Counterfeit Hero

Chapter 159 - This matter is endless

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Stephen lowered the book in his hands indifferently, and he suddenly found that he lacked the kind of calmness before the battle when compared with Liebgott. The teacher of his own will always look the same regardless of victory or defeat. It seems that everything is overwhelming and everything has nothing to do with him. In the end, you will not be able to concentrate, and you will always be affected by nervous emotions.

The book couldn’t be seen anymore. Stephen put the book on the table and stood up and walked to the window.

Every time he stands on the top floor of the tallest Empire State Building in Tanville and looks at the hustle and bustle of the brightly lit neon city, Stephen will have a feeling of excitement. If a person is born with money that he can’t run out of, he has a status honor that people look up to, and there are countless women who can choose and choose, then, what else will he miss? There is only one answer, that is power! Only the right, the highest right, is the most beautiful thing in the world. The feeling of mastering everything can make everyone unable to extricate themselves. Since he was born in the royal family, he is destined to live a vigorous life. No matter whether he lives or dies, he has to fight for it so that he will not regret it.

The royal prisoners in Abnosk prison constantly reminded Stephen that since he was born in such a family and since he was not reconciled, then he was destined to take a path that he could not turn back. On this road, no matter who is standing in front of them, they must kick away. Their destiny must be in their hands. If someone wants to control their own destiny, then this person is a dead enemy! Even if this person is the current emperor, his own father!

Stephen smiled bitterly. After all, he did not have the strength to compete with his father. The most powerful emperor of Gacharin had mastered this empire for too long. His influence has penetrated every corner of Gacharin, everyone All shivered at the feet of this emperor who seemed to do nothing, and no one dared to betray him.

Those who dare to fight against James are now concentrated in two places, one is Abnosk Prison and the other is the cemetery! However, the current Gacharin empire has created hundreds of holes. At this point, almost all nobles know that the war with the Federation depends on the military power that Gacharin has accumulated for hundreds of years. This seemingly powerful force is gradually withering away in unsustainable consumption. This is a war controlled by Russell. The dream of occupying the Newton galaxy before the war and leaping from a small country to a medium-sized country was completely broken. In the Battle of Newton Galaxy, Gacharin lost a lot of army and space fleets, and Russell ’s rebellion gave Gacharin a fatal blow. The Galileo Galaxy was completely broken in a month. The current Lucerne is constantly devouring Gacharin’s final strength!

The economic strength of the Federation has been fully mobilized. When this power is transformed into a military advantage, even Liebgott is unable to do anything for it! Even if a partial victory was won in Lucerne, what would happen? The situation of this war is also not optimistic. The domestic economy can no longer be tapped. All the people are mobilized, all the people are soldiers, and 80% of the civilian products factories closed Luxury goods and even nobles can only rely on smuggling. All resources are in the production of military-related products, uniforms, military boots, guns, bullets, energy bombs, mechas, self-propelled artillery. It can only produce these. Withered resources, even space warships have no way to get timely supplements! If it were not for the support of Gacharin by the nations of West Atlantic, Gacharin would have collapsed long ago!

Father James, playing a game, this game is at the expense of the entire foundation of the Morton family, this emperor, he also holds a big hand! No one knows when he will play this hand! But does the Federation have no other cards? The intelligence department reported that the Federation ’s activities in Gacharin have been increasing frequently in several small countries. These countries have already had a tendency to move around. God knows when these evil wolves will show their fangs and swarm up, letting Gacharin Fall down completely!

If you say that the arm is in the car, Stephen knows that it is his own portrayal. However, the five steps of the blood of Fury’s anger, a desperate fight may not have a chance of success! Gacharin has reached the final juncture. The war in Lucerne has fallen into a quagmire. The nobles are still drunk, and his father James is sitting on his throne with a sneer. game. His brother, Crown Prince George, is still competing with himself for the succession of the throne. The entire human society, like a gunpowder barrel, can explode at any time. The confrontation between the two superpowers and several big powers has reached a point of fierce competition. Who will be the burning lead?

