Cowardly Stepmother Dressed As the Hero

Chapter 38

Cao Mi communicated with Liu Ge carefully for a long time according to the way his parents’ generation handled wool in his memory.

Among them, she also roughly described the tools that need to be used.

Cao Mi is not too worried about using wool.

Because the world already has a spinning machine for twine, and the spinning tools for wool are somewhat similar to the existing spinning machines, Liu Ge and the others only need to improve on the existing tools, and do not need cement and ink at all. In general, the development of “creating something out of nothing” is carried out.

Another thing that reassured her was that she had a full set of tools in her space.

This means that Cao Mi himself can provide Liu Ge with corresponding solutions at any time according to the problems they encounter.

After explaining the matters on the wool side, Cao Mi rested for a while. In the afternoon, she finally found time to go to the backyard to check the plants that Danba sent.

A full nine pots of rare and exotic vegetation of different shapes are placed in the courtyard, all of which are not available or rare in Shengchao. Cao Mi looked at them one by one and felt disappointed.

Dong Li served behind her. Seeing the expression on her face, he asked carefully, “Does the princess not like it?”

Cao Mi shook his head reluctantly and said, “No, it’s all pretty.”

When she talked to Danba before, she used the excuse that she liked exotic flowers and plants. According to this idea, Danba sent the nine pots of flowers and plants with certain ornamental value.

How could he have thought that Cao Mi valued practicality rather than the ineffective aesthetics.

Dong Li heard the words and said, “The slaves have little knowledge, but I have never seen these flowers and plants. Now the entire Liaozhou, and even the entire Sheng Dynasty, the princess here should be the only one.”

Cao Mi twitched the corners of his mouth and smiled.

She thought about it for a while, then cheered up and said, “You can let someone take good care of these flowers and plants. If you can, I will also divide them into several pots. Last time I received Mrs. Qin’s red cage fruit, and I will find a chance next time. She sent two pots over to repay this favor.”

Dong Li nodded and replied, “Yes.”

After Cao Mi had finished looking at the flowers and plants, he was a little uninterested. When he was about to go back, Dong Li said again, “In addition to these, Mr. Danba also sent more than ten bags of seeds.”

Hearing this, Cao Mi was a little surprised: “Seed?”

She only saw these nine pots that were carefully decorated, and she didn’t know that Danba had sent some others.

Dong Li then explained: “Mr. Danba said that it is extremely difficult to transport live flowers and plants on the commercial road, and many of the exotic flowers and plants that he wanted to bring back for the princess have withered halfway.

“He prepared with both hands and brought some seeds for the princess, saying that if the princess is interested, she can order the servants to try to plant it.”

“He thought of everything!” Cao Mi happily asked, “Where are the seeds? Let me take a look.”

Dong Li winked at a servant next to him, and soon, the servant took out two large wooden boxes from a wing next to him.

The two wooden boxes contained more than a dozen sacks of similar size. The sacks were not large, about the size of two palms of an adult man, but they were all bulging.

The contents inside were obviously the seeds that Dongli mentioned.

Cao Mi came to the spirit, opened a bag and grabbed a handful of brown seeds from it. She didn’t know this kind of seeds, but looking at the dozen or so sacks, she suddenly thought of a good way to “steal the sky and change the pillars”.

She pretended to observe the seeds and asked casually, “These were sent by Mr. Danba yesterday, have you taken them apart?”

Dong Li was always by Cao Mi’s side, she didn’t know about such trivial matters. But the little servant who had taken the seeds in the past stepped forward and answered Cao Mi’s question.

He said: “Back to the princess, because there were too many things yesterday, after the villain got these things, he opened a few bags, and after confirming that they were all seeds, they put them away… I haven’t checked them all.”

He was a little nervous when he said this, obviously afraid that Cao Mi would blame him for not doing things well.

But what he didn’t know was that his behavior was in Cao Mi’s arms.

Cao Mi glanced at him and reassured: “Well, I don’t blame you, I forgot to tell you.”

Then, she instructed: “In the future, whether it’s Danba or other military merchants, if you send seeds, you must let me know as soon as possible, and send them to me to check.”

Seeing that she didn’t mean to ask the guilt, the servant heaved a sigh of relief and replied, “I will follow the princess’s instructions.”

