Counterattack Strategies

Chapter 30

Chapter 30 – Women’S Clothing Boss (12)

Raiders of women’s clothing (12)

This time the competition canvassing live broadcast, after carefully studying the style and content of the game, Lu Jingqian decided to use the fantasy style of costumes this time. So look for the kind of clothing that can show your figure, but also make people feel celestial in the water, and have fantasy colors.

It took Lu Jingqian a long time to choose from the clothes in the third and fourth rows before he could match the clothes he was satisfied with. Although he only had to pick out one set this time, the other clothes that he liked could be broadcast live in normal times. time to wear.

After Lu Jingqian matched the outfits he would wear for the competition, he took out a black embroidered short cheongsam among those outfits. He rolled his eyes, and then took the cheongsam to the dressing room to change into.

After Lu Jingchang changed into the cheongsam, put on the wig and put on makeup carefully, he walked to Freyue’s study on high heels.

After he knocked on the door and entered, he stood in front of Freyue and asked, “Does it look good?”

Lu Jingqian had no interest in women’s clothing at first, but he didn’t know if it was influenced by the original owner’s thinking, or because of other reasons, he now thinks that women’s clothing is quite good. Especially when he wears it for his beloved, that’s when he really likes to wear women’s clothing, because it’s all for fun.

“Pretty.” In Freyue’s eyes, Lu Jingqian never looked bad, no matter whether he was wearing men’s clothes or women’s clothes, although the beauty was somewhat different, in his heart they were all the prettiest.

Moreover, Lu Jingqian was very good at choosing clothes. His cheongsam was delicate and charming. Perhaps it was because of being taught deeply by Fred Yue for several consecutive days, his eyes and demeanor were full of lazy and **** style, like a charming kitten. Looking at it, Freyue’s heart was itchy as if being scratched by a cat’s paw, and he just wanted to rub him into his arms and love him dearly.

Lu Jingqian took a few more steps forward, bent over and kissed Fu Lie Yue’s shoulder, and Fu Lie Yue’s hand slowly slid up from his thigh…

After the two parted, Lu Jingqian blushed and took away Fu Lie Yue’s hand, and turned to leave, but Fu Lie Yue pulled him back, hugged him on his lap and asked, “Where are you going?”

“Go change your clothes. I’ll show you the clothes. I’m not going to do that with you.” Lu Jingqian really just showed him the clothes for the sake of beauty, and didn’t intend to seduce him. Two days After that, there will be a competition for votes, and he still wants to recharge his batteries.

“Since you don’t want to do anything, you shouldn’t come to tempt me. Since you tempted me, do you think I’ll just let you go?” Fred pinched his chin and lightly bit his lips.

“I’m going to work in two days…” Lu Jingqian looked at him with pitiful eyes, as if begging to let him go.

“It won’t make you too tired.” Fu Lie picked up Lu Jingqian, put him on the desk, and fondled him fondly.

“Don’t do this, please.” Lu Jingqian was suppressed and couldn’t resist, so he could only beg for mercy with a trembling voice, because he had been controlled by Frey Yue to control his weakness.

The more he begged for mercy in such a pitiful manner, the more Fu Lie’s blood boiled, he just wanted to swallow him into his stomach and hide him alone, never to be seen by others.


Although Frey Yue didn’t let him go, he didn’t want him to go to work with his tired body, so it was over just once.

After Lu Jingqian got off the desk, his legs were a little weak. Seeing that the cheongsam he liked so much had been torn into rags and thrown on the ground, Lu Jingqian felt a little pity in his heart.

Frey put his coat on him, and carried him to the next bedroom to wash.

Freyue originally planned to rush to another city today, but in order to accompany Lu Jingqian to the day when he started working, he postponed it for two days.

On the morning of the third day, Frey moved Lu Jing to the base of the seductive building. Before Lu Jing got out of the car, the two had already kissed for a long time.

Lu Jingqian lay on Freyue’s chest and panted, “If you don’t let me out of the car, I will be late.”

