Counterfeit Hero

Chapter 868 - Fireworks

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“It seems that the rumors are true. When the war was about to hit, Marshal Hastings’s grandson-in-law did not stay on the front line.”

When stepping down the circular berth of the mother ship from the shuttle escalator, Fujii just looked at the bandit shuttle and the group of bandit generals not far away, and a sneer was raised in the corner of his mouth. Will.

The handsome and handsome eyes are deep in the sun, and the messy, elegant, long-haired linen-haired Machia turns her head, staring at the group of bandit generals wearing dark blue uniforms and walking briskly. On the person in front: “The leader is Admiral Russell.”

“If there is another person in Southeast Starland who deserves my respect, it may be this southeast star,” Fujii just said lightly: “He fought Banning, he played well.”

The two walked slowly towards the passage while talking.

Shuttles with different signs are landing one after another on the landing pads of the huge inner port. On the passages leading to the flagship headquarters of the flagship headquarters, the Allied generals wearing uniforms of different countries are walking in the same direction while nodding each other through the passage glass.

However, when everyone saw a group of generals, the expression on their faces seemed a little unnatural. Many people even slowed down, twisting their heads and pretending not to see them.

“It seems that everyone’s grievances are not small,” Machia shook her head helplessly: “In fact, from another perspective, the bandits have already won many advantages for the Allies in the early stage of the battle.”

He turned his head to look at Fujii Gou: “If it weren’t for their initiative, we wouldn’t be able to arrive here at the same time as Xiyo. Moreover, the strike fleet of Banning was destroyed, and the space of the major galaxies established by Xiyu in the Desiq Empire The base has greatly weakened the fighting power of Sito. In front of such a record, even if they are retreating to save their troops, there is nothing to blame? “

“You are generous,” Fujii sneered. “Here is their territory. Behind them is their borders and their people. No matter what they do, they should be! And we, why should we set aside the special Regardless of Riverland ’s crisis, come here to sacrifice for a country a few million light-years away from Lane? “

“You can’t say that,” Machia knew her friend’s personality and didn’t want to argue. She only said mildly and honestly: “The so-called lip death is cold. The development of the Southeastern War Situation to the present level is no longer the responsibility of the Lere Federation. . If we can win this battle … “

“You can force Suss and Jeppen to withdraw from the war, change the war situation, connect the southeast into a single piece, and then threaten Desik, the Naga Federation and the Binalt Empire, right?” Fujii just interrupted Machia Then he continued to speak for him in one breath and sneered. “But, can we win this battle?”

His voice gradually grew louder, with a sense of resentment suppressed to the extreme: “Western Covenant has concentrated the strength of all member countries, and the military supplies, morale, and morality are ten times and one hundred times that of us. They occupy all the key points of the interstellar channel. Jumping points can be deployed from any war zone on the human interstellar territory and deployed in a unified manner. Their command system has been integrated as early as two years ago, and everyone is under the command of Sauber. From northwest to To the southeast, from Mema to Trifran, every battle in every theater is in their precision plan. Perhaps behind this, there are more West Fleet fleets swarming behind. …….. “

“And what about us?” Fujii just stared at Machia’s eyes, and there was a painful anger beating in his pupils: “We are a lone army with only one-half of the other’s strength. Morale is low, and the formation is rushed, neither united nor Tacit understanding. These people we came to help in order to preserve their own strength, they can step back without a shot.

Our alliance is divided in the corners of the human interplanetary battle, and it takes hundreds of times and costs to siphon the army for the purpose of adjusting the army. We have no reinforcements or even reliable logistics supplies. Admiral Li Fo and Marshal Hastings have formed two opposing command cores, and everyone does n’t even know who to listen to … “

Fujii Gang’s angry voice echoed in the corridor like a glass pipe. Because of the enclosed glass soundproofing, the Allied generals walking on the other berth passages could not hear his voice, but everyone could see Fujii Gang’s angry and excited body movements.

For a long time, Fujii just lowered his hand in the direction of the headquarters and looked at Machia sadly: “Until now, are you still dreaming that we can win this battle?”

Machia was silent and suddenly smiled: “Since it’s here, my only belief at the moment is to win this war.” He patted Fujii’s shoulder gently: “Come on, my general. The meeting is about to begin Now. “

Perhaps after venting, my heart calmed down a lot. Fujii just sneered bitterly, shook his head, and walked to the headquarters side by side with Machia.

After crossing the passage, riding a spacious and bright suspension elevator, after the identity verification of four consecutive security doors, the two came to the command center.

The command center of the flagship [Heidfield] is already overcrowded.