Cao Mi nodded in satisfaction.

On the other side, she pretended to open the third bag of seeds casually.

After taking out a small handful, Cao Mi suddenly turned to Dong Li behind him with bright eyes and said, “Well, this kind of seed looks interesting.”

Because of the location, at this time, Dong Li and the others stood behind Cao Mi and did not see the movement of her just taking the seeds.

When Dong Li heard this, he looked up, only to see Cao Mi holding a handful of golden seeds with strange shapes.

She was stunned for a while, then nodded in agreement: “It’s like… a strange yellow bean.”

“Does it look like a bean?” Cao Mi smiled and carefully moved the corn kernels in his hand.

Just now, before everyone noticed, she replaced the seeds in the third bag into the space, and instead got some high-yielding corn seeds.

This batch of corn seeds was purchased by herself at the seed market before she was diagnosed with the disease. At that time, the old man who bought the seeds swore to tell her that the corn per mu of this variety could produce more than 1,000 kilograms of corn.

Cao Mi himself likes corn very much. Corn can not only be cooked and eaten directly, ground into corn starch, but also can be eaten in many ways.

So just now out of her own selfishness, she was the first to take out the corn.

But in fact, corn is not the best choice right now.

The cultivation of corn has great requirements on fertility and soil quality, and the yield is not too high. Putting this batch of seeds into Rongguang Villa next year, it would be good to plant a batch of early adopters, but it is almost meaningless to use it as the main grain.

So Cao Mi put the corn kernels back, turned around and took another bag of seeds.

This time, she regained her sanity, and after some “spoofing”, what she took out of the bag was a handful of inconspicuous black-brown lentil-shaped seeds.

Dong Li took a closer look and suddenly smiled: “It seems that the things Mr. Danba sent are not all novel, but also some unremarkable things.”

“Nothing unusual?” Cao Mi looked at the sweet potato seeds in his hand and smiled in agreement, “Well, it does look like this.”

Speaking of sweet potato seeds, many modern people will be surprised. Most people don’t say they have seen it, and they don’t know that sweet potatoes actually have seeds, and the seeds of sweet potatoes can also be used for sowing.

Speaking of the origin of these seeds, Cao Mi was actually a little helpless. They were gifts from the merchants when she bought other seeds before.

Although Cao Mi did not keep seed potatoes at home, the nearby villagers knew that she was coming back, so they prepared the share she wanted to plant. So when Cao Mi got the sweet potato seeds, he just couldn’t help laughing.

She threw the seeds into the warehouse at will, and turned around and forgot about it.

What she did not expect at all was that this bag of things that she had not cared about at all had become today’s “life-saving straw”.

Cao Mi held this bag of precious sweet potato seeds, and only regretted that he did not buy more bags from the seed store at that time.

There are indeed several large baskets of seed potatoes in her space that can be used directly, but it is impossible for her to take them out now. The target of seed potatoes is too large, and the origin cannot be explained at all.

Therefore, this bag of sweet potato seeds that can successfully pass the test is Cao Mi’s biggest hope. She only hopes that these “unremarkable” seeds in Dongli’s eyes will germinate smoothly, and when it grows sweet potato vines, you can directly use sweet potato vines for cuttings.

Seeing that she was holding the seed and looking at it for a long time, Dong Li guessed and asked, “Princess, do you want to plant these seeds?”

When Cao Mi heard the words, he recovered from his memory.

She returned the sweet potato seeds to the bag, feeling that it was a little unsafe to leave such a precious thing here.

So she grabbed the sack containing sweet potato seeds tightly, turned her head and said to Dongli: “Well, I think there are several kinds of seeds that are very novel. Since Danba couldn’t bring their plants, we will plant them ourselves. Same thing.”

But soon, she thought of a concern: “However, it is now the end of July, and the fields are almost harvested. It is not a good time to plant at this time.”

Dong Li nodded: “Liaozhou is colder than the capital city. In October, it should snow in Cannes. I don’t know if these seeds are resistant to cold or not. If they are planted now, I’m afraid it will be difficult to survive.”

Cao Mi nodded.

“But… if we wait until the spring of next year to breed, this seed… where will it be enough…”

She said these words very lightly, and Dongli only heard the first half.

