Count’s Youngest Son is a Warlock

Chapter 136: Have you forgotten who I am? (3)

“T-This way!”

At Naughton’s loud voice, Lucion looked at Heint.

“…I’d like to move.”

Now that everything was gone, he wanted to lie down comfortably even if only for one minute.

Aside from his light resistance, the light dried up his darkness and it was really painful.

When Lucion reached out his hand to Hume, the coldness Hume showed a moment ago was nowhere to be found, and Lucion stood up with an apologetic expression

“Young Master, I…”

Lucion raised his palm and cut off Hume’s words.

It wasn’t something to apologize for.

Hume only did the right thing as a butler.

“Saint. It’s fine to cancel today’s schedule, so please feel free to receive treatment. I’ll take responsibility…”

“No. Don’t cancel today’s schedule.”

Lucion cut off Naughton’s words.

What is he saying?

He came here to get hold of Miella’s masterpiece, how could Naughton cancel it?


Russell held his breath and Heint looked at Lucion as if he had lost his mind.


“Instead, set the auction time back a bit… I’d like to just skate over it. I’ll get better if I rest for a while.”

Lucion told the truth.

He’d been exposed to light every day, and today he only got exposed a little.

It wasn’t a lie that he would be okay when his darkness returned.

“A-Are you sure? I don’t mind putting it off until tomorrow. I can handle it.”

At Naughton’s question, Lucion answered with his smile.

Naughton hesitated for a moment, then he entrusted the handling of the warlocks to the staff and guided Lucion.

“Well, then, follow me. I’ll show you the way.”

[Lord Lucion. Rest comfortably. I’ll get rid of them when they wake up.]

Bethel patted Lucion on the head and smiled.

Only then did Lucion feel relieved and followed Naughton.

Heint didn’t like it, but he didn’t say anything once he saw that Lucion was able to walk.


Suddenly, Naughton shouted.

He hadn’t seen it when he came near the entrance, but there was a corpse buried deep in the floor with its head being torn apart.

At the familiar attire, he asked with his fingers trembling.

“That corpse… Is it my secretary?”

* * *

“T-Thank you! thank you. No matter how many times I say it, I really feel grateful.”

Naughton bowed to Lucion again and again with a subtle expression mixed with gratitude and anger.

Had his secretary been colluding with the warlocks?

“Detailed evidence will probably come out if you search the secretary’s room or where the secretary used to go.”

After taking the painkillers, Lucion sat on the sofa to have a quick chat with Naughton.

“Yes. I, Naughton Descia, owe a great debt to the Saint.”

Naughton looked at Lucion with a fervent gaze as if he were looking at God.

If Lucion hadn’t killed the secretary, not only the entire auction house would disappear, the high-ranking nobles would kill him.

No, death was fine, but Naughton didn’t want to imagine what would happen to the Descia family.

“Then I’ll go for a moment to fix it. I hope Saint can rest comfortably.”

Naughton rose from his seat, bowed his head, and went out.


Heint uttered after Naughton was completely gone.

It had been an unusual day.

“I know it was dangerous. I’m sorry.”

When Lucion sincerely apologized first, Heint was slightly shaken.

He wasn’t happy with the blood stains that he couldn’t erase from Lucion’s mouth and clothes.

In the end, the root of the problem was the fact that he got careless and missed the warlocks.

If not for that, Lucion wouldn’t have used the light.

“…No, Lucion. It’s because I’m not good enough as a guard.”

Heint relaxed his shoulders with a sigh.

He couldn’t scold Lucion for doing a great job.

“Lucion. I can only say that God really saved you today, but I hope you don’t do such a dangerous thing next time.”

At words that sounded close to a request, Lucion knew how many things Heint had conceded.

“Yes. I’ll be careful next time. Brother… Are you okay?”

After biting hard, Heint opened his mouth slowly.

Who should worry about who now?


Heint smiled lightly at Lucion, who had a pale complexion.

Aside from everything, Lucion’s actions were brave, and he was sacrificial enough to be called a saint.

“As the captain of the 8th Order of the Knights, I would like to express my gratitude to Lord Lucion.”

Heint, in a voice mixed with respect, bowed his head to Lucion on one knee while performing the courtesy of a knight.

“This time, thanks to you, my men were able to stay safe.”

The moment Haint himself missed the warlocks, he had to prepare for the annihilation of his men.

Lucion had stopped it at the expense of his body.

He couldn’t help but feel grateful.


‘The red thread… has tightened again.’

Lucion wished for this tightness to be maintained this time.

“I’ll check their progress and come back, so take a rest.”

Heint walked out of the room with a smile.

Lucion, who slowly got up, lay quietly on the bed with Hume’s help.

‘Being in a weak state, receiving Heint’s respect, no. Do I have to be the real saint?’


When Russell called Lucion, Lucion spoke first, thinking that here it came.

“I’m really sorry for surprising you, but I can’t say that I won’t do it again.”

Russell probably knew what he was aiming for by now.

[Lucion, what you’re aiming for is this kind of story?]

“That’s right.”

Lucion didn’t deny Russell’s answer.

Hume’s face was distorted as well.

“It’s obvious that a saint who takes an active part will have much more power than a saint who only talks.”

[That was a gamble, Lucion!]

When Russell shouted, Ratta peeped out of the shadow.

She looked at Russell and Lucion alternately with frightened eyes.

