Counterfeit Hero

Chapter 894 - Approach

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Leray Federation, Central Galaxy.

The two red CITO space fighters tandem one after another, ejected from the ejection channel of the space carrier.

Just after the fighter jets left the ejection channel and entered the universe, their tail thrusters burst into a dazzling light.

Under the tremendous driving force, the beautiful and charming streamlined fuselage of the fighter plane was transformed into two red lightning bolts, which flew over the long port side of a battleship and headed upward.

A moment later, the fighter that flattened the head had risen to the top of the fleet like two falcons.

From the perspective of the fighter pilot’s suddenly broad view, countless magnificent steel warships, like a castle with bright lights, are suspended in the quiet space. From the near to the far, from left to right, it has been stretched to the end of the distance, endless.

In front of the ship group, a green planet half-dark and half-dark, surrounded by a rolling white cloud, is like a prey stared by countless sharks, slowly spinning silently in the universe.

The fighter plane, like the arrow from the string, was separated from the huge fleet. I want to fly in front of the fighter cluster.

“G1207, G1208, were ordered to join the combat sequence, and requested to join the formation.” The pilot, whose face was completely obscured by the oxygen mask and tactical helmet, reported loudly.

“Request permission, please pay attention to receiving the code, follow Skynet’s guidance to join the formation, keep the distance from the neighboring machine, and finish.”

With the sound of instructions from the communicator, the two fighters accelerated again, caught up and merged into the huge fleet, and approached the beautiful planet half hidden in darkness and half bathed in the stars.

This is a shocking scene. Such a huge cluster of fighters, once it enters the planet’s atmosphere, will bring much trauma to this beautiful planet, and it makes people shudder to think about it.

However, this is not all.

If you look at Skynet radar, people can find that this huge cluster is actually just one of a dozen clusters of the same size. In all directions of the planet, the huge spaceship of the West Atlantic Treaty is like a honeycomb, desperately releasing space fighters of different colors and different models. The entire planet is covered by numbered wandering light spots.



In space, a huge white spaceship, suspended by the outer space of the huge fleet of Sioux under the **** of several destroyers.

The spacecraft’s bow symbol and the peace flag above the bridge clearly show that this is an observation fleet of the highest joint parliament of mankind, and it does not belong to the combat sequence of either side of the West Treaty or the Fiji Alliance, nor does it belong to any independent Sovereign state.

Observers and journalists from different countries and regions looked up at the screen of the far-vision device in the brightly-lit spaceship bridge viewing center lobby, and whispered and talked.

Harriman squeezed two steps forward in the crowd. Go to a position closer to the side of the porthole closer to the big screen.

This is a tall and thin young man with a beard. His deep dark eyes, slightly curly hair and wheat-colored skin made him look charming and sunny.

However, this charm only targets Fimalians who do not have racial discrimination. In the eyes of a blond Cyrus, all the characteristics of Harriman’s body reveal his inferior identity!

Such a guy is either the Kentai or the Gabo!

Do n’t look at him wearing decent clothes. The sign on his chest shows his identity as a special observer for the Supreme Council and a reporter for the United Daily News. If you want to put it in the countries of West York, this kind of dirty inferior people can’t be in the same room with everyone, let alone squeeze over by yourself!

Several Siyos near Harriman turned sideways unconsciously, revealing a look of contempt and disgust.

One of the more than 30-year-old female reporters with outstanding looks swept Harriman with disgusting eyes! As if Harriman walked within ten meters of her, it was blasphemy.

Seeing the eyes of these people around, Harriman glared coldly, spitting on the ground.

Harriman was born in the Federation of Puditouk. His parents are members of the middle class in this country. On the outskirts of the capital, there is a beautiful single building with front and rear gardens, its own flying car, and even a private mecha.

Harriman grew up in laughter and laughter from an early age. In his small brain, everything in the world is so beautiful. This kind of recognition, until he first heard the Gaborite massacre during the racial war in history class.

