Counterfeit Hero

Chapter 863 - Face change

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In silence, the Desik fleet had reached the airspace of the jumping point.

“Capital garrison of the First Group Fleet!” Salgar officers immediately saw the number of the bow.

It is undoubtedly Lande.

As the commander of the Third Fleet of the First Fleet, he controlled the Third Fleet for more than five years. This fleet is the biggest guarantee for his coup and success.

Seeing the first group of fleets rushing out of the nest, some General Salgar’s faces also showed a disdainful expression at the same time.

It should be known that during the previous Sev regime, the Capital First Group Fleet was the Sev Guard. Several political crises broke out in various places and rushed to the forefront. In just half a year, the “stability order” task carried out by this fleet was combined with other fleets in Pisalega.

Fleet Commander General Ulrike Ramsey is now 53 years old. This is an old fox recognized by the generals of Salega, not a good bird. He could go straight up all the way, sit on the throne of the commander of the group fleet, and rely on the gang of Ramsay family to hug Sever’s thigh.

What is even more disgraceful is that, as a supporter of Sever, he was originally the boss of Rand, but now he is the first hitter of Rand. In this process, Ramsey’s identity change is fast and his attitude is natural, which is truly amazing.

There is a rumor that the truth is infinite. On the night of the coup, Ramsay originally called Lande and asked him to immediately summon the fleet to help suppress the coup. But at the moment when the phone was dialed, his staff reported to him that Seifer had fled, and the coup officer of the Lande had controlled Skynet and won the support of the military gangster and several military regions.

In less than five seconds, Ramsey threw the severe rebuke on his lips and immediately thrown it out of Jiuxiaoyun. He kindly and respectfully asked Rand if he needed help, and he was willing to be Rand’s strongest supporter.

Looking back now, it is obvious that the series of actions of Lande after the successful coup have Ramsay’s shadow in it. Several veteran foxes of the Ramsey family quickly shot after Sever’s fall, which provided a great help for Lander to gain the support of some Salega parties.

This old-fashioned political family of Salega, who started by speculation, has really played the tricks of ruining the rudder to the level of perfection. Those who despise them must also admit that their talents and sense of smell are innate in this respect. Searching the whole of Salega is no different.

The black warship cluster gradually grew larger in the dark universe. The bright portholes of the battleships became clear, and within two minutes, hundreds of battleships had been guided by the pilot ships with light signals, forming a line around the bandit cruisers suspended in the void .

It seemed that, consciously or unintentionally, the battleships of the First Capital Fleet of the Capital surrounded the bandits of cruisers. There is not even a passage left. At the same time, there are four C-class fleets and ten reconnaissance ships flying to the nearby asteroid belt and the back of the planet.

If you do n’t have the previous fat man and Fang Xiang, you may only think that the actions of the first group fleet are a bit strange. The airspace of such a small size does not need to send so much reconnaissance force at all, and the fleet commander is too cautious in formation layout and reconnaissance dispatch.

Now, these actions can only explain one problem-I am afraid that there is a ghost in Lander’s heart!

However, compared to the speculation on Round, General Salega actually cares about another thing.

Judging from the lens in front of them, it is clear that another spacecraft is monitoring in the distance. Their perspective is provided by this spaceship. However, two reconnaissance ships and a C-class fleet flew not far in front of the camera, even the first group fleet did not even notice.

Is this the stealth technology of bandits? The generals exchanged shocking eyes. Everyone is looking forward to it. I don’t know what kind of ambush there is in this airspace not far from the Longbow Star Field.

Now that there are spaceships that point the camera at the Capital First Fleet, there may be countless bandit warships that aim the main gun at the first group fleet’s flagship spaceship, Dream. They should hide in the dark night sky like ghosts. Be ready to launch a fatal blow at any time.

No one is too naive to believe that the bandit army came here with a cruiser.

The huge Salega [epic] space carrier [Dream] slowly approached the bandit cruiser. The bridge was brightly lit, with warning lights flashing all over it, flying under the guard of dozens of space fighters, like a huge steel mountain descending from the sky.

Compared with the huge body of the spaceship Dream, the bandit cruiser is like a sparrow beside an eagle.

Although everyone is sure that the bandit army must have a complete arrangement, but when seeing this scene, every general including Salang Wang can’t help but feel a little palpitations.

A small cruiser, in the middle of an array of hundreds of battleships, has no power at all. No matter how precise the layout is, certain steps are required. Unless the bandits have the ability to win the fleet of the First Group in an instant, as long as there is a little mistake, it will be wiped out instantly!

Is it possible to kill a group fleet in an instant?

The generals silently watched the Dreamer slowly approaching the bandit cruiser. When they saw the fat man and Fang Xiang on the sub-lens under the guard of several bandit officers and soldiers, they left the cruiser and flew into the passageway of the space carrier’s abdomen in a small shuttle, and everyone’s palms were filled with cold sweat.