Lucion looked at Ratta and motioned her to come out.

“Yes. That’s right. It was a gamble. To be honest, I didn’t know how far my light resistance could work.”

[You didn’t have to do this. You can make as many stories as you want. …Lucion, who is chasing you?]

At Russell’s sharp question that pierced his heart, Lucion struggled to hide his expression 

‘…I don’t want to die. I want to live.’

Lucion took a breath to calm his shaking heart.

‘No, you have to stop me. Because of me, my father, my teacher, my family, and so many people died.’

The corner of Lucion’s lips went up.

He was running with his teeth clenched to prevent the existence that would have been a disaster for someone.

How could he say all that?

“What do you mean, Teacher?”

Lucion tried to smile.

[Lucion. Sometimes you look so desperate, like a man pushed to the edge of a cliff.]

Lucion’s lips shook for a moment.

He looked just like a child with an unspeakable secret, so Russell didn’t push him any further.


Russell knew how frightening it was.

But Lucion’s fear of corruption ran deeper.

The first thing he did when he woke up in the morning was not to eat ratchos, but to check the negative readings in his earrings.

He habitually looked at the back of his hand.

He was relieved. He looked at it again.

He seemed obsessed with the thought of never being corrupted.

Russell threw away everything he wanted to say and brought up what he had to say.

[Lucion. Please, please, consult with me before you do anything.]

“… It was something Teacher wouldn’t allow. Isn’t it?”

[Lucion. I’m not that stuck up. Of course, I’ve been nagging because I was worried about you. I would tell you not to go through with it.]

Russell’s voice was slightly weaker than before.

[But objectively, if you put all my emotions aside, Lucion, your choice was right. In that situation, there are only a few methods available to remain as the noble Lucion, not the warlock Lucion. You picked the best card.]

Lucion’s  clenched hand loosened.

Russell truly understood him.

He was embarrassed that he hadn’t said anything because he thought Russell would oppose it.

[And now, Lucion, the thing you were aiming for will infuse tremendous power into the title of saint. Because people will think that you, who are allergic to divine power, made a noble sacrifice that couldn’t be done by a sane person.]

The corners of Russell’s mouth went up.

[Because you’ve been swayed by rumors more than anyone else, you know best how powerful rumors are, right? Of course, you should use it.]


Lucion replied with a puzzled look.

In fact, Russell read his thoughts line by line to the point where he wondered if the contract he and Russell had signed included reading his inner thoughts.


Russell called Lucion softly.

No matter how skilled he was, Lucion was still clumsy.


Lucion looked at Ratta who was rubbing him for no reason.

[Don’t use me only when you ask for a favor. Use me when you do this. As a teacher, I have an obligation to make you grow up safely and properly.]

Those were heartwarming words, but to Lucion, it sounded sad.

He thought about it over and over again. How grievous Lucion must have been in the when he lost Russell.

How did he feel when Russell,  who was his last support with nowhere else to lean on, disappeared and he immediately became corrupted?

Even now, he was afraid that Russell would disappear like this.

“…Thank you, Teacher..”

Lucion’s voice choked.

Russell patted Lucion on the arm.

[Yeah. I know everything, you’re doing great right now, so please don’t overdo it, Lucion.]

“Yes. I won’t overdo it.”

Lucion grinned at Russell.

His eyes rolled shut from the overwhelming tiredness.


“Yes. I’ll wake you up later. Don’t worry and get some sleep.”

Lucion wasn’t worried.

Even if he couldn’t sleep, the auction would be delayed for more than 2 hours.

Nobles would complain, but there was no way they would miss a good opportunity to be with him.

“You don’t have to apologize to me later. I feel bad for you too, but I don’t want to apologize. However,  don’t be surprised next time.”

“…Are you thinking of using it again next time?”


“…Why? I don’t understand. I heard that humans originally save their own lives.”

“I also save my life. But think about it, Hume. What is the warlocks’ weakness?”

“It’s light. The same goes for you, Young Master.”

―That’s right!

Ratta, who was happy with Lucion’s touch, opened her eyes wide.

―Ratta, Bethel, Russell, and Hume, are all surprised! Lucion was bad.

Ratta bit Lucion’s finger very carefully and shook her head carefully from side to side.

―This is a punishment from Ratta.

With those words, Ratta quickly opened her mouth and snatched Lucion’s fingers.

Lucion patted Ratta as if he was fine with that and continued.

“I have something to gain.”

“What do you mean?”

“Teacher already said everything earlier.”

“Are you talking about the story?”

“Yes. Have you forgotten who I am?”

Lucion smiled as he brushed the hair that fell down his face over his shoulder.

“I am a saint. Now is the time for people to open their eyes and start questioning what the Saint can do.”

“As a saint, haven’t you already become a special person, Young Master?”

“Listen, Hume. There are many things about being special. The special status that I get is the special status that works when being seen. I don’t want to be a spectacle, I don’t want to be a tool to be swayed by anyone.”

Hume frowned.

“…That’s why you used light?”

“Yes, noble sacrifice is a good story. Along with the story of the light that killed seven warlocks and me surviving it.”

The fact that he was resistant to light.

No, unless they knew about light resistance, how would they see him?

It must have looked like a miracle.

Fantastic enough to put all sorts of theories.

“Hume. Which story do you think will sell better?”

Lucion narrowed his eyes.

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