Counterfeit Hero

Chapter 790 - Past events and people (double sixth and seventh)

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After the confluence of the Al-Aqsa galaxy, the bandit fleet immediately set off and continued south.

The Feiyang Super Fleet, equipped with five complete double-headed eagle fleets, two battleships with peculiar shapes, a bandit A-class fleet with sturdy and sharp angles, plus five huge and beautifully shaped [End of the World] The mixed fleet of class space carriers, although not huge, is really eye-catching.

The coalition fleets of the Fiji League countries on the Al-Aqsa waterway have made way for this fleet. Some of the national fleets that have secretly joined the bandit army alliance, publicly send signals to pay tribute to the bandit army fleet. The fleets of other countries photographed the battleship’s shape and number, and sent them to the military department for urgent research and analysis.

Officers and soldiers of various countries, either squeezed by the porthole, or staring at the screen of the farsightedness device, watched the fleet passing by themselves, and gradually disappeared into the starry sky, but they were all talking.

“Hey, see. I used to say that the bandit warship had a collision angle. You still don’t believe it!”

“Why are they hitting the corner and bumping into others, causing a car accident?”

“Idiot, is it a car accident when a warship hits a warship, you have to call it a ship accident!”

“Your dog day is cheap!”

“God, what kind of battleship is that, how big is that!”

“That’s a new type of carrier of the bandits! It is said that the combat effectiveness is very strong. Ten days ago, the bandit army and Feiyang held a joint military exercise at the stronghold of the Democratic Forces. The fortified defense line was breached by the bandits!

“Impossible! If the Fortress of Democratic Forces could be broken so easily, this Al-Aqsa Fortress would not allow them to play casually ?!”

“Don’t believe it, although the news of the exercise is blocked, but hey, you always heard the rumor that the bandit generals Tanaka and Feiyang more than 100 generals were naked and only wearing pants to participate in the exercise?”

“What does that have to do with the fortress being defeated?”

“It’s okay? My brother told you that the bandit lieutenant general Tian Fei and general Feiyang played deductions, betting on who lost and who undressed. They won 115 games in a row, and finally a female general from Feiyang walked into the deduction Room, General Tanaka was dumbfounded and took off his clothes and walked out. The news is 10,000 percent true. “

“True and false, who told you?”

“Although we are only a liaison officer, I have the opportunity to deal with the Feiyang military every day! This news, hehe, was said by Admiral Medina personally, and Admiral Fries has defaulted!”

“In a few days, Major General Locksani will lead the troops to join the Allied Allied Forces, and Lieutenant General Michelle will also come! It is General Locksani who believes the fat man to undress himself, don’t believe it, you will ask in person!”

“One hundred and fifteen games … Aren’t Tanaka getting the cheats of Lord God of War?”

“I’m afraid it really made you talk. It is said that the secret is to pass on the son and not the daughter. Margaret only learned a little, and the whole book was given to General Tian by the **** of war!”

“Huh, the five two-headed eagle fleet, if you fight the battleships of Jeppen and Sousse, don’t you like it? This time, Le Lei can send!”

“Sent? Hey. The current President Feiyang is the one who helped General Hetian go up! Not to mention, only two trillion Fijian dollars in aid to the Leray Federation and five trillion Fiji for Chakna. Yuan ’s cooperation plan, I know where Fei Yang ’s focus is now! Admiral McKinley has also returned to Heidfield, let ’s see, let ’s go to the next stop and designate Southeast! ”

“Southeast? Go to Chuckner?”

“Chuckner still needs us to go? The fourth batch of reinforcements has already been assembled in Hanjing. Feiyang sent 10 A-class fleets and 40 armored divisions to Chuckner, plus Chuck. The more than one hundred armored divisions and five group fleets assembled this time will be able to use our few colors to add icing on the cake? Go to Leray! “


“Lere! It must be Lere!”

While throwing the burning gossip fire of the Al-Aqsa fortress and allied officers and men away from the other end of the space jump point, the fat man also changed his flagship.

The official flagship of Fatty is the first [end-life] class space carrier produced by Meteor.

