Counterfeit Hero

Chapter 860 - Yin Yang Yang Yang

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“Not asleep yet?” The fat man walked to Fang Xiang and sat down, reaching for her arm.

“Waiting for you.” Fang Xiang leaned against the fat man’s arms, and his ears had a fever. Although the ambiguous window paper has been picked up by the fat man, the other girls have also agreed with each other. However, after staying like a jade for thirty years, she has no skin relationship with the fat man after all.

In addition, her physique is naturally sensitive, and as soon as she is intimate with the fat man, her heart beats quickly. A pretty face is as hot as a cloud, red and hot. Under the lights, it is even more glamorous.

“Received a call from Salega?” The fat man sniffed Fang Xiang’s body fragrance. His mouth was serious, but a pair of thieves’ eyes could not help sneaking into Fang Xiang’s collar.

As the name implies, Fang Xiang’s scented words are really appropriate. Every time a fat man comes close to her, he can smell the refreshing fragrance. This scent is not the scent of any shampoo or perfume bath liquid, but a natural feminine fragrance that can’t be said.

The woman had just taken a bath, dressed in pajamas, and her tender body was warm and soft.

The neckline of the pajamas slightly spread out, looking down the white and delicate chest, you can see two groups of white babies. In the light of the lights, a few cyan veins looming under the thin, almost transparent skin meandering up the snow hills, not only does not damage the beauty, but also has a fresh peach-like temptation.

“Huh.” Fang Xiang nodded against the fat man’s chest. Suddenly, I heard that this guy’s heart was beating faster, and it seemed that he was about to jump out. When I looked up, I saw the fat man squinting his eyes into his neck, and he seemed to be eager to plunge into one’s head.

“Fat fat man!” Fang Xiang was ashamed and sulking, holding the collar with one hand and **** the fat man’s ear with the other: “Having not played enough with Helen in the office ?!”

The fat man was frightened and stared at Fang Xiang horrificly.

Why don’t these women have any secrets from each other? Is there anything interesting about this kind of thing? The men are all the same, do you still learn how to compare the length of your girlfriends?

Fang Xiang gave a stunned fat man a white look: “Is it weird? Helen’s girl’s appearance is not like the tired look after a day’s work.”

Saying that, Fang Xiang thought that Helen and the fat man were in the office …. Suddenly felt that his cheeks were burning and humiliated, and he couldn’t help but twisted the fat man who was not ashamed or impetuous.

“I’ve seen this film,” the fat man snorted, grinning his teeth at the TV and diverted the topic: “Hey, that silly hat finally hung up. There are hundreds of people, and dare to get in with a BTR129 It ’s no wonder that it ’s not dead. If the director ’s screenwriter opened the golden finger, this turtle would have to burp if it does n’t reach the gate. “

Fang Xiang stared at the fat man, watching him sullen his eyelids and slap his cheeks with a disdainful face like a Shar Pei, suddenly laughed out loudly, and thumped him with a fist.

This **** who can’t spit out ivory in his mouth always has the ability to smash all the elegant and beautiful things of mankind with a spit. In addition to the A film, any classic film would like to please him here. I … I just fell in love with such an annoying ghost!

“Tell me, what’s the matter with Salega’s phone?” The fat man hugged Fang Xiang and kissed her in her ear.

“Hmm …” The smile on Fang Xiang’s face disappeared, his eyes glanced aside, and he whispered: “A coup took place in Salega. Now that the military is in power, they let me go back.”

“Let you go back?” The fat man stunned.

Fang Xiang nodded gently and looked at the carpet in front of the sofa: “They have contacted the Philippine Command. If the conditions can be met, the Salgar military is willing to send troops to help the Philippine alliance. If the domestic emergency mobilizes, they Can produce at least forty A-class fleets. “

“Really?” The fat man was overjoyed. In his dreams, he did not expect such a turning point at this critical time in the country. Forty A-class fleets may not be a normal thing to put in peacetime, but for the current Philippine Allied Forces, they are nothing short of nothing.

At the same time, this also means that the entire Salgar will be fully involved in military, economic, intelligence, logistics and other aspects. Relying on their national strength and subsequent mobilization capabilities, the comprehensive strength of the Southeastern Coalition Army will be significantly improved, thereby narrowing the gap with the Sauber Fleet by as much as five times!

But … the fat man squinted at Fang Xiang and felt something was wrong. Although she still smiled softly as usual and looked at herself, there was absolutely no excitement in her eyes, more hesitation, even a little lonely.

“What’s the matter?” The fat man’s eyes turned and immediately grasped the key words in Fang Xianghua just now: “What conditions do they want?”

