Counterfeit Hero

Chapter 32 - new plan

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“Can’t wait any longer, in case there is another mistake within the Federation, these people have to give their lives here.” After thinking about it, Tian Xingjian instructed [antenna] to contact Rashid immediately, and the next plan needed his assist.

Soon, Rashid passed on the details of the Imperial Logistics Base and agreed with Tian Xingjian’s route. He also gave hints on some places that need special attention.

A hundred and a half miles, ninety, and the last trembling leak, all previous efforts are in vain. Tian Xingjian replied that Rashid must contact Bernadotte, the top military chief of the frontline command, to minimize the intermediate links about the team ’s intelligence.

This thing is that Tian Xingjian does not say that Rashid will do the same. Since the incident of forging the order, the front line headquarters is almost completely martial law, and everyone ’s case has been turned over from the bottom of the box, strictly from beginning to end. The review, due to the question of the Supreme Command and the President ’s Office, the rescue work of the fugitive detachment has risen to the highest execution level, two flight brigades, three special forces battalions, an aviation marines mech division, and a transport squadron have been assembled for domestic The morale of the people ’s hearts, for the guidance of international public opinion, and to give the frontline soldiers an explanation, this team must be rescued. In this matter, the most stressed is Admiral Bernadotte, all the information about the escaped team has been It is classified as absolute confidentiality, and the orders issued for rescue work must be signed and approved by him personally. Those who dare to obstruct the rescue work or neglect their duties, regardless of their positions, will be arrested on suspicion of treason.

The news relieved Tian Xingjian, and he couldn’t help being so proud of himself. He was proud of the problems of the Supreme Command and the President’s Office, and was able to be so anxious that Bernardo, who dispatched himself to the front line Anxious and gloating.

At three o’clock in the morning, Tian Xingjian and Rashid’s consultations formed the final action plan. Admiral Bernadotte personally approved the plan and ordered the troops to implement it immediately.

Since this operation was fully supported by the frontline command, Tian Xingjian completely abandoned the previous idea of ​​attacking the logistics base to obtain maneuverability and supplies. In the new plan, the attack on the logistics base has not changed, but the purpose has changed. Because the place is flat and there is an airport for medium-sized transport ships to land, all personnel can be completely evacuated within six minutes, so this base Still listed as an attack target.

If you do n’t attack here, a medium-sized transport ship that ca n’t land in the mountains can only lift people up and down little by little by elevator. If the stagnation time is too long, it is the most conspicuous target. Targeted by enemy missiles and fighters, no amount of fighters can protect the safety of the transport ship.

The evacuation of the mecha with booster system behind the enemy is still a problem for the special forces, not to mention the infantry who exhausted the strength of the milk but only one meter off the ground. Moreover, the anti-gravity of the medium-sized transport ship when it is suspended at low altitude The force of the device can turn any inorganic armoured infantry underneath into meat.

Before ten o’clock the next day, the battle opportunities of the two federal aviation brigades opened a corridor from the east to the west through the coordinate 1201.2210 enemy logistics base. With the coordinates as the center, the enemy bases with a radius of 50 kilometers were in the range of air strikes. Within. Suspicious targets on both sides of the passage will be cleared and covered by the missile force. Special forces of the three battalions airborne this base after the air channel was formed. After occupying the base, they ensured that they would withstand the defensive strength of a mech division for more than half an hour.

The escape team behind the enemy will set off in the early morning and move east, arriving at the scheduled location by 10 am. Tian Xingjian will lead five sets of [Devil Tiger] and Mecha Class first, looking for opportunities to sneak into the base, destroy anti-aircraft weapons and anti-detection jammers, and cooperate with special battalion strikes.

During the initial stage of the operation, the Federal Airstrike and the enemy ’s illusion of harassment were used as cover to open air passages and clear ground threats. In the medium term, it will focus on controlling the enemy forces and occupation objectives of the 50 kilometers around the base. In the later period, all personnel will retreat within half an hour. The operation time in the middle and late period is no more than two hours, which is completely a lightning rescue.

There is only one chance. If it fails, then the Federation will not be able to organize such actions in a short period of time. It is also impossible for the exiled team that exposed the target to have a second chance to escape.

At 3:20 in the morning, Tian Xingjian led all the mechas to start operations. Within a few hours, the fugitive team will have no mecha protection, but fortunately this area has been included in the searched area by the enemy Skynet system, and was deceived by the signal. Before seeing through, there is no problem for how long.

Five [magic tigers] were assigned to five special reconnaissance squad soldiers. The control of different types of mechas was originally a training subject for special forces. Although I have not seen this special mech of the Mythical Legion, but its control system and other beasts Compared with the type of mecha, there is no difference in these movements within half an hour. The five free Warrior Pioneers were assigned to the five army mech soldiers with the best mech skills selected from the team, and they will participate in the sneak attack.

Going east out of the gorge, after the mech team traveled 15 kilometers, they finally entered the small hilly area, and the surrounding terrain gradually moved towards the plain. After another five kilometers, they were the enemy’s logistics base. After ordering the team to turn on the mech sneak mode, Tian Xingjian opened the [logical] holographic radar. From the perspective of anti-detection jammers, this logistics base has been rebuilt. The previously expected open space has become a fantasy. Now I hope that this base will not be stationed with too many defensive forces.

The results of holographic radar detection showed that the defense of this base was not very strict, which made Tian Xingjian slightly relieved and swept the dark whistle around the base along the way with a collection of heavy particles. The Mech Squad reached the base smoothly under his leadership.

The logistics base is surrounded by mountains. It is the intersection of several high-grade transportation roads that have passed through countless tunnels and bridges. Traffic between four medium cities and a large city must pass through here. Two of these cities Has fallen, and three are still surrounded by heavy soldiers of the Imperial Army.

From a geographical point of view, it is indeed a natural logistics center. In addition to providing barriers in the mountains on all sides, transportation is also more convenient. It can also take off and land medium-sized transport ships. It is no wonder that the enemy rebuilt it again after it was destroyed.

Tian Xingjian left all the federal mechas in the jungle, and he decided to carry only five [Magic Tigers] with invisible functions to first perform the task of destroying the anti-detection jammer. Before ten o’clock, he must find all anti-detection jammers and install time bombs, otherwise, the air fighters will not be able to strike here, and the medium-sized transport ships will not be able to land here, and the airborne of the special forces will be forced to 10 kilometers outside the anti-detection range.

After transforming [logic] again, six [magic tigers] used stealth mode around the base to install time bombs for all the jammers around the base, and came to the gate on the south side of the base. Under the brightly lit searchlights, they swaggered. Walked over.

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