Count’s Youngest Son is a Warlock

Chapter 167: I Repay The Favor


Heint nodded.

The last head of the Kell family was named J.L. Kell.

Is there any reason to impersonate the head of a ruined family?

“At that time, that guy said he came as a high priest of Nevast.”

Lucion intervened and said, “Don’t make me laugh.”

Heint was momentarily upset, “That guy can’t be a high priest.”


“You know it too, right? With the light that guy has, even his position as a priest is in jeopardy.”

“Yes, but he told me he’s here as a high priest. I know it doesn’t make sense, but I asked, just in case.”

After hearing Lucion’s words, Heint naturally looked at J.L.

“It’s true,” J.L. confirmed.

“Really? He genuinely claimed to be the high priest?” Heint probed, seeking further confirmation.

“Yes, it is true, no matter how many times I say it,” J.L. responded earnestly.

“That can’t be.”

Heint’s face darkened slightly.

It seemed inconceivable that an individual with such limited power of light, to the point where his position as a priest was at stake, would dare to disguise himself as a priest and infiltrate the imperial palace.

Unless Nevast intentionally tried to hide something.

What they were hiding was the most natural thing to do at this point.

Recalling Hamel’s words about the Kell family, who were cast out due to the kingdom of Neubra, Heint contemplated the implications of this fact. 

What did it signify now?

‘Nevast is aiming for the empire!’

He turned to Lucion, his gaze shaken to the core. 

From Neubra to Nevast, the pieces of the puzzle began to fit together.

“Things get interesting, don’t they?”

Lucion’s mask turned yellow.

“You, did you know?”

Heint asked, almost shaking.

“No, I didn’t. But I suspected, earlier than you did, that the Holy Nation of Nevast had set its sights on the Empire,” Lucion replied calmly.

“Damn it,” Heint muttered, biting his lip forcefully.

Isn’t that crazy?

Holy nation.

Nevast, a holy nation that is supposed to remain neutral, breaks its neutrality and targets the empire while also looking after Neubra.

Heint swallowed dry saliva and then glared at Chelga.

Chelga quivered under Heint’s intense gaze, sensing the weight of his anger.

“Don’t let your anger cloud your judgment. There is another matter you, as the Lightbringer, need to confirm, isn’t there?” 

As soon as Lucion finished speaking, Heint was startled.

“This… isn’t over yet?”

“Yes, indeed. Why did J.L. endure such false accusations? Shouldn’t we listen?” 

Heint was afraid.

He felt a sense of trepidation, fearing what he might uncover—a truth that could be beyond belief.

[That’s right. That’s a normal reaction. Lucion, you’re too nonchalant.]

Russell pointed his finger at Heint, who was shaking like a reed.

[I’m sure Lord Lucion isn’t insincere either, he’s just not showing it.]

‘Bethel hit the nail on the head this time,’ Lucion chuckled inwardly.

“I was framed for colluding with a warlock.”

“I was framed for colluding with a warlock,” J.L. declared, recognizing the direction of the conversation. Seizing the opportunity that could work in his favor, he spoke without hesitation.


Heint tightly shut his eyes this time, dreading what would come next. 

It was difficult to admit, in front of everyone, that he had been involved with a warlock. 

There were two possible ways to address the situation.

“Are there traces of black magic present? Did you capture a warlock and bring them here to be interrogated?”

“It’s the latter.”


With J.L.’s words, Heint drew his sword and sliced through the cloth Chelga was biting.

“Now, if you don’t speak properly, I’m going to cut off your fingers one by one.”

Heint spoke fiercely, emitting light from the hand that was not holding the sword.


Lucion staggered, hastily retreating backward.

Hume urgently helped Lucion up.

“Are you okay?”

Hume asked.

‘Isn’t this too much?’

Due to the light that came from nearby, Lucion’s whole body trembled slightly.

When J.L. was about to unleash his vengeance, Lucion tried to summon darkness, but he deliberately refrained from doing so, considering Heint’s presence.

[Are you okay?]

Bethel was worried.

[No! We know what kind of relationship they have, but we have to be careful about this!]

Russell got angry.

Belatedly, Heint was startled and put out the light.

He had momentarily forgotten that Hamel was present. 

However, he couldn’t offer an apology at that moment.

