Counterfeit Hero

Chapter 841 - Speculate

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When February 23, 2064, under the leadership of Sauber, under the leadership of Sauer, the West Bloc army forward led Banning to storm the jumping point of the Mertis Galaxy stationed by the Russell Fleet, no one thought that on this day At ten o’clock in the morning, the main force of the bandit fleet had already silently crossed the Mars Free Channel and attacked the Athena galaxy.

At that time, the combined fleets of Puditok and Catania, led by Long Xiao and Jedinak, launched a new round of offensive against the Desik fleet stationed on the Golden Wool Star. The two sides fought fiercely in the vicinity of the Nadi Marco Star Cluster in three transitional segments of the Golden Wool Star.

At the sixth hour of the battle, the formation of the left-wing fleet led by Long Xiao collapsed, which immediately affected the Jedenak headquarters on the right. The joint fleet of the two countries, separated by the middle of the Desik fleet, was isolated and had to abandon the transition channel behind him and retreat to the obstacle zone in the distance.

After careful confirmation of the enemy’s defeat, Commander Desik was reluctant to give up this rare opportunity, and decisively ordered the fleet to pursue at full speed, and it was necessary to completely wipe out the Jedinak headquarters after the cover.

Unexpectedly, when the Desik fleet pursued the EA-691 planetary obstacle zone, it was suddenly attacked by a bandit fleet that crossed the obstacle zone. Hundreds of Desik battleships were shattered by the energy cannons that struck behind them.

Due to the inability to turn under the muzzle of the bandit warship, many commanders of the Desik squadron in desperation ordered their warships to accelerate forward, trying to complete a cross-screening tactic with the main fleet that was turning ahead, to get rid of The disadvantage of facing the enemy in the tail.

The so-called cross cover refers to the fact that the local fleet is facing each other, like two combs, facing each other. This tactic is a conventional evasion tactic that the fleet chooses when it encounters a tail attack. The attacked party used the attacking party’s time to launch an attack on the forward fleet, allowing the safe forward or flanking fleet to turn the bow, set up to meet the enemy, and cover the rear fleet to pass through between formations, so as to get rid of the pursuit.

Unexpectedly, this tactic, which has been tested numerous times in actual combat, has become the culprit in accelerating the collapse of the Desik fleet.

In the nearly desperate chase of the bandit warships, many noble officers of the Desik tail formation fleet, in order to save their lives, simply ignored the friendly ships beside them, and only accelerated to escape. So that when a large number of Desik battleships in a completely scattered formation rushed into the front of the fleet, many front battleships had not had time to complete the steering.

And when the retired Pudi Tuoke and Catania combined fleet joined the battle group with a horn turning around, the battle quickly turned into a disaster.

The Desik fleet, which was in the center of the siege and was in a state of chaos, was completely unable to fight back. The bandits and the combined fleet of the Taps took just less than six hours to wipe out the Desik Athena. Fleet, Northeast Theater Fleet and Royal Sixth Fleet.

After the battle, the Athena Galaxy can no longer see a Desik battleship!

After that, the bandits and the coalition fleets of the Tharps joined forces immediately, taking advantage of the fact that the Desik had not yet reacted, and ignored the Golden Wool Star guarded by the Desik Army. The Siegian capital Zeus launched a violent attack.

In less than five days, Desik lost more than 20 A-class fleets one after another, and he was seriously injured. In addition, the two group fleets and a large number of B-class C-class **** fleets in the capital Zeus galaxy were transferred to the Hera galaxy to assist the Banning fleet in attacking Metis. Therefore, when they were attacked by the main bandits and the Tap coalition, The defense of Zeus, the capital of Desik, is actually very weak.

In panic and panic, Desik Emperor Frank Bideru successively ordered all the fleets in his country to return to the Zeus galaxy, and asked Benning, who was attacking the jump point of the Metis galaxy.

The news shocked the world. It’s not just the fact that the West Treaty is making a mess, even the top leaders of the Fiji League are dumbfounded.

The bandit army is too ruthless, too absolute, too vicious.

The capital of the Desik Empire is a symbol of the Desik Empire. Once the capital is breached, the impact on the whole of the West Atlantic Treaty can be imagined.

More importantly, since Lerei’s central channel has been taken back by Lerei, in the entire southeast galaxy, Sijo actually has only one stop. Whether it is logistics transportation or the fleet is stationed, it is necessary to use Desik as the forward base. Once the bandits rushed into the capital of Desik, they smashed them all around, and then flew around with the Zeus galaxy as the center. The next battle was only half lost before the fight!

While shocked, a question that made people crazy was born: “Sauber’s army went south, and the 400 A-class fleet was like a wolf. He also used Naga’s famous Banning as a forward, and he was aggressive. No matter how he looked, the bandits The army is like a little white rabbit under the mouth of a wolf. But … so active, is it a white rabbit or a **** rogue rabbit? “

For a time, everyone’s eyes were gathered on the southeast star field.

Everyone eagerly wanted to know what would happen to Banning, who was in the center of the storm in the face of a slap in the backhand face of the bandit army?



