Counterfeit Hero

Chapter 890 - Leader 【5】

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[Heidfield] The command hall is brightly lit and bright as day.

The staff in front of the Skynet control terminal all stood up and turned to look at the podium. Focus on your eyes.

“What’s going on, who won?” People asked each other.

No one got a specific answer. Everyone only saw those Filipino generals surrounded by tactical computers with their mouths half open. The dull and shocked face looked like a fish thrown ashore.

The crowd on the ring platform. More people rushed out of the office, standing on the toes, standing on tiptoes and extending their necks to look down.

This sudden internal conflict broke the heart of every Fiji officer. At present, the longer the conflict lasts, the more dangerous the coalition forces will be.

Who has commanded the Allied Forces after losing Hastings?

Who can lead this fleet to escape Sauber’s tiger mouth?

In what way did the Battle of the Twin Stars end? After that, where should this conflicting fleet go?

All kinds of doubts, like poison, eroded the internal organs of the Feimeng officers and soldiers. Pessimistic emotions enveloped the entire command hall. The atmosphere is suffocating.

“It seems that Lieutenant General Fujii has lost.” The news came from the staff with a better perspective.

“Lost?” The crowd rioted.

“How could it be lost?” A face-staffed staff member was filled with unbelievable faces, “From the Prometheus galaxy to the A3 galaxy, there are nine galaxies in total, over seventy segments. Don’t say jumps There are no less than fifty strategic points on the fairway. The tactical goal is only to slow down the speed of the West Atlantic Fleet. How can it be lost? “

“Yeah, wouldn’t it be a mistake?” The people beside the staff of the Luohu Hu were also full of tongues.

“Yes, you read it right!” The more precise message was uploaded from the podium, and the content of the message made every sender’s eyes straight: “Lieutenant General Fujii lost, a fiasco! From Prometheus to A3. The lieutenant general could n’t stop. All the space jumping points and strategic points were useless. Once stopped, they were entangled by the Naval Fleet. Almost every time the army was wiped out! “

The crowd was in an uproar again.

While the staff were still stretching their necks to find out, the Filipino generals on the podium were still trying to digest everything they saw.

The deduction by Fujii Gang and the fat man lasted only five minutes.

Unlike normal tactical deductions, this is a quick simulation with specific goals. The two sides neither need to consider other tactical conditions, nor need to start with the deployment of troops. From the beginning to the end, the deduction is like two fast racing cars, one after another along the interstellar main channel, to make a breakthrough and block the contest.

The generals witnessed this lightning contest throughout.

In the twenty-fifth second, the obstacle zone of the seventh segment of the Prometheus galaxy. The three-way Sioux forward fleet, with a left hook-like detour, forced a plan to establish an abandonment position to abandon the plan and retreat at full speed.

In the forty-sixth second, the Mertis Galaxy jumped. The bandit army that once blocked Banning’s forward fleet was unable to find a way to force a breakthrough by the 200-plus Nato fleet. If it were not for Fujii Congo to give up part of its forces and retreat forcefully, desperately to get rid of the entanglement of the Xiyue fleet that flooded like a jump point, the deduction ended as early as the first minute and twenty seconds.

The next battle is exactly the same.

In one minute and fifty-three seconds, the third leg of the Mertis Galaxy.

Two minutes and twenty-six seconds, the first leg of the A9 galaxy.

Three minutes and one second, the A7 galaxy jumps …

Until the A3 galaxy, Fujii had just been able to do anything but retreat, except for retreat.

Everyone was shocked to find that the strategic location they thought they could rely on was simply unbearable.

Fat guys are well aware of the shortcomings of every strategic point. Under his command, the Sioux fleet suddenly advanced in the middle, suddenly outflanked the two wings, suddenly flew three ways, and suddenly crossed the cover. Ignoring the deployment of the bandits at all and only making breakthroughs along the way in the established way. The bandits in front will naturally retreat in the face of crisis.

The fifth minute and sixteen seconds, the quick deduction ends!

