Cowardly Stepmother Dressed As the Hero

Chapter 70

Geer led the caravan and quickly entered the courtyard.

The slaves packed up the convoy and squeezed feebly into a shabby little room.

After a while, Geer and Qi San walked in with a basket of food.

The Rong guards who stayed outside the room immediately increased their vigilance and paid attention to the turbulence around them.

After closing the door, Qi San put his things on the table, bowed to the “slaves” group, and said, “Your Highness.”

Qi You wiped the stains on his face, nodded and walked out.

This group of people was not an ordinary caravan at all, but was disguised by King Beian and his personal soldiers. The leader Geer is the commander of the Rong army under Qi You’s hands. They are Rong people themselves. They joined the Fasheng army due to the forced expropriation of the Rong royal family. After being abandoned, they were rescued by Qi You. Served him by Qi You’s side.

Qi You waved his hand and motioned for the two to get up.

Afterwards, he asked Qi Sandao, “How is it that you have been here for half a month? Who are the generals in the city now? How are the troops?”

Qi San cupped his hands and said, “My subordinates have already inquired about it. The officer in the city is a young general from the Rong royal family. There are not many soldiers in the city, about five hundred people, but each soldier is equipped with light horses , very flexible.”

Qi You nodded thoughtfully: “This is the closest city to Fengping, it’s only for the purpose of watching the wind.

“You don’t need many people here, they just need to keep an eye on Feng Ping’s situation and report back whenever there is any movement.”

Qi San laughed: “The Rong royal family knocked down the place, but they couldn’t manage it properly. It’s really a waste of time.”

Beside, Geer added: “The left-wing is the faction that advocates war with Sheng Chao, but the generals in this city… do not seem to reject Sheng Chao people too much.”

Qi San nodded and replied: “The general guarding the city is a person who is extremely greedy for money and cherishes his life. Long before we arrived, Danba and other merchants ‘feed’ him.

“So he has always turned a blind eye to the caravan.”

After thinking about it for a while, Qi You asked again, “In the city… are there still people from Sheng Chao?”

Fifty years ago, the Rong tribe conquered the territory north of Fengping in one fell swoop. Not all the people of the five occupied cities and the nearby Shengchao villages were able to withdraw in time.

Because of the incompetence of the Sheng Dynasty at that time, these people could only survive under the oppression of the Rong tribe and became slaves of pigs and dogs.

Talking about this topic, the atmosphere in the room is obviously a little heavy.

Qi San thought about it and answered truthfully, “Yes.”

Shaking his head, he sighed: “But these people from the Sheng Dynasty… have mostly become slaves of the Rong people. Even if they didn’t, they could only be reduced to street beggars. Moreover, fifty years later, a large number of these people… He didn’t even know he was from Sheng Dynasty.

“Although they have the faces of the people of the Sheng Dynasty and the blood of the people of the Sheng Dynasty, they can only speak the Rong language and have been following the Rong people to seek a living.”

“Really?” Qi You sneered.

Qi San nodded and said, “My lord, your subordinates guess that this is one of the reasons why those left-wingers of the Rong clan would buy the young children of the Sheng Dynasty from the people traffickers in Liaozhou.

“The people of the Sheng Dynasty north of Fengping, probably… can no longer be called people of the Sheng Dynasty. They want to train spies, and it is impossible to find them from their own territory.”

Qi You nodded.

He pondered for a while, called to all the people in the room, and instructed: “Qi San and the others have already built a place for us to settle down in the city, and we will use this as a stronghold and stay here for half a month.

“During this half month, first, find out the specific situation of the troops deployed here and how they communicate with the upper management.

“Second… Start with those Sheng Chao people in the city who have not become slaves, and test their attitude.”

Everyone lowered their voices and answered in unison: “Yes.”


Meanwhile, on the outskirts of Cannes.

A team of construction teams came to the vicinity of Pingji Village and began to level the road.

Soon, a passing villager looked at them curiously.

After a while, finally a few courageous companions came forward to catch a construction worker and asked, “Little brother, what are you doing?”

This road is a public road on the outskirts of Cannes, and there are many villages along the way.

The construction worker answered honestly: “We are leveling the road and preparing to repair the road.”

“Building the road?” The villagers in Pingji Village were a little confused for a while. They looked at each other and asked, “This… Who asked you to build the road?”

The construction worker replied: “Our main family is the Bei’an Palace in Cannes City.”

“The palace?” As soon as he said these words, several villagers were stunned.

According to common sense, things like road building are usually the work of local parents and officials. They thought they wanted to hear the names of county magistrates or some good people nearby, but they didn’t expect the construction workers to open their mouths and put a big Buddha like the Bei’an Palace. moved out.

