Counterfeit Hero

Chapter 806 - return!

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“Mr. President, we should leave.” Millock Airport, a consultant to the President’s Office, crossed the empty port berth and walked to President Flavio’s side, whispering.

Flavio waved his hand.

The consultant opened his mouth, and finally did not persuade any more, but sighed and walked to the waiting crowd.

The stars glow like frost, spattering in the quiet airport, a white piece of white. Apart from this small group of people on the pier and Flavio standing beside the berth, the huge airport was empty.

The prosperity of the past has disappeared without a trace.

Spaceships traveling in peacetime, busy loading and unloading robotic arms, dashing railcars, bustling tourists and travelers, smiling airline staff, children bouncing around holding parents’ hands … ….

The pictures of the peaceful years disappeared. When the war broke out, it became a busy military base again.

A magnificent and powerful federal warship slowly sailed to the berth with the guide ship. The heroic space navy officers and soldiers stood like a javelin and bowed to the port to salute.

The guide on the ground quickly carried the flag with the flag, and the ground crew rushed around. A fighter plane, like a proud eagle, sailed across the dock and successively boarded the mother ship hangar. The army soldiers driving the mech, a team, passed here with great enthusiasm and embarked on the deck of the transport ship.

Year after year, month after month, day after day.

The prosperous scene seemed to be still in front of me. The military song at the time of the expedition, the cry of farewell crowd and the affectionate cry of the crowd seemed to be still in my ears, but there was nothing left.

The terminal hall of the airport has already appeared desolate and dilapidated. Thousands of port berths are empty and only one or two small patrol ships are parked. The unoperated automatic manipulator was dragged silently by the wharf. The rail car, which was also not working, also stopped beside it, and the car was covered with dust.

Flavio stood quietly on the empty pier, looking up at the stars.

The old man’s thin body was lonely and rickety under the stars.

The spacecraft that can be lifted off have already been lifted off. Passenger spaceships, cargo ships, mining ships …, exploration ships, coach ships ……… all kinds of spaceships. Full of Milok people, flying into the vast universe, flying to the Galileo Galaxy.

This is a huge migration, a difficult journey away from home. The people who have left will arrive in the Galileo Galaxy, the last administrative region of the Federal Republic of Lere, after three days.

They may sail further, or they may stop in Galileo.

No one knows how long Galileo can resist. Everyone just knows that that is the last piece of pure land in the Federation of Leray. Soon after, she will burn for freedom until it turns to ashes.

A huge grief suddenly attacked Flavio at this moment.

This veteran who had a straight waist and a strong steel in front of the people crouched down and covered his face with his hands, letting tears flow into his eyes like a flood, crying and crying.

“Lere …”

The name rolled in his sobbing throat.

Through the dim eyes of tears, he seemed to see Hamilton smiling calmly.

He seemed to see the bright starry sky, and the fleets of Brown and Schneider and the fleet led by Marchi coincided with each other. They fought in the endless artillery light. Those young Lelei warriors, driving the old Lelei battleship, shouted long live Lelei, and greeted the enemy’s artillery fire.

He seemed to see that in the four years of the Great Patriotic War, one by one jumped out of the back of the trench charge, and saw the army soldiers with dirt faces constructing fortifications, writing a suicide note, collecting weapons and ammunition hungry, waiting for the battle to come.

Ears are the endless gunfire, the whistle of the fighter plane piercing the sky, the cry of the people, the roar of the soldiers and the loud trumpet!

Four years ago, Hamilton and Bernadotte, defeating Gacharin, began a strategic counterattack from Millock.

Four years later, this galaxy will fall in its own hands!

Flavio squatted beside the empty berth and howled. Tears mixed with his nose, running down his old face, he could not stop flowing down, dripping from the tip of his nose.

“I am the most incompetent president in federal history!”

The old man fell to his knees in pain.


Weeping, tearing my heart in this lonely port.

The consultant turned his head away, and a female secretary wanted the secretary to wipe her tears. The crowd looked at the old man quietly. Everyone unknowingly burst into tears.

They know that Flavio, who has been sleeping less than four hours a day since these days, has done something for the country.

They also know that this combative veteran never actually conceded. He has been fighting, he is the hardest bone in the Leray Federation!

The old man is not crying for himself.

He was distressed by the officers and men of the Leray Fleet who were destined not to return, and admired by admiring Marchi who insisted on personally commanding this last battle.