As if history is repeating itself, the bandit stopped at the Double Star Point Passage, with the same attitude as the bandit seen when the Fei Meng fleet arrived here!

At the same time and in the same place, the only difference is that in reality the bandit army is a complete fleet, but the bandit army under Fujii’s command has only 65% ​​of the troops left!

This is a loud slap on all those who accuse the bandits of selfishness!

The power is so great that it catches people’s eyes to Venus!

“Zipper breakthrough.”

For a long time, Balas swallowed hard, and in a bitter voice, said the name of this general who was rolling and hitting in the hearts of all generals, but he could not break the name of the suffocated chest!

A zipper breakthrough is not a tactic, but a name for a specific war situation.

As the name implies, this particular situation refers to when the attacking side breaks through the defense’s interception, because it has the natural advantage that is as irresistible as the zipper slider to the chain teeth, it can break through the defense arbitrarily and advance without any obstacle.

In this situation, the defensive side is in absolute disadvantage in terms of strength, resources, terrain, and even all factors that affect the victory or defeat of war.

All tactical conditions are favorable to the attacking side.

When the offensive side launches the offensive, it does not need to consider any deployment of the defensive side, but only needs to implement specific tactical actions on the location that needs to be broken through. You can crack all the blocking strategies of the defense. Just like the zipper chain teeth, the defenses are more delicately deployed, tighter and stronger, and they can only be separated without resistance when they encounter the slider.

This situation is quite rare. In the decades of the generals’ careers, they have hardly seen one case!

However, this does not mean that they are unfamiliar with the zipper breakthrough. On the contrary, this is a name that every commander is extremely familiar and vigilant. As early as decades ago, when they were still a young military school student, they had learned all the characteristics of a zipper breakthrough from their instructors and learned about the serious consequences of encountering this situation.

Everyone knows that once a zipper breakthrough is encountered, it is a disaster for the defense!

Now, everyone finally understands that the bandit army doesn’t meet the Sauber fleet at all, it’s just the reason for the big step back.

However, compared with the appearance of the zipper breakthrough, they were more shocked and puzzled that this kind of fighting situation that is extremely concealed and almost indistinguishable before the war, how do fat people know?

You need to know that if you want to judge the zipper breakthrough, you need a lot of calculation and repeated deduction. Even in small-scale battles, the amount of this calculation is very huge, not to mention, this is more than two hundred fleets on both sides of the offense and defense, the battle spans nine galaxies, dozens of flight segments and nearly a hundred strategic points battle. To calculate it, the amount of deduction required is simply an astronomical number!

But the fat man made an accurate judgment!

In the previous rehearsal, he commanded the West Fleet without any hesitation or hesitation.

Which jump point should use concentrated breakthrough, which jump point should use scattered jump; which obstacle zone should use left and right roundabout tactics, and which obstacle zone should use feint to contain the flanking cover, he is clear.

Not only is the selection of tactics accurate, but the rhythm control is also extremely skilled. The powerful offensive even gave everyone the illusion that it was Sauber as the opposite commanded the battle!

To do this, how many deductions and calculations the fat man needs. The heavy and complicated work, just thinking about it, makes people shudder!

“I apologize……”

Finally, Fujii just broke the silence. The three words spit out gently in his mouth, like thunder, rolling over people’s heads.

People stared blankly at Lieutenant General Ryan, who was pale and still standing tall, and couldn’t believe this was what he said. With his toughness and his prejudice against the bandits, everyone can imagine him admitting defeat, but he can’t believe he admits wrong.

Fujii just stood quietly, watching the fat man, and the hustle and bustle in his ear seemed far away to him as if at the end of the universe.

Only the fat man’s screams and the whole deduction process, like a movie, were repeatedly played back in his mind. All in all, like a flash of lightning, tearing off the prejudice like a dark cloud.

At this moment, he finally realized how ridiculous he was wrong!

When he was dissatisfied with the strategy of going south because of Ryan’s battle situation, he forgot that, in order to defend the southeast passage and to prevent the Philippine Iron Triangle from being blocked by the West Atlantic Treaty, the Leray Federation had been fighting for four years.