From that day on, a dark door that he never knew existed was opened to him.

As a Gabor, Harriman found that he never even knew that it was originally in this era, even in the neighboring Desik, there were thousands of Gabor people like him, and other peoples such as Kentai Called the inferior people.

From the moment they were born, they were not allowed to be under the same roof as the superior. Do not enjoy the welfare of the country, do not allow to enter non-designated schools to study, and even the city can not enter without special permission! Even in many West Atlantic countries, nobles can kill imposts of lower races with just a little money to escape impunity!

This realization made Harriman angry, painful and confused.

He was fortunate that he was living in a democratic system, and he was trying to do something for these fellow citizens of Siyo. The blood of the Gabo gave him an instinctive sense of mission.

After graduating from school, Harriman entered a news agency and became a military journalist. In less than two years, he joined the United Daily News, a subordinate of the Supreme Council of Mankind, as a front-line reporter.

The Supreme Council of Humanity, established at the end of the ethnic war, is a noble and embarrassing institution.

Nominally, the joint parliament is the highest authority recognized by all nations. Its main program is to resolve disputes in various countries, to uphold justice and maintain peace. But in fact, all this is farting.

In this seemingly fair organization, weak countries have little say. The entire joint parliament is controlled by those powerful countries.

As long as they are willing, they can arbitrarily push the Parliament to pass resolutions and authorize them to wage war. Even if occasionally there is no authorization from the Parliament because of inconsistent interests, that is fine. It’s just a piece of shameless cloth. Anyway, in the name of justice, freedom, human rights, territorial integrity, what do you want?

The Speakers and Speakers of the United Parliament may sternly warn small, uninteresting small countries that they will convene armed forces to intervene in regional conflicts, but they will never ask about these powerful countries.

Just one year after Harriman entered the United Daily News, the war broke out.

The supreme joint council of mankind survived. The parliament building, which was full of traffic in the past, is now very impressive. With the exception of some ordinary staff members from various countries staying behind, the senior officials have already gone.

However, this institution has existed for thousands of years after all. Her influence is not only at the political level, but also penetrates into the economic, cultural, scientific, educational, charitable and other fields of the human world.

Among its affiliated institutions are charitable foundations, international monetary funds, trade organizations, joint banks, educational and scientific development organizations, human rights organizations, environmental, religious, natural heritage and cultural protection organizations.

No matter how lively the human world is playing, no matter who the winner is, these organizations have the necessity of their existence. And the signboard of the Human Union Council is an excellent prop to put on the coat of justice for war.

Not to mention anything else, at least the post-war “justice” could not be better in her name.

When many colleagues resigned because of shortage of funds and the spread of war, Harriman stayed. His sense of mission tells him that with the outbreak of war, not only will the lower nations of the West Treaty suffer greater suffering, but even those tribes who originally lived carefree in democratic countries will also be lost in the war Everything about them. Including freedom and dignity.

Maybe his ability is not enough to change all this. However, he is still a reporter for the United Daily News. He can use his pen to record everything that happened in this authoritative media under the supreme council of mankind.

More importantly, through an observer mission organized by the United Parliament, he was able to observe the war at close range!

For many years, observers who organized protection organizations such as neutral states and human rights environment to watch the war situation have become the only important work of the joint parliament in wartime. Observers in neutral countries provide a basis for domestic foreign policy. The work of observers of major organizations is to ensure that human rights and the environment will not suffer major disasters.

Such silent observations are usually not rejected. After all, the warring parties sometimes need to use these observers for political propaganda and exert influence on certain countries.

The victimized Congress brought the observer to the place of the Holocaust to cry and condemn. The winner will show his strength, calm a certain neutral country that is about to move, deter its potential enemies, and attract potential allies.

Of course, there will be a very strict set of procedures for the observation team to enter the theater and watch.