The battle of Newton’s jumping point was an unprecedented battle from the beginning.

Those slow old warships cannot turn around and retreat. Only by driving the enemy’s fleet out of the jumping point will the fleet have a way of life.

This time, they will not come back.

This empty berth will never see them again!

The stars are bright.

Heart twisted like a knife.



“This is glorious!”

Malki looked away from the communication records in the electronic folder, stared at the Skynet screen, and said to himself.

The narrow Newton jump point airspace has been completely shrouded in the light of the naval gun. In the starry sky, battleships wandered around fiercely. A space fighter, flying through the crisscross energy cannon lights.

In the middle of the battlefield, all you can see is the dazzling light mass, just the explosions and the smoke debris left after the explosions!

The fire suddenly lit up outside the port side window, and suddenly lit up outside the port side window.

Warships are exploding, and fighter planes are exploding.

The huge explosion flash of a battleship just burst out like a rapidly expanding ball of light, and several fighter planes that were hit successively turned into a series of flying red flames in the air.

The battle has reached the most tragic stage.

With the order of Shelton, the Binalt fleet was all pressed out!

From a distance, the entire Shelton fleet presents a “dust” font. The small characters on the top are composed of the forward fleet and the two-wing fleet, respectively. The following “earth” is the rear of the huge Shelton fleet.

A [vampire] space fighter took off from the Binalt space carrier, and each of the Binalt destroyers and cruisers rushed out of the battle array and frantically advanced.

The main array of hundreds of Binart battleships will launch a salvo every two minutes and forty-eight seconds. The horrible white light from the ship’s head burst through the universe and swept the entire airspace.

No warship dares to stand in this white light, whether it is a warship, floating debris, flying fighters or rolling space pumice stones. As long as it is enveloped by this white light and swallowed, it will melt into the void in an instant. After the white light passed, the gray smoke disappeared and the cloud disappeared, without any trace of existence.

Time passes by one minute and one second.

An hour has passed since the conversation between Shelton and Marchi.

The Binart fleet was more and more advanced, and the entire front and rear formations were almost compressed together. One after another, the Leray battleships exploded under their artillery fire. But more Lelei battleships are rushing towards them at high speed in the face of artillery!

They are still firmly blocked by the Lelei fleet at the exit point of the jumping point airspace, and they still have the upper hand but they are still unable to complete the final breakthrough!

General Le Lei fought bravely from start to finish!

The flagship shook violently. A Lelei battleship next to it, in order to cover the flagship, turned into scattered meteors in the other party’s volley.

“The immigrant spacecraft has all been lifted into the fairway. Our mission is completed.” Looking at the bright white light outside the porthole, Marchi stood in tears, stood silently, saluted, and slowly said to the communication official: “He Youjun The fleet contacted them and asked them to withdraw from the battle and withdraw from the battlefield. We are their queen! “

The communications officer led his life away.

At the same time, the signalman at the top of the flagship bridge issued a light signal to the surrounding Lelei battleship.

Light language-the last glory!

The Leray Fleet began to shrink towards the center.



“They let us retreat …”

Lieutenant General Pang Longqi, the commander of the Chakna Fleet, looked at the communication record in his hand, looking away. On the communication screen in front of him, the fleet commanders of Catania and Pudi Touk also looked silently.

Three Allied fleets separated from the Fisichella fleet have been placed on the flanks in this battle.

They had no time to fight fiercely, but were asked to retreat.

The central battlefield in the distance, the Lelei Fleet, is shrinking. The old Lelei battleships, like a black tulip, rolled up their petals in the sky.

Everyone knows that it was a silent declaration. Those proud Lelei people are ready to complete their last gorgeous bloom in this universe.

“I’ll miss them.” Panglong Qi, who was over forty years old, raised his chin and bit his teeth. “They are the bravest and proudest group of lunatics I have ever seen.”

Tears flashed in the eyes of the young commander of Catania, turning his head away. The elderly Commander Puditouk, with a look of iron, looked at the far-flung Federal Fleet in afar, silent for a long time.

The two-wing Allied fleets started and fought back. When the rear Allied warship first detached from the battle and retreated along the edge of the two wings of the airspace to the position of the Lelei fleet. The officers and soldiers left their seats one by one, squeezed by the porthole, and silently watched the Lele battleships looming in the gunfire.