This space carrier is named [President Hamilton]. To commemorate President Hamilton, who committed suicide in the Great Patriotic War.

In the eyes of the fat man, this is the flagship of the bandit army and the flagship of the Leray Federation.

The flagship facilities should be equipped to the highest specifications. More advanced than other sister ships.

The carrier capacity of this aircraft carrier is 20% higher than that of the ordinary eschatology. Sixty channels are opened at the same time, and all 3,600 fighters can be released in five minutes.

At the same time, in addition to the skynet and command system with complete facilities, the headquarters of the staff, the central command room and three electronic warfare brigades, the battleship is also equipped with a dual-energy shield developed by the Ministry of Science and Technology. .

Fleet, sailing in the silent channel.

The officer’s lounge in the warship living area is an area composed of six huge hexagonal rooms.

The shadowless electronic lamp with yellow light is installed on the ceiling of each room, which makes the room look more peaceful and warm than a bright white corridor and other cabins of the ship. Officers can sit on the sofa, smoke a cigar, eat something, read a book, chat, or walk to the bar in the corner and pour themselves a cup of coffee.

During the war, it is not allowed to reserve alcohol on the battleship. The logistics department will directly ignore the alcohol on the supply list submitted by the battleship and add juice.

However, many officers secretly carry some good wine when they are on board.

For this kind of behavior, the chief officer usually ignores it.

Because first of all in their own rooms, there are many such contrabands. Secondly, in a lonely space voyage, there is no difficulty in drinking. At least everyone needs to drink some liquid that can completely boil the blood when fighting or celebrating victory, and then pull off the collar and roar out loud.

The interstellar navy is always a unit full of passion, dreams, and uniqueness.

Piloting your beloved battleship, sailing in the boundless universe, and companion to form a huge, overwhelming fleet, firing each other in the void and the enemy fleet …… All this always makes the interstellar naval officers and men Passionate and naturally proud.

And wine is definitely the Navy ’s closest partner. The space navy, who can’t drink, can be respected, but will never be recognized by his companions.

Lecht quickly gained the approval of the bandit officers.

The tall, burly, lion-like Phantom Legion Fleet Commander almost evacuated the fine wine of the Hastings family. Not only that, he also asked the supermarket to directly load the wine in the closed truck compartment that transported the missiles, and send the wine to the battleship truck by truck.

As a fleet commander who does not need to deal with Feiyang’s logistics department, Lecht is the emperor of the Phantom Legion. Diana once joked that if Lechter ’s fleet was out of money one day, as long as he docked the warship in a space dock to open a wine fair, using the money to sell wine to buy energy, he could fly to the end of the universe.

Therefore, it is conceivable that Lecht will receive a warm welcome when he deliberately associates with bandit officers and turns a bottle of fine wine like magic.

This guy is like a Santa Claus carrying a burden!

“I heard that your fat man, once airdropped hundreds of miles behind the enemy, killed the Prince of Gacharin with a single shot, and even killed his uncle with a mecha foot.” Lecht followed A group of bandit officers drunk with flushes.

“Yes.” A bandit colonel nodded drunkenly. “This kind of thing is commonplace for our sir. I also listened to the old bandit’s thing about this, but the matter of Mars, I know it clearly. “

The Colonel and Lecht clinked their glasses and squinted. “You know, during the Mars school of war, the sergeant led dozens of mechas and went to the North Alliance Laos. At that time, Mars Central City There were thousands of mechas chasing and intercepting the chief officer. As a result, the headquarters of the North Alliance was still terminated, and the chief of staff of the North Alliance was shot and killed by the officer from the **. “

“This fat man!” Lecht slammed his thighs, and couldn’t help but fascinate, “The **** is fiercer than Laozi, Niu!”

Among the third generation members of the Hastings family, Lecht has always been regarded as a talent, and is also the most unruly and daring. However, compared with the fat man, he felt that he was a honest child!

Ever since he saw a fat man carrying a sniper rifle and singled out fifteen snipers in Devil’s Paradise, he suspected that the legend of the fat man killing the three princes of Gacharin alone is not a compiled story.