Chelga, realizing that he was the target of Heint’s light, was filled with fear. 

The regenerative power bestowed upon those blessed with light was the only respite they had. 

Some perceived it as a literal blessing, but it was also the cruelest ability in the world. 

It allowed Heint to inflict excruciating pain on his opponents without killing them, healing their wounds even as their flesh was torn apart.

Chelga, too, possessed the gift of light and understood its implications all too well.

“Who called that warlock when you framed J.L. Kell?”

“It’s already been ten years… Ahh!”

Heint cut off Chelga’s thumb without hesitation.

As blood flowed, Chelga twisted his whole body and cried out.

Chelga, overwhelmed by pain and fear, quickly confessed, “Yes, yes, it’s Nevast! Nevast was behind it all!”

“Were you told beforehand that a warlock was coming?”

“Yes, I was told! They just, they just gave me a piece of paper and told me to memorize the words on it and say it.”

“Who told you to do this?”

“I couldn’t see their faces back then either! I’m telling the truth!”

“What is the relationship between the Warlock and Nevast?”

“That, I don’t know either, I swear, I just want to keep my position as a priest…”

Chelga’s index finger was cut off as the same excuse he’d heard during the bracelet incident came out.


“Aaah! It… it felt like they were working together on something! That’s all I know! I… I’m telling the truth. Please, it’s been over ten years, and that’s all I remember!” Chelga cried out, his pain evident.

When it seemed like Chelga really didn’t know any more, Heint withdrew his sword and looked at Lucion.

After confirming that Lucion was far away, he radiated light and healed Chelga’s hand.

The bleeding gradually stopped, but the pain overwhelmed Chelga, causing him to faint.

Only then did Heint turn to Lucion and spoke, “…I’m sorry.”

“What did you say, Lightbringer?  couldn’t hear you clearly from here.”

Lucion said, clutching his chest. 

The taste of blood lingered in his throat, and even a slight movement threatened to make it spill from his mouth.

“I said I’m sorry!”

Heint shouted.

Only then did Lucion chuckle.

“Alright. I’ll accept that apology.”

Heint frowned at those words.

It was clear that Hamel had a knack for upsetting people, even when he hadn’t said anything.

Otherwise, he wouldn’t be so annoyed.

“See that, Lightbringer?”

Lucion spoke after a brief pause for breath.


“I always keep my promises.”


Heint remained silent.

It was true, but he couldn’t bring himself to acknowledge it.

Not yet.

Not yet.

‘He’s really too much.’

Lucion felt bitter about Heint’s attitude.

He pondered how others would feel if Heint, seemingly righteous and unhindered, displayed such behavior.

Lucion understood the difficulty of breaking free from an established image, as he himself had experienced the struggle of shedding the label of being called a ‘crazy person.’

But he couldn’t help being annoyed at how Heint omitted everything.

‘Let me know what the crow pattern is about. The Hand of the Void and Neubra have joined forces. I just told him that Nevast knew about the relationship between Neubra and the Warlock and kept silent.’

Son of a bitch.

Lucion didn’t stay still.

“So, keep your promise too. Inform the royal family that I’m a genuinely nice guy. Don’t just see me as a tool for your own purposes.”

Lucion waved his hand.

“What is this again?”

Heint raised one eyebrow.

“I’m done with him now, so take him away. It’s your job to interrogate the Chelga and get information out of him, isn’t it?”

Heint’s eyes turned to J.L.

“Don’t hand him over. I’m not willing to give him up yet.”

Lucion cut him off like a knife.

His relationship with Heint had not been properly established yet, let alone meeting the Emperor and the Prince.

Slowly, he needed to provide just enough information to quench his thirst, as giving everything at once could result in losing his life or even severing this relationship he had worked so hard to build.

“Give me a way to contact you.”

Heint reached out his hand slightly, changing his mind.


“Isn’t that unfair?”


Lucion let out a laugh.

“Unfair? I’m not sure if this relationship is fair to begin with. I’m the one giving you information unilaterally, right?”

He pointed his finger directly at Heint, emphasizing his point. 

“What you can offer me is trust, and I expect you to ensure that the path ahead is paved securely so that I can step forward with confidence.”

Without waiting for a response, Lucion turned his back and started walking away. 

J.L. respectfully bowed to Heint before following Lucion’s lead.