Anyone can, it must not be Gacharin!


“As long as the Leray Federation and the **** can understand, Gacharin will never be able to conquer them. Even if it becomes the lead to detonate the entire cosmic war, I don’t care!” The emperor of the Empire sat firmly on the study chair. Lightly authentic. There was a morbid excitement on his face. Philip standing across from him stood still and listened to the strong emperor’s heart.

“I am the fifteenth generation emperor of the Morton family. Of course I do not allow the royal family of Gacharin to be destroyed in my hands. However, this does not mean that I will care about the faint reputation.” James glanced. The voice was cold: “Fame, only the winner can hear it, and the loser will never deserve to know what others are saying! Since Russell and the Leray Federation dare to join forces to bring Gacharin into this war, then they will Prepare for the end! “

“I am the ruler of Gacharin, the emperor of the empire! There are some things I can do, but the president of the Lerei Federation, that poor Hamilton can’t!” James’s mouth showed a ridiculous smile: “This It is the difference between the Empire and the Federation, their public opinion, and their public opinion can make Russell **** with a rope. Even if he has the ability to pass the sky, he can only watch me sit here and play with him in the palm. Among them! “

Philip was a little puzzled and said: “Your Majesty, Liebgot is after all a member of the Naga Federation. This support plan does not have considerable benefits. Will Liebgard be fully invested?”

James smiled slightly: “Don’t forget, how much do you do for George! Liebgott is Stephen’s teacher, what you will do, he will do the same! Help Stephen get Gacharin, no matter what For him or the Naga Federation, there are great benefits! Moreover, now that the Naga Federation is also tied to the chariot of the West Treaty, they must think about the big picture! If Lucerne ca n’t stand it, the Federal Minister Lere drives straight into it. Little Pyrenees, you said, the nations of West Atlantic have prepared for a full-scale war? “

James slowly stood up, walked to the interstellar map that occupied a wall of the study, looked up, and sighed: “Libgot knows that this war is related to Stephen’s future and to the entire West Covenant. , Or even the entire human society! He will go all out. If he ca n’t get enough time for Lucy Stephen in Lucerne, then this person will not climb to the second general in the Naga Federation, where the generals are gathered. Status! “

Philip lowered his head. The emperor always stood high above him, using baits to lure some ridiculous people to play various tricks in front of him, and the ultimate winner was always him! I am also a clown who plays tricks. The reason why I can stand here is because I never play with fire, and all my tricks can make this emperor see through!

How many people are tied to the position of an heir to the throne? You, George, Liebgott, Stephen, and perhaps Bruce, and Rheinhardt, and the Naga Empire, and the entire Gachalin aristocracy! James kept stirring this vortex, let these people these forces float up and down in this vortex, do whatever they want!

“Go, the contact with the special envoy must be reported to me at any time, and the matter must be grasped, and it must not be discovered! Lucerne, it can’t give us too much time.” James’s words interrupted Philip’s Thinking, he bowed and nodded, slowly walked out of James’s study, looked back at the closed door, Philip smiled slightly, and said: “James, you don’t seem to understand what you do A loyal follower, he is the most typical Weibo. In his mind, the reputation of the Weibo is above everything else! And for me, George became a puppet emperor and became a real emperor. The difference can be Very big! “

“You once thought that no one in the world can play tricks in front of you, but you are still being played by Russell. This is a knot for you! Gacharin, dragged into Hele by Russell The war of the Federal Republic of Thunder, and until now you know that the constant front of freedom is exactly the person you once trusted the most, the empire ’s first armed force led by Russell! If you leave Reinhardt, this The vortex you stir will swallow you up! “


With the active withdrawal of the Imperial Army of Gacharin, the battlefield of Mount Amayor in the fierce battle has gradually calmed down, and the Federal Army of Lere finally opens the passage to the eastern hinterland. The loss of Mount Amayor profoundly changed the situation in the Battle of Lucerne. The Lazi defense on the western line and the city of Rotsk faced the pinch of the Lere Federation, while the three medium-sized cities of Lavos Warri, the largest industrial city, was also completely exposed in front of the Leray Federal Army.