Fang Xiang looked down at his toes.

The fat man sat down in confusion, staring at Fang Xiang and asked, “Sister Xiang?”

Fang Xiang struggled repeatedly. For a long time, she finally gave up the ridiculous thought under the anxious gaze of the fat man beside her, raised her head and slowly said: “The person who called me was called Lander, who was my boss six or seven years ago, and has been pursuing me . Now it is he who is in charge of Salega. “

“Pursue you …” The fat man’s eyes grew bigger and bigger, “He should not send Salgar to the army, follow you and him …”

Fang Xiang showed a disgusted expression and nodded.

“Fuck you fart!” The fat man’s lungs exploded and jumped three feet. The whole building was as if blown by thunder, buzzing straight in his roar.

The doors on the second and third floors opened one after another, and the women in pajamas walked out of the room one after another. Everyone was still looking at each other in the aisle, and they heard the roar of a fat man in the living room: “This idiot’s brain was kicked by a donkey, huh, **** national events, he used it to pick up girls?”

Hearing the opening of the door in the hallway and the footsteps on the stairs, Fang Xiang hugged the soft sofa cushions and buried all his red-hot face.

She knew that the fat man must be furious when she said it. But she didn’t expect this guy to be so excited that she didn’t notice that it was quiet at night. The whole person was like a fat cat with its tail stomped, and it jumped all of a sudden.

That menacing look is like trying to find someone desperately.

Fang Xiang was sweet and embarrassed for a while. He buried his head and asked dumbly, “What do you say I should do?”

“What should I do?” The fat man stared at Fang Xiang in surprise.

During the talk, the girls have successively walked down the stairs.

Margaret was standing next to the fat man, Mei Duo and An Lei sat down next to Fang Xiang one by one, Helen yawned and went to the back of the sofa lying on the backrest, Bonnie with red hair and wearing a bear pajamas The slim and petite Milan stood hand in hand on the stairs. Everyone’s face is curious.

“What happened?” Margaret pulled the fat man’s arm strangely.

The fat man had just briefed the story, and the women immediately fry the pan and porridge.

“Does it matter to ask, of course not!” Helen blushed with rage and said quickly.

“Shameless, make his big dream of spring and autumn! Even if we lose this battle, the big deal is to go to the new immigrant planet.” Milan carelessly authentic.

Margaret whispered: “Scum. Actually using such things to threaten a woman.”

Bonnie looked coldly at Fang Xiangdao: “The kind of person is unreliable. If he loses, he can turn to Siyo. If he wins, his position will be consolidated for the Salgar Federation. Not a good thing! “

The murmur of opposition from the women was like a group of disturbed yellowbirds in the silent night, chattering endlessly.

Since speaking the words, Fang Xiang has actually made a decision. She raised her head and was preparing to speak, but she saw the fat man standing in the middle of the living room with a strange expression. Look at this and which one. The women who were filled with indignation and tried to speak several times ignored it.

The women gradually calmed down and followed Fang Xiang’s gaze, looking at the fat one after another.

“I said,” the fat man asked cautiously, “why don’t we promise him?”

The atmosphere in the living room suddenly solidified. Everyone stared at the fat man and couldn’t believe his ears. Just when Milan was about to turn around and rush upstairs to shoot this guy, the fat man rightfully said: “Logically, this absurd proposal will first be based on an absurd reason. I think things are not that simple . Moreover, since this idiot made us disgusted with this condition, we ca n’t be disgusted right away? ”

A word awakened the dreamer.

“You mean …” Margaret’s eye waves first reacted.

She was wearing a pale pink silk pajamas and a long shawl of sunshine. Because of being awakened in a dream, the pure face of Shifen Dai did not feel more lazy. People wanted to pamper her and take care of her when they saw it, and could not bear the slightest harm to this fairy-like person.

However, if anyone can see her eyes at this moment, I am afraid that Margaret will not be as delicate and weak as she looks.

It was a pair of witch-like eyes, which seemed to have just discovered something particularly interesting, blinking and shining. There was a playful smile on the corner of her mouth, and with those eyes, there was a kind of demonishness all over her body, and she had nine tails sticking out behind her buttocks and shaking.

“Maybe touch it and see what he wants to do. How can the fat delivered to his mouth bite a bite?” The fat man chuckled, his face honest and honest.

Seeing a meaningful look between the fat man and Margaret, the others present suddenly felt chilly and cold. Goose bumps crawl up the skin.

“I’m going to bed!” Helen first turned and ran upstairs.

“I’m asleep too!” Milan pulled Bonnie and quickly followed Helen. She ran out without slippers, and a pair of Bai Shengsheng’s feet turned fast on the wooden stairs.