First, only people who have been identified and verified can be allowed to enter the designated area of ​​the battlefield to watch the battle. Second, the observer must stay in the designated place, indicate his identity with lights and flags, and turn in or turn off all electronic devices that are not allowed. Any disastrous consequences caused by misunderstandings can only be borne by yourself.

It can be said that every member of the Observer Group risked his life.

No one really thinks that his identity and the frigates belonging to the United Parliament that are next to him can fight against the West Covenant or the Philippine Fleet. If this ship goes to places it shouldn’t go or sees things it shouldn’t see, then they are likely to stay in the universe forever, just like the observation ships that have crashed for various reasons in history.

Of course, as long as there are no accidents, the belligerents will not do any harm to the observation ship. After all, in the case of an electronic blockade on the battlefield, the electronic equipment class is a civilian-level observation ship, and it is impossible to have any impact on the battle situation.

Real-time transmission of video, reports?

Don’t even think about it!

This observation ship was only allowed to enter Lelei airspace three days ago. In addition to the observers of the major organizations of the neutral state and the joint parliament, there are many independent observers and media reporters from the Fiji League and the Western Covenant who cannot enter the observation camps of their camps for various reasons.

What happens to people in the hostile camp on the same boat, even a fool can think of it.

However, after all, everyone is just some ordinary people. Although the emotions are serious, they can’t do things that can move guns and cannons, and it’s also a bit difficult to use punches and feet. As a result, the contest usually takes place in a spat. To ridicule and ridicule each other, to belittle each other is a matter of power and full of pleasure for them.

When crowded into the crowd, Harriman didn’t pay attention to the surroundings.

Only when he stood by the porthole did he discover that this was the site of the Siyos. Centering on that 30-year-old female reporter of the West Rio, there are seven or eight reporters around the world.

This discovery did not make Harriman flinch. On the contrary, he was full of excitement and pleasure for being able to make these **** Sijo racists uncomfortable. Over the years, in the joint human parliament, he has been competing with the colleagues of Sito.

As Harriman glared at the Siyos, struggling, a fat young man and tall men wearing glasses squeezed into the crowd and walked to his side.

“Harriman, you are here. We are looking for you for a long time.” The fat young man patted Harriman’s shoulder with a smile. While talking, he and the tall young man wearing glasses glanced coldly around the Siyos.

The fat youth is named Tom Berg, and the glasses youth is named Ren Shang. They are from the Republic of Feiyang and the Republic of Chakner, and they are all Harriman ’s counterparts.

Since boarding the ship, the three have become friends. They were all young men with a fledgling spirit, and they had no conflicts with a group of Sijos along the way. At this time, seeing Harriman standing among a group of unsightly Cyrus, Berg and Ren Shang walked over naturally, showing their hostility to the surrounding Cyrillians without any kindness.

“What’s the matter?” Seeing Berg’s fierce face, the female reporter from Sijo couldn’t help but took a step back, shouting inwardly.

“Do nothing to do you!” Berg’s mouth has always been nasty, sweeping the woman up and down, contemptuously.

“You!” The woman turned pale.

The companions next to her were indignant and complained.

“Inferior embryo!”

“Damn Pyrenean bastard!”

At this moment, suddenly, an observer from a neutral country not far away called out: “The battle is about to begin!”

Hearing this voice, everyone forgot the contradiction in front of them and turned to look at the home screen.

On the main screen, twelve huge fighter groups have been pressed like a dark cloud out of the atmosphere of the planet. Behind them, the protagonist of this landing battle-eight giant transport ships, has also emerged from the boundless fleet!

“It’s the emperor class!” Hariman sank when he saw these eight giant transport ships that flew to Lere’s capital star under the close guard of the warship.

As a military reporter, Harriman knows all the main battleships of the West Treaty.

He knows that this kind of transport ship is the largest giant transport ship in the Binalt Empire. It not only has the ability to transport ten armored divisions at a time, but also has a terrible defense. Since its birth, it has never been shot down.