The channel of Dream is very long and wide.

After the shuttle entered the tunnel, it was connected to the guide and flew deep into the mother ship along the glide of the guide. Through the porthole, you can see the cold metal walls on both sides of the channel. An indicator light is placed every ten meters. The long traction track and the chute inlaid on the wings of the two sides when the aircraft is ejected.

Through the passage, a huge hall appeared before.

By the port’s shuttle berth, seven or eight officers in General Salgar’s uniform were waiting there surrounded by dozens of staff and dozens of soldiers. Although he hadn’t seen each other for several years, Fang Xiang gave out the Rand who stood at the front at a glance.

Compared with the previous year, there is no obvious change in Lande. The only difference may be that his eyes have become deeper and more impenetrable than before. There is no arrogance nurtured by the lascivious frivolous and high-level official Hou Lu when I first met many years ago.

Time and war will always change many people.

When he walked to the door of the shuttle, Fang Xiang looked back at the fat man.

After squeezing the nose with Yirong Liquid, thinning the lips, pushing the fat on the cheeks to the cheekbones, and pulling the corners of the eyes diagonally toward the temples, the fat now looks completely changed A person.

The guy was holding an electronic folder, wearing a major uniform, and standing behind him as an accompanying staff. In a pair of eagle eyes that were deliberately sharp, a pair of restless eyes turned back and forth, left and right. Seeing himself looking at him, he opened his mouth slightly and looked at himself in confusion, which looked very ridiculous.

Fang Xiang couldn’t help but snorted, turned his head quickly under the fat gaze of the fat man.

Many years ago, I had studied on the [Dream] spacecraft for three months. At that time, I never thought that one day in the future, I would come back to this most powerful space carrier of Salega, accompanied by a fat man.

If there was no war, this fat man might just be a chubby grinning face on Lere Federal Street, and a pair of dead fat men with eyes full of thieves!

With his little cleverness, there may be achievements in some aspects, but his character makes him never a hero. His life will be filled with the smugness and eloquence of Xiaomin.

He will not become the guy who has gathered the eyes of almost everyone in the two camps of West Covenant and Fiji, nor will he meet him, and today it is even impossible to come here with a cruiser, for himself, for the southeast In a war situation, take risks without the main force of the bandits.

Fang Xiang smiled gently. I don’t know why, as long as the fat man is standing beside him, he feels at ease.

Even if the road ahead is dangerous, there is no slightest timidity!

Fang Xiang walked down the ramp when the shuttle door started.

The fat man walked behind Fang Xiang, and the woman in front of him walked around, her chin lifted slightly, and her neck was as long and graceful as a swan. Even if only looking at the back, there are thousands of enchanting styles. Looking over Fang Xiang’s head, the crowd waiting in front of the pier had straightened their eyes.

Especially when Rand stood at the front, even with a smile on his face, it was hard to hide his greedy desire in his eyes.

“Fang Xiang, you are finally back!”

Rand greeted him with a big stride and opened his hand to give Fang Xiang a hug. Unexpectedly, Fang Xiang took the lead to stand up and salute, shouting with a smile on his face: “Admiral Lande!”

Lander changed his posture without paying any traces, and warmly introduced Fang Xiang to the Salgar officer behind him. When he saw Fang Xiang shaking hands with the officers, he gave himself a weird look, and lowered his voice with a smile: “Are we still so formal in meeting?”

“General, you promised me that Le Lei hasn’t moved yet, and let me come back first. I’m all up to you. What else do you want?” Fang Xiang bit his lip and gently whitened him, whisper . Her voice was soft and nice at the moment, and there was a whine at the moment, which suddenly made her bones crisp. Not to mention that Lande’s soul, which has been coveted by each other, flew out of the sky, even the fat man behind him felt a little unbearable.

You know, Li Fangxiang on weekdays is older than the fat man An Lei and others, and is in an important position. He has always expressed himself as a calm and calm mature female commander. But after all, she had just turned 30. It was the time when a woman’s body and mind became more mature and her hands were full of femininity.

Although she is usually with fat people, she will occasionally reveal the nature of the little woman, especially when she is thin and fat, her misty eyes, exhaled lips, shy blush on her face and undulating fullness. The chest is even more difficult to hold. But after all, this has never been done outside.

At the moment, she was wearing a tailored Salega military uniform, with a contoured body line, a beautiful face, charming and upside down sentient beings, even if she only sipped her mouth and did not speak, her eyes waved and smiled, she could make her heart beat faster and more upset Moreover, this deliberate coquettish.

Fuck! The fat man scolded angrily in his heart.

Big loss! This time, I shouldn’t have called Sister Xiang. It’s a big deal that I was easy to be Sister Xiang. Let the guy with straight eyes in front take advantage of it! Such a coquettish job, the fat man is also very skilled at playing! With a flirtatious look, it’s okay to have a guy like Lande hooked on ten or eight.