“Fat man, what do you think?” In front of the electronic star map in the combat room, Margaret with a long blond hair plucked into a pony tail slightly turned her head, and a pair of mysterious and charming green eyes looked at the fat man intently: ” Judging from the battle report, our army has a high success rate of attacking the Desik Zeus galaxy. “

“If you can penetrate the Zeus galaxy, then Sijo’s face can be considered lost!” Admiral Marchi on the side smiled. “Moreover, Desik is the forward base of the Western Union’s coalition south. Most of them are in Desik. Once our army penetrates into the Zeus galaxy, it is equivalent to laying a nail in the Saul field of Desik. “

Marchi ’s finger moved from the Athena galaxy to the Zeus galaxy: “The two passages southward of the coalition forces of Zeo, one is the Zeus galaxy, and the other is the Prometheus galaxy. When Zeus is taken, it directly threatens Prometheus. We used our daggers on the waist poles, I’m afraid Banning wouldn’t sleep well! “

“However, the combined force of our bandit fleet and the Tap army is no more than thirty A-class fleets, and General Long Xiao still has to take into account the defense of the Athena galaxy. Once the Sauber fleet arrives, we may not be able to keep it Zeus, right? “Flavio asked.

“No need to defend, just hit and leave!” Mikhailovich said: “Sauber went south and the fleet was not able to arrive at the same time. Before his main arrival arrived and launched an attack on the Zeus galaxy, we had enough time Destructive attacks on the Desik airport, space station, space dock and space base of Zeus and surrounding galaxies. “

“As long as we can accomplish this strategic goal in three days, even if we withdraw from the Mertis Galaxy immediately, West Treaty also knows that it will take more than fifteen days to complete the supplementary preparation of strategic materials. And, in order to support Sauber The army of Seoul, this plan must have more capacity to support. “

With that said, Mikhailovich looked around and finally looked at the fat man: “Now, the only thing we don’t know is how Banning will respond!”

In the meeting room, everyone looked at the fat man. Margaret, Fang Xiang and An Lei, sitting beside the fat man, were even more intent.

Because this battle is commanded by Russell. The confidential combat plan formulated according to the frontline situation has not been reported to the rear as usual. Therefore, everyone can only analyze through the battle report. Before the fat man came back, everyone had analyzed for a long time. There are also divergent opinions on Banning’s possible coping strategies.

Admiral Marchi and Fang Xiang believed that it was inevitable for Banning to return to the army to rescue Desik. After all, allowing Desik to be messed up by the banditry will not only lead to the lack of supplies after the arrival of the main covenant and not be able to attack immediately. Similarly, the forward fleet he leads will also be in a dilemma because the logistics channel is cut off. Once a greater loss occurs as a result, it will be a heavy blow to the covenant’s southward strategy.

Therefore, for Banning, the safest way now is to use his superior strength to stay at the jumping point of the Hera galaxy while returning to the Zeus galaxy to force the bandits to withdraw from the Zeus galaxy.

Mihailovich and Margaret are another view.

They believe that, to a certain extent, Xi’o is already in a difficult state of riding a tiger. If Banning returned to the army at this time, he could not only open the channel leading to the leap point of Lere ’s central galaxy before the main arrival of Sauber, even the Metis galaxy, he could not get it back.

Therefore, Banning does not waste time. He will leave the Desik request for help behind his head, and then concentrate all his forces to launch an attack on the Russell fleet, and strive to defeat or even destroy the Russell fleet in one fell swoop.

Banning clearly knew the strength of the bandits clearly. Without more support, as long as the Sauber Fleet is annihilated, it not only equals the passage to the central Lei Lei galaxies, but even he can lead his force far beyond Shelton directly through the southeast passage!

This speculation made Mihailovich and Margaret very worried.

Although they have full confidence in Russell’s commanding ability. However, the main force of the bandits attacked the capital of Desik, but the strength of Russell was reduced to a dangerous point. It is not difficult to resist the full swing of the Banning fleet with a dozen A-class fleets.

At this time, everyone wanted to hear what the fat man, Russell ’s disciple, had to say about his teacher ’s tactics.

In the silence, the fat man suddenly said: “The plan to attack the capital of Desik was not done by Mr. Russell.”

“Oh?” Mihailovich and Flavio and others ignored it and asked anxiously, “Who would it be?”

“Like Carl,” the fat man holding the battle report, frowning, watching, watching, and crawling on the electronic sand table to carefully check the waterway on the front line of the Mertis and Zeus galaxies. At the heart of the enemy, who dares to take this risk, there are only two people in the banditry, one is me and the other is Karl. “

“Karl?” The head of Margaret and others quickly appeared, while Flavio and others were relatively rusty to Karl. After all, the three did not fight together with the bandits for a long time. They are not familiar with the main members of the bandits.

“So,” Marchi asked curiously: “What do you think Banning will fight?”

“It’s not easy to say,” the fat man frowned. “Banning is cautious, but he dares to use troops. Once he makes a judgment, he will stay firm. It is possible to return to the army to reinforce and attack.”

Mihailovich and others on the side were a little disappointed. Margaret gave the fat man a white look: “Speaking means not saying.”