Tears flashed in some people ’s eyes, some people ’s eyes were full of reverence, the officers paid their respects, and the female soldiers covered their mouths, twisting their heads and could n’t bear to look again.

They knew that they were going to leave, and those Lelei comrades who had fought side by side with them for three months were destined to stay here forever with their beloved warship!

Those old battleships are young and flying lives.

They were sweating on the training ground at the base. They sang loudly in the bar. They pretended to make excuses to talk to the female soldiers of the Allied Fleet. They salute each other and smile each other in the sunny morning. During the fleet exchange, they crawled on the ground to wipe the deck together, hid in the room to drink together, and were caught together by the commander.

No, not just these three months. They have been together for several years!

The Lelei soldiers beside him appeared one by one and left one by one.

“This is a kingdom of heroes, and we will never be conquered!”

They used their lives to fulfill their promises.

In the distance, nearly 10,000 vampire-style space fighters have taken off from the space carrier of the Shelton Fleet, forming a black-pressed cluster, passing through the wreckage floating in the airspace, and rushing towards the Leray Fleet.

It was the trump card that the Binalt Fleet, who had never paid attention to the space carrier, had always been in the hands.

When their fleet was almost oppressed in front of the Lere fleet. Shelton, finally took out his last killer.

The role of fighters lies in strangling at close range!

In a few minutes, these fighters will rush into the Leray Fleet without the space carrier and start their **** massacres with impunity.

A Chuckner correspondent connected the Leray Fleet regional channel to the Allied Fleet public broadcast. Allied officers and soldiers finally heard the voice of the silent fleet at the other end of the silent starry sky.

Admiral Leki, Lere, is speaking to his soldiers.

His voice rang in every corridor of every Allied battleship.

“The three-month battle is finally coming to an end. At this moment, we will hold our hands and usher in our final battle.”

“I know that you have gathered around me and I can feel your heartbeat. It is my pleasure to be able to fight with you side by side until the last moment of life!”

“I am proud to be born in this kingdom of heroes!”

“I am proud of every brave Lere fighter around me.”

“When we die, we will not go to heaven or hell. We were born to belong to this starry sky where countless Lelei heroes are buried, the starry sky of Lelei Federation! We will take our pride forever Stay here! “

“Our loved ones will be proud of us!”

“Many years later, our children and our descendants will be proud of us!”

“Just like we stared at the heroes who died during the Lele Independence War three hundred years ago, they would also stand in front of the hero’s stele with our name on them, and weep in tears!”

“We are fighting for our elderly father and mother!”

“We are fighting, for our love of wife and children!”

“We don’t know how much pain this bitch-fighting war will bring to our loved ones. We don’t have time to grieve. The final battle is about to start, let’s start charging, don’t stop!”

Allied officers and soldiers stood quietly in the corridor, looking up at the broadcast, tears burst into tears.

“At this last moment, I will give the final order!”

“For Lere’s ancestors!”

“Each ship fights its own battle!”


Outside the porthole, the Lelei fleet gathered together and began the final charge! The petals they rolled up suddenly bloomed at this moment. They shot towards the enemy’s center like an arrow.

Some allied female soldiers have already cried into tears. The male soldiers gritted their teeth, clenched their fists, and let tears flow silently across their faces.

“God bless Lere.” A Colonel Puditoq, kneeled down by the porthole.

In the haze of tears, the Lelei battleship in the distance rushed at high speed. Their porthole lights are so bright.

The lights of each battleship are playing the same signal with the same rhythm.

That was the roar of the Lelei officers and men shaking the universe.

“Long live Lere Federation!”



“Long live Lere!”

Looking at the picture sent back by the stealth reconnaissance ship that had jumped out of the jumping point first, watching the submerged countless Binart warships, still stubborn flashing light signals, all the bandits and officers crying!

Blatter was crying, Feowen was crying, Mickey was crying, and even Russell had red eyes …. mature old men who had n’t shed tears in decades. Crying like a group of lost and lost, finally saw the mother’s child.

“We’re here!” The fat man wiped tears desperately.

“We’re here! We’re here!” He repeated the same sentence non-stop, his hands constantly wiping his face, but the tears were wiping more and more!

The fleet is already gathering at the jumping point. Ten eschatological and eleven miracle-class space carriers are at the forefront.

