Count’s Youngest Son is a Warlock

Chapter 165: Entangled and connected (2)

At Lucion’s question, J.L. hesitated for a moment, but then he no longer hesitated.

“I was driven out with false accusations before I could reach that point. But I do know the person who was at the center.”

“Who is it?”

“Marquis Tefellow Selga.”

‘I didn’t expect to hear that name here.’

Lucion was worried about Bethel.

Tefellow Selga.

The man who competed with Lucion at the auction house over the tears of Larvis and who’d been Bethel’s former master.


Bethel flinched.

[Tefellow… Selga.]

Bethel’s face contorted as she recited the name.

She never imagined she’d be tied until her death.

To Lucion, who she wished to serve as her true master as a knight.

[I’m sorry, Lord Lucion. I wish I had said it sooner. I wish I had made up my mind sooner.]

Bethel’s lips trembled.

Although Lucion had said he would wait, she knew that speaking was the right thing to do.

Why was she so stubborn even before dying and after death?

“Bethel. calm down. I have no intention of forcing you to open your mouth. So you don’t have to apologize.”

Lucion looked at Bethel and said.

J.L., who had also turned his gaze, trembled, looking at nothing but empty space.

It sent shivers down his spine.

“What… are you seeing?”

“I’m seeing the world after death.”

“What do you mean? After death, the God of Light…”

“No. Death is not the end.”

As Lucion’s voice rang low, J.L. pursed his lips.

He didn’t want to ask any more.

“How are you alive?”

Lucion asked.

“It’s thanks to His Majesty. That’s why I don’t resent His Majesty.”

“He drove you out, yet he helped you?”

“Yes. I was thrown out because I was in league with the warlocks, and I think the king had no choice. There was a man named Roberio who was at the head of it, and he died not long ago.”

‘Roberio again?’

Lucion let out a bitter laugh.

There was no place where Roberio didn’t show up.

‘He died well.’

“I’ve probably never laughed so hard since I was falsely accused and my family was ruined.”

J.L. smiled for the first time. He also looked very awkward, probably because it was the first time he had smiled in a long time.

[This is odd. I’m sure he was examined by a priest, and it’s strange that he was tossed out for it when he’d never even held hands with a warlock. Do you smell anything, Lucion?]


At Russell’s words, Ratta, who was in the shadows, suddenly wrinkled her nose.

―That’s right! Ratta doesn’t like this smell! It’s a strange smell! Ratta’s nose hurts.

Lucion wiggled his fingers, which were clasped on his stomach.

What Russell had mentioned struck him as odd, too.

It couldn’t have happened unless the warlock and the priest were holding hands or if the priest was lying.

What if.

If only the Holy Nation of Nevast had known that the Kingdom of Neubra had joined forces with the Warlock long ago.

Then what the hell would Nevast be after?

Lucion immediately laughed.

The answer was simpler than he thought.

‘They want to become a holy empire, not a holy nation.’

If light and darkness clashed, both would inevitably perish.

But what if the number of people blessed by darkness fell to a level where those blessed by light could handle them?

‘Crazy guys.’

Lucion’s fingers flexed hard and his clenched hands trembled.

If this were true, the priests’ actions in treating people blessed by darkness as heretics and brainwashing them were all intentional.

‘Not now, but previously, all priests had to be educated by Nevast.’

Education becomes indoctrination.

The regenerative power possessed only by those blessed by light.

The regenerative power is dazzling and naturally makes one feel divine.

Just by the fact that it was unique.

‘No. Let’s stop thinking this far. Not all priests behaved that way.’

Lucion stopped his thoughts in the middle.

Hating all priests would make him the same as those who hated all warlocks.

He was sick of that.

“Do you remember who the priest was who was watching you back then?”

Lucion asked.

Now, what was important was not speculation but facts.

“How could I forget his face and name?”

J.L. replied with a face that seemed to want to curse right away.

“It’s Chelga.”

‘Damn it.’