The second phase of the battle is over! Judging from the current situation, the Federation of Leray has won the conditions necessary to finally occupy the entire planet of Lucerne. Under the command of the forefinger, the land-based air base, which has been at a disadvantage, was quickly established and scattered around the basin occupied by the ninth armored division. Dozens of fully mechanized infantry divisions and armored divisions were busy replenishing materials. He and the personnel, in the tens of thousands of square kilometers of key theaters, the disbanded soldiers returned to build one after another. The Federation did not use their divisions to pounce on Vari. They were saving power and awaiting the final decisive battle.

Gary Palan ’s headquarters is even more busy. Everyone is packing up documents and equipment. The front-line headquarters will be relocated to Lucerne before the start of the third phase of the battle, and looked at the busy staff and staff downstairs, Bernard Dort closed the door, handed the document in his hand to Russell, and smiled bitterly: “The Supreme Command has sent it from the President’s Office, and it has been unable to withstand it. Someone jumped out and scolded the mother. The president ’s office asked us to explain the entire second phase of the campaign. “

Russell frowned and took the file and said, “Explain? But we won in the second stage! What more explanation? Do you want me to tell them, because I know James, in order to prevent Liebgott from being partly To get enough victories in the battle, in order to allow James to initiate the cleaning of the military, we must use this loss in exchange for victory, and finally let James know all this and destroy our previous achievements? “

Bernadotte leaned back against his chair and smiled: “This second battle, my bones are about to fall apart, I don’t know how many brain cells are dead, I’m not afraid of it, I’m afraid of Parliament and the President’s Office Questions were asked, how could these things be explained to them? However, it would not work without explanation. After all, it is a democratic country, and it is different from the empire. Public opinion and public opinion, even the president cannot ignore it. “

Russell flipped through the relatively mildly-worded documents, put the electronic folder on the table, walked in silence for a long time in front of the Lucerne virtual topographic map, and finally turned back: “Even if we can explain the second stage of the battle, then the next What about the stage? Gacharin ’s army is not tofu, and Liebgott is definitely not a mediocre general! Besides … “Russell ’s finger touched on the virtual screen, and the planet Lucerne on the screen quickly changed. Small, became a small ball in the vast interstellar, and countless large or small planets appeared densely on the virtual screen: “What is Lucerne? This war is no longer a matter of our country! The intelligence department ’s The report and our analysis report have already been given to the Supreme Headquarters and the President ’s Office. Not only are we in action, but the Gacharin Empire is also not idle! Siyo will not sit and watch Gacharin Pyrenees being breached. , Whether it is political interference or military interference will appear. If you can’t stand it now, what will the president do then ?! “

Bernadotte was silent, listening to Russell ’s clear and loud voice: “Are you scared and then retracted? The peace of the Federation is defended in such a manner? The most beaten will always be the weak! Military If there is no victory in politics, the political stance is not straight. Now the benefit of the Federation is not money and resources! It is a gesture! Otherwise, what kind of face will the Federation respond to in the coming war? The war of sacrifice never exists. The current war is only a prologue, if in the future … “Russell’s voice was firm and cold and deafened:” Once the full-scale war starts, it will be a **** battle! It is to survive in hell, it is to travel in desperation! All human resources will be consumed in the destruction of each other, and then the prosperous city, the last remaining, are only a ruin! At that time, do we still need to explain? ? To whom ?! “

There was silence in the closed room, and the two most direct military commanders of the Federation looked at each other. Bernadotte strode to the desk and picked up the phone: “Yuna, help me connect the phone in the president’s office.” He put down the phone, turned his head to look at Russell, and smiled slightly: “You are right, our President, it is time to change the way of thinking during the war!”