She was about to give a few words of comfort when Cao Mi suddenly thought of a solution.

She murmured: “There are a lot of corn seeds, so I will plant a few acres next year, and it’s enough to taste it at home.

“As for sweet potatoes, there are not many seeds, and there is no rush to plough in the spring. It is better to start the seedlings in the spring, and then in the summer season, then cuttings and planting will do! It just so happens that sweet potatoes are drought tolerant, as long as there is enough sunshine, they can grow well.”

After thinking about this, she nodded with satisfaction.

Dong Li didn’t hear her talking to herself, but seeing the cloudy sky on her face, he called out in confusion, “Princess?”

Cao Mi, who had already thought about planting sweet potatoes, put a smile on her face. She carefully tied the bag containing the sweet potato seeds and put it back into the wooden box.

“Dongli, these things must be collected.” She ordered: “Tomorrow spring, I will bring these things to Rongguang to sow.”

“Rong Guang?” Dong Li opened his eyes slightly.

She smiled and said, “I thought… the princess was going to plant it in the courtyard.

“Isn’t all the food grown in the villa? Most of these seeds are also flower seeds, just like the nine potted plants, why does the princess bother to send it to the villa?”

Cao Mi shook his head.

She said nonsense: “The flower seeds can naturally be placed in the villa. If they are well planted at that time, I can hold an ‘extraordinary flower banquet’ in the villa and invite a family from Liaozhou to enjoy the flowers.”

When Cao Mi said this, Dong Li understood.

She nodded, carefully took down Cao Mi’s instructions, and said, “The maid has all written down.”

Cao Mi smiled.

Her eyes lingered on the two sacks containing corn and sweet potato seeds for a long time, and it would be strange if she didn’t leave, so she looked away.

Before she left, she told the little servant who kept the seeds in detail to make sure that he understood the importance of these seeds in her mind.

The little servant lowered his head and nodded again and again, thinking that the safety of the two boxes of seeds was more important than his own life.

After Cao Mi finished speaking, he finally left with Dong Li and others satisfied.

And those seeds she left in the backyard, currently only in sacks, harbor tiny but real hopes. After the ground is broken, this barren land will be nurtured.


Two days later, Mrs. Zhang came to Cao Mi to bid farewell.

Holding the boy’s rules, she came to Cao Mi under the leadership of her maid, and after bowing, she said that she was going to leave with the Danba caravan.

Cao Mi didn’t answer her right away, instead he took a freshly made milk cake on the table and fed it to Xiao Zigui.

Xiao Zigui glanced at Mrs Zhang, and only took over the milk cake after getting the acquiescence of his mother.

After she took it, she didn’t send it directly into her mouth immediately, but held up the cake and handed it to Mrs Zhang’s mouth.

Zhang Shi looked at her tenderly, shook her head, and motioned for her to eat by herself.

The boy hesitated for a while before taking a small bite.

The cakes always prepared by Cao Mi are all made according to the taste of the three little ones at home. They not only taste good, but also have moderate hardness and softness.

After taking a bite, the boy narrowed his eyes happily.

The way she eats is so cute that Cao Mi can’t take his eyes off her.

The little girl noticed Cao Mi’s gaze and smiled sweetly.

Mrs. Zhang taught: “If you know what to eat, say it quickly, thank the princess for the reward.”

Zigui blinked at Cao Mi, smiled and said vaguely, “Thank you, Princess Xie.”

Seeing such a cute reaction from the little girl, Cao Mi’s heart softened: “No, you just like it.”

She raised her head and said to Mrs. Zhang, “Zigui looks so likable. You taught me so well.”

Zhang Shi smiled.

Talking about her only child, she was also very proud, so she rarely did not humble herself, but replied: “Zigui is a good child.”

Cao Mi turned to look at Zigui again and asked, “Zigui, do you like it here?”

Zigui nodded.

Cao Mi asked again, “You guys are going back to the grassland soon, will Xiao Zigui miss this place?”

The child who just turned two years old doesn’t understand the meaning of “missing”. Hearing this, she raised her head in confusion and turned to her mother for help.

Mrs. Zhang stroked the top of her hair soothingly, and replied to Cao Mi: “The women will often mention the prince and the princess to her, and she will never forget the kindness of the prince and the princess to our mother and daughter.”