Each warship has set the transition end coordinates at the deepest point of the jump point. Almost behind the Binalt fleet.

The fat man hurriedly turned on the fleet communicator and wept silently.

“Kill …. Go in! It’s all him …. Mom to me … Kill in!” He shouted frantically, yelling, “Save Marchi … save me and save everyone Save me! “

Bandit fleet, start jumping!



The Leray Fleet rushed into the enemy battleship.

“God, I am not your believer, so this is the first time I pray to you, and the last time …”

In the main gun compartment of a Lere cruiser, a Ley second lieutenant stared at the fire control system screen with red eyes: “Bless me, let me give a shot to the dog-day hybrid on the opposite side!”

“Amen.” The second lieutenant pressed the fire button of the main gun severely.

In the starry sky, this tattered Lere cruiser, the main gun of the bow suddenly fired.

The white light pierced the universe, fleeting. It was incredibly accurate to pierce the port side of a Binart cruiser hundreds of kilometers away and blast a terrifying hole in its hull.

However, at the same time, five dive binart space fighters also attacked the artillery Lere cruiser.

Ten straight chains of energy guns blasted from the bow of the Leray cruiser to the stern. Pieces of armor of the battleship’s shell broke under the energy of the cannon and flew in the flames of the explosion.

The battleship trembled violently.

“God is a bitch!”

An ungrateful second lieutenant and observer burst into laughter.

Praying for his hypocrisy deceived the high **** who made Leray into misery and was proud.

The five space fighters each avoided air defense fire in the air, and then turned back to realign the nose with the Leray cruiser.

Like five ruthless vultures.

“Long live Lere Federation!”

The second lieutenant and the observer roared, ripped their collars, exposed their chests, and screamed at the oncoming battleship Binart: “Come on, dog mongrel, fight here!”

They hugged each other’s shoulders and looked directly at the oncoming Binart space fighter, waiting for the last moment of life.

Time seems to freeze …

Suddenly, several huge white lights lit from behind the Binart fleet not far away.

Hundreds of fighter planes pierced the void and appeared in the sight of the two, overwhelming.

Five Binarte [vampires] who had just turned around were intercepted by dozens of silver-white space fighters that had been killed horizontally before they approached the Leray cruiser.

In the blink of an eye, the sky was full of silver-white fighters that broke out of the sky. They are like petrels from heaven, accompanied by the holy light, the appearance of swarms immediately covered the entire sky. They fluttered and walked around, biting every [vampire] until they exploded.

The second lieutenant and his companions widened their eyes.

A silver-white fighter intercepting enemy planes swept past the porthole. They saw that under the stretched wings was the military emblem of the Lere Federation. Under the military emblem, there is a huge “bandit” word!

The lieutenant and companion looked at each other’s eyes in disbelief.

Suddenly, the two jumped like crazy.

“It’s a bandit! They are back.”

They jumped, screamed, and waved their arms to countless fighters outside the porthole, and tears burst out of their eyes.

“They are back!”



A Leray destroyer charged in the sky.

Two rounds of meteor-like main cannons flew past the battleship. Several crazy-fired Binart cruisers hit her body again and again with side guns.

The energy shield of the Lere destroyer, like a candle in the wind, shattered large pieces of armor from the hull. She was scarred, and even the main gun of the bow had become a twisted metal tube. However, she was still charging forward-towards the front of a hurriedly turning Binart cruiser.

“Don’t hit it!”

Two Chuckner fighters, escorted beside her, tried in vain to disperse the Binart battleships around her.

Every time Chakner passed the Leray destroyer, he could see through the bright porthole and see the captain of the lieutenant who was no longer young on the podium, saw it crowded by the porthole, or smiled at himself Lere warriors waving or saluting themselves.

Tears blurred the eyes of Pilot Chuckner.

The mother ship has sent the final return signal and the fleet is about to withdraw.

They pulled up the fighter plane and watched the Leray destroyer, which gradually became smaller at the tail of the fighter plane, watching her crash into the Binart cruiser like a flying missile, getting closer and closer.

“This group of lere lunatics!”

The Chuckner pilots couldn’t suppress the sorrow in their hearts, and they couldn’t bear to look at it anymore. They turned off the tail viewer on the goggles, pulled off the headphones, and burst into tears.


The fighters, one after the other, left the star field flashing countless gunfire and flare, sailing in the silent universe.