Hundreds of staff are busy in their respective positions. Every office, conference room, and war room are full of people. They walked with the file in hand, or surrounded by the electronic sand table. The sound of footsteps, the notification sound of the Skynet system and the opening ratio of the automatic door were mixed in the phone after another.

The central hall of the command center is a huge hexagonal room, half the size of a football field. It was packed with Skynet instruments. The huge central computer core processor is like a giant crystal up to ten meters high, standing in the center of the hall, running fast in the flow of flashing light.

The already crowded hall, crowded into the allied generals coming from the various fleets, became even more crowded. Under the guidance of a base camp staff, Machiya and Fujii just led the Ryan officers through the crowd and into the meeting room that was already full of Allied officers.

The meeting had not started yet. In the brightly lit room, the commanders of the Allied Fleet were standing or sitting in groups, whispering and whispering.

The atmosphere is tense and solemn.

Everybody knows. At this moment, Sauber, the enemy of the Filipino League, is two million kilometers away. The NATO fleet, twice as powerful as its own, is staring at itself, and the battle is on the verge. This combat meeting may be a meeting about the victory or defeat of war and the future of fate!

How will Marshal Hastings command this battle? Is the Double Star Corner Corridor the final battle? What tactics will the Allied fleet use and how will they coordinate with each other? Who is the striker, who is the main attacker, what to do with supplies, who will cover the retreat and where to withdraw when the situation is unfavorable …

These questions must be answered in this meeting.

The commanders exchanged opinions, guessing and analyzing in a low voice, while looking around with their eyes.

Most people turned their attention to the bandit general who had become the focus of attention from the moment he entered the conference room.

Russell, Blatter, Feowen, Robert, Mickey, Margaret, and Leray ’s first general, Mikhailovich, who had just rushed to the front line from the Leray Federation, defended the battle at Newton ’s jump point The **** war between China and Israel won the respect of General Marchi.

Except for General Bernadotte, who is still in the Feiyang hospital at the moment, the only remaining generals of Le Lei’s military are almost out of the nest.

In addition, there are Admiral Zhang Pengcheng of Chuckner, Admiral Marshall, Lieutenant General Panglong Banner, Lieutenant General Douglas of the Fleet 19th Fleet … , And even recognized officers of the Phantom Fleet such as Lecht and Tony.

However, everyone did not see the soul character of the bandit, the fat man who filled them with all kinds of curiosity, Margaret’s fiancé, Hastings’ grandson-in-law, the legendary Filipino Allied successor, Li Fo ’s enemy, Tian Xingjian, a mechanic who fled 21 times four years ago.

Allied commanders exchanged glances.

Before coming here to attend the meeting, they heard that Tian Xingjian was not in the bandit fleet. At the beginning, everyone did not believe it. After all, at such a critical moment, he was not present as a core member of the bandit army and the Allied command group.

I’m afraid … now he hasn’t reached the time when he hides behind and sneaks up and directs others to desperately?

But after seeing the bandit generals, everyone was surprised to find that this news was actually true! That fat man is really not there. If so, such an important meeting is definitely impossible without his participation.

Was it too much to be absent at the critical moment when this important battle that affected the entire southeast began, right?

Is it true that the “Le Lei hero” who is only in his twenties has already learned the life-saving philosophy of the old foxes who are greedy for life and death, hiding behind to observe the scenery, and rushing to get credit when the opportunity is good; Far away, don’t take risks or take responsibility?

“I think that if General Tian cannot come to the meeting, there must be a more important task.”

Hearing this voice, Machia and Fujii just followed the prestige and saw that among the group of officers, it seemed that he heard a scornful accusation from an allied general. The commander of the Major General of the Feiyang Fleet, Locksani, was angry. She looked at the teasing Allied generals beside her: “Everyone is more concerned about the battle of General Xin Tian. It is better to worry about the battle in front of you. Now, it is not time to infight with the wind and the shadows!”

“Catch the wind and catch the shadow? Let’s not say that this General Tian’s resume on the resume more than twenty times, only that this bandit’s big step retreat, he can explain?” That member from the Southwest Star member country Will be a little bit angry and angry because of being publicly accused by Loksani. “Such a person, I don’t know how to get to this position!”

“That is, we are reinforcements, not cannon fodder! Why can they retreat, we are going to kill and live here, and sacrifice the lives of our soldiers to defend their country.” Another general mocked unkindly: “They If we can do it, can’t we say it? Besides, he is not here when it is so important. When the battle starts, can we still count on this successor? “

“Aren’t you convinced?” Roxani sneered: “General Tian’s talents are proven by his record. If you are jealous and come up with the record, your marshal may choose you as your successor.”