“Speaking of this…” Cao Mi paused for a while, and then changed his words: “I have something to do recently, and I want to ask you for a favor.”

Zhang Shi was stunned when he heard the words.

She was a little strange. She didn’t know that a rich and powerful Princess of Bei’an like Cao Mi would need her help from a commoner.

But she quickly said: “The princess has a life, and the women will do their best.”

Cao Mi smiled: “It’s just a small matter, you can see if you can do it. If you really can’t do it, it doesn’t matter.”

She shifted the conversation to the wool side.

“I need a lot of wool recently, but there are not many people raising sheep in Liaozhou, so I plan to buy it outside the Great Wall.

“For the military and merchants outside the Great Wall, I only know people like Danba. I don’t have a deep friendship with them, and I don’t trust them very much.

“In the past few days, I suddenly think of you. You now live in the Ale people, and you happen to live not far from Liaozhou. The Rong people live by herding, and the number of cattle and sheep is not comparable to that of Liaozhou.

“So…I thought about asking you to help me with this.”

After listening to Zhang Shi, he pondered for a while and nodded.

“If the princess needs wool, the women can indeed help buy wool from the Ale tribe and some surrounding small tribes, but…”

She immediately discovered the problem: “If you want to send the purchased wool back to Cannes… I’m afraid you still have to turn to a military merchant like Danba for help.”

Cao Mi was very pleased that she could think of Danba’s side at once, instead of having no clue at all, and had to wait for herself to remind her.

“Yes.” She nodded, and added, “I think so. Buying wool is just an attempt now, and it is inevitable to go through the Danba barrier. He has been operating in Liaozhou and Rong for a long time, and working with him can save money. a lot of trouble.

“I can go and clarify with him and rent his business road for you to bring in the purchased wool. But…”

Cao Mi paused, looked at Mrs. Zhang, and proposed another plan.

“But I have another idea, which is more difficult for you. Would you like to hear it?”

Mrs Zhang nodded: “The women are willing.”

Cao Mi said: “Now, you and Danba have actually been on the line now, I think if you are willing to take over this business, you might as well learn to negotiate with Danba yourself.

“As far as I know, many commercial firms will choose to cooperate with Danba. They will hand over part of the profits from the transaction to Danba, so as to obtain the opportunity to safely enter and exit Liaozhou and beyond the Great Wall.”

At first glance, in fact, there is no difference between the two plans, and they are connected to this transaction through Danba.

The only difference was that on Danba’s side, whether Cao Mi came forward or Zhang Shi came forward.

This actually means how the profits of this business are distributed.

“If you are willing to choose the second type, I will pay a copper plate for every three catties of wool, and the rest will not be asked. I will pay how much wool you send.

“But if I come forward to negotiate with Danba, then I will negotiate the price of the lease with Danba, and then I can only pay the silver taels you helped send.”

After she finished speaking, she took the tea cup next to her and moistened her throat.

Zhang Shi was silent, and Cao Mi didn’t rush her and let her think for herself.

On the other hand, seeing that the two of them didn’t speak, the boy rubbed in Zhang’s arms with some doubts.

Mrs Zhang squeezed her little hand soothingly, raised her head and responded, “Thank you, Princess. The women are willing to negotiate with Danba themselves.”

Cao Mi nodded in satisfaction.

She had long guessed about Zhang’s choice, because she always knew that Zhang was a smart person.

“If you don’t need copper coins, I can also help you exchange the reward for the equivalent of grain, salt and other things.” Cao Mi added: “This purchase is not my intention. If there are no accidents in the future, I will need a lot of Wool, do it with all your heart.”

Mr. Zhang nodded and knelt down with Zigui to thank him.

She knew from Cao Michu’s first words that Princess Bei’an was just looking for an excuse to continue helping their mother and daughter.

Now that the patriarch of the Ale people intends to move northward, a Han daughter-in-law of the Zhang family can’t shake his decision at all.

But with the support of Cao Mi, it will be different.

Rong shepherds always throw away wool, which cannot be eaten or worn. But now, if the Zhang family can make use of these “wastes” through the line of Cao Mi, then, as the only trusted middleman of Cao Mi in the entire Ale tribe, her status and Zigui’s status will not be the same. .