“I’ll be away for more than ten days this time before I can come back. Take care of yourself and call me anytime you need something.” After finishing speaking, Fu Lie Yue kissed Lu Jingqian’s forehead vigorously, and then opened the car door for him.

“I’ll take care of myself. Besides, you’ve arranged so many bodyguards to protect me secretly. There’s absolutely no way I’ll be safe in the Imperial City. Don’t worry.” Lu Jingqian gave him a final kiss on the face before getting out of the car.

Lu Jingqian hurriedly got on the elevator, almost stepping on the meeting floor.

Bedia was about to call him, and when he finally came, he breathed a sigh of relief and walked towards him and said, “You haven’t come to the company for a few days, and you only came at this time today, what happened? “

“Nothing happened.” Lu Jingqian waved his hand and said, “I’m just conducting secret training, because I rushed over from the suburbs early this morning, so I was delayed for a while.”

“Did you bring all the clothes?” Bedia asked.

“I brought them all. The assistant showed me them when I left in the morning.” Lu Jingqian said.

Bedia turned to the other show models and said, “Now that we have brought all the people, let’s go.”

When Lu Jingqian was about to go out, he turned his head and glanced at Rui Yusheng who was walking at the end, and found that he was in a much worse state than the last time he competed to canvass votes, and he was no longer as energetic as before. Lu Jingqian thought that the reason why he became what he is now must be due to the huge pressure and fear during this period. The psychological pressure is high and he is always tormented by fear, so the state will definitely not get better.

Lu Jingqian sneered in his heart, these were all the pains he had caused the original owner to experience, and now it was time for him to feel it himself.

The location of the canvassing competition this time is in the largest aquarium in the Imperial City. Because the scene of the game is in the sea, there must be marine life as a backdrop to get closer to the feeling of being in the sea.

After they arrived, they were told that two groups of people should use one ocean pool together, because the time was tight, and the people in the aquarium had no time to arrange more ocean pools for them to use, and the tickets for other ocean pools had already been sold. Tickets cannot be refunded for those who want to visit.

However, although the two share an ocean pool, the shots are all separate, but it is still possible to show each other in their own pictures.

So the arrangement of personnel is based on the number of fans, the first and second place are arranged together, the third and fourth place are arranged together, and so on.

Due to Lu Jingqian’s crazy increase in the number of fans after the show model thanksgiving season, he is now the show model with the highest number of fans, and behind him is Rui Yusheng, who originally had the most fans, so the two of them share an ocean pool.

Lu Jingqian went to the dressing room to change clothes and make up, thinking that it was fate that he would share the ocean pool with Rui Yusheng.

The clothing he chose this time is a blue background with a little gradient, and there are silver patterns on it. He had tried it in the water, and when he went into the water with this costume, there would be a little bit of silver shimmering, but it wouldn’t make people feel too dazzling.

When all the show models were getting ready in the director’s room, Lu Jingqian walked out of the dressing room and waited by the edge of the ocean pool. When he saw the sound of Rui Yu who was already standing by the sink, he walked towards him past.

Lu Jingqian stood next to Rui Yusheng, and said in a low voice, “You don’t seem to be in a good condition. Could it be that what I said before put too much pressure on you? Why don’t I get you out of here earlier?” How about telling me everything I have done so that you can get rid of it quickly? So you want me to say it sooner or later?”

Rui Yusheng didn’t say a word, but his clenched fists had already revealed how much effort he was enduring at the moment.

“The live broadcast starts, the ten-second countdown, and preparations for entering the water.”

Lu Jingqian and Rui Yusheng walked to the edge of the water and stood at the same time.

“Ten, nine…three, two, one, the live broadcast begins!”

Because the camera was in the water, Lu Jingqian jumped down when he heard 1. All the netizens who stood in front of the computer screen and waited for the landing screen to appear, first saw beautiful swimming fish of various colors, and then Lu Jingqian suddenly landed on the screen and appeared like an elf.

When Lu Jingqian’s fans saw such a picture, they unconsciously forgot to breathe, because the picture was so beautiful that they felt suffocated by the beauty.