“Okay,” Lander felt irritated and raised his hand to surrender. He smiled and said, “How dare I not listen to your words. Let’s go to my office. I’m thinking of exchanging opinions with you about sending troops. “

alone? The fat man’s ear caught the word immediately. Suddenly alert in my heart.

Despite the natural and gentle expression in front of him, the fat man who is proficient in psychology and tricks still can see the contrast between the smile on his face and his eyes. This is the typical skin smile but not smile. People with such smiles usually have no good intentions in their hearts.

“No way,” Fang Xiang’s common language accent naturally had Salgar’s unique accent. She glanced at the fat man behind her and introduced to Rounde: “The situation in the southeast is very tense and the Allied forces are in a difficult situation. Major Feng is a special representative of the bandit general Tian Xingjian and has confidential matters to discuss with you. “

Lander glanced at the blank fat man, his eyes flashing, and he smiled slightly: “It doesn’t matter, since it’s a person sent by General Tian, ​​I’ll talk to him first.”

With a smile, Lander led Fang Xiang and Fatty to the office with a smile.

From the internal port to the ship bridge, you need to take the suspension elevator and cross the long passage. Along the way, I saw Fang Xiang’s officers and men all standing upright in salute. All eyes were shining, and the emotion of excitement and joy overflowed in words.

Several soldiers who touched Fang Xiang’s eyes and were nodded by her smile were all baffled, until Fang Xiang and others walked far away and stood in a daze. Lande walking beside Fang Xiang was even more energetic. Even the waist rod is much straighter than before.

Seeing this scene on the screen, Wang Nanxu and a group of Salgar generals were sighing for a while. Although the First Fleet is under the control of Lande, these Salgar officers and soldiers of the fleet are still like other Salgar soldiers, and the other Xiang has almost godly worship and admiration.

Unconsciously, this navy flower repeatedly mentioned by the soldiers in his mouth has become the goddess of this country. The current status, in addition to her natural beauty, is also due to the dignity and glory of all the humiliating Salgar soldiers in the “neutral” period.

And Lande used Fang Xiang’s image in the eyes of young officers to paste gold on his face.

The representatives of the young officers who were invited to attend the meeting were all sullen. If it were not Fang Xiang who rushed back in time, if she had not exposed Lander ’s lies, then perhaps this group of young officers in order to restore the glory of the Salgar soldiers would become Lande ’s accomplice to the Salgar dictator.

Once he has consolidated his power position, it is not so easy to solve now.

By that time, if you want to chaos anyway, you may have to pay the price of the civil war in Salega, and thousands of people died in the war!

But is Lander really the kind of person Fang Xiang and the fat man said?

The miniature photography lens mounted on the fat man shook slightly as he walked. After a while, a group of people had passed through three heavy explosion-proof doors to the entrance of the central office area on the third floor of the bridge.

As a space carrier and the core office area of ​​the flagship of the Capital First Group Fleet, Dreamer has strengthened this part of its defense in the design. To reach the core office area, not only need to go through four special defenses against armor damage, even the main door of the destroyer is difficult to break up the automatic door, but also set up an internal energy shield in the office area, the armor guard company and Dedicated escape cabin.

The passage leading to the commander’s office has added three same explosion-proof doors. It is no exaggeration to describe it as solid ruojintang.

Seeing all this in front of him, the generals of Salega were deeply worried.

This defense system of the space carrier office area is for the commander, it is the protection of his life and command system, but for others who enter it, it is tantamount to a prison cage that cannot escape at all. Fatty and Fang Xiang came in. Before they came out, the ambushing fleet might not dare to do anything. And if there are any unusual behaviors of Lande, the consequences will be unimaginable.

Fatty and Fang Xiang, what exactly do you want to do? What is the plan of the bandit army?

In order to give those young officers a proof, in order not to put Salega in chaos and civil war, are they worth the risk?

“You accompany the soldiers to rest in the living area, and here, everyone will be the same as home, don’t be constrained.” On the lens, Langde explained the adjutant beside him, and ordered several Fangxiang and fat guards behind him Nodded, and then opened the automatic door, said to the fat man and Fang Xiang: “Come on, let’s go inside and say.”

Fang Xiang smiled, the fat man didn’t care, and they all naturally followed behind Lange. After a few more automatic doors, the three came to Round’s office. As soon as he entered the office, Lande laughed and walked to the wine cabinet. He poured a glass of wine, put a toast on the fat man and Fang Xiang, and sipped it out.

“Speak, General Tian, ​​what do you want to say to me?” The smile on Lander’s face disappeared without leaving the glass.

He looked at the fat man coldly. The heavy automatic doors in the office are tightly closed. From the lounge on the side, slowly walked out of Ramsey and the two armed guards with live ammunition, and looked at Fatty and Fang Xiang blankly.

Hei Dongdong pointed at the muzzle of Fat Man and Fang Xiang, making the atmosphere suddenly tense.



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