Cowardly Stepmother Dressed As the Hero

Chapter 59

Welcome to Cannes in June, in this scorching season, a big event happened.

On the sixth day of the sixth month, everything is fine.

As the red curtain on the plaque was lifted, everyone finally knew the name of this five-story restaurant.

“‘Fengdeng Building’? It takes the meaning of the abundance of grains? It complements its ‘five floors’.” Opposite Fengdeng Building, Peng Hu and a few businessmen and friends sat on the second floor of a tea house facing the street, opening the grand opening of Fengdeng Building. income.

On the good day when the restaurant opened, Yongle Street was full of people who came to join in the fun. There are guys stationed in front of the door, throwing jelly beans into the air in large quantities.

People kept pouring into the restaurant, and soon, the second floor of Fengdeng Building was filled with exclamations.

On the upper level, more than a dozen heads appeared one after another on the third floor, but no one could set foot on the fourth and fifth floors.

Peng Hu’s group came here specifically for Feng Denglou, but they didn’t need to crowd together like ordinary people to join in the novelty.

After staying in the teahouse until lunch time, several famous merchants in Cannes City went to Fengdeng Tower together under the service of servants.

When it was time for dinner, the busiest time had passed. Many people who came to see the lively from the beginning could not afford the high consumption on Yongle Street.

But despite this, the open first and second floors were packed.

Compared with the splendid flow of people, the shops in the building are very sparse.

“One, two, three, four… Hey, I remember we walked all the way, and there were only five stores that opened, right?” Beside Peng Hu, a tall middle-aged man said with a smile: “It seems that this Feng Denglou’s so-called ‘investment promotion’ plan did not go well!”

A potbellied businessman quickly took his words: “The owners of these shops don’t know if there is something wrong with their brains.

“Do you know what the rental price of this place is?”

The fat businessman who opened his mouth was surnamed Jin, and he had a single name and an expensive character, and his name could show his arrogance.

Seeing that several friends were looking over, Jin Gui spread out his five fingers: “One year, it will be close to this amount. Oh, I opened a pawnshop in the west of the city, and I can’t make this amount in a year.”

Hearing this, everyone laughed bluntly.

The tall businessman smiled and said, “Boss Jin, where is the west of the city? How can it be compared to this kind of place?”

Jin Gui snorted coldly.

He pointed to a bookstore in front and said, “Look at it.”

This bookstore, located next to the stairs on the first floor of Fengdeng Building, is the branch of the Sifang Bookstore under the name of Cao Mi on Wenze Street.

At this time, a fairly dense circle of people gathered outside the bookstore, but those people just stretched their heads and watched the fun. As soon as he inquired about the price of the paper books in the bookstore, he immediately showed embarrassment and walked away.

“There are indeed many people, but no one will buy it.” Jin Gui said: “Also, a good study, not open on Wenze Street, which is full of culture, will take root in such a bustling fireworks place, in my opinion, hey, It won’t last long!”

These are all businessmen, and everyone has an opinion on the business history. When they heard Jin Gui’s remarks, most of them nodded in agreement.

Only Peng Hu, remembering what the shopkeeper Zhang said to him that day, remained silent.

His abnormal behavior quickly caught Jin Gui’s attention. Jin Gui rolled his eyes, suddenly remembered something, and shouted, “Hey, I remember that Lao Peng was very concerned about Fengdenglou before, right?”

He approached Penghu and asked, “Lao Peng, you won’t really rent it, will you?”

When Peng Hu heard this, his face turned red.

Several friends were staring at him at this time, waiting for his reply.

Peng Hu wanted to cover up the past, but at this moment, everyone had already set foot on the stairs to the second floor.

The location of the shop he bought is not very good, but it is also a location that can be seen as soon as you go up to the second floor. If the Fengdeng Building is full of shops now, it will be fine. There are only four or five shops on the first floor, and even fewer on the second floor. As long as a few people go up, they can immediately see his jade shop.

Peng Hu could only cough vaguely, and said in a low voice, “Have a good time, hehe, let’s have a good time.”

His voice was so low that Jin Gui and several others could not hear him clearly.

