Counterfeit Hero

Chapter 6 - Prisoner in the laboratory

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The old man took Tian Xingjian straight into a humble gray two-story building. As soon as I walked to the door, I saw a soldier who was also wearing only pants and a pair of standard federal machinery maintenance automatic arms. The old man was happy and whispered to himself: “Hey, this group of guys who were killed today are awakened? Knowing that I don’t have enough staff, I actually sent two people.” The soldier yelled, “Hey! You see, What are you talking about? Come with me! “

The mechanical maintenance soldier looked unhappy, as if he had taken a terrible hardship, and followed his head in despair, turning around and secretly asking Tian Xingjian, “Brother, what are you doing? Was assigned to this monster. “The fat man froze for a moment, faintly thinking,” I just came, I don’t know anything. “My heart speculated secretly:” It’s finished, it must be the crime of more than twenty escapes in the battlefield automatic recorder. ” Fat men have known since they were soldiers that the military regulations stipulate that deserters will be subject to military trials and be punished according to the severity of the plot. The heaviest punishment is the death penalty! Especially soldiers who fled during the war were almost executed without exception. Although he is a mechanical maintenance soldier, the number of escapes is too much.

In fact, except for the combat maintenance group specially assigned by the combat troops, other professional mechanical maintenance soldiers are not part of the battle sequence. In the army, they are the same as the logistics sequence of field hospitals. When the battle situation is not smooth, priority should be given to evacuation, except for special The situation will not be sent to the battlefield. If no battle order is issued, then running away when one’s own combat troops are defeated cannot be considered as running away without a fight.

Someone already knows the fat man ’s escape record. In their eyes, they just felt that the mechanical maintenance soldier was running very fast, without any consciousness of automatically consciously contributing to the country and fighting to the end. But this affects the future of fat men in the army at most. The crime of deserter did not touch him.

The fat man felt a little panicked in his thoughts, but when he gets here, he can’t help himself? I knew that it would be better to walk a few more days on the road, or simply hide in the mountains.

The old man took them around a few bends in the corridor, passed through several heavy iron doors, and entered an elevator. After fiddle on the elevator console, a panel popped out. The old man put his hand on the panel. Once the green light scanned his palm from top to bottom, he scanned the old man ’s pupils and confirmed that it was correct. Start to start, all the way down. After about five or six minutes, the elevator finally stopped. According to the fat man’s induction of the elevator speed, at least five or six hundred meters deep underground.

“Where is this! I’m just a mechanic, don’t need to be held so tightly!” The fat man wailed in his heart.

The elevator door opened, a Yongdao appeared in front of the three people, and walked along the Yongdao for a few tens of meters, there was a transparent disinfection room, the old man pushed the two in, and said: “Hurry in, disinfect In the future, there will be anti-bacterial clothing next to it, so you can wear it yourself! “

I heard that it was not a gas room. The fat man’s heart just lifted down a little, and he quickly entered the room to clean it under the sprinkler, and put on a large antibacterial suit.

Seeing the fat man moving fast, the old man nodded in satisfaction: “Well, you move quite fast.” After waiting for a minute, seeing another mechanical maintenance soldier still wearing his clothes slowly, the old man shouted at him: “You This should be shot, wear it quickly! Don’t waste my time. “

Finally, after the mechanic had dressed and walked out, the old man took the two of them into the last door. This was an alloy automatic door. As soon as he entered the door, a huge hall appeared in front of Tian Xingjian. The hall was filled with mechanical parts, mechas, weapons and various equipment. In the center of the hall there is a huge central computer which is flashing tens of thousands of electronic signal tubes. A group of people wearing white dust-proof overalls are busy. There are some passages and doors around the hall.

The fat man was a little puzzled. It didn’t look like a prison here, but like a huge laboratory.

The old man pointed to a pile of things in a corner that could not tell whether it was a mecha or a part. He said to Tian Xingjian and the soldier: “Hurry and fix it for me. The drawings are in the computer, so I wo n’t just check them out! It ’s all complete, and someone will send you something to eat regularly. Take it yourself. I only have two requirements, speed and quality! Now it ’s the war period, our experiment will be competing against time, if you ca n’t keep up with my progress, you will be shot! The equipment was broken, and it was shot! If it is not repaired, it would be shot! “

When the fat man heard it, his face became white!

