Counterattack Strategies

Chapter 4

Chapter 4

Anti-Werewolf Raiders (4)

Hellen’s father has a kind heart, and he will not ignore the life and death of the Black Knights just because he is protected by the White Knights. He will never participate in the open and secret struggles between those factions, as long as he can save people, he will try his best to save them.

So after the death of Hellen’s father, the members of the Black Knights also felt very sorry, because ordinary doctors could not cure the injuries caused by werewolves. The members of the Black Knights had been treated by Hellen’s father, so it was impossible for Antwin to refuse Lu Jingqian’s request for them to send him back.

Lu Jingqian returned home, and after washing up, he leaned on the bed and thought about his next plan.

According to the plot shown to him by the system before, Xillen finally thought of the place where his father might store the medicine in the third year after his father’s death. But this family has Bonia’s eyeliner watching him, and after he went to confirm the storage location of the medicine, Bonia soon found out.

After the drug was known to Bonia, Helen lost the value of existence and was assassinated by people sent by Bonia. Bonia even arranged a funeral for him in person.

Now time goes back to a year before Hellen was killed, Lu Jingqian’s soul replaced the soul that disappeared because of Hellen’s assassination, and became the master of this body. And what he has to do is to avenge Heron and make Bonia pay the price he should pay.

What puzzled him was why he had to obtain 80% of the favorability of the designated person in his mission. The system only told him that after all time and space were repaired, he would naturally know the reason. In short, as a system, it will do its best to help him complete all tasks and will not harm him.

Lu Jingqian got out of bed, walked to the French window, opened the heavy curtain a little and looked out. Because his room is on the third floor, from his perspective, he can see the tallest clock tower in the city.

The streets and alleys at night are all empty, and no one will go out at night if it is not necessary. But Hillen had always been curious about what Lesya looked like at night when she was a child.

So when Hellen was young, his father would take him up to the bell tower once a year, and it was at night. Because standing on the bell tower, you can clearly see the city of Lesya in the dark. Although the streets of Lesya City are empty at night, the lights of every house look like a sea of stars, which is extremely beautiful. On that, there is a secret that only their father and son know.

Lu Jingqian felt that there were dangers around him now, and Bonia had sent more than one or two people to watch him, and besides Bonia’s eyeliner, there were other people who wanted to get those drugs were also staring at him. So he can’t get those medicines alone, he has to find someone who can protect him and keep those medicines.

After Lu Jingqian had a plan in mind, early the next morning, he opened Xillen’s father’s pharmacy, took out the medicine box from a hidden compartment, and went out in a carriage.

Lu Jingqian felt that although there was a chance of winning if he acted alone, it was still more difficult, so finding a suitable person to cooperate was the best choice. And the most suitable candidate, of course, is Antwin.

First of all, because Antwin is really powerful, over the years, although the number of people joining the Black Knights is much less than that of the White Knights, it is not that no one has joined the Black Knights. And worship him Antwin and join the Black Knights, but also very loyal to him.

Secondly, Lu Jingqian had the task of gaining his favor. No matter what method he used to gain favor, he had to have more contact with him to do it.

So Lu Jingqian took the medicine box and went to visit Antwin today.

Antwin was about to leave for the training center, and he was a little surprised to know that Lu Jingqian had come to visit him early in the morning. When he went to find Hellen’s father, he met Hellen several times, but every time Hellen saw him, he seemed a little afraid of seeing him, and he didn’t expect that he would come to him on his own initiative.

Hellen was indeed a little afraid of Antwin, because Antwin’s aura was too strong and his murderous intent was too heavy, which would naturally scare the timid Hellen. Hearon likes him who is gentle and considerate, who will look at him with a warm smile. In fact, Chaks also liked Hearon. If there is no Bonia, they might really be able to be together and say indefinite. After all, in this world, same-sex or opposite-sex togetherness is acceptable. It’s a pity that fate is so elusive.

Antwin thought that Lu Jingqian would come to him because of something important, maybe he wanted to ask him for help. After all, everyone in Lesia City knew that after the death of Hellen’s father, he was said to be of werewolf blood by Bonia, and he was rejected by most people, so he must have needed help to deal with.

Antwin asked Lu Jingqian to come in. After Lu Jingqian sat down, Antwin’s servant served him a cup of black tea.

Lu Jingqian glanced at the cup of black tea. It was Xillen’s favorite black tea, and the quantity was very rare. It shouldn’t be a coincidence that Antwin brought it out specially for him.

Antwin said, “I heard your father mention it by chance before, saying that you like this kind of black tea. I don’t drink tea very much. I’ll bring you some later.”

In Antwin’s heart, he was very grateful to Hellen’s father, so if Lu Jingqian really asked him for something, as long as he could do it, he would not refuse.