Unexpectedly, after drinking with these gangster officers, he dug up so many dumbfounded deeds.

What is this fat man doing, which is not the earth-shattering crazy thing? Catch James, kill Stephen, kill the Four King Kong of the Mythical Legion, rescue Flavio, hit the spaceship, sneak attack on the Hanfrei flagship, the northern mountain of the Canglang Star and 30 enemy divisions to play against … . He can live till now, which is a miracle in itself!

Lecht put down the glass and turned to look out the porthole.

After dozens of hours of voyage, the fleet bypassed the Resk galaxy through Mars ’two B-class waterways, crossed the main southeast channel, and approached the Longbow galaxy.

There, the fleet will converge with Russell, Douglas and Admiral Chakner Zhang Pengcheng.

At the same time, there will be the Tony fleet currently in Rescue, the three phantom armored divisions led by Isaac and Diana, and the first and second two armored divisions of the bandit.

In his own hands, the Phantom First Group Fleet has five fleets, and the three fleets of Tony’s Second Group Fleet are a total of eight super fleets.

In addition, the eleven fleets prepared by the bandits themselves, as well as the three fleets of the Douglas 19th Fleet and the six fleets of the 12th and 13th Chuckners led by Zhang Pengcheng, have a total strength of 28 fleet!

This is not yet counted in the ten impossible to assess the end of the world!

If you want to bring out such a great power, it will take a month for a big country like Chuckner and Feiyang. The fat man, with a destroyer as the starting point, spent more than a year to do it.

“Sir, the spaceship that General Russell took is already docked with President Hamilton. Tanaka will invite you to the pre-war conference room to discuss the battle plan in ten minutes.”

The sound of a staff member of the Phantom Legion interrupted Isaac’s thoughts.

He stood up, looked at the generals of the Phantom Legion, such as Gold, Gray, Ernest, and took a long breath: “Go!”

He strode out of the officer’s lounge.

Spirits are still burning in the chest like flames.

Hastings has entrusted the entire Black House to the fat man.

But now, I will witness with my own eyes, how this fatter who is fiercer than himself, and lawless, how to stir the sky-surge in the southeast star field in the future war!

That must be a terrifying storm that sweeps through everything!



The bandit fleet arrived at the Longbow Galaxy. Warships slowly approached the waiting fleet floating outside the Blue Rock Star One Airport.

The fat man stood by the porthole, looking at the boundless queue of battleships in Xiong’s sky. Unconsciously, he had clenched his fists.

Twenty-eight fleets, except for the three Douglas fleets, will stay at the jumping point to the Bermuda Galaxy for defense, and the other twenty-five will all go to the Leray Federation.

In the past few days, the other five eschatology has completed the integration with the Russell fleet.

And Russell had just led the fleet to attack the Bermuda Starfield, causing a lot of trouble for Shelton.

After more than a year, the bandit army has grown to such a point. Thousands of warships in the vast starry sky, like a dark cloud.

Even the blue-and-white bluestone stars are mostly covered by these steel giant sharks.

Among the fleet, the most striking is the ten ships of the last days. In addition to this one at his feet, the other nine ships are [Admiral Russell], [Admiral Bernadotte], [Admiral Brown], [Admiral Snyder], [President Flavio], [Admiral Tolstoy], [Marshal Hastings], [Marshal Li Cunxin].

These names are used, some to commemorate, some to flatter.

The General Tolstoy is for Fang Xiang.

The last ship …….. The fat lieutenant is a little embarrassed .. [Admiral Tian Xingjian] Will the name be too public, suggesting that it is too obvious?

A small frigate flew directly into the passage of President Hamilton. Fatty knew that it was Russell that they came.

“Go, welcome them.”

The fat men waved at Fang Xiang and they stepped out of the room.

In the hallway, bandits and soldiers from different places with different looks, skin colors, customs and beliefs rushed back and forth.

Several low-ranking officers were walking briskly while whispering about the cooperation plan of the battleship’s main gun and engine recharging. With the device closed, four Chakner pilots walked out of the hangar passage and ran into a fat man head-on, standing up and saluting in a hurry.