When everyone ran back to the room, rubbing his arms, Fang Xiang pressed his chin against the pillow, looked at the fat man with his mouth closed, and sighed faintly in his heart.

Now think about it, Lander is actually very pitiful.

Whatever the reason for his condition, he should not provoke the fat man and Margaret.

In front of them, the two demons had cut their forks!



Eight flying vehicles lined up in a line and drove along the flight road of the capital of Salega under the protection of two hundred red military mechas.

The sound of the engine outside the car, the noise of wind and the footsteps of the mecha are deafening, but the luxuriously decorated car is quiet.

The solo concerto “Starry Night” by master Su Bo sounded in the car stereo. The violin sounds like flowing water under the soft car lights, and the piano sounds like a jumping elf in the clear spring water of the deep mountain waterfall. Every time, it is jumping in the heart of the person.

Lander sat on the sofa, listening with his eyes closed. The whole person seems to have been immersed in this wonderful sound of music.

Round is forty-four years old this year, with a square face, fair skin, and tiny, yellow hair. The corners of his mouth were wide open, his lips were flat, and when he was tightly closed, it gave a sense of majesty. As soon as he spoke, there was a kind and always kind smile.

A cunning gambler!

This is what many people familiar with Lande have given him. For those who are not familiar with him, this middle-aged general who was promoted to a federal general just a few months ago is a federal soldier who dares to love and hate, has the courage and responsibility, and is outstanding and resolute. !

This two-faced cognition, in this particular era, became Lande ’s capital on the peak of power.

A series of jaw-dropping confusions a week ago, to trace the source, actually started when the old general Tolstoy resolutely led the **** longbow galaxy, defeated and died.

Being upright and commanding General Salgar for decades, General Tolstoy is an idol in the minds of every Salgar soldier, their commander, and a symbol of the Salgar soldier.

When the president resigned, the anti-war turbulence raged, and the entire Salgar military humiliated in humiliation with the sound of compromise between the people and the political parties in the country. With the duty of “military obedience to orders as a duty”, it silently watches the leaders of this country make their choices.

Neutrality is a word that seems to be full of peace.

But every Salga soldier knows that in this war that has swept through the entire human world, Salega, who has joined the Fiji League for hundreds of years, is absolutely not qualified for neutrality!

When the neighbouring Lere Federation fought **** battles under the siege of the enemy, the Salgar Federation’s withdrawal of its army and its declaration of neutrality was no different from surrender. The so-called neutrality is nothing more than the beautiful skins of pro-Sioux parliamentarians and surrenderers who fool the people.

This kind of courageous compromise made Salgar pay a huge price for it.

As the president stepped down and the military withdrew troops, Sawja, who had seen chaos inside Salgar, took advantage of the opportunity to forcibly lease the Longbow galaxy.

General Tolstoy roared like a lion in Parliament, drowning in a numb and timid silence. A group of politicians led by the speaker of the pro-Western Covenant forced all the garrisons of the Longbow galaxy to evacuate, otherwise they were regarded as treasonous.

In the end, in the silence of the entire Salega, Admiral Tolstoy led the only fleet that dared to follow him, and with absolutely inferior strength, he stood on the way of the Suss fleet.

From the beginning, it was a battle already doomed to defeat.

Both followers and bystanders understand this very well. I also know that the old general who came out of the parliament hall with tears is defending the freedom and dignity of this country with his life!

When the news of the entire Longbow local fleet overthrowing General Tolstoy’s martyrdom and the Parliament’s announcement that Tolstoy and Fangxiang had rebelled at the same time spread throughout the country, I don’t know how many Salgar soldiers were drunk that night. , I do n’t know how many **** soldiers smashed everything that could be smashed at hand, and wept bitterly!

As soldiers, they are not afraid of death. They once supported the Bermuda Galaxy under the leadership of Tolstoy and fought bravely. Won the respect of all the soldiers of Salega. However, in a country controlled by a group of cartilage that only knows about fighting for power, they have been denied the right to sacrifice!

If they want to sacrifice for this country, they must bear the crime of treason! What a ridiculous and ridiculous era this is!

Since that time, Salega has remained in a suffocating weird atmosphere. The soldiers watched with cold eyes, the people were insensitive, and the politicians scrambled for power.

The imaginary peace does not bring a peaceful life.

A large number of corporate groups from West Atlantic took advantage of the huge influence of West Atlantic in Salega and colluded with corrupt officials to swindle and wantonly. A large number of enterprises began to close down, and the unemployment rate and crime rate rose sharply.