“We don’t have any nepotism. Whether it’s because of the southeast war situation or other reasons this time when going south is unclear!” Lieutenant General of Southwest Starfield glanced at Ma standing at the other end of the conference room Greta, slow and sandy projectively said: “In addition, how did these records come from, we have not seen it with our own eyes. Who knows whether it is a collective honor to put gold on a person’s face?”

“Yeah, since you have the ability, don’t hide behind,” the people next to each other echoed: “Command the bandit army to fight a beautiful battle, let everyone see for themselves, whether it is legendary so powerful, let’s go south , To die, or to win this war! “

Roxani glared at these people and saw that they even included a few feisty generals standing on the periphery, flushing with rage.

In the Filipino camp, such mockery and suspicion have become a tradition. Between the Allies and Allies, each other is full of mistrust. Everyone has their own little abacus. In the past, when Feiyang was the dominant country and Hastings was firmly on the throne of the **** of war, no one dared to question it.

Now as Li Fo entered the Allied Command, the South Fleet became a lone army, and Hastings’ body was deteriorating, and various voices came out.

The forest is big and there are all kinds of birds. Many of the Filipino military are such generals who have more so-called military skills and record than masters of political struggle and promotion of wealth. They may not be very good at fighting wars, but it is a terrible thing to question the thorns.

What’s more, the strategy of going south has been promoted by Hastings in the first place. At this moment, facing the army of West York, two million kilometers away, if there are few timid among these people, few want to preserve the power and net worth of their hands. With this as a bargaining chip, I’m afraid that a fool would not believe it.

There are a lot of such people in the Western Covenant, and there are as many such people in the democratic country.

Roxani had seen the fat man use virtual demonstrations to confront the fierce selection of 115 Feiyang generals in the exercise of the Democratic Forces. At the same time, he also had a deeper understanding of the bandits through his friend Margaret. The bandit ’s record is inseparable from the fat man.

In this powerful hybrid army, the fat man is the soul.

His character has been fully integrated into the personality of the bandit. Even if the fat men did not come to the front line in the battle of Banning, but in a series of battles where the bandit army attacked Zeus, lured the enemy, and killed the Hera galaxy, and attacked the Banning fleet, the battle held showed their unique brutality. Cunning and crazy.

Only such an army can fight such a battle! If the same combat plan is given to other fleets of the Allied Forces to execute, I am afraid that even half of them will not be completed, not to mention that they are so clean and beautiful.

It was precisely because he gradually learned about this Lei Lei repairman from the original confrontation, Roxani was angry at the sneering sarcasm of the allied generals beside him.

If there is no basic trust in the war, it is a disaster for any army to dare to trust its allies in battle.

If everyone is so critical, they still turn a blind eye to the illustrious record once created by an allied general, and they still speculate on the motives of others because they have not appeared, and arbitrarily accuse the crimes. How can we trust each other and work together to win this war? !

It seemed that he did not want to cause more intense conflicts before the meeting. Admiral Medina and Lieutenant General Michelle separated Roxani from the allied generals. While the two sides broke up, they each looked at the generals of the Republic of Lane, such as Machia and Fujii Gang.

Machia smiled bitterly, but Fujii just looked like water.

The Republic of Lain is Li Fu ’s biggest supporter and the biggest victim of Hastings ’s allied forces going south. The Ryan fleet is the second largest group in this fleet. Therefore, fundamentally, the contradictions within the coalition forces stem from the resentment of the Lane people.

The atmosphere in the conference room was silent and solemn. Many allied generals silently ignored them and spread them to the side. This brief conflict cast an ominous shadow over the upcoming battle. Many people sighed deeply in their hearts. They know the dangers of this antagonistic emotion and their roots, but they do not know how to resolve them.

“It’s sad!” Roxani walked over to the porthole of the meeting room, staring at the busy crowd in the command hall below the central podium and the flashing Skynet screen: “I don’t understand why these people are always The bandits are full of prejudices. Are they all blind and deaf and ca n’t see General Tian ’s record? “

“General Tian Xingjian was in the Leray Federation before, they can say that those achievements were bragging, and later they pulled this bandit from the Mars Free World, starting from fighting the Han Frey Fleet, playing the Canglang Star, and Leifeng. Star, playing O’Brien, playing Shelton ……… such a record, placed on any other person, is a hero worshiped by the people? Why is it put on General Tian? Many questions? “

Loksani was stubborn and stomped indignantly: “At this time, instead of focusing on combat, you stare at others and point and go, such allies, don’t bother!”