Before they wanted to ask again, as Peng Hu expected, someone had already found his Pengji Jade Stone Shop on the second floor.

Jin Gui’s eyes lit up, and he walked to the third floor in no hurry. He went straight to the Jade Shop and asked knowingly, “Hey, isn’t this Lao Peng’s shop?”

When everyone heard the words, they all leaned over to check.

At this time, Peng Hu was not good at slipping away alone, so he followed up with a smirk.

The shopkeeper of Jade Shop has sharp eyes, and he saw his master at once.

He squeezed out of the crowd of onlookers, came to Peng Hu and others, bowed and saluted: “Master, gentlemen.”

Peng Hu nodded and raised his hand to signal him to get up.

After the shopkeeper stood up straight, Jin Gui asked gloatingly, “How about the shopkeeper? Can Peng Ji make money today?”

The shopkeeper of Jade Shop froze when he heard the words.

He glanced at Peng Hu carefully, and after getting Peng Hu’s permission, he said honestly, “Ask… There are a lot of people asking, and the guys are almost too busy… But I haven’t seen the real purchase yet.”

Jin Gui nodded in satisfaction, spread out his hands, and looked like “You guys can see.”

Someone gave Peng Hu a mouthful and said, “It’s only been opened for less than an hour, isn’t it unusual that it hasn’t been sold yet?

“Lao Peng’s jade shop does not open for a year, and it can be eaten for a year when it is open!”

Peng Hu quickly waved his hand and said modestly, “Nothing, nothing.”

Hearing this, Jin Gui rolled his eyes.

He took the hand of the shopkeeper of the jade shop and suggested to everyone: “That’s the case, let’s help Lao Peng to open a shop today. Shopkeeper, if there are any novelties in the store recently, you can bring them out. knowledge and knowledge.”

“That’s right!” Another friend of Peng Hu also said, “I’ve come here, how can I not take care of Lao Peng’s business? The shopkeeper, go get it, I have to buy one.”

The two of them shouted, and the merchants around them all responded.

Peng Hu couldn’t stop the enthusiasm of everyone, so he had no choice but to give a few words to the shopkeeper’s ear.

The shopkeeper nodded, turned around and returned to the shop. After a while, he took out a few Hetian jade pendants.

Peng Hu divided the jade pendant and introduced: “This is a good material that was sent recently, look at how fine it is!

“I’ve sent them all here, and I’m not willing to keep one of them. If the brothers like it, they should take care of my brother’s business.”

This is what Jin Gui and the others were waiting for. It was no nonsense when they took the pendant, and they greeted their servants to settle the bill.

When Peng Hu was still saying his words of gratitude, Jin Gui stepped forward, patted him on the shoulder, and said to the others, “Everyone knows how much pressure Lao Peng has to pay the rent for Fengdeng Building every year.

“He was confused, and it would be difficult to choose such a place in the future.

“Only our brothers can take care of the business in this Pengji jade shop. Don’t be stingy, we must buy it in the future!”

His remarks were full of arrogance, as if he was a big brother who was willing to help his younger generation.

But to be honest, he was mocking Peng Hu who was pecked at the wild goose and chose the wrong place to open the store.

The people present are all human beings, how can there be no taste of his meaning? But most of the people thought about the same thing as him, and nodded after listening, and echoed a few words.

Even Peng Hu himself, although he had heard what Shopkeeper Zhang said before, didn’t have a clue in his heart, so he could only laugh with embarrassment, and nodded silently.

This episode passed quickly. After buying the jade pendant, a few people left the second floor, passed through the third floor, and came to the fourth floor of Fengdeng Building.

Compared with the first three floors, which were crowded with people, the fourth floor was much quieter because it required an appointment to come up.

There are not many tables and chairs in sight, leaving a long distance from each other, with a delicate embroidered screen as a barrier in the middle.

Aura of calligraphy and paintings hang on the walls on all sides, and below the calligraphy and paintings, there are pepper potted plants with fruit hanging on them.

If you look at it from the perspective of a modern person, placing pepper pots as decorations in a restaurant will definitely make people laugh out loud.

