Count’s Youngest Son is a Warlock

Chapter 154: Teasing with Tongue (3)

Gartio stuttered, “H-Heint Tria.”

How can he not know his name?

Not only did he suddenly receive preferential treatment from the Fifth Prince and become a member of the Imperial Knights, but he also became the captain of a new knighthood called the 8th Order of the Knights.

When Gartio sees the 8th Order of the Knights, which has become the Saint’s escort, he realizes how wrong his assumptions are.

Gartio’s breathing became increasingly rough.

The fact that Heint came here was like saying that the imperial family had smelled something.

Gartio’s eyes rolled.

He had to find a way to survive somehow.

But Hume subtly nudged Gartio’s broken leg with a gesture from Lucion.

“This guy… Agh!”

But with a swish, Gartio’s leg turned in the opposite direction.

“Oh well, if your mouth is so loose, you’ll die quickly. I’m keeping you alive, you know.”

Lucion clicked his tongue at Gartio and then looked at Heint.

The red thread remained taut.

Heint’s fierce gaze was wary of him.

“I came first. What’s the matter?”

Lucion teased.

In a very relaxed posture.

[Lucion… ? Isn’t that too relaxing?]

Russell frowned as he looked at Lucion’s posture.

Lucion sank into the sofa, as if he were at home, teetering on the edge of collapsing at any moment. 

[Does the wound hurt?]

When Bethel asked, Lucion answered in his mind.

‘No. It’s not like that.’

His body just felt a bit heavy, as if the suppressed heat from the unabsorbed black orb was resurfacing.

“Who are you?”

The tip of Heint’s sword, held in his hand, was still pointing towards the floor.

“Don’t you usually introduce yourself first? Well, okay. Heint Tria. Because I heard your name from this guy.”

Lucion pointed his finger at Gartio and asked, “Are you here to take him away?”

Heint’s eyes narrowed as he replied, “How much did you hear?”

“Well, I think it would be best to clear things up first and move on, but I am not on the same side as that guy. Rather, we are enemies. Can you see it? Both his legs were broken.”

Lucion’s tongue was busy.

“I think you’re enemies with that guy too. Then, since we have the same enemy, I don’t think there is any need to be so harsh.”

“No, I’ll see if you’re an enemy or not.”

Heint had been bothered by the fact that his light was reacting for a while.

As he came up, he confirmed that there were no objects with light in this place.

This room was the same.

That was like saying that the guy wearing the mask could be a warlock.

“Take this guy for now, Imperial Knight. I hope you take this to mean that I have no hostility toward you.”

Lucion pointed to Gartio again.

There was no more information on him.

“Do you know me?”

Heint’s alertness increased.

Did Heint-hyung come in plain clothes on purpose?

Lucion hesitated to reveal that he was the one who sent the letter, thinking it would be creepy from Heint’s perspective. 

‘Not now.’

There was no reason to heighten opposition.

“Even if it looks like you came in casual attire, there’s no one else but an imperial knight to capture this guy. He’s a traitor to the imperial family. Isn’t that right?”

Heint paused for a moment in response to Lucion.

How does he know that Gartio Menn is a traitor to the imperial family?

Did that guy confess?

[He seems surprised.]

Russell smiled with an amused expression on his face.

As Lucion burst into open laughter, Heint clenched his fists.

“Sorry. I didn’t mean to laugh. Anyway, take him. My business here is done.”

As Lucion waved his hand, Hume grabbed the hem of Gartio’s clothes and threw it in front of Heint.

Gartio, who was moaning in pain, opened his eyes as soon as he saw Heint.

‘Get ready, Bethel.’

Lucion said, licking the dry corner of his mouth.

The best way to naturally reveal that he was a warlock was for Gartio to keep his mouth shut.

[You don’t have to worry, Lord Lucion. Because I’m ready at any time.]

“That, that warlock ordered it! I really…”


Before Gartio could say more, Heint moved instantly, but Peter’s defensive magic was faster.


Lucion was impressed.

A letter appeared in front of Heint, the same letter that had trapped him. 

It transformed into a wolf with its mouth wide open, attempting to bite Heint, but the magic shattered with a burst of light and intense heat.


“Crazy guy!” Peter cursed.


At the same time, a cold wind rushed towards Lucion, colliding with the light.