Everything seemed so orderly and vigorous.

When he was about to enter the air port inside the mother ship, the fat man saw that several soldiers were standing by the porthole in the far corridor, staring at the fleet outside the window without blinking his eyes.

The fat man stopped.

He knew these grassroots officers. Each one of them is a soldier of the destroyer Berlan Rose.

After leading the Blue Rose to the Mars Free World, these soldiers never returned to the Leray Federation.

Hundreds of Leray navy soldiers on the destroyer are now scattered on different battleships of the bandit fleet. Most of them have become grassroots officers, and like the military school students who followed the Blue Rose, as well as the young Lerei who lived in Mars and Chuckner, every day was to return to Le Lei worked hard.

The young Leray space navy seems to have been completely fascinated by the huge fleet outside the window.

They watched indifferently, intently.

The longbow galaxy in Salega is only two public galaxies away from the Lere Bermuda galaxy. It can be said that they are now standing on the border of the Lerei Federation.

The fat man stood quietly for a while and strode into the port.

At the port berth, a frigate, slowly pulled into the dock by the tractor.

The hatch opened and Russell came out first. Followed by this famous general, Hamid looked at the fat man smiling. This devout follower who has always followed Russell has always made the fat man feel warm, although he has not spoken much.

Behind Russell and Hamid are old friends of Fatty, General Chuckner Zhang Pengcheng and Lieutenant General Douglas of the nineteenth group of Feiyang. In the back, the generals of the Lerei Federation who retired from the ranks and joined the bandit army, Blatter, Cheer, Zhou Zhisen, Robert, Feowen and Karl, Compton, Pat and others.

Among them, there is the old man who has not seen the fat man for a long time, the father of Milan, Lieutenant General Mickey!

Behind this is the new generation of outstanding officers selected by the Leray Federation in retaining the seed fleet. They all had outstanding performances in the Le Lei Patriotic War, many of which were space navy seeds brought out by Brown and Snyder. After this period of fighting, they have become the backbone of the bandit fleet.

An individual, one after another, followed by Tony, Isaac, Garfield and Diana, four Phantom Legion commanders. Unlike when they first arrived in the bandit army, now they have worn away their pride at Lei Fengxing. The temperament between the eyebrows is more calm, and the eyes are sharper.

Of course, the generals of the bandit army, Rashid, Stewart, Markwich, Torrick, Jason, and Bonnie who came back with the fleet. Wearing a pilot’s uniform, the heroic Nia. Surprisedly looked at the fat man Mei Duo. Helen, who looked like hesitantly, rolled his eyes and seemed to be angry as a fat secretary, but Helen was left behind.

In addition, there are Audrey from Mars, and a bunch of super-gods such as old masters such as Old Smith, Wei Jianshan and others who were with the beautiful girl.

The fat man watched the appearance of this individual, as if everything he had experienced over the years had reappeared in front of his eyes.

Greeting the smiling people.

He accelerated his pace, because his heart suddenly began to accelerate.

Perhaps it was the influence of the Lere warriors who stood by the porthole, or perhaps their eyes opened his emotions that had been suppressed in his heart for a long time. He couldn’t stand any more waiting.

The Lere Federation is right in front of us.

go back! Go back to this heroic kingdom that will never be conquered!

This day, I have been waiting too long, too long!




. This one is more than four thousand words in front of it, two more. Returning to Lere requires a journey of mentality. This course includes the past and the people who appeared.

. The counterfeit is heading towards the final battle. The double monthly pass is almost over. After these seven days, if someone actually leads us by a thousand votes, we have to double the vote to catch up. I request your support here. I will stick to this update.

Maybe I ca n’t keep up with everyone ’s monthly pass that day, but I will make up for it anyway. I once said in 2010 that I will not give up quality because of speed. Even if the quality is not good, it is also because of ability, not attitude.

. Write carefully, repay everyone, please support your monthly pass!


. (To be continued, if you want to know the future, please visit, more chapters, support the author, support genuine reading!)

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