But in this day and age, chili peppers, also known as “red cage fruit”, are indeed a rare ornamental plant. A few merchants saw those red caged fruits, and even nodded, secretly marveling at the wealth of the owner here.

Since Peng Hu had previously reserved a wing room, Xiao Er came over quickly and took them there.

The decoration of the wing room is similar to that of the outer room. After Jin Gui sat down, he sighed comfortably.

He greeted and asked, “Little Er, what do you have to eat here?”

In an ordinary restaurant, at this time, it is time for Xiao Er Da to show his skills and report the name of the dish.

But Feng Deng Lou is different.

Xiao Er turned around, took out a few bordered menus from the cabinet of the box, and handed them to everyone: “This is the menu of our restaurant, all the guests can take a look.”

The menu has a lot of weight to start with, and the words “Feng Deng” on the cover shine with golden light.

As soon as it is opened, it will introduce the various types of food in the restaurant. For some signature dishes, the painter even asked the painter to draw a painting and display it in the most conspicuous position.

Rao is like Jin Gui Penghu. People who have seen the big scene are all stunned by this operation.

Peng Hu had a lot of dealings with Sifang Bookstore. After taking a look, he was sure: “This is something that Sifang Bookstore can only do, right?”

Xiao Er nodded and responded, “The menu is indeed customized by Sifang Bookstore.”

“Sifang Bookstore still accepts this kind of business?” Peng Hu asked with wide eyes.

When these businessmen listened to his question, they understood what he didn’t say, and hurriedly stretched their necks and leaned over to listen.

Xiao Er scratched his head: “It should be… This… The villain is not very clear.”

He smiled and led everyone back to the topic: “The dishes in this restaurant are exclusively developed, and I guarantee that a few guest officers have not tasted it elsewhere. Guest officers, would you like to try it?”

Peng Hu nodded.

He temporarily put the Sifang Bookstore behind him and greeted, “Come, come, the biggest meal, order first! Order first!”

Jin Gui has a stout figure and is a well-known gluttonous eater.

Peng Hu greeted him like this, and his mind immediately returned to the menu.

“This ‘Mapo Tofu’… What is tofu?” Jin Gui asked Xiao Er while holding the menu.

Xiao Er explained: “Tofu is a kind of food made from beans. It’s fresh and soft, and it melts in your mouth. How many distinguished guests can try it?”

“Beans?” Jin Gui frowned.

“I haven’t eaten such cheap food for a long time.” He snorted coldly.

Soon, a businessman sitting next to Jin Gui noticed something was wrong.

He started out by making food, and he knew the prices of various crops by heart. When he saw the price behind Mapo tofu, he asked in confusion: “This… made from beans, it actually sells for twenty taels? Are the beans you speak of golden beans?”

The guy smiled shyly and replied, “Hey, guest, you don’t know, beans are really cheap, but there are other expensive ingredients in this dish.”

“What expensive ingredients?” Jin Gui raised his head and asked, “Is it really possible to have dragon liver and phoenix gall?”

Little Er pointed to the red caged fruit in the corner: “There are also some red caged fruits in the tofu, and the taste is very different. Guest officer, you will know after you taste it later.”

Today, the autumn harvest has not yet arrived, and the first batch of peppers collected in Rongguang Villa is limited after all. In order to control the daily consumption of peppers in the restaurant, Cao Mi has increased the price of the corresponding dishes.

Her approach is actually very reasonable. What is rare is precious. Chili is indeed a rare thing in today’s prosperous dynasty, not to mention the chili cuisine in her restaurant, which is now in a “monopoly” position.

Everyone followed Xiao Er’s fingertips and looked at the red and bright peppers beside him.

“Can the red cage fruit be eaten?” Peng Hu opened his mouth wide in shock.

The second nodded.

Hearing this, Jin Gui covered the menu unhappily: “You will play these strange tricks!”

Seeing that he was displeased, Peng Hu hurriedly asked, “Brother Jin, what kind of argument is this?”

Jin Gui twisted his buttocks to make himself more comfortable: “A few years ago, when I went to Quanzhou in the south, I heard about a restaurant. Hey, it is exactly the same as Feng Deng Lou, which is based on a precious peony – Four Seasons Spring. into the dish.