When sitting in a cafe in the living area, he angrily accused the bandit army of fleeing, and caused inappropriate feelings in the fleet with inappropriate remarks, but he forgot that the bandit army had just regained the Lere channel and defeated Sher Dayton defeated Banning. At the same time, I forgot that this is the guardian of this army, and behind it is their homeland.

They are fighting hard all the time, analyzing the battle situation all the time, deducing plans, and always ready to use sacrifice to defend freedom and dignity!

In a life-and-death war, it is foolish to take a suspicion of unfriendly attitudes towards allies because of short-sightedness and misunderstanding.

No one will entrust their backs to people they don’t trust. In front of the West Covenant Sobel, this infighting is doomed to the defeat of the Fiji Allied forces!

Although it was only a short moment, for Fujii, it seems that a century has passed.

After speaking the three most difficult words, he took a deep breath and looked directly at the fat man’s eyes: “General Tian, ​​I must apologize to you and every officer of the bandits. Your retreat is completely correct . I have no basis for all your accusations and suspicions. For this, I feel … “His lips whizzed, and for a long time, he spit out the last two words with difficulty:” … .ashamed!”

A dazzling white light swelled from a distance, sweeping across the porthole of the battleship.

Everyone’s expressions are revealed in this light. The smile on McKinley’s lips, Margaret’s relief, Paras’ contradiction, and Marchia’s approval …

Fujii just stared at the screen, as if he wanted to remember the most painful failure of his career in his heart: “I take back what I said. At the same time, give up my second question.”

He turned his head and looked around: “I recognize the leadership of General Tian. This deductive confrontation is enough to prove that he is fully qualified to lead the coalition. I admit that I am wrong, and I will not continue to make mistakes. Despite the previous contradictions and Suspicion, it is difficult to rebuild trust. However, I will work hard for this from now on. No matter how the battle ends … “

Fujii’s gaze finally fell on the fat man’s face: “At least, I will not regret my mistaken rejection of a good ally.”

Every word in the mouth of Lieutenant General Ryan hit the generals who opposed the southward and were biased against the bandits. Many people are ashamed. After being scolded by the fat people together, and then witnessing the deduction throughout, everyone is reflecting. Now, they finally understood that what they insisted on was prejudice and short-sightedness.

Fujii Gang’s apology is very simple. There is no excitement and no excuse. Wrong is wrong.

As he said, compared to an apology, wrongly rejecting a good ally, and even leading to the defeat of the war, it is even more regrettable.

“The one who should apologize is still me.” Balas stepped out of the crowd. This arrogant character, who once led a C-class fleet to sneak a dozen galaxies to attack the famous generals of hundreds of transport fleets in the enemy country, walked in front of the fat man and raised his chin, “Fat man, I have to admit that you have A little skill! I misunderstood you! “

Many generals who just saw Balas staring at the screen and shouting “Zipper Breakthrough” in a distraught smile laughed.

Balas is Balas, even if he apologizes, he is stubborn. Why wouldn’t she let go of her body?

The fat man also laughed.

He knew that among those who opposed going south, Fujii Gang and Balas were the core figures.

Their transformation, even if it does not represent the transformation of all coalition officers and soldiers who share the same view, can lay a foundation for cooperation in this fateful and arduous war.

“I also apologize to you for my curse.” The fat man habitually got cheap and hurriedly acted obediently, and he shook hands with the two honestly and honestly.

The three smiled at each other.

“Although the misunderstanding has been resolved, Lieutenant General Fujii also gave up the second question, but to avoid further misunderstandings, I want to say something.”

In the eyes of everyone, the fat man walked into the crowd.