But soon, someone suddenly said: “I remember, further west is the prince’s fief, right?

“Isn’t that famous villa over there?”

Everyone nodded.

The construction worker smiled and said: “The elder brothers guessed well. For the time being, this road will only be built from Cannes to Rongguang Mountain Villa. Construction will start near Pingji Village in the near future. Bear with me.”

“What’s bothering you?” Hearing him say that, the villagers of Pingji Village were embarrassed.

One of the leaders blushed and replied, “Building a road is a big deal, although the palace itself built it, but after all… After this road is built, it will be much easier for the nearby villages to enter the city. What we worry about is that If you don’t know how to help out, where will you be disturbed?”

The construction worker smiled: “That’s fine.”

After a few villagers inquired about the news, they stepped back and talked, daring not to delay the work of the construction workers.

Soon, they negotiated a result, two people left the team and flew back to the village.

After a while, the two brought back another group of villagers.

Some of these villagers were holding various tools, while others were carrying buckets.

This movement quickly alerted the leader of the construction team. A dark-skinned man walked out of the construction team and looked at the villagers in surprise.

An elderly man stood at the head of the villagers.

Before waiting for the dark-skinned man to speak, the old man gave a salute and took the initiative to answer: “This strong man, the old man is the village head of Pingji Village. The few young people in the village have just returned to the matter that you are going to build the road. told me.”

He was old, and after saying a few words, he stopped to take a breath: “We don’t have much ability, but there are still a few idle people in the village, and we asked the strong men to let them stay and help a little.

“In addition, Pingji Village would like to offer some clean water for you to quench your thirst. I hope the strong men will not dislike it.”

Hearing this, the dark skin waved his hand generously: “The old man doesn’t have to do this. Although we are building roads, we are also working with wages, so there is no need to trouble you.”

The old man insisted: “We are also the beneficiaries. If we don’t help, how can we live in our hearts?”

Seeing that he was sincere, don’t refute anything with dark skin.

He thought for a while, nodded and said, “Well, the road construction project has just begun, that is, the work of leveling the road and removing stubborn stones, which does not require any craftsmanship. If you are willing to help, it would be great.”

The two sides looked at each other and smiled, and soon, the men behind the old man dispersed and joined the construction team members who were working.

Before leaving, the old man grabbed the dark-skinned man and asked, “I heard from them that this road construction was funded by the Bei’an Palace? But the princess of Bei’an who is like a fairy in the sky?”

The dark skin was a little surprised: “The old man knows the princess?”

The old man grinned and nodded: “A few days ago, our village’s team entering the city accidentally fell into a big hole on the road. When we were worried, it was the princess’ team that passed by and helped us a lot.”

As he said, he fell into that memory: “At that time, I thought that the princess was just passing by and did us a small favor. How do you know…how do you know…”

Speaking of this, the old man was almost speechless with excitement: “…The princess actually remembered us in her heart…I am going to repair this section of the road.”

The dark-skinned man smiled in agreement.

He also didn’t know whether the princess was preparing to build the road for this matter, but the matter of building the road left and right was real.

So he could only comfort him: “The princess has done countless good deeds, the old man doesn’t need to get too excited, just take care of yourself.”

“Well, the old man knows.” The old man nodded and slowly calmed down.

In the autumn of Minghong’s seventeenth year in the Sheng Dynasty, the construction of the first cement road in the Sheng Dynasty started on such a sunny day.

In Cannes not far away, another “first” is also underway.

When Peng Hu was invited to the fifth floor by Xiao Er, he found that many familiar faces had gathered upstairs.

Jin Gui and the others were talking against the railings, and when they saw him coming up, they raised their hands and said, “Brother Peng, this way!”

Peng Hu thanked Xiao Er and walked over there alone.

Today, the originally closed fifth floor of Fengdeng Building has opened its true colors to outsiders. Gein is preparing to hold an “auction” here.

Before the auction started, Jin Gui and others gathered on the edge of the corridor on the fifth floor, enjoying the thrill of overlooking all beings from the highest building in Cannes.

Peng Hu came to everyone, raised his hand and bowed: “Everyone, my brother is late.”

“It’s not too late, it’s not too late, it’s because we were too impatient and came too early.” Jin Gui hurriedly helped him up.

The crowd moved slightly to make room for him. Jin Gui took him to his side: “Come on, you haven’t seen Cannes City from such a high position, have you? Hey, look at the one on the west side, is that the Guanxing Tower?”

The Guanxing Tower was the tallest building in Cannes before Fengdeng Tower was built, with a height of three stories.

But after Fengdeng Building was completed, it was not enough to see.

The five-story building may not be a big deal in modern times, but today, it is indeed a real high-rise building.