“I was curious for a while, so I went over and tasted it. Oh, I don’t know if I didn’t taste it, and I really lost my hundred taels of silver when I tasted it.”

When the crowd heard this, they burst into laughter.

“It’s said that cattle chew peony and cattle chew peony!” Jin Gui knocked on the table, signaling everyone not to laugh too much, “It’s because I’m not a cow and can’t taste the taste of peony.

“Or are these restaurants too abhorrent, and they use the food that only cows are willing to eat as a gimmick to fool us?”

His misunderstanding of the idiom made the friends who had stopped laughing couldn’t help laughing again, and the little Er who was standing next to him obviously heard what he meant and didn’t know what to do in embarrassment.

When the laughter stopped for a while, Xiao Er hurriedly remedied: “All the lords don’t know, this red cage fruit, also known as chili, is really edible.

“It’s fresh and spicy in the mouth. It has neither the numbness of peppercorns nor the pungency of spice. It can be combined with fresh and tender tofu or fish, and it can cook amazingly delicious.”

Seeing that everyone obviously didn’t care, he cleared his throat and introduced: “If the guest officials don’t like it, then look back. There are other dishes in this restaurant, which will definitely not disappoint.”

“Understood, you don’t have to say it.” Jin Gui waved his hand, “We’ve come, even if we knew we were going to be slaughtered, we couldn’t look back.”

He listened to Xiao Er’s advice and turned around.

Most of the dishes in the back are relatively ordinary. Although they are called “extremely fresh”, they are all common dishes in top restaurants in Cannes.

The prices of these foods are also slightly more expensive than other places, but they are all within the acceptable premium range.

After the above encounter, Jin Gui was a little bit lacking in interest, and casually ordered a few dishes that his group usually likes to eat.

They often drank together and talked about business. Jin Gui knew the tastes of everyone. With his arrangement, no one in the wing had any objections.

Soon, he returned the menu, and politely asked Peng Hu and the others, “How, do you guys have anything else you want to eat?”

Everyone shook their heads, only Peng Hu asked, “Hey, wait.”

He paused and suggested: “I once heard that the dishes in Fengdeng Building are the ‘only one’ in the world, and I think this red cage fruit is their signature dish.

“We finally look forward to it opening, and it’s impossible to say without trying the specialties.”

Seeing that everyone did not object, Peng Hu added two dishes: “Well, Xiao Er, you can serve this one again, what is this ‘Mapo Tofu’, and a red cage fish.”

Hearing the words, Xiao Er responded with joy.

He put away the menu, bowed and went down to make arrangements.

Jin Gui glanced at Peng Hu and said, “Brother Peng is still lavish, and the price of those two dishes is not bad.”

“It’s rare to come here, so you have to have a good time.” Peng Hu waved his hand indifferently, “Besides, maybe the dishes that people regard as their signature are not bad?

“Brother Jin, you are famous for your tongue and stomach. I only added two dishes. I’m afraid you won’t be able to eat enough later!”

This sentence is a joke, everyone heard the words and laughed at the venue.

Jin Gui snorted and patted his belly: “I’m fat, but I don’t eat everything!”

Everyone chatted for a while, and the door of the wing was opened again.

The wine was brought up first.

The servant of Bucai quickly opened the bottle and poured a glass for the gentlemen in the house.

Jin Gui tasted it and immediately tasted it: “Well, yes, the ‘Qingshuang Wine’ from Linzhou is of the highest quality!”

Peng Hu nodded, just as he was about to praise Feng Denglou, he heard Jin Gui say again: “The shopkeeper of Yingke Building opposite Lu Ziguang, this kind of wine, he can get super quality wine in the whole Liaozhou.

“The next time we get together, we have to go to the Yingqing Building. I am the host. Please come and taste the top ‘Qingshuang’.”

“It’s still Boss Jin, you know a lot!” A person on Jin Gui’s right hand complimented him: “This wine is really good. If you weren’t there, we would have thought it was the best.”

“Hahaha.” Jin Gui was complimented happily, “I just love to eat. Over the years, I have been wronged a lot for the word “eating”. It’s hard to understand slowly.”