Even though J.L. was leaving right in front of him, Heint couldn’t bring himself to stop him.

After all, it was Hamel who had convinced J.L. to come here in the first place.

‘It’s difficult…’

Heint felt like he was trying to balance himself on an unsteady plank.

‘It’s unfair.’

Though he uttered the words himself, he couldn’t help but feel perplexed.

‘Is Hamel truly loyal to the Empire?’

If not, he thought he wouldn’t be able to muster the will to destroy both Neubra and Nevast.

Whatever the case, it seemed like he should at least praise Hamel in today’s report.

‘But was my light weak?’

Heint looked at his hands.

It felt like he had exerted his power strongly, almost apologetically.

‘Perhaps he’s pretending it doesn’t hurt.’

Heint also turned around with Chelga on his back.

* * *


As they neared J.L.’s store, Lucion abruptly lifted his mask and coughed up blood. 

Hume swiftly positioned himself next to Lucion, shielding his face.

‘It’s been difficult to increase my light resistance these days because of Brother Heint, but I’m glad I ate some Ratcho earlier just in case.’

Despite the pain, Lucion felt satisfied.

Isn’t it still possible to stand on two feet like this, thanks to the resistance to light?


J.L. was surprised.

“A-Are you okay?”

“It’s no big deal.”

Lucion accepted the handkerchief from Hume and wiped his mouth before putting his mask back on.

[Don’t worry. Because J.L. couldn’t see Lord Lucion’s face.]

Bethel said, patting Lucion on the back.

It was always heart-wrenching to see him in such a state. 

However, Russell’s expression differed from the rest. To him, it appeared as though Lucion was happy.

‘He must have had Ratcho for breakfast.

He asked Lucion why he was eating Ratcho, and he said he would get some light later.

‘I bet even Lucion didn’t know Heint could use light in that way.’

Russell’s heart ached at the sight of Lucion, who had become accustomed to pain.

How severe were the incidents he faced when he was kidnapped?

“Are you sure you’re okay…?”

J.L. turned his back first and asked again.

It was like a phenomenon caused by mana flowing backwards.

J.L. knew how great the pain was because he had experienced it himself.

“It’s nothing,” Lucion let out a short breath.

“Then, would you like to come inside?” J.L. suggested cautiously.

Whether it was because of the incident with Chelga or not, his expression seemed slightly brighter.

“Why? To show me the ledger?” Lucion asked with a chuckle.

“Yes. I will show it to you.”

“Did you eat something wrong? You were making quite a ruckus yesterday,” Lucion teased.

“Well, since you’ve done me a favor, it’s only natural,” J.L. replied.

“Yeah. Now the true merchant is revealing himself. Satisfying.”

If he was a merchant, he should be as bold as brass.

Lucion liked his shameless appearance.

“That’s not it…”

“Let’s go inside.”

Lucion unintentionally cut off J.L.’s words.

As they entered the store, Lucion noticed that it was no longer filled with smoke like before. 

The same held true for J.L.’s room.

“Did you quit smoking?” Lucion asked.

“No. I couldn’t quit.”

J.L. touched the back of his head with a shy expression.

“Yeah. Anyway, it’s easier to breathe.” Lucion remarked, feeling satisfied as he took a seat on the sofa.

1 out of 5 stars.

For some reason, today the sensation of the sofa touching his buttocks felt uncomfortable, perhaps because he was just pissed off last time.

“If there’s anything you want to say, tell me.”

“Thank you so much for giving me this invaluable opportunity,” J.L. bowed his head in gratitude.

“I didn’t step forward because of you,” Lucion clarified.

“I know.”


J.L. hesitated and said, handing the ledger he had already prepared to Lucion.

“I… want to work.”

“You want to work?”

“Yes. I want to work again as a merchant.”

“Not as the head of the Kell family?”

“…It’s not that I don’t wish to restore my family’s honor,” J.L. explained.

“I don’t need a family head, I need a merchant. Besides, our organization already has a family head,” Lucion stated.

Miella Chefran.

Lucion had received a message from her earlier, but he had yet to read it. 

He hoped it contained good news.

J.L., seemingly having shed all hesitation, smiled genuinely for the first time without any awkwardness.

“Please consider me as a merchant. I’m willing to join the organization.”

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