“Are you okay?” Hume asked.


Russell lightly clapped his hands at Hume’s actions.

It was great.


But Lucion’s voice was not pleasant.

Despite Hume’s efforts, Lucion’s voice was not pleasant. 

The cold wind had no effect in blocking the light.

Lucion felt a wave of nausea welling up inside him, his trembling fingers hidden as he clenched his fist.

“Why are all you light-bearers the same? You’re all crazy bastards,” Lucion muttered as he snapped his fingers, causing Ratta to perk up her ears.

—It’s a signal, right? Did Ratta see it correctly?

[That’s right. You saw it correctly.]

Russell answered.

Only then did Lucion feel relieved.

Whether they were blessed with darkness, light, or mana, everyone carried a shadow within them, a darkness lurking beneath the surface.

Didn’t Ratta confirm it?


Lucion witnessed Heint’s attack being blocked once again by Peter’s formidable defensive magic.

“I will stop you no matter how many times!” Peter shouted.

Once again, his defensive magic proved to be exceptional.

Seizing the opportunity, Lucion infused darkness into the gap.

The shadows rose from the depths and struck Heint before he could react.


Heint looked down and emitted light, but Lucion was faster.

‘Darkness, bind his legs!’

Spotting the stigma on Heint’s legs, Lucion gathered darkness and delivered a powerful blow to Heint’s face.


Even as Heint desperately blocked with his light-emanating sword, he staggered under its weight.

‘It tastes like death.’

Lucion felt a sickening sensation creeping over him.

However, Lucion realized that his situation was comparatively better than Heint’s, thanks to his resistance to light.

Heint’s face had turned completely pale.

“Ah, I forgot to mention the saying about dogs that bark at the sight of darkness.”

Heint clenched his teeth, provoked by Lucion’s words.

“What did you say…?”

“That’s right. Did you believe the words of the man who betrayed the imperial family and attacked me simply because I am a warlock?”

When Lucion hit the nail on the head, Heint hesitated.

“I only have one thing to say to you. I have no intention of attacking you. Take him. What’s the problem here?”


“No? Then you’re nothing more than a dog that barks at the sight of darkness,” Lucion sneered.

Those words were something Lucion wanted to throw at those who acted high and mighty.


Heint emitted a dazzling light from his sword, cutting through Peter’s shield.

Despite the debuffs affecting his legs, Heint moved as if they didn’t exist. If it weren’t for the debuffs, his movements would have been even swifter.

“There’s one or two things you’ve done in your life …”

“I haven’t.”

Lucion let out a laugh.

“I’m not that kind of person, so why are you picking a fight with the wrong person?”

“You are a warlock.”

“Did those blessed with light receive training to bark at every sight of a warlock? Why do all of you say the same thing? I am, you see, the one with the crow pattern…”

Heint’s eyes wavered.

Didn’t that warlock just mention the crow pattern?

‘Are we truly on the same side?’

Heint drew the light and advanced towards Lucion in an instant.


Even if his arm was cut off, as long as his head and mouth were intact, there would be no problem.

If he was on the same side as the one with the ‘crow pattern,’ there was much to gain.

The defensive magic shattered.

Now, all that remained was the warlock.

“It’s okay.”

As Hume spoke, he raised his hand and blocked Heint’s sword.


Heint feeling like he was facing a steel wall, thought of Hume for a moment.

But isn’t that person a woman?

Belatedly, defensive magic unfolded around Lucion again.


Peter offered an apology, wiping the blood from the corner of his mouth.

“You damn bastard. You find it amusing to break magic because you don’t know how to cast spells, don’t you?”

Peter’s gaze was filled with intense mockery. 

“If one layer isn’t enough, add another. And then another.”

Peter swiftly chanted spells, layering his defensive magic one after another.

An annoying mage.

As Heint narrowed his eyes, Lucion’s mask turned yellow.

Peter’s defensive magic had grown even stronger, showing no signs of easily breaking.

Now, it was time to talk.

“You came searching for the crow pattern, didn’t you?”

[It’s about to begin.] Russell whispered to Bethel.

‘I can hear you.’

Lucion licked the corner of his mouth and gazed at Heint. His mask was a valuable asset, concealing his true emotions.