“To be honest, I actually do n’t know why the old man chose me as the commander of this fleet. I ’m not a high school student in the military academy, and I have n’t studied systematic military theory. On the command four years ago, I was just a mere scumbag The escaped mechanic. The most glorious record is that after 21 escapes, I can still jump around. “

The fat man ’s gaze glanced through the faces of the Feimeng generals: “At that time, I never thought that one day I would become a general, commanding thousands of troops to fight. The old saying is that I do n’t want to be a marshal. The soldier is not a good soldier. According to this logic, I am not a good soldier until now. I do n’t want to be a marshal. I do n’t want to be from start to finish! For me, this position is tired and hard, and the responsibility is too heavy. I would rather do A small citizen lives freely every day, and eats and waits for death! “

The fat man’s voice was clear in the silent crowd.

“My disaster started four years ago. On my escape from Milok New Rome, in order to mobilize the outer patrols, I set up an armored onboard energy gun for an armored division in Gacharin. A remote control device was installed on the periphery of the camera, aiming in one direction at random, and then activated when I fled. Then, I became a hero of the Lere Federation. “

With that, the fat man hesitated and asked, “If I tell you, when I was informed where Admiral Bernadotte would accept the award, I thought it was a deserter, and I cried and rolled on the ground. Beg, will you laugh? “

“Fool!” An Lei and Margaret, who knew the fat man’s scandal at the same time, took a sip at the same time. Several women looked at each other, and they were both angry and funny. Such a thing, why don’t dead fat people cover up in their mouths?

Sure enough, after a moment of silence, the generals burst into laughter.

Although I have heard a lot of legends about this fat man, they are heroic deeds such as the captive Emperor Gacharin and the headhunter Legion. No one thought that this Lerei federal hero had such a bad thing.

The solemn and dignified atmosphere unconsciously relaxed in the fat and pale faces of the fat man.

“Anyway since then, my trajectory of life has deviated from the normal direction.” The fat man continued, “When the benefits of heroes are not enjoyed, where is the danger? Where do they send me to go. Such a thing, Admiral Bernadotte I ’ve done it, and Admiral Russell has done it. How I got to this position today is actually inexplicable. ”

“Maybe it’s destiny,” the fat man recalled before, and sighed: “Many comrades in the Fifth Armored Division of the Air Marines have already died. I’m still alive. I don’t want to be named by the history, nor seek prestige Shock the world. My wish is simple, to live. And let everyone around me live peacefully. “

The laughter gradually lowered. The Philip League generals looked at the fat man intently and listened carefully.

As soldiers of this era, they dreamed of becoming a famous general, able to make achievements, and keep the history forever. The fat man’s legendary record, Qingyun’s road to the famous general, once made them envious or even jealous. However, no one thought that the guy in the uniform in front of him would tell a dream about a small citizen in an inauguration speech.

On this podium, there are people with such dreams, perhaps only the fat man in front of him who doesn’t seek improvement. However, in the entire human world, there are tens of billions of people.

Perhaps soldiers are not the protagonists of this era. These are the little citizens who just want to survive peacefully.

“I prefer to fight on the frontline compared to commanding combat. Because I am afraid of death, I respect life more. Rather than turning countless fresh lives on the podium into icy figures, I would rather fight breathlessly Neutralize all companions fighting side by side to face death together. “

“Respect for life and defend the survival rights of thousands of small citizens like me. Protecting my loved ones, my motherland, this is the reason I have insisted on going to the present.” The fat man raised his head and greeted everyone’s eyes : “I don’t know why Marshal Hastings chose me. But, I know what I should do!”

“What is it?” Fujii just looked at the fat man with a bright gaze.

“Defeat Sauber! End the war!” The fat man said one by one. “It might sound arrogant. He is a famous generation, I am just a small citizen. Our strength, knowledge and everything Asymmetrical. However, this does not mean that he is invincible. It ’s okay to be sloppy or mean, shameless … “

The fat man raised his head and stared at the front line of the distant sky like a sea of ​​fire. He suddenly recalled the list of famous generals he saw from Karl when he served as a staff officer in the Milok War Department.

His voice was clear and firm on the podium.

“I will do my utmost to fight him with a small citizen!”


. After the Qingcheng Mountain, retreat. If you still can’t enter this state and write something you are not satisfied with, I will not eat meat in my life!


. (To be continued, if you want to know the future, please visit, more chapters, support the author, support genuine reading!)

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