please forgive me, please, please forgive me, okay?”

“Forgive you?” Lu Jingqian looked at him expressionlessly and said, “Impossible, if I don’t say it now, it doesn’t mean I will never say it. One day, I will say everything you have done.” speak out.”

“What do you want me to do?!” Rui Yusheng cried, “Do you have to die in front of you now before you agree to forgive me? You were so kind before, why are you so cruel now? ?!”

“Yes, my kindness in the past was foolish and deceitful in your eyes. I believed everything you said, but I immediately softened when you begged me. It’s a pity…” Lu Jingqian stood up, Hold the phone and say, “I’ll give you one last minute. If you still don’t leave, I’ll call the administrator and ask him to bring someone up to drag you out.”

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