Moreover, it can be transformed into a huge fortress-type forward base after landing. Its electronic equipment, material carrying capacity and defense are enough to allow it to support a group of armies including armored divisions, mechanized infantry divisions, and land-based fighter brigades for a month of battle.

Due to the extremely high cost and the extremely strict requirements on materials and construction techniques, so far, only 12 ships have been built in the Binalt Empire. Over the years, the king-class giant transport ship has a 100% delivery success rate and strong logistics support capabilities, which has earned it the nickname [Nightmare].

In front of us, there are eight nightmares! Accounted for two-thirds of all royal-class transport ships in the Binalt Empire!

Harriman, Berg and Ren Shang looked at the big screen, and their hearts were getting colder.

Although they had no hope of this battle before entering the Leray Federation. However, after all, deep down in my heart, I had a bit of luck expecting the Fiji Allied forces to win.

Now, with the appearance of these eight giant transport ships, their hopes have disappeared without a trace.

“Look, it’s General Sauber’s landing fleet! Wow, it’s an emperor!”

“Haha! Fiji allies are miserable!”

“I still want to prevent General Sauber’s fleet from landing. Let’s dream about it. Until now, the gang of Filipinos can’t even see the shadow!”

“It seems that we can stay at the hotel in Le Capital this evening.”

In the ear, there was a voice of grief and misfortune from the female reporter of Siyo and her companion.

The huge Nato fleet outside the window gave these Nato reporters a particularly emboldened look. In the face of the three of Harriman, it was deliberately showing that high-spirited look.

One of the middle-aged people said: “I estimate that in less than two hours, the battle in the atmosphere will end. As soon as our army’s transport ship lands, the Lere Federation will be finished!”

“Then I have to prepare the manuscript in advance,” the female reporter grinned and glanced at Harriman proudly. “I really don’t know how the media of those losers will report in such a suspenseless battle. Write such a report, It must be extremely painful. “

“Shut up!” Berg clenched his fists, staring fiercely at the Sioux.

His roar, which made the female reporter Hua Rong eclipsed, also caused the people in the entire viewing hall to turn their heads and notice the conflicting parties in this corner.

Several guards who had been standing outside to maintain order quickly squeezed into the crowd and moved closer to this side.

“Berg, don’t know this group of idiots.” Harriman pulled Berg. With a cold glance at the Siyos, he sarcastically said, “No one can tell except the idiot in two hours!”

With that in mind, the highly experienced Harriman pointed to the Sioux fleet outside the window and said to Berg and Ren Shang: “Their transport ships are still scattered in different directions, and they are not assembled at all. The fighter clusters are just maintaining the current oppression situation. , Has not entered the atmosphere slowly. All this shows that they are not sure to implement the landing immediately. “

He sarcastically glanced at the Sioux and said, “It is just a tactical temptation to mobilize the fighter plane and pull out the transport ship. To create a little tension for the Fei Meng Fleet and cause them to appear. Don’t say two hours. Ten hours is not unusual! “

Harriman’s analysis was nodded by many neutral military observers.

In the eyes of these experts, this is indeed the case.

Although on the surface fighter clusters have been dispatched, transport ships have also appeared. But the center of gravity of the Sioux fleet has always been on the wandering fleets on the outer channels.

The emergence of giant transport ships and fighter planes is not so much a preparation for landing as a threatening gesture. This state may be maintained for several hours before the appearance of the Feimeng fleet!

The middle-aged man who had just whispered for two hours to win Le Lei Xing, was blushing in the sneering eyes of onlookers.

“No matter how many hours, General Sauber wins anyway!” Angrily, he stared at Harriman and said fiercely: “Inferior, when the war is over, you will understand, speak to the superior, What will it end! “

Harriman’s complexion suddenly turned pale.

This sentence is poking the deadliest wound in his heart. However, what brought him was not fear, but extreme anger!