There are no other taller buildings in Cannes City. Standing on the fifth floor of Fengdeng Building and looking down, you can easily see the entire Cannes City.

When the high wind blows, Peng Hu feels extremely comfortable.

He nodded and said, “Yeah… I’ve been to the Star Watch Tower before, but when I look at Feng Deng Tower, I just feel that this Star Watch Tower… Haha, it’s almost meaningless!”

When everyone heard the words, “haha” laughed and agreed with his remarks.

After the small talk, the topic inevitably turned to business.

“Brother Peng, I know you are well-informed, how about this, what is this ‘auction’, what is it?” Jin Gui approached him and asked in a low voice.

Peng Hu glanced at him, shook his head and said helplessly: “Brother Jin, I got the same news as you, saying that the ‘auction’ is a trade fair for bidding and buying. Most of the things to be auctioned are from Fengdenglouyi. The lease contract for the shop on the second floor, and the rest… I don’t know any more.”

Jin Gui gave him a look of “Don’t hide it from the old buddies”, and then forced him to ask: “Can you not know? When everyone was not optimistic about Fengdenglou before, it wasn’t that your kid did it without a word. big.”

Speaking of this matter, Jin Gui was still a little embarrassed. After all, on the first day of Fengdenglou’s opening, he took the lead in laughing at Penghu’s move to rent the store.

Peng Hu sighed: “You don’t know yet? My brother just wanted to join in the fun. Who knows… Who knows, hehe!”

Today, the shops on the first and second floors of Fengdeng Building have become an out-and-out “treasure pot” in the eyes of these businessmen.

Originally, Peng Hu and others believed that Fengdeng Building was a gimmick to promote a “highest building in Cannes”, and the popularity would soon pass.

How do you know that Feng Deng Lou is really extraordinary, its unique dishes attract a large number of guests, and the reserved seats are all lined up three months later.

Moreover, this attraction is not only aimed at the locals, there are many people who are not local to Cannes, and also come from afar.

You must know that those who can consume in Fengdeng Building are rich owners. Everyone happily finished the meal, and before leaving, I felt a little reluctant.

Can’t bear to do that? And can’t take away the food from the restaurant!

So most people put their eyes on the shops on the first and second floors.

Just like leaving a memory behind, most people would buy something in the shop downstairs to take home with them in order to save some evidence of “visiting Fengdeng Building”. Nowadays, there are not many shops on the first and second floors, and the few that were left were almost emptied by them.

At noon that day, while Peng Hu was still waiting for dinner at home, he heard the news that the shopkeeper of the Jade Shop in Fengdenglou was asking to see him.

He originally thought that there was something wrong with the store in Fengdenglou, but when he heard it, he realized that the store’s items were almost sold out.

At first, Peng Hu couldn’t believe that this kind of thing was true!

He occasionally worries about the rent of Fengdeng Building these days and nights, and suspects that he is really wrong. Who would have thought that in the past few days, things have come to such a big change!

Today, the Pengji jade shop in Fengdeng Building has become the most profitable shop in his name. Even after deducting the cost of rent and labor, the daily income is still surprising.

Jin Gui glanced at him a little unhappily: “Hey! If you don’t say it, don’t say it, we all understand.”

He pouted, and only asked one last question: “You should have a thorough understanding with my brother, should this shop be rented?”

Peng Hu nodded reservedly: “Brother Jin, let me tell you this. The boss behind Fengdenglou is not an ordinary person, and his business vision is much better than ours.

“In this open auction, the rent of the shops will definitely rise slightly from the beginning, but even if the rent of the shops triples… there is still value for competition.”

Jin Gui was so surprised that his mouth couldn’t close: “Three times? Are you serious?”

Peng Hu nodded solemnly.

Jin Gui gritted his teeth, not knowing what he was thinking.

At this juncture, someone reminded: “It’s almost time, the auction is about to start, let’s go first.”

Only then did everyone react, nodding their heads and walking towards the building.

Halfway through the journey, they were suddenly stopped by a few juniors.

Xiao Er embarrassedly explained to Peng Hu and others, “Please wait a moment, guest, the road ahead is temporarily closed.”

Peng Hu, Jin Gui and the others looked at each other.

Jin Gui frowned: “What’s the point? Your restaurant is open, why didn’t you let him go?”

Xiao Er apologized again and again, but when he mentioned the reason, he refused to speak at all.

Peng Hu held Jin Gui and motioned him to look forward.

At the intersection opposite, there were also people who were stopped by the juniors. Those people were different from them, they were children of several famous families in Cannes City.

These aristocratic families are not just rich, they also have rights.

Feng Denglou dared to stop everyone this time, which proved that they really had enough confidence, even if they offended those noble families.

When Jin Gui and the others were reminded by him, they quickly reacted, closing their mouths and quieting down.