A Chuckner pilot finally turned back. Immediately, his eyes widened, his eyes fixed: “God, that’s … our fighter?”

The companion looked back and saw only a huge white light in the starry sky, flashing like a meteor. A huge battleship rushed out of their magnificent bow. And countless Chakner [Lightning Falcon], as if sprayed out by this white light, instantly speeded across the void and appeared directly in the battle group.

The silver shuttle-like nose, the specially shaped short wing, and the main wing that buckled backwards, like a dive eagle falcon.

Yes, that is Chuckner!

Thousands … No, it’s 20,000, 30,000 … Countless Chakner fighters!

At this moment, these silver-white fighters were guarding the Lelei destroyer that hit the enemy ship directly, just like the guardian angel sent by heaven, soaring under the starry sky with the Lelei destroyer.

The destroyer did not hit.

She turned at the last minute, and the scarred ship hovered proudly over the lava-like enemy ship that had been shattered into fiery cracks.



The flagship, trembling in the fire.

The command clusters, which are clustered together, have rushed into the enemy battleship array.

Admiral Marchi put his military cap on right, pulled his clothes, and stood straight on the podium. The enemy aircraft cluster on Skynet radar is getting closer. That was the long-held power of the six space carriers in Shelton’s formation. When they come, it is time to kill yourself.

Flagship, rushing through the fire. Standing on the podium, watching the Lelei battleships advancing side by side, watching the wreckage of the destroyed enemy ships retreating backwards, Marchi was impressed.

Each volley of the command cluster destroys several frontal enemy ships. These old battleships, like an old horse, joined themselves in the final battlefield.

He remembered his wife and son.

He remembered the day when he was sworn under the military emblem to defend the country.

Enemy ships and fighter planes are coming.

“Come on!” He stared at the farsightedness screen and smiled proudly.

Countless white lights rose from the farsightedness screen and from the rear of the Binalt fleet, covering the sky. Oncoming enemy aircraft clusters were instantly overwhelmed by a greater number of fighter aircraft from behind.

Countless silver and white elves are flying in the black void.

Countless battleships broke through the void, revealing their majestic warheads painted with the bandit logo.

An electric current crawled up from Marchi’s back, covering his whole body. The blood in his chest suddenly boiled at this moment. He grabbed the railing of the podium, and the fleet officers and soldiers beside him had jumped up!

Thunderous cheers resounded through the stars!



The Allied fleet is still reluctant to leave this star field.

Maniacs, bastards, paranoia, fools, heroes … they don’t know how to describe these Lere soldiers. But they knew that they would never forget the scene in front of them.

I ca n’t forget the Leray Space Navy who won their respect and tears.

“God bless Lere!”

On the retreating battleship, the officers and men squeezed by the porthole and under the screen of the far-vision device, bid farewell to the shining star field, and prayed.

Suddenly, everyone’s eyes were frozen.

They saw that countless warships appeared behind the Binalt fleet, and countless fighters were involved in Binalt’s fighter clusters and opened fire at will!

The starry sky was reddened by the dense flames.

The final killer of the Binalts is so pitiful in the fighter cluster that far exceeds their seven or eight times!

A Captain Chuckner turned sharply and ran towards his battle post.

Countless people left the porthole and flew in the corridor!

On the radio, there was the sound they wanted to hear, the voice of the fleet commander.

“go back!”

“Let’s go back!”



It seemed that after hearing a horn from outside the starry sky, Flavio raised his head.

He saw that a liaison officer ran to the crowd.

Then everyone jumped frantically and ran towards themselves. Advisors to the president’s office, senior government officials, and the tearful female secret secretary.

They rushed across the empty pier, opened their arms and burst into tears.

“The bandits are back!”

All of a sudden, when he heard this voice, he was overwhelmed by the crowd.



The last day of January 2064.

Bandit, return to Leray.





This is the most painful few days since I wrote the novel. I used to have enough time, but now I do n’t. I’m sorry for breaking off. I have been writing this chapter for four days. My brain hurts. I wrote that my mouth was cold and my face was numb. Constantly push down and constantly rewrite. I do n’t know if this chapter will satisfy you. I only know that I have exhausted all my energy and wrote it most seriously.

Hope to be able to support your support.

very very tired.

Seventy-two worship!


. (To be continued, if you want to know the future, please visit, more chapters, support the author, support genuine reading!)

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