Counterfeit Hero

Chapter 804 - hit!

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“Rush over?”

There was silence on the podium, and everyone turned to look at Russell.

A moment later, the fat man with a straight face suddenly jumped up like a cat with chili on his buttocks, and rushed to the chair to sit well, desperately wearing a seat belt on his body, and screamed wildly: “Yes, rush over! Rush over! “

“Chong!” Not only the fat man reacted, but all the bandit generals present also reacted.

Experienced Russell, at the most critical moment, seized the crux of this encounter!

Everyone knows that the warships of both sides jumped out of the transition channel at the same time, and the shields were closed. According to normal thinking, when the two sides jump out of the jump point at the same time and meet in a narrow path, they fight for speed to open the energy shield, fight for speed to recharge the main gun, fight for speed to release the fighter, and fight for the attack position.

However, the bandits cannot do this!

Once these procedures are really started to fight the enemy, then it means that the bandit army cannot enter the transition channel before destroying the two elephant-level fleets in front of you!

The opposing commander is fully able to guess the situation in Bermuda with the presence of the bandit fleet.

Commanders with a little experience will not choose to fight the bandits with superior strength at this time, but will order the fleet to adopt the entanglement tactics of high-speed roaming. airspace.

Two elephant-class fleets, a total of eight A-class fleets. If you want to defeat or annihilate the bandits, it is unlikely. But if you want to entangle the bandit army, don’t give them a few minutes to enter the transition channel, it is more than enough!

Once that situation was reached, the plan for the bandits to reinforce Newton’s jumping point was completely defeated. Even the main force of the bandits can escape. Nor can it achieve strategic goals.

From this, one can imagine how timely and correct Russell’s response was when he saw the other party!

It is 50,000 kilometers apart, and it jumps out of the transition channel at the same time. There is no energy shield. The transition engines that are used for acceleration but not for defense and combat are turned on instead of the main engine …

For all this, is there a better chance for the bandit fleet with a solid structure, collision angles and a full set of collision tactics? !

“Unfold an electronic attack!”

“launch missile!”

“Release the fighter!”

“Battered his dog day!”

Amidst the frantic roar of a frantic fat man, the pilot navigator slammed the joystick down. The second hand on the side is like electricity, turning on all the acceleration switches on the console!

One by one, the bandit warships jumping out of the transition channel slightly adjusted the bow in the void.

A moment later, the tail thrusters of these black steel behemoths suddenly lit up, like a group of crazy swordfish, rushing straight towards the Binalt fleet.



“Woo!” A stern battle alarm sounded in the Binalt fleet.

Countless officers and soldiers rushed out of the cabin at the fastest speed and rushed to their combat positions.

The transition engine light of the battleship has been extinguished, and several huge main engines are started at the same time, leaving the battleship in a violent vibration. Coupled with the messy footsteps, roaring sounds, every battleship is a busy scene.

Encounter a bandit army!

This news left all Binart officers and men confused.

No one knows how to meet the gang of militia in such a situation. The two sides are now only 50,000 kilometers away!

Each binart warship, while activating the main engine and energy shield, used the steering thruster to adjust the position of the ship and gather beside the command cluster.

From the starry sky, countless Binart warships are like countless frightened fish.

“Ready to fight!” Wolfley, who had come back, quickly gave orders and stared tightly into the eyes of the farsighted screen, a flash of light flashed, “I didn’t expect that we would actually meet the bandit fleet here ……… “

“Obviously, they are preparing to reinforce the Newton galaxy, and our Desik allies are either mobilized by them, or they are already fierce!” Hugel frowned.

“Since they are here, who are the troops attacking Midway Star and Rodbia Star now?” Wolfley looked back at Huger, his eyes narrowed: “Are we really thankful Mr. Dalton guessed! “

“However,” Hugel sneered. “Looking at the appearance of the bandit fleet, I’m afraid I never expected to meet us here?”