After a short while, they heard footsteps coming from the stairs next to them. Then, at the entrance of the auction hall, which they could not see, several figures flashed by.

Jin Gui raised an eyebrow at Peng Hu, the question in his eyes was clearly asking Peng Hu if he knew who was coming?

Peng Hu pursed his lips and shook his head.

After those figures disappeared at the door, the juniors got the news again and invited Peng Hu and others in again.

After this, I don’t know what everyone is thinking. In short, the atmosphere is a bit sluggish.

In the hall of the auction, there are dozens of sets of high-end tables and chairs, but there are also some small rooms around.

Peng Hu noticed that the children of the aristocratic family were invited into the small wing, and businessmen like them could only sit in the lowest-grade tables and chairs in the hall.

But at this time, no one dared to complain about it at all.

After everyone was seated, the auction began.

In a small wing next to the auction table, the three young sons of the Wangfu family were exploring around curiously.

Qi Ran had been to the fifth floor once, but Qi Rui and Qi An had set foot here for the first time. Besides being curious, they were also a little excited.

Cao Mi pointed to the delicate pastries brought by the little two and asked them, “Want to try it?”

The third child responded enthusiastically to her, while the other two children lacked interest.

A small window opened in the wing, facing the auction desk. The angle of the window has been designed so that when you stand by the window, you can clearly see the auction table and the people involved in the sale off the court, but standing off the court, you can’t find the existence of the window at all.

Qi Rui and Qi An were sitting on the high stool in front of the window, staring intently at the auction table.

The auction has already started. Xiling, wearing specially designed clothes, stood on the stage and explained the recent situation of Fengdeng Building to everyone.

On the “big-character poster” behind him, the restaurant’s recent passenger flow and expected potential for future development were clearly written.

This kind of business report situation has never appeared in this era, and even people with rich business experience such as Peng Hu, Jin Gui and others are stunned when they hear it.

In the end, when Xiling announced the restaurant’s monthly profit data, Qi Rui and Qi An only heard the sound of amazement from the whole hall.

Jin Gui swallowed and said to Peng Hu, who was sitting next to him, “…This, this is two or three times more than I originally expected.”

Peng Hu nodded: “We all underestimated this place.”

After letting everyone know the value of Fengdeng Restaurant, Xiling said: “Then, now, we will start the auction of the first item – a shop in the southwest corner of the second floor of Fengdeng Building. The lease period is one year, and the starting price is 200 taels. Each The price increase shall not be less than five taels.

“When quoting, please hold up the number plate in your hand.”

The things that are auctioned first are often the ones with the lowest value.

The shop that Xiling took out at this time can be said to be the worst shop in Fengdeng Restaurant at present.

However, since the reserve price of the auction was lower than the original price, some people still started to raise their cards, ready to take advantage of it – after all, as long as it was lower than the original price, it would be considered a profit.

One of Jin Gui wants to wait and see, and the other really doesn’t like this relatively worst position.

He was thinking, and accidentally saw Peng Hu next to him holding a card.

“Brother Peng, what’s the matter with you?” Jin Gui’s eyes widened, “You already have one? Are you robbing us?”

Peng Hu responded without any guilt: “Brother Jin, I have a jade shop in Fengdeng Building, but under my name, there are four or five different things that can be opened.”

Jin Gui frowned.

He was originally thinking of taking another picture to see the situation, but when he saw that Peng Hu seemed to be ready to “show off his skills”, he didn’t even plan to let this “appetizer” go, and he felt a little drummed in his heart.

Combining the “financial report” given by Xiling just now, he deeply felt that he still hadn’t escaped from his previous thinking.

Gritting his teeth, he also raised the quotation card in his hand.

Qi An leaned against the window and saw the grand scene outside. She turned around and said to Cao Mi excitedly, “Mother, they offer such a fierce price!”

Cao Mi came to him, let him sit down, and said with a smile: “Businessmen seek profits, don’t look at the high rental prices now, but in fact they can make even more profits in the future.

“As long as people realize this, they won’t give up easily.”

Next to Qi An, the eldest Qi Rui blinked and asked, “Just now Xiling only talked about the financial situation of the restaurant, and there is no evidence to show how much profit the shops on the first and second floors can make… Those shops can really earn that much. How much money?”

Cao Mi remembered his Sifang Bookstore branch downstairs, and Qiyou’s store, which was said to have made a lot of money.

She pointed to a person in the field and reminded: “Look at that person.”

Qi An looked over curiously: “Hey…that’s the little steward next to the housekeeper?”

Cao Mi smiled, nodded and said, “Your father has already occupied the three best-positioned stores in the building, and he still sent people here. Do you think these stores can make money?”

Qi Rui nodded thoughtfully.

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