The people discovered at this time that the fair, free and dignified country had unconsciously retreated into a decayed quagmire.

The justice is dead. No one can get justice through the law. After being bullied, the only way to find justice is to resort to personal revenge, and then be sanctioned by the officials and nobles in the name of law.

Free public opinion also died. Those people who were fighting against the war loudly at the beginning were shut up by harsh laws. They can no longer express their opinions. Whatever they want to say, they must be in danger of being arrested in front of their wives and children by the police who suddenly broke into the house.

Coupled with the economic recession and skyrocketing prices, people with difficult lives and depressed spirits finally understand in the face of cruel reality that it is a foolishness for a country to try to protect itself in this war and pin its hopes on its original enemy Thing!

At this time, a news came that Douglas led the fifteenth group of the Fiji League to attack the Longbow galaxy.

At the same time, a fleet from the self-bandited army was born, cooperated with Douglas to defeat and capture the two Binart-like fleets led by Humphrey, and successfully joined the Russell Tibetan Front Fleet who broke through Bermuda. .

The changing mindset of Salega is an undercurrent in the country, and this news has played a role. Although the government authorities have tried every means to control public opinion, they still have no way to stop the news from spreading throughout the Federation as if they were wings.

Painful and always reflecting on his own Salgar soldiers, through the military’s unique line of sight, to see what is happening in the world that is not far away.

They saw the Lereans who refused to succumb, they saw the Feiyans, and they even saw the Salegas!

Everyone was shocked by everything in front of them.

What they did not expect was that the dozens of battleships that were left at the time drove towards the Longbow local fleet in the universe, which is the main combat member of the current bandit fleet. Major General Xiang, the official commander of the Flower, has become one of the core leading officers of the bandit army.

It seems as if a stone stirred up a thousand waves. In reality, it is difficult for people to tell whether they are happy or ashamed.

For every Salga officer, Fang Xiang is not just a little major general commander of a local fleet. From the moment she followed Tolstoy to the Sos Fleet who broke into the country, she has become the goddess of all Salgar soldiers!

Perhaps it was disappointment in reality, perhaps out of the recollection of Tolstoy. In short, Fang Xiang’s status in people’s minds is climbing towards the endless peak every day.

The soldiers of Salega loved her frantically. This pure and beautiful flower of Salega navy bloomed in the Longbow galaxy much more beautiful than her beauty. Although she is a woman, her actions shame every silent Salga man.

Everyone thought that Fang Xiang and the Longbow Fleet must be fierce at the moment. But when she and them appeared in front of everyone, everyone knew that although they were still labeled as traitors, they were fighting for this country!

They are more confident, firm and heroic than before. Never flinch!

Afterwards, the wind direction in Salega began to turn sharply. The turbulent undercurrent rushed out of the burrow, and gradually became an unstoppable trend!

First, there were repeated outbreaks of violence in various parts of the country that attacked the Nato business groups and officials. Immediately afterwards, some military generals began to sing back against the government led by the Speaker. Thousands of young grassroots military officers have formed an alliance of salvation officers, which are connected within the military.

Thousands of miles of embankment is still destroyed by ant dens, not to mention the fact that the already stormy Federation of Salega has problems with the most important officer class in this era.

From bit by bit to a trickle, things just go forward naturally.

It was a special period. At that time, the Western Covenant had been completely ousted from the Blue Stone star, and the coalition forces of the Soviet Union and the Soviet Union were also caught in the quagmire of the Chaknalesque galaxy, and the offensive was frustrated.

But the power is still in the hands of a group of pro-Western Covenant politicians. The officers have not connected to the extent that they can openly challenge their authority, and no one knows whether the Western Covenant Army stationed in the Lere Federation will suddenly be killed at a certain time The bandits, whose strength is clearly at a disadvantage, recaptured the Long Bow galaxy.

No one can see through the fog at that time.

Although everyone can feel that the turbulent storm has come with a chill, but no one knows which army in which place will become the first drop of rain after the thunder.

Therefore, Lande himself admits that if it wasn’t a gathering of yin and yang, even he himself did not believe that he could go to this position today!

It was two days before the bandit army returned to the Lere Federation. The Shelton Fleet is storming Lele Newton Galaxy Jump Point. And Li Fu betrayed the Republic of Feiyang, and the entire Fiji League fell into pessimism.

On that day, Lande was invited by a friend who had just met, and participated in a beer party for a group of low-ranking officers in the capital’s security zone.

A general who had just been promoted to a general did not have any particularly outstanding talents and fame, even though he was ranked lower, but Lander ’s decent camouflage and uniform for decades still allowed him to get these former presidents out Welcomed by the young officers who came after the disruption of the establishment.