But Rui Yusheng still stood on it without entering the water after the director called the start, because he was not even very good at swimming, let alone performing in the water. But he didn’t say that he was not good at diving, because he didn’t want to miss this opportunity to speak for him, and he remembered that Wen Nan couldn’t even swim, so no matter how bad he was, he wouldn’t be worse than him.

Rui Yusheng really wanted to get this endorsement opportunity, because if he got this endorsement, he still had a chance to get the honorary title of Her Royal Highness. So even if he couldn’t eat well or sleep well these days, he was tortured by fear, but he didn’t do nothing.

He knew that Benjamin was very good friends with Di Li Ruikang, the president of Rick Game Company, so he spent the past few days and used various methods to ask Banjamin to help him get this endorsement.

Rui Yusheng roughly estimated how many votes he could get if his performance was not particularly bad based on his current number of fans. Then he thought that Lu Jingqian didn’t know how to swim, so even if he practiced hard these few days, he wouldn’t be able to achieve much, at most he just wasn’t afraid of water.

So he felt that based on the number of fans, he and Lu Jingqian’s final votes should not be very different. In case Lu Jingqian gets more votes than him, it’s time to play Benjamin’s role.

It’s not that there has never been a business that chooses a show model with a relatively small number of votes. When the number of votes received by the show models is not much different, the other company may choose the show model they want to choose more.

After the live broadcast started, Rui Yusheng stood on it for more than a minute. He encouraged himself in his heart and told himself that he was fully prepared, as long as he entered the water and performed normally. After more than a minute, he finally jumped into the water.

Lu Jingqian’s fans were fascinated by his beautiful elf-like face, and his soft and graceful swimming figure like a fish. Then, like a heavy object thrown from the air, a white figure suddenly landed on the screen behind Lu Jingqian, making everyone who saw this scene stunned.

Before they came back to their senses, the white object began to wave its limbs, looking like it was struggling to get out of the pair of white cloths. When he finally broke free from the pile of white cloth, his limbs opened and closed and he began to swim upwards, obviously he wanted to go up to take a breath.

Lu Jingqian happened to see this scene when he turned around and swam. Resisting the urge to roll his eyes, he turned the camera to another direction. Originally, he thought that with Rui Yusheng as a comparison, he could show his advantages more, but after seeing Rui Yusheng’s exaggerated movements, he decided to try not to let Rui Yusheng appear in his picture, because he Even his picture will be destroyed together.

Because the live broadcast is carried out in the water, the show models can freely choose the time to go up to take a breath, but the live broadcast time is only one hour. In one hour, how many pictures you can show in the water is entirely up to you .

Lu Jingqian swam out of the water every few minutes to take a breath, but he only put his face out of the water to get enough air and then swam down immediately. Compared with other models, his whole head was out of the water, and then his wet hair stuck to his face Looking at the embarrassed look on the screen, he really can only see the beauty in the picture.

When Lu Jingqian was swimming in the water, he also perfectly showed his graceful body curves, making everyone who watched him think that he was not swimming in the water, but flying in the fantasy sky, as beautiful as using a computer The special effects are the same. To be able to do this is already amazing.

On Rui Yusheng’s side, his fans had been expecting him to appear on the screen, but when he finally appeared, his struggling appearance made them uncontrollably worried. Just as he repeatedly entered the water and struggled to swim upstream, they couldn’t help laughing, because his movements were so funny.

The number of broadcasts of Rui Yusheng did not decrease because of this, but gradually increased, because it was the first time they had seen such a funny live broadcast, and it was so strange. Especially the picture behind him is Lu Jingqian, who looks like a water elf dancing. Such a contrasting scene with a huge gap makes the picture hilarious and weird.

Lu Jingqian is trying his best to avoid Rui Yusheng from appearing in his picture, but Rui Yusheng always has Lu Jingqian in the background of the picture, but Rui Yusheng himself doesn’t know it, because the pain of suffocating in the water is enough. He was very uncomfortable, just wanting to do his best had occupied all his thoughts, and he couldn’t care about other things at all.

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