From the outbreak of the war, he knew that once the Cynos had won the war, all the people in the Filipino League like themselves would fall from the paradise of freedom into hell.

“Fool, you won’t succeed!” Under the silent gaze of people, Harriman responded to the middle-aged man’s vicious provocation with a middle finger: “Never!”



The Philippine Allied Fleet is quietly floating in the void of 3.6 million kilometers from the capital of Leray Federal Capital.

In the command room of the flagship [Heidfield], the atmosphere was a bit depressed. The officers and men worked silently, raising their heads from time to time, looking at the Skynet screen and the empty command post with anxious eyes.

Is it just giving up?

This question is like a heavy boulder, pressing on everyone’s heart, making people breathless.

Since the retreat of the Double Star Corner Corridor, the fleet has not stopped. The West Fleet behind him was biting like a mad dog. After several battles, the broken fleet covered the main force and safely retreated into the central area of ​​Lelei.

Then came the tragic jump-point blocking battle. Although the coalition forces relied on terrain advantages to repeatedly repel the attack of the Naval Fleet. However, there are so many warships in West Atlantic Treaty that they can use their numbers to fill the three-minute engine dead time!

Blocking the opponent for a few days is already the limit the coalition can achieve. Before the loss increased further, commander Tian Xingjian gave an order to give up the jump point.

This order caused an uproar among the coalition forces. Many officers and soldiers are now difficult to understand! Not to mention that after the jumping point, it is the capital of the Lere Federation, and countless Lere people. Shan said that if the last barrier of the jumping point was lost and the base of the capital star was lost, where else could the southeast coalition force stop Sobel?

However, after all, commands are commands, and they can only be executed if they don’t understand them.

After giving up the jumping point, the coalition forces battled and retreated under the command of the fat man. Rely on the central galaxy’s waterways, strategic points and obstacles to block.

Compared with the previous intense battles of double star angles and jumping points, the battles at this stage appear relatively gentle.

Directly aiming at the West Star Army of the capital star, after breaking through the jump point, he did not rush to seek the decisive battle with the main force of the Fiji Allied Forces, and turned a blind eye to the temptations of the Fiji Allies. They spread out left and right, steadily and steadily, approaching the capital star of Lelei in a net shape. Along the way, scramble for control of waterways and strategic points.

A series of small-scale battles broke out around the surrounding waterways.

Although under the powerful offensive of the NATO, the Fiji Allied forces could only withdraw step by step, watching the surrounding waterways and strategic points controlled by the enemy, but the officers and men found that the coalition forces were much more united than before. Although generals such as Fujii Gang and Balas have no complaints, the officers and soldiers below will no longer have a dispute over the strategy of going south.

Everyone was preoccupied with this war.

At this stage of the battle, all fat men commanded. As far as command skills are concerned, although he does not show anything that surprises everyone. But it is quite satisfactory. Coupled with the assistance of celebrities Russell, McKinley and Rabinsky, the Allies not only did not suffer at this stage. On the contrary, because of several sneak attacks by the bandits, it took a small advantage.

However, this does not stop Sobel’s footsteps after all.

Stepping back step by step, the coalition forces have basically lost all the waterways and strategic points around the Lere Capital Star. Especially after the Fiji Allied Forces jumped to the periphery, the Naval Forces accelerated their preparations for the capital star landing battle.

On the Skynet screen, the farsightedness picture returned by the stealth reconnaissance ship is now displayed.

Through the picture, you can clearly see the fighter groups that are constantly approaching the planet and the few broken and broken space ports that are floating in the front like a ghost.

These space ports were ordered to be destroyed by fat people.

In order to prevent the Sioux from using the sky tower and the ground airport. The Lereis buried a large number of bombs in dozens of large and small military and civilian airports.

On the day when the Feiyan Coalition Fleet gave up its internal airspace and turned to the outer battle, a violent explosion was like a necklace of flames wrapped around the capital star. The burning flame reflected the sky of every city red. The debris that fell into the atmosphere, like the end of the world’s meteor shower, was wrapped in fire and rushed to the ground. The scene is extremely spectacular.

