Counterattack Strategies

Chapter 63

Chapter 63 – Food And Live Streaming (15)

Food and Live (15)

According to the rules set by Mr. Yan, every two weeks, everyone must go back to the old house to have dinner together, and contact the family by the way.

Every time he ate, he would ask his children and grandchildren about their work, but today he was obviously in a bad mood and his appetite was also bad. After two mouthfuls of food, he put down his chopsticks.

In fact, after he came back from Mr. Hong’s birthday banquet, his appetite began to lose, because after eating the dishes made by Lu Jingqian, he always felt that he couldn’t eat other dishes, and he was always thinking about the Those dishes eaten at the birthday banquet. Even if he wanted to go to Hongyuan Villa for dinner, he couldn’t get a seat, and he was embarrassed to put down his body to ask Mr. Hong, so he could only stay at home and get more and more anxious every day.

Everyone else at the table could feel Lao Yan’s low pressure. Usually, the cousins might bicker, sarcasm and expose each other’s faults, but today’s dinner table was extraordinarily quiet. The cousins of the Yan family fought fiercely, and it was not possible to connect with each other by eating a meal for half a month, but Mr. Yan always hoped that they could be harmonious, so he forced them to get together.

“Yan Bin, how did you do what I asked you to do?” Elder Yan couldn’t hold back in the end, and asked the same question for the fifth time this week.

“I tried to contact him, but he never replied to me.” Yan Bin put down his chopsticks and gave the same answer for the fifth time.

In fact, Lu Jingqian replied to Yan Bin once, and the reply was quite neat. His reply was only one word, get out.

Yan Bin was of course very angry when he received such a reply, but under his grandfather’s urging, he could only hold back his anger and continue to find a way to contact Lu Jingqian for a meeting. As for Lu Jingqian’s only reply, he certainly couldn’t say it in front of these uncles and cousins. After hearing it, they would only mock and laugh at him, and would not give him any help.

“It’s been so long, and you haven’t even met him?” Mr. Yan was very disappointed with Yan Bin’s ability to handle affairs. “Is that all you can do? How can I rest assured that I will continue to hand over the taste to you?” To manage?”

“Grandpa.” Yan Bin’s eldest cousin, Yan Hao, put down his chopsticks and said, “If he is really capable of managing condiments, he won’t be so overwhelmed by Hong Yuan that he can’t lift his head now. I said a long time ago that he It is not suitable for managing Weipin at all. The reason why he has been able to manage it for so many years is entirely because you, Grandpa, have laid a solid foundation for Weipin, so there is no problem. As soon as a slightly stronger opponent appears, he immediately Just can’t handle it.”

With a few words, Yan Hao completely denied Yan Bin’s hard work and hard work, which made Yan Bin very angry. Because of his strong patience, the blue veins on his forehead came out.

“I think it’s impossible for Yan Bin to meet Lan Shaoxuan. He bullied him so much before, no matter how big he is, he can’t just forgive him like this.” Yan Bin’s cousin, Yan Hao’s younger brother Helped say.

“This is the second reason I want to talk about.” Yan Hao said seriously, “Others may not know, but everyone in our family must know that the relationship between Lan Shaoxuan and Lan Mingze is not good. Helping Lan Mingze teach Lan Shaoxuan a lesson, how could he meet Yan Bin. The current sales of Hongyuan Cooked Food and Hongyuan Villa are all due to Lan Shaoxuan’s cooking skills and cooking methods. It is the taste that determines everything. The branch of Hongyuan Mountain Villa opened a few days ago. One of my customers asked me to go to Hongyuan Pavilion, so he was willing to discuss business with me. I finally got the location. When I went there that day, blue Shaoxuan happened to be in the store, and he was cooking the dishes himself. Only after I ate his dishes did I really understand why the business of Hongyuan Villa is so good, and I can say with certainty that as long as he is there, Hongyuan The Pavilion will be the most popular hotel among customers for decades to come.”

“Have you eaten the dishes made by Lan Shaoxuan?” Elder Yan looked at Yan Hao and asked.

