Counterfeit Hero

Chapter 897 - End of the meeting

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In the study, quietly, only the ticking of the old-fashioned clock stayed in a layer of smoke that seemed to freeze.

The sun shines through the window and shines in front of Machia’s desk. The old man’s eyes narrowed in the warm golden light. In the past, the rumbling days, as if warmed up with the sun again, returned to his side.

“What did you think when General Wang Nanxu attacked the North Sea galaxy?” The reporter smiled and nodded his thanks to a middle-aged officer who laid down his coffee. He looked back at Machia and asked.


The officer who brought the coffee back out, and the study was quiet again. In the ticking clock sound, the old man’s voice was exceptionally clear.

“Time?” The reporter asked.

“Yes, time.” The old man said with a pipe.

“In war, time is an extremely important element. You can use the time difference to make your strength magically double and triple. You can also use the time trap to take your opponent’s nose and let him follow you, exhausted. Even, you can force him to change his battle plan by pinching his neck and make his strategic advantage disappear instantly! “

“So, what is the impact of attacking Jeppen and Sousse on the timing of the Southeastern Battle?” The reporter asked.

“A few decades after the war, many experts have conducted a profound analysis of the Southeastern Campaign. Do I need to talk about it?” The old man smiled and shook his head, taking off the pipe in his mouth: “If you must listen to me Words, then I will talk about … “

The reporter laughed a little embarrassedly.

As this approachable old man who didn’t have a half marshal’s frame said, after he had done his homework, he naturally understood the impact on Wang Nanxu’s attack on the two countries of the Soviet Union and the entire war situation.

However, compared with the post-mortem analysis of those military scientists, he wanted to listen to this 80-year-old man in the quiet study room and tell him the most intuitive view of a participant of the year.

“We all know that the purpose of Sauber’s south is to open the southeast passage and complete the strategic siege of the Feimeng iron triangle. At the same time, rescue Jeppen and Sousse. The purpose of our southeast coalition is the opposite.

The old man smoked a pipe and said: “If General Tian Xingjian uses artificial intelligence as the first comparison condition between the two sides, then time is the second condition …”



The second condition, time!

Machia instantly understood the fat man’s strategy.

The battle that broke out in the southeast is essentially a blockade.

Sauber will rush to open the southeast passage before the coalition of the Soviet Union and the Soviet Union completely collapses.

The Fiji League will block it west of the southeast passage until Chamblin and Li Hongwu complete the Battle of Rescue, killing the last main forces of Su Jie and forcing them out of the war!

When did the Soviet Union and the two countries collapse? At this point in time, it was the centerline of the time element between ourselves and Sauber. Whoever crosses this line first will reach the strategic goal!

What is the purpose of the war, is it not to achieve strategic goals?

If Sauber could not get through the southeast channel and enter the Resk before the poor waters of the two countries were over, then even if he wiped out all the countries in the southeast galaxy and killed the southeast coalition, he would lose!

The loss of the two major member countries, Sousse and Jeppen, will be an extremely heavy blow for the West Atlantic Treaty Organization. This also means the complete bankruptcy of the iron triangle strategy surrounding the Fiji League.

For the Fiji League, not only does it mean that there are two less fierce enemies, and to avoid the enemy ’s strategic siege, it also means that in a short period of time, Resk ’s front will be completely liberated. This huge main force composed of four additional troops before and after, whether it is to go south to Leray or north to Trevoran, the allied forces with limited strength at the moment are a strong needle!

Since the Battle of the Double Star Corner Corridor, both the Western Covenant and the Fiji Alliance have believed that Sauber broke through the southeast without any doubt.

Even within the Southeastern Coalition Army, after losing the jump point of the central galaxy, they did not expect to drag the war to the surrender of the two countries.

The multiple deductions at the base camp have shown that once Sauber wins the Lere Capital Star, for a maximum of one week, the West Atlantic Alliance can completely open the southeast passage and go north to Resc!

It took only two or three weeks to add up and down. Qian Bolin and Li Hongwu were no better, and it was impossible for San Shangyou to surrender. As long as Sauber still has an advantage in the southeast, even if dragged on, Sanshangyou will desperately drag on!

However, no one thought that the fat man quietly said that he moved the Salgar Federation and removed all the current fleets from Lere and the three allied fleets that were left from the Fisichella fleet. All brains are sent to the North Sea Galaxy!

Forty A-class fleets are just a little trouble for Sousse and Jeppen in the past. Any country can easily solve it.

However, when they were in the Lele Patriotic War and suffered a lot of bloodshed, and after losing a lot of troops in Rescue, Longbow and Bermuda, it is their last family that is concentrated in the hands of San Shang You!