As long as the head of the Ale tribe is of normal mind, he will not continue the decision to move north.

This is where Cao Mi needs her help, it is clear that their mother and daughter have received another great favor from Princess Bei’an.

Cao Mi’s people helped her up and sighed, “Why do you have to do this? If you do well, I will rely on you in the future.”

When Mrs Zhang sat back again, Cao Mi chatted with her about wool again.

She asked Zhang about the way the Rong tribe handled wool, and told Zhang about the difference between wool and cashmere, reminding her to distinguish carefully.

Mr. Zhang nodded while listening, and occasionally responded to a few questions, seeing that he really took this matter to heart.

Cao Mi was very satisfied, and before Zhang Shi was about to leave, she reminded again: “Although you came forward to talk to Danba yourself, the person behind you is me.

“You don’t need to be weak, and you don’t need to be timid. Just remember that you are my person, and Danba will not dare to embarrass you.”

Cao Mi was implying that Mr. Zhang could move himself out as a gimmick when necessary.

Zhang shi nodded gratefully.

She calmed down for a while, and then replied: “Don’t worry, princess, women don’t have to.”

The next day, Mrs. Zhang, who had packed up, left with the Danba caravan that had come to pick up their mother and daughter, but when she got on the carriage to the grassland, she was no longer as lost as before.

She knew that she didn’t need to follow the Ale tribe to move far away. Maybe one day in the future, she would be able to bring Zigui and let her daughter show a different face from others and return to this land dignifiedly.

After Mrs Zhang left, Cao Mi sorted out the work at hand.

Today, production at the cement plant is on track, and other things have entered a relatively flat stage of development.

Cao Mi found that he finally breathed intermittently from time to time.

Taking advantage of this free time, she spent more time with her three children.

Now, Qi Rui’s schoolwork is on the right track. After this period of running-in with Master Lin, the communication between teachers and students has become smoother.

Every time Cao Mi sees him, he finds that he is getting more mature, with a stern smile on his face, as if he has a bit of a sense of travel.

But the baby fat on Qi Rui’s face was not as degraded as Qi You’s. Cao Mi looked at it one day, and with bad thoughts, he lightly poked him in the face.

Qi Rui glanced at her strangely, rubbed her face, and asked, “Mother, what’s the matter?”

Cao Mi was originally idle, but seeing that he asked so seriously, he hurriedly made a nonsense question and asked, “Qi An and Qi Ran recently…have you been calmer?”

The time entered August, and the twins spent their third birthday a few days ago.

Although this time is not enough for enlightenment, but with Qi Rui as a pearl in front, Master Lin is not willing to leave them behind.

He added two sets of bookcases where he taught. Every day when Qi Rui went to the lecture, he would arrest Qi An and Qi Ran and teach them to recognize some simple characters.

But he used the education method of this era. Before he could read, he would not be like Cao Mi, so he made up a story to make people happy.

The twins were so tormented by him that they dared not speak, so they turned to Cao Mi and cried.

Cao Mi deeply felt the taste of modern parents sending their bear children to kindergarten.

She tried to find Lin Yi, and helped the twins to euphemistically respond to the questions that were too boring in the class.

Since that letter, Lin Yi has been honest with her, but his attitude is very respectful.

He took out his article on enlightenment for the twins, and explained to Cao Mi that this was a rare copy in the world, and that his education plan was not wrong.

Seeing that the feedback was fruitless, Cao Mi could only leave with a smile.

When he turned to face the twins, he could only promise to cook more delicious food with them to soothe their helplessness in learning.

Qi Rui heard the words, thought for a while, and answered truthfully: “An Di is more obedient, but Brother Ran…be quiet.”

When Cao Mi heard this, he couldn’t help but laugh.

Qi Rui continued to explain: “They are all still young, so it’s understandable to look like this. Mother doesn’t have to… um… don’t care.”

What he originally wanted to say was “don’t worry”, but looking at Cao Mi’s smiling face, it was obvious that he didn’t look “worried” at all, so he hesitated for a moment before saying “care”.

Beside him, the twins holding the brushes heard the sound and looked over, and looked at her several times with sorrowful eyes.

Cao Mi quickly restrained his smile and calmed them down with a warm voice.