He glanced at Peng Hu, whose face was a little stiff: “But this time it’s Brother Peng’s treat. It’s normal for people to make mistakes. After all, it’s a new restaurant, and the wine is passable, so everyone can have fun.”

Peng Hu made two “hehe” and asked his servant, “Why haven’t the dishes been served yet? Go and urge him.”

He changed the subject ingeniously, stirring up the atmosphere in the wing room again.

After a quarter of an hour, the door to the wing was finally opened again.

Xiao Er stood at the front, led the serving guy into the door, and instructed them to put the dishes.

Then, he bowed and saluted, said, “Please take your time, guest”, and then backed out.

Leaving Peng Hu and a group of people, looking at the dazzling dishes on the table, they were stunned for a while.

“This… is this smell too fragrant?” A somewhat thin businessman sighed: “Is there such a smell in the Yingke Building before?”

Peng Hu came back to his senses, and as the owner, he quickly raised his chopsticks: “Don’t wait, try it all, try it!”

With him taking the lead, everyone picked up the bowls and chopsticks and began to taste it directly.

Jin Guiyu has a lot of experience in ordering dishes. He ordered meat and vegetables at this table with a comprehensive mix of sweet, salty and sour flavors. Everyone tasted according to their own preferences, and they were amazed for a while.

“No! Isn’t this just ordinary pork? Why is there no fishy smell at all?”

“This bean pod and shrimp… It’s so delicious, I’ve tasted it for the first time!”

“This is the plate of ‘Yung Tofu’? Is this tofu really made of beans? It’s amazing to match with the sauce meat inside!”

“Can fish do this?”


Peng Hu took two bites and found it very strange.

It was obviously the delicacies of the mountains and seas that they were used to. They thought that Fengdenglou was just scripted, but they didn’t expect that these limited things were all played out.

At this time, Peng Hu was startled to realize that he might have guessed wrong.

He originally thought that the “only family” that the shopkeeper Zhang said was referring to the red cage fruit that he had just seen. And after the dishes were actually imported, he was shocked—

Just these seemingly “ordinary” dishes are enough to become “unique”.

Between stuffing something in his mouth, he took the time to look at Jin Gui.

After starting to move the chopsticks, Jin Gui, who didn’t say a word from beginning to end, couldn’t stop eating at this time.

He scooped out the soup in the bowl with a spoon in his left hand, and the chopsticks in his right hand kept sticking out into the plate of meat soup, as if he had forgotten to eat.

“Ouch! It’s so hot, so spicy!” Everyone was eating happily when a discordant voice suddenly interjected.

Peng Hu hurriedly looked over.

It turned out to be a friend on his left. He ate too quickly, and he didn’t pay attention for a while, and actually stretched his spoon to the mapo tofu that was added later in the Penghu.

Originally, when everyone was eating, they all tacitly ate what they knew. Only when he accidentally stretched out the wrong spoon was “hit”.

The servant beside him hurriedly brought cold water to rinse his mouth, and Peng Hu asked with concern, “How is it? Are you alright?”

He looked at the mapo tofu that was mixed with red, red and white.

“Wait! Wait!” The person who was scalded finally relieved the hot pain in his mouth, and asked in surprise, “What are you doing?”

He picked up the spoon again and scooped up a mouthful of Mapo tofu in the eyes of everyone.

This time he learned to be obedient, and after blowing obediently, he put it into his mouth.

Immediately, his eyes lit up: “This, this is really delicious! The taste of this red basket fruit is really… really amazing!”

Peng Hu was still in a daze. Jin Gui, who had recovered, had already drank the soup in the bowl in one gulp, and reached out to the “boiled fish” that no one had touched.

Putting a piece of white and tender fish into his mouth, Jin Gui suddenly widened his eyes.

“This… Brother Jin, how does it taste?” Peng Hu asked.

Jin Gui didn’t bother to answer him anymore, picked up the empty bowl in front of him, and scooped up a pile of fish.

He said while scooping: “Spicy, fragrant, don’t be stunned, eat!”