Up to now, the Fiji League officers and soldiers can’t forget the embarrassing circumvention of the Naval Fleet outside the airport. At least three A-class fleets trying to seize the port were devoured in the explosion. The red flames and the huge white light clusters shone on the armor of the successively arrived Naval warships. Like a warning slogan composed of blood and fire!

This is a warning from the Lere. A series of explosions in dozens of heavily-built airports have been their determination to resist in the end and spare no effort!

Perhaps it is because there is no air port where warships can be parked, or perhaps it is because of the thunder of the Lereis. Knowing that he will face a difficult landing battle, the Nato fleet has slowed down the attack. Instead, it took a full three days to build a defense chain around the capital star.

As long as you look at the chain of defense that makes the scalp numb like silkworm cocoons, the Fiji League officers and men can only pray for the army and the people on the capital star of Lelei in silence.

The current situation is not the same as the jumping point and the double star corner corridor.

The Nato fleet blocked the entire capital star. Each of the surrounding channels and every strategic point is stationed by the Nato fleet. In this series of defensive formations, no matter which part of the Fei Meng fleet impacts, they will wrap up like a rope.

If you want to defeat them, you must use multiple points of attack, at the same time break more than three key positions on their defense chains, cut off their defense chains!

But this is not easy!

Not to mention that the power of the West Treaty is twice that of the coalition forces, and that the commanders on both sides are not on a level.

This kind of battle, which is reduced to zero, is far more complicated than the battle at the jumping point. The commander’s command level is also higher.

Sauber, who led the West York Army, was the second-ranked general in the world. He had demonstrated the commanding skills of commanding ninety fleets at the same time during the battle of the Double Star Point! On his own side, he is a fat man born as a mechanic!

The officers and men of the fleet quietly watched the pictures returned by the stealth battleship.

No one knows how fat people will lead this battle after jumping to the periphery. I do n’t even know if I can set foot on the land again after today, wake up in the morning light, and hear the wake-up number and running sound of the military camp.

Now, the battle is about to begin.

The coalition commander, General Tian Xingjian, has not yet appeared on his command.



“Lao Zi fights with you!” The fat man gritted his teeth and looked at the screen with his fingers on the tactical keyboard!

As his orders were sent, a squadron, like an arrow off the string, launched a crazy charge towards the enemy on the opposite side.

“Kill! Kill!”

When the fleet entered the opponent’s main formation along the broken gap and cut the enemy’s command cluster like a knife, the fat of the whole body surged over the head and jumped from the chair. Waving his fist, his eyes were screaming and screaming red.

The tragic battle ended with the explosion of the enemy flagship.

“Win!” The cheering cheers rang throughout the tactical room!

At the door of the tactical room, a standing waiter and a guard looked at each other with a dull look.

If it was n’t what they saw, they could n’t believe it. They were playing in the game cabin with the fat man under the command of a large army in West Rio!

What is even more incredible is that not only fat people are fooling around here, but a group of world-famous Feimeng generals are also following along.

McKinley, Rabinsky and Fujii just played in person and played for the fat man in the game. Several big names will work together to bully players of unknown origin, and for three days, swept the entire game leaderboard, killing people and turning around.

And generals such as Machia, Blatter, Russell, Zhang Pengcheng, Douglas, Lecht, Marshall, etc., either stood beside or watched the lively through the communication video.

The fat man won the round, and the cheers that broke out from the steady and serious guys on weekdays were almost the same as defeating Sauber!

What the **** is going on?

“Zi”, the game cabin hydraulic rod made a soft sound, the hatch opened, and the fat man came out. Looking back at the battle data on the game screen, for a time, it was a bit dazed.

For seventy-two hours of sleeplessness, today, he has finally mastered the basic tactics taught by Hastings!



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