The old man looked at this fat, sweaty fat man strangely, and then said: “Hear up and work hard!” With a wave of his hand, he went straight to a room inside and muttered while walking in his mouth. : “How much time do you delay me! All should be shot, all should be shot!”

It seems that although it has not gone through a military trial, it is estimated that it has already convicted itself, and now it is the only chance to save the merits. The fat man thought of this, just like the toy rabbit with a nuclear battery, he rushed to the front of the pile of parts with the fastest speed and worked hard. He had to use his best performance to complete the reprieve.

Looking at this hard-working mechanical maintenance soldier, the staff in the laboratory looked at each other, and they rarely saw such a diligent maintenance soldier. Usually the soldiers who are sent here to help out are punished for making mistakes because of the heavy workload and the lack of freedom. The maintenance is also very complicated and complicated. It’s rare to be like a fat man.

Two days later, everyone in the laboratory knew that this time it was a treasure. This fat man worked longer hours per day than those of these crazy research people, and his movements were ridiculously fast. Rare mechas or weapons are repaired. When another mechanical repairman received an order to leave here, the pile of debris was basically repaired by the fat man alone.

This fat man, talent!


The fat man soon became familiar with the scientific researchers in the research institute. This greedy and scared guy is eager to do almost anything. Repairing the mechas and weapons damaged in research and testing is a good trick for the fat man, plus his mouth. The sweet, temperless character makes everyone in the lab like him very much.

Since the establishment of this military laboratory, there has been only one mechanical maintenance soldier who can stay in this lab that is working madly every day and night. It happens that this person is very worry-free to use. This fact makes everyone feel lucky.

Occasionally, they would guess what the fat man had done wrong outside, and actually stayed in this place for so long.

This laboratory belongs to the Garipalan Military College. Around the college, there is a military base dedicated to military training of students and the strict protection of the college. All activities in the college are related to the military. All the teachers and researchers are military personnel. Everyone has a military rank.

The most frightening person in the college is not the dean with the rank of general, but the head of the seventh laboratory of the college, that is, the old man who brought in the fat man-Boswell. This weird old man is not a soldier, let alone a military rank, but he leads the school ’s largest military laboratory and is the first mentor in mecha and weapon design. When the war did n’t break out, because of the college ’s system, it was possible to arrange mechanical students to work in maintenance and other aspects. After the war broke out, all the students in the college were turned into grassroots commanders. The college implemented a wartime system, and there were no more students. Here to help with chores. This annoys Boswell! In this old man’s eyes, apart from research, other things are not worthy of attention.

The grim war situation has already left the front-line headquarters set up in the academy in a hurry, and who has the time to deal with a weird old man? The old man’s temper was offended by many middle-ranking officers responsible for specific assignments. Therefore, it became a place to punish disobedience soldiers in disguise. When a soldier made a mistake, he was thrown into the laboratory to do miscellaneous things.

After all, the erring soldiers are a few, and there are even fewer soldiers who are proficient in mechanical maintenance. The mecha weapons damaged in the test and scientific research have piled up into a hill. It is really the point that they ca n’t handle it. , Personally rushed to the front command line and roared. The army then agreed to send people. Unexpectedly, the fat man with the mechanical maintenance robot arm was also pulled into the laboratory by the old man.

Seeing that the fat man stays here for granted, these researchers are very curious: Is this fat man’s mistake too big? Or he simply dispatched the headquarters here to take charge of laboratory maintenance.

When Hetian Xingjian bragged, they would also ask curiously. But where can fat people say such a shameful escape 21 times! Especially among these curious babies there are several beauties. Fatty’s firm policy of not confessing has made this group of people more affirmative of their speculation.