“Yes, Grandpa, I heard that Lan Shaoxuan spends most of his time in Hongyuan Villa, and only occasionally goes to various branches. It happened to be lucky that day, and I met him teaching apprentices how to cook in the store. We went to eat at that time. Almost all of the dishes are prepared by him himself. It is the big business I recently negotiated as I told you. I have been working with that client for almost half a year, and because of this meal, the negotiation was immediately concluded .And those dishes are so delicious, I almost forgot that there is still a business to discuss this time, and I only remembered it after I finished eating. As a result, the other party immediately agreed when I said it. Do you think it is amazing? I think cooking is so good Good people, it would be a pity if you don’t join the Food Association. I think I might try to convince him. Although I haven’t met him before, at least I haven’t offended him. It should be a good idea to meet him. hard.”

Yan Hao said a lot before, and finally stated his purpose. He just wanted to take this opportunity to **** the management right of Weipin from Yan Bin. He felt that as long as he could persuade Lu Jingqian to help him, he would definitely be able to lead Meipin to dominate the catering industry. As long as he could win Lu Jingqian to his side, he would not mind using some means to deal with Yan Bin and Lan Mingze.

Seeing that Mr. Yan was obviously moved by Yan Hao, Yan Bin hurriedly said, “Grandpa, give me a few more days. As long as I can see Lan Shaoxuan, I will be able to persuade him.”

After pondering for a moment, Mr. Yan said, “Then I will give you a few more days. If you still can’t even see Lan Shaoxuan, it proves that your ability is not enough to manage the taste. Whoever has the ability at that time will I will hand over the management to whoever.”

Yan Hao took a look at Yan Bin, picked up his chopsticks and continued to eat, but didn’t say any more, because he felt that Yan Bin’s chance of persuading Lu Jingqian was too small, otherwise he wouldn’t even see him face to face, he thought his The chances are much greater than Yan Bin, so he doesn’t mind waiting.

Yan Bin couldn’t get a reply from Lu Jingqian, and he couldn’t go directly to Hongyuan Villa to find him, because he couldn’t get in even if he wanted to. So he could only let people guard outside Hongyuan Villa, and as soon as Lu Jingqian came out, he would follow him, and if he was going to the branch of Hongyuan Villa, he would be notified immediately.

Lu Jingqian didn’t necessarily leave Hongyuan Villa once in half a month before, but because the branches of Hongyuan Villa have opened one after another, he has to go to each branch to inspect the effect of the chefs’ practice. You can’t cook on the stove, otherwise, if you cook the dishes he taught, you will ruin his brand.

Lu Jingqian can no longer enter the store from the main entrance, because he will be surrounded by fans rushing up, so every time he drives the car directly through the back door, and then goes to the kitchen.

As soon as Lu Jingqian arrived in the kitchen, the chefs had put down their work and lined up neatly according to their seniority, waiting for Lu Jingqian’s guidance.

Neither Hong Boxiao, the manager, nor Lu Jingqian himself asked them to line up neatly to greet Lu Jingqian when they saw him. But these chefs respect Lu Jingqian from the bottom of their hearts, and look forward to him being able to guide them in cooking every day, so every time Lu Jingqian comes, they are very serious and strive to grasp Lu Jingqian. Every minute of the situation.

“Chef, here is today’s menu, please take a look.” The chef at the branch took out today’s updated menu and handed it to Lu Jingqian with both hands.

Lu Jingqian took it and took a look at it. Every restaurant will update the dishes frequently. Although there will not be too many changes, in order to make customers feel fresh, small changes are still necessary.

If Lu Jingqian felt that a certain dish had not reached the level he required, they would not let them put it on the menu. After reading the menu, Lu Jingqian nodded. Then he added two new dishes to today’s menu, and he planned to cook these two dishes himself today, letting them learn on the side.

The chefs were nervous and excited, thinking that they could learn new dishes again, they immediately used 200% energy, stared wide-eyed and focused on watching, afraid of missing any details.

When the customers heard that Lu Jingqian had arrived, they also became excited, wishing to order ten portions of the dishes that Lu Jingqian made. It’s a pity that the branch has a rule that each table can only order each dish once. This kind of regulation is only available in Hongyuan Pavilion. Of course, other restaurants want customers to order as much as possible, but Hongyuan Pavilion is really busy, especially when Lu Jingqian comes, customers start to order. It’s crazy to come here, so I have to do the regulations here.

After Lu Jingqian cooked the dishes for two hours, he was going to the lounge to rest for a while, and waited for Hong Boxiao to accompany him back. Hong Boxiao happened to be with his business partners and had dinner at this branch.

Before Lu Jingqian reached his lounge, he saw someone in the corridor that he didn’t want to see, and that person was Yan Bin.