Lu Jingqian didn’t like drinking tea very much either. After putting the medicine box in his hand on the table, he smiled and said, “Thank you, I came today to thank you for sending me back last night. This is a thank you gift.”

Antwin glanced at the small box. Although he didn’t know what was in it, he felt a little puzzled. Why should he come here to give a special thank you gift for this matter.

Lu Jingqian opened the box and said, “These are some medicines left by my father during his lifetime. The quantity is not much, but I think it should be enough for your ten or so subordinates who were injured by werewolves.”

Antwin was really surprised now. The medicine left by Hellen’s father was something that everyone in the whole continent wanted but couldn’t ask for. If Xillen’s father was still alive, he could have obtained these medicines if he asked for them, but after Xillen’s father died, all the medicines that could be found were taken away by the White Knights.

Although Antwin also knew that Hellen’s father had made a large batch of medicine before his death, and he didn’t know where it was hidden, and Hellen himself kept saying that he didn’t know where the medicine was hidden. So now in the entire continent, the medicine left by Hellen’s father can be said to be one of the rarest and most precious things, something that cannot even be exchanged for gold.

Antwin did not expect that Lu Jingqian would give him these medicines as a thank you gift, and it was because there was nothing really worth thanking.

“Your injured subordinates should be waiting to get some medicine right now. Why don’t I go with you to see them? If the medicine is not enough, how can I have some?” Lu Jingqian said.

Antwin didn’t have time to think about it, and he didn’t have time to say anything more. With these medicines, his injured subordinates no longer had to suffer from pain, and they didn’t have to quit the Knights after their injuries recovered.

Antwin immediately took Lu Jingqian to the hospital of the training center and handed over the medicine to the doctors so that they could treat the injured knights as soon as possible.

When those doctors saw those medicines, they felt like they had found a precious treasure. They were reluctant to waste even a milligram, and studied the dosage very carefully.

Seeing that the pain of his subordinates gradually eased after taking the medicine, Antwin’s anxiety also eased a little. When he sent Lu Jingqian away, he thanked him.

Lu Jingqian said, “These medicines are originally my thank you gift, so you don’t need to thank me anymore.”

Antwin glanced at Lu Jingqian, and some words were on his lips, but he still didn’t ask.

But even if he didn’t open his mouth, Lu Jingqian knew what he wanted to ask, “Do you want to ask me, where are the medicines my father hid?”

Antwin acquiesced, this is a question that people all over the mainland want to know, and he is of course no exception. But as long as Lu Jingqian didn’t want to say anything, he wouldn’t use any means to force him to question him. He still had a conscience.

“I want to make a deal with you.” Lu Jingqian stopped and looked at Antwin and said.

“What deal?” Antwin asked.

“Perhaps you should also know that I’m not safe around me. I don’t have anyone I can trust and protect me, so I hope you can send someone to protect me.” Lu Jingqian said, “Of course, I won’t let your efforts be in vain. Yes, I’ll let you get what you want.”

“Why did you ask me to help you?” Antwin still didn’t fully understand. “As far as I know, you and Chucks have known each other since childhood and have always had a good relationship. Can’t you trust him now that he’s done it?”

“Whether Chaks can believe it or not, I don’t plan to rely on him to protect me.” Lu Jingqian looked at Antwin seriously and said, “If I tell you, Bonia is not a real prophet at all, Do you believe it?”

Shock and surprise flashed in Antwin’s eyes, but he looked at Lu Jingqian calmly and asked, “How do you know that he is not a prophet? He has found many werewolves. If he is not a prophet, then how is he?” How did you do it?”

Lu Jingqian smiled and said, “I can’t answer your question yet, if you can’t believe me, you can reject my proposal.”

Lu Jingqian knew that now was not the time to tell the truth, because Antwin’s affection for him had not reached a certain level, so he told the truth that Bonia was the wolf king, and Antwin would not believe him of. So there are some words that can only be touched so far, leaving a little suspense in Antwin’s heart.

Antwin looked at Lu Jingqian and thought for a moment and said, “Since you are willing to trust me and let me send someone to protect you, it seems that I have no reason to refuse you. Even because your father has helped me so many times, I won’t refuse you either. But if you can give me what I want, it would be even better.”

“Don’t worry, I’ll give it to you, but wait until the right time.” The right time Lu Jingqian said refers to when Antwin’s favorability for him is higher than now, those medicines It is his greatest reliance now. If Antwin takes out all those medicines when his affection for him is not high enough, there may be some uncontrollable variables in the future. After all, it is necessary to be defensive. Even if he knows that Antwin is a trustworthy person, it is not his style to place all his hopes on someone he is not familiar with.

The two had reached an agreement, so when Lu Jing moved back, Antwin appointed five knights to go back with him and protect him with him in the future.

On the second day after Lu Jing moved back, Chucks and Bonia brought people to the door. He had already expected that they would come, but they came faster than he expected.

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