“Actually, you made a mistake.” The fat man ignored Marguerite, frowning and checking the battle report and the interplanetary map repeatedly: “What we have to figure out now is not what Banning will do, but pull. What Teacher Sear wants to do. “

He raised his head and returned a big white eye to Margaret: “Does Mr. Russell block Benning in the Mertis galaxy just to cooperate with the bandits and the Tap army and sneak into the Zeus galaxy?”

“Just?” Margaret’s eyes widened. “That’s the forward base of Siyo and the capital of others. The whole world is skyrocketing, fat man, what else do you want to do?”

“The enemies don’t know, don’t we understand by ourselves, if we want to sneak attack on the capital of Desik, we have a chance. Whenever we want to go, we have to go. Otherwise, how can we have the courage to pull Wrist from Sobel?” “So, the teacher’s sneak attack on the Zeus galaxy is just the beginning, and it will never be a result!”

“Start …” The generals looked at each other.

“We must start with a sneak attack on the capital of Desik, and then go back ….” The fat man stared at the battle report, suddenly stunned.

“What’s wrong?” Fang Xiang asked.

“The Tap Army, there are a total of 25 A-class fleets?”


“The nine A-class fleets of the bandits and the nine [eschatological] -class space carriers all participated in the attack on Desik?”


“I get it!” The fat man suddenly laughed. It looked like a fat fox who saw a chicken.

“What’s the matter, hurry up!” Flavio urged repeatedly.

“This plan was not made by Karl, nor by Mr. Russell,” the fat man waved his fist and said with excitement: “This is what the two of them did together!”

“Sneak attacks on the capital of Desik must have been Karl’s idea. To be honest, I have always had this idea before. You know, the current Mars channel is in our hands. In this regard, Xiang Xiang He has done a lot of work, basically squeezing the minds of the navigators of Mars smuggling ships, customs clearance ships, pirates and expedition ships. “

Hearing the fat man’s praise, Fang Xiang smiled embarrassedly.

“When we learned that Sauber was coming, I actually thought about hitting the capital of Desik first. Give him a vote, and make a sloppy run.” The fat man mouthed, “However, do it like that. It ’s not that cheap. Even if the capital of Desik is occupied, as long as the Prometheus galaxy cannot be destroyed, we will have to return it when Sauber comes. “

Margaret, they are okay, and Mihailovich and Marchi can’t help but talk. The fat man fixed his eyes on the capital of the other family, and said that it would not cost much. How many pieces of mahjong do the bandits usually play?

“When I first saw the battle report, I thought that Mr. Russell would choose to attack Desik with three or four fleets, and then ambush another part of the fleet at the Mertis jumping point. Wait until Banning discovers that there is a bandit fleet , And when it is judged that there is no lurking fleet at the jumping point, and then launch an offensive, then launch an ambush. “

Marchi’s eyes lit up and shouted: “Good idea!”

Mikhailovich, Margaret and others on the side looked at each other with excitement. If the bandits with half of the fleet cooperate with the Tap coalition to attack the capital of Desik, plus the blockade of information, then Banning is likely to be fooled. As long as he dares to rush into Metis, with the stealth technology of the bandit fleet, Russell has 10,000 ways to make him pay!

“But not.” The fat man shook his head, denying his guess.

“Why?” Marchie asked.

The Fat Man said: “Banning has little affection for the Desik, and it is the capital of Desik that is being attacked, not the Prometheus, which is delineated by Desik in the southern passage of the West York and has the most materials Galaxy. More importantly, he is very cautious. He will not easily invest all his troops until he gets the specific number of bandits behind him. “

“Furthermore,” the fat man touched his chin: “Banning’s strength advantage is very large, we do not concentrate the strength, even if the sneak attack is successful, it is difficult to form a fatal blow to him.”

Marchie blinked and blinked, swallowing. Although he was also a federal general, he suddenly found that he still could not keep up with the thinking of Russell’s fat guys. Perhaps, only such a group of cunning guys can cast an army like a bandit.

“So, General Russell must let Benning make up his mind.” Fatty said: “The way is very simple, is to send all the bandit fleet to let Banning know that the bandit army is determined to work with the Tap Allied Forces to put the whole Desick messed up. “

“General Russell did this, didn’t he pour out the bath water, and even the children fell together?” Margaret, who had been leaning over the interstellar chart, puzzled and said: “The main force of the fleet is sent to attack the Zeus galaxy. What should I do when I was in Matisse, did I rush back? Even if I rushed back from the Mars Fairway, there was no time! “

“Really.” The fat man nodded. “If the original route detours from the Mars channel and rushes back to the Mertis galaxy, time will be too late. However, when the Desik put the surrounding fleets into the jump to the Zeus galaxy. In the defense of the point, and Banning puts the whole army into the offensive, then, we actually have a way to return. “

“Which way?” Mihailovich asked.

“Here!” The fat man’s finger, a finger at the interstellar map, hey sneered: “Hera galaxy fairway, an unobstructed sunny avenue!”




. Wake up at nine o’clock, to the present work results. Europe also. I went to bed early today. Write some new book outlines and go to bed at 11!




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