Counterattack Strategies

Chapter 7

Chapter 7

Anti-Werewolf Raiders (7)

After the Black Knights discovered a place where there might be werewolves, it took at least half a month to prepare, so this also gave Bonya a chance to discover their actions and tip off the news.

Now Lu Jingqian clearly told them that those people were werewolves in disguise. From identifying who they were to arranging to get rid of those people without anyone noticing, it took only two or three days.

After breakfast, Lu Jingqian sat in the room in a daze, thinking that three days had passed, and with Antwin’s ability, the matter should have ended, and he didn’t know if he would come back today.

The sudden knock on the door brought Lu Jingqian back to his senses. Just as he stood up to open the door, the door was already opened from the outside.

Antwin walked in from the outside, Lu Jingqian looked at him, and said out of habit, “Are you back?”

“Hmm.” Antwin looked at Lu Jingqian, and felt a feeling in his heart that he was used to being greeted like this. It was obvious that the two of them had not lived together for a long time.

“Is what you’re going to do already over?” Lu Jingqian asked.

“I did everything according to what you said. The people we captured were all werewolves, and they were all killed by us.” Antwin looked at Lu Jingqian seriously and said, “But I still want to ask you A question, if you know the answer, you can tell me with confidence, this time, no matter what you say, I will believe you. But… if you deceive me, I will never trust you again. “

“You want to ask, if I’m the real prophet, how did Bonia find out those werewolves before?” Lu Jingqian directly said the question he wanted to ask.

“Yes…” Antwin said.

In order to ensure that Antwin really believed what he said, Lu Jingqian checked his favorability for him again. After confirming that his favorability for him had reached the level where he was about to tell the truth, Lu Jingqian said “In addition to the prophet who can distinguish werewolves, there is also the wolf king who can distinguish werewolves. I didn’t awaken the ability of the prophet before, so I thought Bonia was really a prophet. After my ability to awaken the prophet, I have already Everyone believes that Bonia is the real prophet, and I dare not say that I am the real prophet.”

“You’re doing the right thing.” Antwin felt a little fortunate that Lu Jingqian didn’t immediately tell everyone that he was a prophet after awakening his ability as a prophet. Otherwise, he might have been poisoned by now. up. On the other hand, he was also relieved that Lu Jingqian was willing to trust him.

Antwin believed what Lu Jingqian said, so he was shocked and angry that Bonya was the wolf king and had deceived everyone, because he was also one of the deceived people.

Antwin wanted to kill Bonia right away, but he knew very well that if Bonia’s identity was not revealed and everyone knew that he was the wolf king, there was no way to easily kill Bonia, who was always protected by the White Knights. ponia. Unless it is a fight to the death with the large number of White Knights, but in that case, it is just like Bonia’s wish for the Black and White Knights to lose both sides.

Before, because they were not sure whether the people Lu Jingqian mentioned were real werewolves, the Black Knights carried out the mission quietly.

Now that Antwin chooses to believe that Lu Jingqian is the real prophet, then they don’t have to act secretly anymore. As long as Lu Jingqian says who is a werewolf, they can use the right of arrest of the Knights to arrest that person.

Lu Jingqian went to several slightly remote villages with Antwin and the others, and found many werewolves. After arresting these werewolves, they were all executed immediately.

Over the years, the Black Knights have been secretly looking for werewolves. It is what the White Knights are doing to arrest them with such a great fanfare, and the people are already used to this situation. Now that the Black Knights have made such a big commotion, it’s hard not to attract attention.

Bonia and Chucks, of course, got the news that the Black Knights were publicly arresting werewolves immediately. Everyone knows that only a prophet can distinguish a werewolf, and Bonia is a prophet recognized by everyone. He has always been on the side of the White Knights. Of course, it is impossible to help the Black Knights now.

So Chucks and Bonia felt that maybe Antwin could not stand it anymore because he had been suppressed by the White Knights for too many years, and wanted to experience the same rights as the White Knights. They thought that what Antwin did was good for them, and they could take advantage of this opportunity to completely disband the Black Knights on the grounds that Antwin killed innocent humans. In this way, their White Knights have the final say on the entire continent.