Lucion bit his lip hard.

[Huh? Chelga? He has the same name as the priest who cooperated with stealing Lucion’s bracelet from the auction house.]

Russell blinked.

[Is it just the same name?]

Bethel doubted.

There is too much suspicious activity on the part of the Holy Nation of Nevast right now.

Lucion thought it couldn’t be just a coincidence.

‘Let’s not panic.’

Lucion breathed out calmly.

The ending of the was simple.

It ended with Heint defeating the final villain, the Hand of the Void boss.

At that time, the Empire, Nevast, and even Neubra, which had been enemies with the Empire, were united in the fight against the warlock.

It was such a perfect ending that it seemed like a happy ending on the surface.

The Empire and the Kingdom of Neubra are reconciled.

Heint became a symbol of light and a hero.

The position of the Holy Nation of Nevast was strengthened.

And after that.

Unfortunately, there was no epilogue.

‘But now.’

It was creepy.

An ending for whom?

The truth is, the Fourth Prince was a traitor who betrayed the Empire by joining forces with the Kingdom of Neubra.

The Kingdom of Neubra was collaborating with the Hand of the Void to take down the Empire from the bottom.

The Holy Nation of Nevast was aware of the Hand of the Void and Kingdom of Neubra joining forces, but they chose to remain silent as if they hadn’t seen it.

Who would have thought that the reconciliation between the Empire and Neubra at the end of the would be the moment when Neubra had already swallowed the Empire?

Two years after the beginning of the .

The kingdom of Myronist, between Neubra and the Empire, was the first to fall.

However, the frontier of Cronia, which Novio protects, was solid.

‘Until it was revealed that I was a warlock.’

A warlock, Cronia, was outlawed by the Empire by the Fourth Prince, who was in power at the time.

Novio died for that crime.

Eventually, the frontier collapsed.

Wasn’t all of this planned?

Hadn’t he placed himself in the middle boss position to symbolize the fall of Cronia and the triumph of Neubra?

Lucion asked calmly, trying to hide his trembling hands.

“Is a priest by the name of Chelga examined you over a decade ago?”

“Yes. He accused me of being in league with a warlock.”

“Was he just a priest at that time?”

“He said he was a high priest.”


Lucion answered simply.

Chelga was not a high priest back then or now.

No, he couldn’t be.

“Well, first of all, this Chelga guy isn’t even a priest. Hmm. He’s a priest, but he’s not a priest, so what does that mean? He’s a priest, but his power of light is not strong enough to become a priest. I guess there was some kind of deal. I knew it. He pretends to be a priest, but he doesn’t really know what’s going on. Ha, that’s so funny. Can I spread the information after I get it? Well, I don’t think there’s anyone who doesn’t know my name or our organization.”

Heroan’s words of laughter lingered in his head.

“I’ll give you a chance.”

Lucion suggested.

“What do you mean… a chance?”

“Don’t you want to rip the heads off the bastards who screwed you over?”

“It’s already late, so what’s the use?”

“It’s not too late.”

Lucion sat down again.

“The imperial family is now moving to eliminate the Neubra guys hiding inside.”

“The imperial family? Is the imperial family really moving directly?”

J.L.’s eyes shook greatly.

“They are. Chelga, the priest of Nevast who pushed you into the pit, is being held by an imperial knight who joined hands with me.”

J.L. was confused by Lucion’s next words.

‘What is this guy’s true identity?’

He suddenly appeared, blurted out strange things, demanded the ledger, and now he’s saying he’s in cahoots with the royal family.

And just a little bit.

J.L. knows it’s a very absurd story, but strangely enough, it felt like it was true.

Among the families mentioned by the man named Hamel, there was a family that he had been searching for, and he only mentioned the name of the priest, Chelga, not the fact that he was a Neubra priest.

But Hamel recognized it.

“You will go with me and see if this is the Chelga you know or not, and then you can decide if you want to join the organization or not. I’ll be back in a bit.”