After accepting the compliments of the officers with satisfaction, Lande found that he seemed to be in the wrong place.

This is not a gathering of ordinary officers. The angry roar of every young soldier in the tavern is full of reaction that makes Rand restless and startled.

He never dreamed that these ignorant young officers tried to initiate a coup at this point …. It might be an exaggeration to describe the actual words of these officers, but if Lande needs to use this If everything is reported, he will write it in the file!

In order to avoid being grasped by people when talking, and also to avoid being attacked by the crowd present, Lander smiled and said nothing, but just kept drinking.

He was refreshing while drinking, his new admiral uniform and his unpredictable smile inspired every officer. At this time, an officer spread Lande’s once Fang Xiang’s boss, also a teacher and friend, and has been pursuing the navy flower, and even let the fleet show the feat of showing love slogans.

If these words were said before, or fell into the ears of the few people who knew Lande, it must be a joke that made Lande unable to lift his head.

But in that fanatical bar, this love loser has become a hero in everyone’s eyes.

People’s curiosity is high, and they want to know how Lander pursued Fang Xiang, how to work with her, and how to walk into this cafe.

Lander, who kept drinking, was already a little drunk, and he didn’t even remember what he said at the time. Anyway, the series of bragging lies won the tsunami-like applause of the young officers present.

It is believed that he and Fang Xiang have the same noble qualities and the same patriotic enthusiasm. Although Xiang Xiang did not accept him immediately, it was only due to the shyness of a woman. In his heart, on the road of life, he and she have long been like-minded confidants and lover of the soul.

Although Rand tried his best to avoid falling into his mouth, he only made up the hazy words between Fang Xiang and Fang Xiang, but people still automatically supplemented his words with him to keep in touch with Fang Xiang. When he was defeated, he came to the middle of everyone, just to let Salgar fight heroically along General Tolstoy’s road!

In the sound of the music, Lander’s chest swelled heavily and exhaled.

The memory of that day until dozens of military police broke into the tavern. He could not remember everything that happened afterwards. But it doesn’t matter. What matters is that when he wakes up after drinking, he is already the leader of hundreds of young military officers to launch a coup!

Knowing that the coup was quickly responded to by the majority of Salgar ’s army and that the former speaker and others had fled in haste, Lande did not waste this opportunity.

He quickly united a group of young officers who had been stunned and their troops around him, mobilized his subordinates to control the capital, took over Skynet, and completed the new from a lower ranking with a thunderous speed. Admiral Jin will come to this country’s shift of control.

The impulsive officer class, the overly conservative and calm General Salgar, jointly gave this seemingly inappropriate opportunity to Lande.

By this time, Lande had no retreat.

And at this time, the goddess of fortune favored him-the bandit army attacked Bermuda, annihilated the Desic Fifth Fleet, defeated the Shelton Fleet, and regained Lerei all lightning!

People stared at this series of changes in amazement, and many of the generals who intervened and promoted the coup early on, even thought that Lande had always been connected with Fang Xiang. They stopped and looked at each other, waiting and watching. Even if they didn’t trust the guy who suddenly appeared.

For Round, everything is so wonderful-if his foundation is not so shallow, or if he really keeps in touch with Fang Xiang and has the support of Fei Meng ……… .

The music stopped, and the beautiful aftertones seemed to echo in the carriage.

Rand thought about his thoughts quietly.

From the moment he tasted the sweetness of power, he never thought of giving up this gift from heaven. At the beginning, it might have been yin and yang in the tavern, but everything after the wake-up was won by him!

In the Salaga military, he was not a character. If people knew the truth, at least ten Generals of the Salgar Army could replace him without much effort and let him go away in disgrace.

However, it seemed that the goddess of luck had always followed him. Hastings went south and the Fiji League suddenly reorganized the Allied Command, allowing him to smell a godsend.

After consulting with his confidant, he got in touch with the Limeng Command led by Li Fo. However, for now, he needs an amulet to master Salega in the southeast theater …

The phone has been called, he is very satisfied with his affectionate confession.

Now he has the advantage of information asymmetry with other competitors in Salega. As long as Fang Xiang can be resolved in a short time, then, through the reputation of the goddess in the minds of the Salgar soldiers, he will have enough time to install cronies, join forces, and truly sit on this throne!

The flying car stopped in front of the building at the destination.

Rand opened his eyes and waited quietly for his captain to open the door.

The bet has already been placed, and now it is time to open. Regardless of whether Fang Xiang will refuse or not, he has already made a full preparation-when necessary, he will not compromise!





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