“However, if it becomes the fuse of the entire human war, the President, I am afraid that he has not been mentally prepared! I only hope that the fuss you laid can play a role at the most critical time! The self-collapse of the empire, For the Federation, it ’s a better ending. ”The phone rang, and Bernadotte put his hand on the microphone:“ Of course, we should also make good preparations, since we are born in this troubled world, this is The responsibility of you and me is also the responsibility of Hamilton. “

Bernadotte picked up the phone: “Hello, Mr. President …”


“When I go in, you can go, don’t stay here, in case Bruce wants to treat you badly, come and do it all the time, then I will lose money!” The fat man remembered going to prison, Some melancholy, if the matter of losing the wife and breaking the soldiers falls on yourself, it will be a big loss: “This time, the main task is to let you go back! So, you must go!”

An Lei blushed and said, “Fool! Who made you come here as a hero, some time ago I went to Moztynak for business! Who told you that I came to Mozic? I’m here for you Coming here afterwards! “

The fat man was dumbfounded: “You mean … what you said to Christina is true. When the ball met you, didn’t you just come?” An Lei gave him a white look and turned his head away. he. This question obviously does not need to be answered.

The fat man shuddered: “I said … where are you going to talk to me next time?”

This guy has always been afraid of going to prison. After all, that prison is different from other people. In addition to political prisoners, the poorest and most fierce prisoners are also held. The guards are the strictest places in Charing. To go in and perform tasks inside, think about scalp numbness! Rescue the prisoners, and take them to a safe place, and also lead the free front launched by the whole line in order to cooperate with the rescue from the danger! This is a life-and-death mission!

I thought I had finally found An Lei and could safely send her away. It was worth the death. Who knows, fuck, An Lei wasn’t in Mozic before! This was all delivered by myself! Once the order of the matter was reversed, the fat man suddenly felt that he was more guilty than Dou Mo. The straightforward thought of trying to get rid of the hero was immediately thrown out of Jiu Xiaoyun, and he became more and more frightened about the task to be performed. Even the reason for getting rid of it no longer exists. And say, “If he sees this picture … he will!” Isn’t it death?

“Who told you to go to Moztinak for business? Russell?” The fat man was so angry that as long as An Lei spit out a yes, there was a reason to stop immediately! Anyway, he has already been expelled from the military. I am not afraid of any military courts. Those who play with Lao Tzu for a long time must pay the price!

“It’s General Mikhailovich!” An Lei looked away, biting her lips lightly and funny: “The command was very strange, the phone reached home, and it was covert. At first, I I thought it was Mozic, and I got on the transport ship to know that I was in Moztinak to participate in a meeting, and there was nothing for me. Later I realized that I ca n’t do anything with you, who made you spit him in the bar. Drooling? “

When the fat man heard that he was the commander-in-chief of the Supreme Headquarters, he was suddenly discouraged and asked dejectedly: “Who do you listen to say that I spit him in the bar …… then what?”

An Lei reddened his eyes: “I still use other people to say, I will sit upstairs.”

The two were relatively speechless for a while, the fat man struggled for a long time, and finally said: “I have always wanted to tell you about this matter, but … I have no courage to say it.” He sighed and said with a bleak expression: ” I did n’t know if I could come out alive this time in Abnosk. If I do n’t say something, I wo n’t have a chance! ”

“An Lei … I’m sorry!”

“Slap!” A slap on the fat man’s face, An Lei stared blankly at his hand, and he couldn’t believe he beat him. She withdrew her hand in a panic and said: “… I … I’m not …” She tried to reach out and stroke the fat man’s reddish cheeks, then shrank back, gently biting her lip: “Who wants you?” Say sorry to me … you can tell my dad this sentence! “

Seeing the fat man speechless, An Lei said quietly: “What’s the matter with you and Milan, I already know that she is very good to you, a beautiful and kind girl. But you shouldn’t hide me. .. “She grabbed her handbag and stood up:” This slap is your job, this is not the end! … “

An Lei turned and left, and the fat man thought to himself: ‘If Bruce saw this slap, would he just let me go? ‘

(To be continued, if you want to know the future, please visit WWW.CMFU.COM, more chapters, support the author, support genuine reading!)

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