Not to mention that the number of guard fleets in China is very small, and the local police ships with little combat power account for the majority. Even if they are all military warships, how can they be Wang Nanxu’s opponents.

“My order to the fleet is unrestricted destruction!”

When the fat man’s voice rang in his ears, Machia and the generals present couldn’t help but take a breath.

They can completely imagine what would happen to the forty A-class fleet if they were not desperate to occupy the planet and only destroy it desperately.

That would be a shocking tragedy!

Thousands of warships will attack all buildings in the two countries’ space, airports, space stations, space docks, space bases and even satellites and artificial suns, all of which are destroyed. Within a few days, no complete building will be seen in the space between the two countries, nor will any spaceship be seen on the waterway!

At the same time, countless space fighters will burst into the atmosphere and bombard indiscriminately. The city will be razed to the ground, ground engine rooms, ports and material warehouses, and industrial and agricultural production areas will be reduced to ashes.

Once the necessities of daily life have dropped to a certain extent, and there are no spaceships to transport supplies, then the already volatile social conflicts between the two countries will rapidly intensify.

The gangsters will riot, do evil, and plunder everything. And those inferior people who have been intolerable in this war for a long time will seize this golden opportunity without hesitation. Launched an armed riot that was far more intense than before. Even if they cannot overthrow the rule of the two royal families, they will attack all the superior nations and nobles.

These ethnic groups oppressed to the extreme by the racial system will be even more destructive than forty A-class fleets once they break out!


The fat man stabbed too hard!

Recalling when he went to Salega, everyone felt the vest was chilly.

At that time, when the Battle of the Double Star Corridor broke out, then the crucial time, if you change to anyone here, I am afraid that the first idea is to pull the Salaga Fleet to the Double Star Cape!

The fat man sent them directly to Sousse! If it wasn’t for a long time to judge the whole battle situation, if it wasn’t for this guy’s heart to be outrageous, how could this knife be stabbed so neatly?

I’m afraid in his heart, in addition to dealing with Sauber, also unavoidable thoughts of revenge!

The Lelei Fleet sent by him to the two countries of the Soviet Union was a veteran of the Lelei Federation who survived the World War Two. I’ve fought Gacharin, I’ve played Desik, I’ve fought Sousse, I’ve fought Jeppen, and I’ve even carried Sheldon in the Newton galaxy. On the hatred of Su Jie and the two countries, they are very cruel, and one of them is pulled out, and they are no less than half the color of fat people!

When these guys were killed in the hinterland, Suss and Jeppen fell into the blood mold! Up to three days, the two countries will fall into extreme turmoil.

In addition, the Shangyou lost their ability to conduct large-scale battles after the decisive battle in the Canglang Star Airspace. The possibility of trying to win Resk with the power of the two countries has been infinitely zero.

When the foundations of their royal rule began to shake, when Nicholas V and Obradi III had to count on the fleets of Yusuke Mikami to return to rebellion, it was time for them to compromise with the Fiji League!

With the military qualities of the generals present, how can’t tell the difference among them!

Like a contemporary 100-meter sprinter, he can easily run for nearly eight seconds. However, the more you raise it by one second, the greater the difficulty. If you want him to finish a hundred meters in five seconds, then let him give up the game directly!

The same is true for Sauber! He may be able to defeat the Southeast Allied Forces, but he may not be able to annihilate the Southeast Allied Forces within the prescribed time! At the same time, the shortening of time also means that he must change his offensive rhythm, or even give up his original combat plan! For any commander, this is fatal!

This is the power of time!

If the previous Sauber was a tank that was powerful enough to be shaken and precise enough to be flawless, then when he was forced to drive at a speed that he had originally set, it was possible that something went wrong. It may also fall into the abyss because of the stall!

In the conference room, everyone looked at the fat man differently.

Surprised, awed, admired …. Everyone understands that if he does not have the determination to fight Sauber to the end and does not have a long time to prepare for calculation, he will never be able to face Sauber Get an advantage in terms of time!

A temple counts as a winner.

On the chessboard against Sauber, the fat man took the first step of unkindly tit-for-tat!

Under the complex eyes of everyone, the fat man said: “The battle of the Salgar Federation will greatly shorten the process of the Resk battle. However, in my opinion, this is not enough to pose a threat to Sauber.”

He walked from the head of the conference table to the end of the table and turned around.

Everyone’s eyes follow him.

“There are two things that everyone might find strange. One is why I gave up the jump point, and the other is why I let Tony and Haydin lead the fleet to the Galileo galaxy.”