The golden autumn and August are the harvest time. When the yellow leaves were falling outside the window, there was a battle report from Feng Ping, and a small group of vanguards had already appeared on the Rong side, eager to move outside the pass.

Qi You packed up and rushed to the front line to sit in town again.

Cao Mi looked for an opportunity to go to Rongguang Villa again. Seeing the fields full of unripe grains, he felt very comforted.

Due to the late planting this year, Rongguang Mountain Villa was in time for the summer ploughing trip, and it is not yet time to harvest.

Experienced old farmers in the villa have seen that Rong Guang’s batch of grain may not be harvested until late September.

But this year, because of the diligent work of the refugees and the good weather this year, the harvest will not be too bad.

Cao Mi nodded with satisfaction, while thinking about the next development of the villa.

During the period, Rie Yan took his three friends through the field, caught a glimpse of her figure, and turned around to see her.

Cao Mi calmly fed it a small apple. Seeing that it was eating happily, he asked the veterinarian who followed closely behind it: “Have you been getting along with these three horses… er… well recently?”

She didn’t say it too blatantly, but that’s what the veterinarian has been worried about recently, so it’s easy to understand.

He replied with a bitter face: “Princess Che… um, the three horses sent by the army are the best mares, and they get along well with the sweaty horse… but… hey, in that regard, No progress yet.”

After listening to Cao Mi, he coughed twice to cover up his embarrassment, then touched Rie Yan’s mane, and whispered, “What? Are you not satisfied?”

Li Yan didn’t know if he understood, but he arched into her arms, as if he was venting something.

After frolicking for a while, it saw that it couldn’t get any more sweet fruits and vegetables, so it just left and went for a walk by itself.

The three horse girls followed it without leaving an inch, and when they saw it turned around, they raised their hooves and followed.

Cao Mi looked at Li Yan’s happy appearance, and could only comfort himself in his heart that he couldn’t be in a hurry.

After she returned to the palace, she counted the days and only felt that she could wait quietly for the news of the harvest from the villa.

Unexpectedly, she didn’t have a leisurely two days, Zhang Mao sent someone to announce the good news, saying that the ink had come out.

Cao Mi couldn’t help but was overjoyed and was about to head towards Zhang Mao. Before she went out, she suddenly remembered something and ordered a maid, “Go to those ladies in Zhou Xue, and lead them to go with them. Go to Zhang Mao’s side.”

The maid nodded and took orders, and went straight to the courtyard where Zhou Xue and the others were, and then Cao Mi continued to lead people to Zhang Mao’s side.

When she arrived at the hospital, she found that Liu Ge was also there.

Although Liu Ge has been dealing with wool and other things recently, he is, after all, the supervisor of the craftsmen of the palace, and must be in control of all research and development progress.

Zhang Mao had achieved results here, so naturally he also invited him to give pointers.

Cao Mi waited for a while, and when Zhou Xue and the others came, did Zhang Mao prepare to demonstrate the printing process.

The craftsmen heard the order and swiped the ink that Zhang Mao and the others had tossed out for several months on the printing plate, and then printed it on the white paper, pressing it lightly for a while, then took off the white paper, Pages of clear articles are printed directly.

At this time, Zhang Mao selected the most widely circulated filial piety scripture in this dynasty. The filial piety scriptures are not long, and can be written on seven or eight pages. After the craftsmen in the courtyard repeated this operation several times, a scripture of filial piety was printed in its original place.

Zhou Xue and others had been called in a hurry by Cao Mi, and they didn’t know what was going on here.

When they entered the courtyard in the first year of junior high, they were only washed away by the strange smells in the courtyard and almost lost their color. Later, when I saw that the courtyard was full of craftsmen with clothes and ink on their hands, I didn’t even know what Cao Mi’s idea was.

Now that this printing technique is displayed, the regular filial piety scriptures that ordinary people have to copy for half an hour one after another, were actually produced in the hands of an inconspicuous craftsman with a few swipes.

As smart as them, they immediately realized the importance of this technology, and for a while, they didn’t even care to maintain their expressions, and they opened their mouths slightly and stared at it with wide eyes.

Zhang Mao also introduced: “The ink has just been developed, and I was in a hurry to announce the good news to the princess, so I invited the princess.