“I think it’s normal.” Admiral Medina smiled on the railing of the floor-to-ceiling windows and looked at the busy command hall. “This should have been foreseen by the Marshal?”

Locksani glanced at him suspiciously, “What do you mean?”

“We have been following the Marshal for many years. Since the outbreak of the war, the Marshal has apparently ignored what work has been done in secret. Others don’t know if we don’t know it ourselves?” Smiling, raised his eyebrows slightly, and said to Roxani: “How is the power of Feiyang now compared to the beginning of the war?”

Roxani and Lieutenant General Michelle stared at each other, frowned and thought for a while, and replied: “Although our loss in the Carlton Galaxy is not small, Li Fo took away the other four galaxies, but we The amount of troops that can be mobilized now is not much less than that at the beginning of the war. “

“Yeah,” Admiral Medina said with a smile: “If you don’t say anything, just say that we black generals, in the past two years, which day is not under the command of the marshal, and it is not the same day. Prepare materials, train the army, exercise, choose officers? “

He said, took out a cigar, lost one to Michelle next to him, ordered one, and squinted halfway: “Although Feiyang ’s troops are distributed in all major galaxies, they are all the defense system of the Republic. Seems impossible to mobilize. But if the Marshal is determined, at least half of us can lead the south? “

Roxani and Michelle nodded at the same time. Medina’s words were like a hand, and they grabbed the little confusion of their hearts from the cloud cover of Yunshan Mountain.

This time, from the Feiyan Republic to the Allied forces, in addition to Roxani, Medina and Michelle, there were more than a dozen black generals who played against the fat guy. However, these people only account for a small part of the generals of the black line. Moreover, of the 40 Feiyang fleets heading south, their fleet accounted for less than 30% of them.

That is to say, there are still many black Feiyang generals and their troops, who were left in the Feiyan Republic by the marshal.

Why did the Marshal do this? Is it because of the haste to go south, there is not enough preparation time, not enough supplies? Or is it because these Feiyang troops, which belong to different military regions, are an important part of the defense system of the major galaxies of the Republic and cannot be adjusted?

This may be the case for outsiders even in the eyes of most Feiyang generals. But for these generals who have followed Hastings for many years, things are not so simple!

Only they know that the force of the Republic of Feiyang has not been lacking enough to need dozens of fleets of Li Fo to fill the boss! If the Marshal is willing, the army under the control of the Black Generals can complete the assembly and combat preparation within 48 hours and set off!

Because they have been preparing for two full years!

The defensive system of the Republic left them and operated as usual. The lean camel is bigger than the horse. A total of more than 400 A-class fleets in the major military regions of the Republic of Feiyang, thousands of armored divisions and fully mechanized infantry divisions, it is not possible to bottom out in the sun!

At this time, when Medina raised the question, Roxani and Michelle immediately reacted. The secret exercise that was conducted at the Democratic Forces Fortress was once regarded by them as the first meeting between these people and the future leaders of this group, and it was also the horn of the battle that was about to begin. Unexpectedly …

Although they haven’t communicated in peacetime, the same problem has been in their minds for a long time.

“Why doesn’t the Marshal …” Loxani looked at Medina and asked.

“Marshal’s strategic layout has always been a long line of grass snake gray lines,” Medina said slowly. “Whether it was the Southeast Expeditionary Fleet going south through the four countries of Knaverville, or the Douglas 19th Army surprise attack longbow The galaxies are nothing more than the two small pawns under Marshal’s early man. With his deep thinking, how could there be no greater foreshadowing? “

He bit his cigar, his eyes gleaming in the smoke: “Look around us, including our fertile fleet, how much is inclined to Li Fo, and how much is the famous wall head grass?” He used his mouth Going to Fujii Gang, said quietly: “If nothing else, this one, but Li Fo’s **** admirer …”

“Another striker?” Loksani pouted in disgust.

“That’s not true,” Medina shook her head with a smile: “It’s just that, like most young officers, he is too impulsive and too eager.”

With that said, Medina turned his head: “Marshal took out such a group of guys and left our people to Li Fo … Do you understand?”

Roxani blinked and blinked, Michelle swallowed, and the two looked at each other, both eyes bright.

At this moment, the automatic door opened, and the thin Hastings appeared at the door with McKinley’s company. At the same time, a white firework suddenly lit up on the huge skynet main screen of the command center outside the porthole.





. (To be continued, if you want to know the future, please visit, more chapters, support the author, support genuine reading!)

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