The generals were silent. Since the fat man gave up the jumping point and let the Tomb of the Phantom II Group led by Tony and the Eleventh Fleet of the Red Army led by Tony leave the main force a few days ago, these two problems have always been in their minds.

If it wasn’t for the fat guys to speak out in person today, they didn’t know that Tony and Hayred went to the Galileo Galaxy.

“Let’s talk about the second question first.” The fat man took a deep breath, from the layout to the present, even if he has repeatedly deduced every link in the bottom of his heart, but this is a decisive battle related to the entire Fiji League after all. From the elevator in the Red Beard pirate base, all the way to the present, whether the Lere Federation can be reborn, it is in this battle.

Therefore, when he had to enlist all his plans at this moment, he was still a bit nervous.

“More than four years ago, at the outbreak of the Lele Patriotic War, the Gacharin Empire once occupied the Galileo galaxy and entered the Newton galaxy. At that time, our Lelei federal fleet completely lost control of these two galaxies. . Forced to retreat to the central galaxy. When we counterattacked, in addition to attacking the Newton jump point, we also sent a fleet to enter the Galileo galaxy through the secret jump point of the public galaxy … “

The fat man walked in front of the interplanetary map and used his hand on the Galileo galaxy: “At this jumping point, the only person who knows is Admiral Mikhailovich, Admiral Bernadotte waits for a few individuals.”

He turned around: “But now, I have entered the coordinates into Tony and Hayden’s flagship autopilot. Tony will use this coordinate to enter the public galaxy, reversely block the jump point of the central galaxy, and rob all the west. About the transport fleet! And Haileding will enter the territory of the Desik Empire again through the free channel, and cooperate with the Puditok and Tatanian forces to attack all the targets that can be attacked in Desik! “

In the meeting room, quietly. The generals looked at the fat man with wide eyes, as if they saw a monster!

This is a combined punch!

The same time is the most uncomfortable time for Sauber!

If it is a curse to attack the two countries of Su Jie, then strangling Sauber’s supply is a piercing arrow. The two countries of Jiangsu and Jie may be able to support for a week or two. Without logistic supplies, the Sauber fleet will support up to three days!

Since humanity has war, the most poisonous strategy is to break the grain road! Tony’s letter, a dozen dozens from Hereding, plus the bandit army’s early attack on Desik, Siyo Food Road broke it and called it a complete one!

“General Tian …” Fujii just stared at the interstellar map and asked with some confusion: “If Sauber seized the capital star, then we will cut off its logistics transportation line, I am afraid … . “

“This is the first question I am going to answer everyone …”

The expression on the fat man’s face should be overcast and overcast.

“The Federal Capital of Leray, in the eyes of everyone, is an impossible place to give up. However, I can tell you that the current Capital Star has no civilians and no supplies except for the army we deployed. ! “

The fat man’s words, like a thunder, shocked the generals all jumped up.

“Not only the capital star, but also all the immigrant planets of the Lerei Federation at the moment, there are no more people. We can take away everything that can be taken away, and what we can’t take away, it’s useless to be held by the Siyus! “

Everyone stared blankly at the fat man’s mouth. In their view, every word spit out of this mouth is highly poisonous!

“I let them in, just to let their army land! Let them go down, they can’t get up, they are locked up in the capital star! Even if Sauber wants to retreat and open the transportation channel, he will have to pay hundreds. The most elaborate armored divisions of the West Atlantic Treaty and even all the adjudicators at the expense! “



The study room fell silent again.

Even though the war has ended for decades, when the reporter heard these words, he still felt a chill out.

Machia said, knocking the residue from the pipe, refilling the shredded tobacco, and lighting it. “You know, originally I admired Miss Margaret very much, and Fujii just wanted to fight the fat guy a few times …”

The old man’s face was looming in the smoke.

“But since then, we have dismissed our thoughts. Fuck! Who can’t provoke the fat man!”

The reporter couldn’t help laughing.

He is no stranger to the virtue of the Lelei Junshen.

“The meeting is over and the battle has begun.” After an unexpected curse, the old man was silent for a long time before slowly speaking. His eyes stared at the reporter: “You know, even after several decades, I still feel that I am still in the Leray Federation, and I am still ready to fight, and every time, I will be full of blood.”



. Last night at 12 o’clock, I was slaughtered by the red post, and it killed me alive.

. Thanks to the leaves, monks, orange peels, miaomiao, noodles, karaoke, falling red, limy_hou, Xuejian brothers, kobelakers, soak up the net when you have time and all the book lovers who like to fake.

You are my greatest wealth since I wrote counterfeit. Thank you for your continued support.

. (To be continued, if you want to know the future, please visit, more chapters, support the author, support genuine reading!)

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