“This printing plate still needs to be improved. Please ask the princess to give me some more time. After printing, it will never be as time-consuming as it is today.”

Cao Mi didn’t care about his words anymore, so he took the printed filial piety and checked it.

The oily ink made by Zhang Mao dries slightly faster than ink and wash, and after a while, the ink on the paper is half dry. Cao Mi looked at the clear handwriting for a while, then put the paper in front of his nose and sniffed it, confirming that there was no too much odor, and then he was relieved.

She turned her head to Zhang Mao and said, “You’ve done a great job. It really surprises me that the ink can be developed so quickly.”

Zhang Mao’s face was red, and the smile on his face could not stop, and he said modestly: “It’s all Wang Fei and Liu Jiang who have good guidance, and the villain dare not take credit.”

On the other side, Cao Mi passed the filial piety scripture to Zhou Xue and several others, and asked, “What do you think of this printing technique?”

The reason why she called this group of people here is because Zhou Xue and the others often need to copy books. After all, she only gives one copy of the textbook, and they need to copy it several times each time, one is for preview, and the other is for storage. Get up, and then send it to the villa for other female masters to study.

Cao Mi felt that this group of women who were deeply “victimized by copying books” must understand the preciousness of printing better than others.

Sure enough, Zhou Xue and others did not live up to her expectations.

They got the pages of the Book of Filial Piety and read it over and over several times. After reading it, they were even reluctant to pass it on to others.

After all, they were not like Cao Mi, who knew the existence of printing.

Zhou Xue stroked the scripture of filial piety in her hands for a long time, and finally calmed down, and said, “This… this is really… a magic trick.”

Hearing her comment, several female masters nodded in agreement.

They discussed excitedly for a while, and Zhou Xue asked Cao Mi with bright eyes: “Now the printing plate is engraved with the Book of Filial Piety. If the Book of Filial Piety is replaced, and books such as arithmetic are engraved…”

“Yeah.” Cao Mi nodded: “Maybe at the villa, every child can have a textbook.”

Zhou Xue’s eyes were flushed with excitement, and she was about to say something when she suddenly said worriedly: “The princess is kind, but… even with this printing technique, rice paper is not cheap.”

She sighed: “At the villa, the children don’t need it, but… maybe you can print a few copies for several masters.”

When she mentioned it, Cao Mi finally remembered the paper.

In fact, she also had the idea of ​​making paper at the beginning, but at that time Liu Ge and others were all tasked with important tasks, and they were completely unable to do it.

Now that Zhang Mao has gotten the ink out, the problem on the printing plate is not big. Paper and ink are not separated, maybe when things on their side come to an end, they can ponder the matter of improving papermaking.

Keeping this matter in mind, Cao Mi did not say it for the time being.

She came to the printing plates with the scriptures of filial piety engraved on them, took a general look, and then beckoned to call Liu Ge and Zhang Mao.

Cao Mi suggested: “As for the improvement of the printing plate, you can try other materials.

“If you have spare time, maybe you can try to get the ‘movable type’ out first.”

“‘Moveable type’?” Zhang Mao repeated this strange word with some doubts.

“En.” Cao Mi nodded, “‘Moveable type printing’.

“Engrave all the characters into a single stereotype. After that, no matter what book you need to engrave, you don’t need to spend time making a single stereotype. You only need to select the words that appear in the article, compose the whole article, and you can print it directly.”

After Liu Ge and Zhang Mao listened, they were stunned for a while.

After they came back to their senses, they only sighed: “The princess is ingenious.”

Cao Mi smiled.

After the printing technique was invented in the Tang Dynasty in China, it was not improved until the Song Dynasty, and the movable type printing technique was invented. Cao Mi did not know if there was still a huge technical gap between printing and movable type printing.

So she added to Zhang Mao: “I have other things for you in the future. If there is no progress in ‘movable type’, you don’t need to worry about it. Now the whole printing plate is enough.”

Zhang Mao nodded and saluted respectfully, “Yes.”

The author has something to say: make up for the lack of yesterday

Thanks to the little angel who irrigated the nutrient solution: 20 bottles of Zhenzhen; 1 bottle of water;

Thank you very much for your support, I will continue to work hard!

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