The resourceful chief of staff glanced at the data on the console and looked at Wolfley lightly: “They are in a hurry, we can be very leisurely!”

Wolfley nodded and sneered: “Speaking of my heart!”

He took a deep breath, turned around, and ordered: “Start an electronic attack, the mother ship releases the fighter, and the missile is ready. Each ship moves with the command cluster, ready to seize the attack position!

The staff in the command room were too busy to touch their feet and their hands were flying.

Warships are assembled next to the command cluster. On the huge Skynet screen, the indicator light of the battle preparation program is slowly climbing. In a minute, almost one quarter has been completed.

This speed can be described as amazing.

Wolfley and Hugel smiled at each other. This speed is the basis of the Binalt Empire Army’s vertical and horizontal world. It is the result of countless hard trainings and countless life-and-death battles!

They do n’t panic when they meet the bandit fleet, and confidence comes from this!

There is no fluke in war.

At the level of science and technology, the performance and number of ships are roughly equal, the training level, quality and cooperation of combatants are related to the engine starting, the main gun charging and the speed of opening the protective cover. And these battle preparations are directly related to whether the fleet can gain the upper hand in this encounter!

In interstellar combat, three seconds faster than the enemy, it means that your own fleet can launch volleys with full firepower, while the volley of the opposing fleet will be weakened by the loss of the warship.

If it is faster than ten seconds, the fleet can have a position to evade space after the salvo, greatly reducing the loss of battleships.

If it’s almost half a minute, the fleet will be able to swim through at high speed, constantly forcing the opponent to repeatedly find the angle of attack, and may even delay the opponent’s first round of volleys until their second round of volleys is ready to be completed!

And if it’s almost two minutes, then the other party will basically be beaten to the end of the game!

This theory, since ancient times, is that every commander in space warfare must learn, abide by, and try to apply it to the ultimate theory.

In the battles between the two fleets, every small factor may cause the combat strength to sway.

How can the attack be launched at the fastest speed, what route should be taken, which attack airspace should be seized, how can we get rid of the enemy’s gun lock after the salvo, when to put into the fighter plane, when to put into the destroyer and cruiser impact The opponent’s position.

These are the weights on the balance. Let go one by one and accumulate to the critical point, which is an unstoppable victory! And once there is a mistake, let the weight run to the enemy side, not only will the fleet suffer huge losses, but also, the subsequent battles will be hit by the enemy holding the nose for a long time!

Normally, it takes three minutes for the main engine to start, and the energy shield is fully released and the main gun is charged at the same time, which also takes three minutes. This six-minute time is called the transition death time. Together with the time after the jump is completed, it is called the two deadly periods of interstellar navigation.

The Binart fleet has shortened this time to less than five minutes!

The indicator light of the combat preparation program is slowly and firmly climbing. The aircraft carrier’s ejection port has already launched a fighter jet out of the starry sky. Hundreds of binart battleships rely on steering thrusters to gather together. The destroyers and cruisers move to the two wings of the formation, while the central battleships are assembled into a huge horn formation.

The horn pointed by the main gun of the ship’s head is facing the bandit fleet in the distance!

When all the people were waiting for the gang to face the headache after just a few minutes, Hugel, who had been staring at the screen of the hyperopia, suddenly cried!

“God, what do they want to do?”

Wolfley raised his head when he heard the sound, and saw hundreds of bandit warships, zooming in on the hyperopic screen!

Oncoming first are ten huge black aircraft carriers! While advancing at high speed, they are jetting out a space fighter like a machine gun. Behind them, a bandit warship formed a huge spindle array. As the distance drew closer, the bow angle of the bow was clearly visible!

Wolfley horrifiedly looked at the distance in the upper left corner of the screen to display the data. Looking at the rapidly decreasing data, his eyes grew bigger and bigger.

The bandit fleet did not start the main engine, nor opened the energy shield. They actually used the impetus of the jump engine and rushed over so straight!