Milan is one of the beautiful women in this group of curious babies. This 20-year-old beautiful girl has an amazing talent for science, but she has an obvious shortcoming: hands-on ability is too weak! When she saw that she was busy throwing up and down the guide while doing the experiment, everyone in the laboratory felt a headache. After a few accidents that should not have happened, the laboratory simply assigned two operators to her, who were responsible for proving her theoretical findings by experiment and making her design.

Now that the two are not enough for Milan, she quickly looks at the fat man who is doing nothing after repairing the tatter.

“Fatty, come here!” Milan shouted in the hall.

With the three-inch tongue, the fat man is already very familiar with her.

The fat man immediately put down his work and ran over with the fastest speed. He knew that in this “prison”, the most innocent except Boswell, even this woman!

This beautiful woman with a cute and pure face is the youngest scientific researcher in this laboratory. She is almost unconditionally spoiled by those technocrats. As long as she makes a pitiful look, no matter how difficult the request will be accepted . This extremely talented tech beauty is the treasure of all the weird old men and those middle-aged uncles.

“Come here, what’s the matter, you say. Ha ha.” The fat man’s face had a smile on his face.

“But I’m too busy! You can help!” Milan was not at all polite and took the fat man into her exclusive laboratory.

The fat man was dumbfounded as soon as he entered the research room. Although he usually went to the studio of other researchers, he saw it for the first time in a studio like Milan.

This room, almost half the size of the outside hall, is not so much a studio as an ancient military museum. Whether it is display or display, even the mechas and weapons that are being made and assembled are all antique designs.

In the huge display cabinet near the wall of the room, there are some classic firearms of ancient earth. Such as Makqin machine gun, MP38 submachine gun, Mauser 1896 barrage gun, Browning, Mauser 98, M1 Garland rifle, M16, AK47 and so on.

On the ground in the middle of the room, there are more than a dozen land combat mechas. Most of these mechas have traces of ancient armored vehicles. There is even a dwarf mecha with the top energy gun exactly the same as the M1A1 tank turret.

In the back of the room, the fat man was dumbfounded by an extremely beautiful humanoid mecha. Where is this mech, this is completely art. The armor is made of an unknown alloy, and the external armor also makes the fat man completely invisible. The entire mech presents a light blue streamer. The streamlined body and the sturdy local shape make it impossible to remove your eyes at a glance. The wings folded behind the mecha make people wonder, what exactly is this mecha? Marine mech? Aviation mech? Space Mecha?

“This is a deformed mech.” Milan introduced as he watched the fat man circling around the mech.

“Deformed mech?” The fat man was frustrated.

This kind of armor, which was abundant in the new era of the space age before 2000, is basically synonymous with waste. The current high-level private mechs and fighter mechas have completely abandoned the design concept of the time. Because the professional division of mecha is very strong now, except for the local deformation when walking, there is no need to deform the whole body at all.

The biggest disadvantage of the whole body deformed mech is that it is useless! For example, a heavy land combat armor that requires thick armor and weighs tens of tons or even hundreds of tons even if it becomes a land-based aviation fighter, it is something that is being played. Extra parts, extra weight, extra-horsepower engines that waste money, and strange fuselages that can’t fully meet the aerodynamic theory are all unsolvable problems.

Since land mechas cannot meet the needs of atmospheric air combat, what about aviation mechas?

Space fighter mechas based on space carriers do not need to be deformed. What does the deformation do in a vacuum environment without gravity? Unlike space fighters whose purpose is to destroy, space fighter armor’s mission is to land and capture enemy warships, which are usually deployed only at the end of the battle. Either the battle has basically locked the victory, or the fighter has lost too much and needs to be supplemented by the mech. Space fighter mechas that take the human form as the basic shape also meet the combat needs of the ground. This adaptation is based on the shape of the space mecha itself and does not need to be deformed at all.

In the same way, space mechas are also not suitable for air combat in the atmosphere of the planet. They are even heavier than land mechas. In non-gravity space, such mechas are allowed, and when they reach the atmosphere, they are definitely beaten. Target.

The fat man slipped his lips secretly, but unfortunately this action did not escape Milan’s eyes. She screwed the fat man’s ear and said angrily: “This is the most advanced mecha in our laboratory, fat fat man, I haven’t seen it in the world, How dare you look down on it? “

Over the past few weeks, the one who has bullied fat the most is this seemingly pure and pollution-free beauty. Therefore, this hand is really clean and sharp.