“Welcome to the right place. The individual creeping through the door right behind you is affiliated with the organization bearing the crow pattern.”

Heint stepped back, hesitant to make a move.

Lucion’s cautious approach was evident, as he was a warlock.

“Do you think the warlock you’ve spoken to has been deceiving you? If you don’t believe me, you can bring others and ask if they know me. Oh, and cover that guy’s mouth.”

Lucion continued speaking, causing Heint to waver in his resolve.

Now, knights from the 8th Order of the Knights, along with Heint, have come to capture Gartio Menn.

Even after revealing the existence of a traitor within the 8th Order of the Knights, Heint had yet to take any action.

Perhaps they brought him here.

‘That means the traitor will be arriving soon.’


An urgent voice called out to Heint, interrupting Lucion’s words.

“The lower levels are almost cleared out, and Gartio Menn is alone in his room, having a snack… Who, who are you?!”

The knight halted mid-sentence upon seeing the uninvited guest, immediately pointing his sword at him.

[The timing is amazing.]

Russell giggled.

That knight was not the traitor Hume found.

“Ah. Your subordinate tells you everything, so there is no need for that. Thankfully.”

Lucion emphasized that he himself was not on the same side as Gartio Menn.

A bewildered expression was visible on Heint’s face.

‘Really? Is he not on the same side as Gartio Menn?’

Lucion’s gaze turned to Gartio, and Heint’s gaze followed suit.

“You seem like you’d die just from twisting your neck. Should I comply with your wishes? Or would you like to put down that sword and have a chat with me?”

It wasn’t a warning to Gartio, but a warning to Heint.

If Gartio were to die now, Heint would be left hanging, losing the evidence.


Soon another knight called Heint.

The knight’s eyes wavered for a moment.

“Another traitor has arrived,” Lucion expressed his delight upon seeing the newcomer.

At the same time, Heint’s eyes fluctuated.

‘I didn’t hear it directly from him, but he already knew that Gartio was a traitor to the imperial family? How… What else does he know?’

“Ah, so it was a surprise to see me here when it was supposed to be just you, Gartio, and Heint? Not drawing your sword?”

The man paused, looking at Lucion. However, he eventually drew his sword, albeit belatedly, in response to Lucion’s words.


The sound of the sword being unsheathed filled the air, causing Heint’s forehead to crease, and he bit his lip as he noticed the clean blade devoid of any bloodstains.

[Is that traitor confident that he can kill Heint here?]

Bethel snorted.

[Perhaps. He probably thinks he hasn’t been discovered yet. Otherwise, he wouldn’t have the audacity to draw his sword here, right?]

Russell looked at the traitor with an expression of uncertainty.

‘Whatever happens, it’s a bold move.’

Lucion silently praised himself.

This was the enemy’s hideout. It wouldn’t make sense for the traitor to have come this far without drawing his sword.

No, there was only one way that would make sense.

Since the man was a traitor, he must have known a shortcut to the hideout.

“Don’t be fooled! Isn’t that a wicked warlock?”

The traitor screamed as loudly as he was stabbed.

“Let’s deal with it quickly, Captain,” the traitor urged, his trembling sword betraying his anxiety.

Lucion tried hard to suppress his laughter at that sight and let out the darkness in his hands.

“It would be ridiculous for the Imperial Knights to protect the man who betrayed the imperial family. Would it be difficult for me to kill Gartio? Choose.”

As Lucion’s darkness intensified, Heint issued orders to the two knights.

“Stay back.”

“Captain…?” one of the knights questioned.

“Don’t let anyone in,” Heint commanded firmly.

“Captain, what are you saying? That guy is a warlock!” the traitor hastily interjected.

“This is an order!” Heint’s voice grew louder.

Currently, the one in charge was the warlock.

A magician.

And a warlock.

With other forces at his disposal, a snap of the warlock’s finger could mean the end for Gartio.

If Gartio were to die now, it wouldn’t just end with a broken leg.

—Hop, Heint seems angry.”

Ratta’s eyes widened. 

As Heint stood rigidly, Lucion gestured comfortably.

“Sit down. It would be nice if there’s something to eat, but I can’t ask for that much.”

Lucion’s mask turned yellow again.

“You have a face that says you want to kill me right now. Good. I like that expression.”

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