With the two of them taking the lead, everyone finally divided their attention to two dishes with peppers.

Peng Hu himself does not like spicy food, and his sense of taste is somewhat sensitive. In the original spicy dishes of this era, he can always keenly taste the bitterness implied in them.

But this time, the white Mapo tofu entered his mouth, but he could only feel the tender and unparalleled taste.

The spiciness was so overbearing that it washed away the umami left in his mouth just now. It was spicy and extremely lingering, mixed in the tofu, and burned all the way from his mouth to his stomach.

Peng Hu smacked his lips and couldn’t help sighing: “Delicious!”

When he was wondering why he didn’t agree with him, he found that everyone’s mouth was moving, as if they had no time to speak.

And the two dishes that were seasoned with chili peppers have been emptied directly in a short period of time!

Peng Hu was stunned for a while, and then he called the servant behind him in a funny way: “You go and add two dishes, you want…”

Before he could finish speaking, the person who had eaten seriously seemed to have regained his voice at the same time, and started talking about demands.

“Tofu, this one is tender, I want another plate.”

“Fish too, I just ate one piece, can’t you keep some for me?”

“I remember there was chicken hong kongguo on the menu, right? I like chicken, here’s a plate of diced chicken!”

“The pork in Fengdenglou has no fishy smell. I have to ask for a plate of Honglongguo pork.”


The servant wiped the sweat from his forehead and quickly went out to add vegetables.

After a while, he returned to the house.

“Master… the vegetables of Hong Long Guo are sold out…” he replied.

Everyone in the room was stunned.

Jin Gui raised his head between eating meat, glared at him and asked, “What do you mean? Sold out?”

The servant nodded and explained: “Everyone outside is adding food. I heard that the third floor below is also adding… I went late, and the shopkeeper said it was all sold out.”

After Jin Gui heard this, he opened his mouth wide, not wanting to believe it at all.

But the servant didn’t wait for him to relax, and asked Peng Hu for instructions: “By the way, sir, do you want to book another seat?

“The shopkeeper’s side is crowded with people. They heard that today’s red baskets are sold out, and they have already started to book places for the next few days… When I first came back, the places for tomorrow and the day after tomorrow were all booked out.”

Peng Hu and the others came up at the meal time, and they were in a good location, so they didn’t hear anything outside at all.

After the servant reminded me, everyone in the room came back to their senses.

Then, before Peng Hu could react, everyone turned around and called their servants.

Jin Gui glared at him and said, “Jin Cai, go over there, call my name and ask if you can book a few more seats, just book the closest one, the closer the better, understand?”

Jin Cai just nodded, and Jin Gui patted him impatiently: “Go, go, don’t wait.”

A group of servants quickly rushed out of the wing and joined the queue for reservations.

Jin Gui touched his stomach and suddenly asked, “By the way, I remember that there is still a fifth floor in Fengdeng Building? Can the fifth floor be reserved?”

Peng Hu shook his head: “When I was looking for a relationship before, that person told me that the fifth floor is generally closed.”

“Not open?” Jin Gui patted the table angrily, “Who is the owner behind this? The shelf is so big?”

Next to him, the merchant who tasted Mapo Tofu at the beginning murmured, “Can you use red cage fruit as ingredients… Can this owner be too big?”

Being talked about by everyone, the gigantic princess of Bei’an was sitting on the fifth floor listening to Xiling’s report on the business situation of the restaurant, carrying her own chubby dimple.

Hearing the news that the chili dishes were sold out, Cao Mi nodded in satisfaction.

She nodded her nose, and happily announced: “Well, it seems that I don’t need to worry about the restaurant here. Let’s prepare and find your two brothers!”

Qi Ran swallowed the fish in his mouth and shouted happily, “Okay!”

The author has something to say: there is another chapter at 9 pm, thank you for your support!

Thanks to the little angel who threw the mines: Zhen Zhen, 1 piece of fog and misty Frost Yehong;

Thanks to the little angel who irrigated the nutrient solution: 31 bottles of Hu Meng; 20 bottles of stelzhua; 10 bottles of lz, the omnipotent baby penguin;

Thank you very much for your support, I will continue to work hard!

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