After finding werewolves in several villages in a row, Antwin worried that Lu Jingqian was too tired, so he thought about letting him rest for a few days before continuing.

Lu Jingqian really felt a little tired, because his body was not considered strong, so he really felt overwhelmed by running around on the road like this. But when he was returning to the city, he sat in the carriage and looked out by accident, and found that the owners of the largest rice shops in the city were actually werewolves.

He was thinking at the time that Bonia, as the wolf king, found many werewolves in order to gain everyone’s trust, but his ultimate goal must be to lead the werewolves to defeat humans and become the biggest ruler of the continent. Therefore, he will definitely keep the werewolf with important status, so that he can help him accomplish his goal at a critical time.

Although Bonia is protected by the White Knights, he cannot reveal his true nature in front of the White Knights, so he needs someone who will be loyal to him unconditionally and help him do some bad things. Man must also be a werewolf.

If Bonia would leave important werewolves behind and deliberately not expose them, then there must be many werewolves in every major city, including the city of Lesya where they lived. If Bonia needs werewolves to do things for him by his side, then there must be werewolves in the White Knights.

Thinking of this, Lu Jingqian couldn’t help laughing. He could already imagine how wonderful the expressions of those who were deceived would be when he exposed everything.

“Thinking of something funny?” Antwin started to lose his mind when he saw Lu Jingqian talking, and then he didn’t know what he thought of, so he started laughing by himself. Although he liked seeing Lu Jingqian’s smile, he was even more curious about why he was smiling.

Lu Jingqian came back to his senses and said, “Just now on the street, I saw the owner of the Kadami Grain Store in the carriage. He turned out to be a werewolf, that is to say, Bonia didn’t reveal his identity on purpose. You said, how many werewolves like him who are sheltered by Bonia will be in Lesia City? Why don’t we start tomorrow, let’s go to the streets to look for it together.”

“You’ve worked too hard during this time, let’s talk about it after a few days of rest, don’t rush at this moment.” Antwin repeated what he said just now.

“If you just walk around the city, you won’t be too tired after a short time. Anyway, you don’t have to find all the werewolves in the city within a day or two.” Lu Jingqian said, “To solve too many at once. People with important identities may cause trouble, and you can just pick a few people out when the time comes.”

Lu Jingqian felt that it was time to start debunking Bonia’s identity.

So for the next two or three days, Antwin would accompany Lu Jingqian to go shopping for two or three hours every day. The townspeople, whoever saw them, were a little surprised. Because if these two people appeared alone, they wouldn’t be surprised at all, but they actually went shopping together, and their behavior was very intimate, so they couldn’t help but be surprised.

In fact, Lu Jingqian and Antwin didn’t realize that the interaction between them seemed very intimate in the eyes of others. They just got used to this way of getting along after getting along for this period of time without knowing it.

Three days later, Antwin suddenly took the Black Knights to the streets to arrest them, catching everyone by surprise.

The public already knew that the Black Knights went to various villages to arrest people before, but the Black Knights suddenly arrested people in the city of Lesia, which made everyone feel very inexplicable. After all, this is not only the residence city of the main group of the Black and White Knights, but also the prophet Bonia in the city, and the Black Knights have captured people who have lived in the city for many years and are considered to be relatively famous. How could these people be What about werewolves? If they were werewolves, Bonia would have known about it long ago, and wouldn’t wait until now for the Black Knights to catch them.

Although the people in the city were very dissatisfied with the actions of the Black Knights in arresting people in the city, their reaction was not particularly violent because of the power and majesty of the Knights over the years. But the friends of those who were arrested stood up and strongly opposed the arrest of the Black Knights, and asked people to invite the White Knights and Bonia to uphold justice. Because these people are people Bonia has met, they believe that these people cannot be werewolves, and they will not let the Black Knights kill innocent people indiscriminately.

After receiving the news, Chucks and Bonia rushed over immediately. They felt that the opportunity to completely lose the popularity of the Black Knights had finally come.

As soon as Bonia received the news, he felt excited inside, but he still didn’t know who the Black Knights had arrested.

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