Lucion stood up.

He hadn’t expected to see Heint again so soon.

“Now, just a moment!”

J.L. stood up and urgently called Lucion.


“Could I, someone who has lost everything like an idiot, dare to… get a chance like this?”

“I don’t know. I just want to confirm if the Chelga you know is the one the imperial knight has captured. If you really want to get a chance, you should stick with me. Ah. Before that, take a look around. Don’t smoke like a fool.”

Lucion mocked J.L. and went outside.

J.L. drooped his shoulders and looked at Lucion’s back.

J.L. watched Lucion’s retreating figure with slumped shoulders.

He put out his smoked cigarette and lit a new one.


The sigh that escaped along with the smoke felt refreshing today.

Despite always feeling like he was walking through fog with every puff of smoke.

‘When did he leave the money behind?’

J.L. noticed a money pouch left on the seat where Lucion had been sitting.

It looked quite hefty at a glance.

‘He’s truly an enigmatic person.’

J.L. stubbed out his cigarette in the overstuffed ashtray and stood up.

‘You want me to… look around?’

It seems like it’s time to dust off the long-ignored surroundings.

“Chief. I’m sorry. I recklessly let guests in.”

As the member stood in the doorway, unable to enter, J.L. recognized his face.

It was the first time he’d seen his face in a while.

When had he gotten so old?

“I’ve been… I’m sorry.”

J.L. bowed his head.

His mouth was so bitter.

He was the one who had stayed by his side, not as a servant but as a member, even though the family had fallen.

He thought he had lost them all, but he hadn’t.

He was only thinking of himself.

“Patriarch, no, chief. What’s wrong?”

“I’m going to trim my beard and hair; can you help me? It’s too long; it seems impossible to do it alone.”

“Of course, I can… I can do it.”

The man who had brought Hamel here, who had apologized, was the butler who had once served him.

He smiled with overwhelming happiness.

“I’ll show my skills after a long time, my lord.”

* * *


Heint stopped filling out papers, immediately grabbed his sword, and opened the window.

Looking down, he saw Hamel waving his hand.

“This crazy guy!”

Heint never thought Hamel would come all the way to where he is.

How he knew where he was was a strong question.

Hamel sneered, holding up two middle fingers as if to say, “Follow me,” before stepping over the fence.

“That bastard…”

Just as Heint’s face was distorted, his subordinates came inside.

“What’s wrong!”


Even his subordinates, who are not lacking in skill, didn’t notice Hamel coming so close.

If Hamel had any ill intentions, they’d be dead.

‘It gives me chills.’

Heint sent his subordinates away and followed the direction Hamel had headed.

* * *

“You came?”

Lucion asked casually.

[Did you see his surprised expression? Look. When calling the Lightbringers, this method is the best.]

Russell giggled and looked proud.

Lucion didn’t want Heint to know about shadow movement, but he couldn’t find a way to bypass the mansion’s security and reach Heint.

Bethel said she could possess him and climb up to where Heint was, but she suddenly remembered Lucion’ wounds and shut her mouth.

Eventually, Russell smugly told Lucion to release the darkness, and when he did as he was instructed, Heint reacted immediately.

“How did you know I was here?”

When Heint asked with a frown, Lucion spoke leisurely.

“That’s not important. Don’t be too strained.”

“What brought you here?”

“I’m here for a reason.”

“So tell me.”

“Why are you in such a hurry? Since I’m here, why not bring something delicious? You have no sense.” 

“Don’t make useless remarks; tell me the reason right away.”

“Are you going to hit me like last time?”

As Lucion sneered, Heint clenched his fists and trembled.

A part of him wanted to punch Hamel, even though he was a warlock.

“But what about this? If your fist goes out, you’ll be in trouble, right? There’s something you need to hear from me.”

Upon seeing Heint’s fist, Lucion dyed his mask yellow and laughed.

“Don’t you need to know who the 5 out of the 13 people that you couldn’t get from Gartio are?”

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