“I want to talk to you.” Yan Bin finally saw Lu Jingqian and said with a serious face.

“What do I have to talk to you about?” Lu Jingqian rolled his eyes, “Don’t tell me you want to talk to me about how you used to be punished by people? Do you really think I don’t know that you ordered those people?”

“I can apologize to you, as long as you are willing to talk to me, I can promise you any conditions.” Yan Bin was very eager to persuade Lu Jingqian.

“You can agree to any conditions?” Lu Jingqian said with a half-smile, “Don’t talk too much.”

“Then why don’t you talk about your conditions, as long as I can do it, I will promise you.” Yan Bin said.

“I want you to kneel down and admit your mistake to me, and then consider whether to listen to what you want to say, but you may not agree to it, can you do it?”

“…The insult to my personality is not good for you, why don’t we talk about the conditions you want, such as the Lan family’s recipes.”

“Heh, it seems that you really came prepared. I can’t even talk about it without you.” Lu Jingqian may not care about the recipes of the Lan family, but the original owner cares very much. It is inevitable to get the recipes of the Lan family back, but he does not care about them. It doesn’t need to be done through Yan Bin, it can only be said that Yan Bin thinks highly of himself.

“This is not a place to talk. Since you want to talk to me so much, then I’ll listen and see how you can persuade me.” Lu Jingqian led him to the lounge, thinking that since he wanted to get something for himself so much. Humiliation, then he will fulfill him.

Lu Jingqian sat down on the sofa, and after his assistant made tea for him, he went out to guard outside.

“What do you want to say?” Lu Jingqian said after taking a sip of tea.

“First of all, I want to apologize to you for my previous behavior. I can compensate you in other ways. I hope you can let go of our past grievances and talk to me about your request calmly.”

Lu Jingqian smiled and said, “Actually, I just said that I was willing to talk to you only after you knelt down and confessed to me. I was joking.”

Yan Bin breathed a sigh of relief because of his words.

“Even if you and Lan Mingze knelt in front of me and confessed your mistakes in public, I would never forgive you, so no matter what conditions you ask, I have nothing to talk to you about.”

“The conflict between us is not so big that it cannot be resolved. I sincerely want to cooperate with you, and I am willing to apologize to you and admit my mistakes. We can give you the treatment that Hongyuan Villa can give you, and you must also You want to get the recipes of the Lan family, right?” Yan Bin knew very well that his biggest advantage now is that he can control the ownership of the recipes of the Lan family.

“That’s just what you think. In my heart, the conflict between me and you and Lan Mingze will never be resolved in this lifetime.” Lu Jingqian thought to himself, the original owner is dead, and the original owner’s grandfather is also dead. How could this conflict be resolved? “Do you think that now that the Lan family’s menu is in your hands, I will obediently let you manipulate it? It’s a miracle that you are so naive and able to manage a company. My grandfather is still alive.” At that time, he kept telling me that he would leave me the recipes of the Lan family, and gave me the cooking methods of the most authentic Lan family kung fu dishes. In the end, he left the recipes of the Lan family to Lan Mingze. Do you think this is reasonable? Is it? You and Lan Mingze know very well that the Lan family’s recipes should be mine, am I right?”

Yan Bin closed his eyes, concealed his guilty conscience, and said, “Your grandfather made the will. No matter whether you think it is reasonable or not, it is already an unchangeable fact. But as long as you are willing to cooperate with us, the Lan Family Recipe will let us I can give you a part. You and Mingze are both descendants of the Lan family, and your grandfather definitely hopes that you can live in harmony and revitalize the Lan family together.”

Lu Jingqian laughed from the bottom of his heart, “Let me revitalize the Lan family with Lan Mingze? You are really naive. It seems that Lan Mingze never told you how much my grandpa doesn’t like his grandson.” , After he was taken back to the Lan family, he was always treated as a transparent person by my grandpa, and my grandpa didn’t want to have such a grandson at all.”

“Excuse me.” Lu Jing moved to a more comfortable sitting position and looked at him and said, “With your IQ, if I really cooperate with you, I will probably be dragged by you to finish the game together. You still Go on playing with Lan Mingze, after all, you guys flock together, and your IQs are similar, so you’re quite a match.”

Yan Bin never thought that he would be so humiliated one day, but he couldn’t get angry, let alone fight back, because once his face was torn apart, he would completely lose the chance to persuade Lu Jingqian.

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