Fifty thousand kilometers is the circumference of the equator of a medium-sized immigrant planet. It takes three days to drive a flying car on the highway at the fastest speed. If you drive a land-based fighter, it takes two or three hours,

However, in this space, the distance of 50,000 kilometers, for a warship launched at full speed, it only takes two or three minutes!

In the blink of an eye, these black steel giants have shortened the distance to less than 15,000 kilometers!

They want …

“Alarm, after thirty-five seconds, it was hit. Please perform emergency evasion immediately!”

“Alarm, thirty seconds later, a collision was encountered. Please immediately …”

The warning of the Skynet console was screaming desperately, and the electronic sound repeated the countdown time. The trajectory of the bandit fleet on the screen was flashing red.

This voice, this route, let a thought, like lightning flashed through Wolfley’s mind.

He knew what the other party wanted to do!

His face became very pale because of the collision angles of the opposing battleships.

“Emergency evasion!” He slammed the alarm button on the podium, and in a sudden screaming alarm, he shouted wildly: “Launching missiles! The fighter group was dispatched, stop them, stop them!”



More than two hundred fighters that were first released did not block the impact of the bandit fleet.

These fighters had just rushed out of the position of the Nalter fleet, and were released faster and with a larger number of bandit fighters, which was overwhelmed.

Although Pinart pilot tried his best to fight with each other and opened fire desperately. However, everything is in vain.

When a bandit army fighter plane passed by like lightning, countless missiles and energy guns had already ripped open wounds on their bodies.

In an instant, more than two hundred Binart fighters turned into explosion flashes in the starry sky, disappearing without a trace!

Similarly, the missiles released did not block the impact of the bandit fleet.

These missiles just got out of the warship’s launcher or missile well, and were shrouded in interference clouds that exploded by countless electronic jamming bombs that had been drawn into the spacecraft of the Binart fleet. They will either explode into the sky and shoot a chain of fire, or they will move around like a headless fly, and even hit their own battleship.

At that time, the nebula in the distance, like an irregular flocculent body, pulled out traces of bright red, purple, and gray filaments at the edge of the universe.

Surrounded by eternal darkness, covered with dense stars.

The two fleets, just above and below, the center of the void where the stars are endless, are getting closer and closer.

The Binalt Fleet is trying hard to dodge. However, the weak kinetic energy of the steering thruster cannot bring instant high speed to the battleship.

At the moment before the impact, the entire Binart Fleet main array was completely scattered. The flying fighters, the explosion of light clusters one after another, is like a bunch of lit electro-optic cannons wrapped around the fleet.

Then, the bandit squadron ran straight up.

Ten huge black motherships, like the ten rhinos that increased their speed to the extreme, first entered the central cluster of the Binalt Empire Fleet.

These huge monsters are just the stubborn horns, almost the size of a cruiser. Under their high-speed impact, the battleships in the central cluster twisted, deformed, and exploded at a speed visible to the naked eye. The thick and sturdy shell looks like an egg shell that hit a stone.

There was no sound during the whole process.

The trumpet-shaped Binarte fleet main array, in the silent space, greeted the impact of bandit warships again and again. The bandit warships that rushed forward like lightning, like a series of high-speed trains without brakes, or like meteors coming out of the sky, continuously crashed into the ground.

The first wave, the second wave, the third wave, the fourth wave, the fifth wave, the sixth wave ………………

The main lineup of the Binalt Fleet trembles, twists and shatters under this seemingly endless terror impact. After a total of twelve waves and a five-minute serial impact, the main array of the fleet, including the flagship and the space carrier, could not find a few more complete wreckage.

“Don’t hit it …”

When the fleet circled an arc in the air and turned around again, aiming the bow at the very few battleships of Binart, he tied himself to the chair with SM tying, and the fat man with the bumps was painful.

“Mimi is so painful.”



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