Tian Xingjian yelled, the painful expression on his face would make all humans look at it without blurring their eyes without tears!

Milan had long seen through the fat man’s tricks, and then twisted hard before letting go. “Come on! I will show you what a real deformed mecha is!”

As soon as she pressed the automatic remote control device in her hand, the cockpit cover of the mech popped up, followed the mechanical legs to climb into the cabin, and when the door was closed, she glared at the fat man and said, “Tu Baozi, see clearly.”

With the operation of Milan, the fat man was really shocked this time. I saw that the outer armor of this mech was magically broken down into small pieces, and then quickly shrunk together, like a compressed sponge, disappearing into a square hole on the back of the mech. Then, the mecha started to change. The first change was the color. The strange streamer flashed through, and the mecha body became black. Then, the limbs and head were quickly folded together with the fuselage and began to deform. This deformation was like melted cheese. After a few seconds, the cheese solidified into a black meteorite with some realistic patterns.

“I can’t pass this day!” The fat man took a breath in his heart: “Liquefied metal !!!”

“Look next!” Milan’s voice came through mecha’s electronic amplifier.

With a snap, the mech popped his limbs back almost instantly. At the same time, the external armor also popped out of the square hole and quickly covered the whole body.

The fat man felt a bit broken.

“God! Liquefied metal with memory properties! Used to do this … This girl is crazy!”

Subsequently, the mecha separately simulated the form of land-based aviation fighters, space fighters, small transport ships, and all-purpose land combat mechas suitable for all terrains.

Milan jumped off the mech and asked proudly: “How is it! You’ll lip your mouth again.”

Tian Xingjian was speechless and speechless. After a long while, the **** asked with a sullen expression: “Is this toy very valuable? How much can I sell?”

Milan almost didn’t get angry, and said fiercely: “Toys? Try it yourself to see if it is a toy!”

Judging from the mecha design, metallurgy, and physics that fat men learn, this thing is really a toy. Liquefied metal sounds very good, but in fact, this kind of metal that can change its shape has a problem-soft!

This kind of metal that can change its shape was discovered by people thousands of years ago, but although this kind of metal can be controlled by a special resonance frequency so that it can be transformed in a short time in both liquid and solid forms, but Its hardness has never been improved. If it is made into an alloy to increase the hardness, it will not be fully liquefied, and the time it takes to transform will be longer. For liquefied metal alloys that can reach the hardness level of steel, it is estimated that the liquid-solid transformation takes one week. Therefore, except for some special uses, this rare metal is rarely used in the military.

What is the use of a soft-handed thing even if it is ever-changing? In the eyes of the fat man, this mech is probably not much better than the ancient earth-high simulated rubber doll in his private collection. The hardness of these metals simply can not meet the needs of combat! Moreover, this metal is usually heavy. For example, gold, pure gold is a relatively soft metal, and liquefied metals are not only heavier than gold, softer than gold, but also more expensive than gold.

However, soon, the fat man knew that the thing in front of him was definitely not a toy, but a murder weapon. A weapon that can be called the greatest invention in the history of mecha in 100 years!

A piece of the same metal as the mech was put into the metal measuring instrument by Milan. The exaggerated index made the fat man suspect that there was a problem with this machine! The hardness of this thing is six times harder than the currently known superhard alloy, but the weight is the same as the lightest superlight alloy. More importantly, the unique ductility of the liquefied metal allows the comprehensive defense capabilities of this metal to expand infinitely!

This is not enough! The most terrible thing is that this super alloy actually has the characteristics of memory metal! The person who invented this metal is definitely a genius among geniuses! This is simply a miracle that God can create!

“Well, I admit, this thing is not a toy!” The fat man was completely defeated. Facing this mech that absolutely dominates the pinnacle of today’s technology, no shameless person can deny it. The fact is the truth after all.

Looking at Milan with a smug grin, the fat man made a mistake again and again: “Where did you steal this mech?”

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