Cowardly Stepmother Dressed As the Hero

v2 Chapter 100

The conversation that night did not seem to come to a definite conclusion. Qi You began to leave early and return late, making all-out preparations for the march.

Cao Mi did not get permission and was not discouraged. She took care of herself and began to prepare.

Soon, Rongguan and Nanxi arrived at Changling with a large number of village laborers.

Originally, border areas like Pingchangling were the most taboo places for farmers to settle down. After all, if there is a war at any time, people can still escape, but the crops planted in the ground cannot be moved.

But this time, because of Princess Bei’an’s “leading by example”, most of the people in the villa resolutely decided to follow after knowing Cao Mi’s “following and loyalty” to the King of Bei’an.

For Cao Mi, this is not a big happy event.

In her plan, most of Cannes’s properties can still be opened. After all, the imperial court will not do nasty things to attack the property in her name because she and her three children have not been caught.

But if you want to accompany Qi You to Jirong City, then a large number of laborers are essential, and important industries such as cement and papermaking can also be transferred to places like Changling.

Therefore, the first project she set was to build a road.

After more than half a year of repairs, the cement road from Cannes City to Changling has been completed. Cao Mi decided to continue the construction and connect the road from Changling to Jirong City in the north.

In the era of less advanced technology, road construction actually represents the **** of a place.

As early as the feudal dynasty in China, the Han government’s rule over the barbarians in the southwest was achieved by building roads. It can be said that wherever the road can be repaired, the majesty of the Han Dynasty can radiate.

More than a hundred years ago, Tai-zu of the Sheng Dynasty built the road after building the five cities. However, the later emperors of the Sheng Dynasty did not guard this place, the city and roads were not maintained, and gradually they were covered with weeds again.

However, this somewhat facilitates Cao Mi’s development today.

She personally found Lei Li and asked for a map of the road before the Great Wall, so she ordered Rong Guan to take someone and use the new cement produced locally in Changling City to start building the road along the original track.

The other part of the people who were not assigned to the road construction project were sent directly to Jirong City, grabbing the tail of Xia Xia, and began to try to open fields to grow sweet potatoes.

At the beginning of the year, Wang Shu married the widow Bai Shi at Rongguang Villa.

Two people who were originally refugees finally re-formed their own families.

After hearing the news that the Bei’an Prince’s Mansion was going to move to Changling, Wang Shu and Bai’s were the first to ask to follow them.

Two years ago, the bean dregs cake that fell behind the Wangfu motorcade not only gave them the possibility to survive, but also gave them hope for a new life.

Therefore, even if they can get the land in the village after working for another year, they still have no nostalgia for it.

Today, Wang Shu has become a very good mason because of his ability.

According to Cao Mi’s instructions, Rong Guan divided the road construction project from Changling to Jirong into four sections. Wang Shu was the leader of the second section of the road construction team.

On this day, the engineering team was working as usual, and a young man with a plastering tool in his hand suddenly ran towards Wang Shu in a panic.

“Wang, Captain Wang! Dong, there seems to be a battle from the east!” When he came to Wang Shu, he didn’t even bother to catch his breath, so he hurriedly told him.

Wang Shu frowned: “Don’t panic! What’s going on?”

He immediately put down the work he was doing, and walked with the young man to the point of the accident: “Speak slowly and make it clear.”

“Right, right there!” The young man led the way for him, and pointed his finger forward: “We were working over there, and suddenly we saw a lot of people rushing towards us on horseback.

“At first, they were far away, and the big guys didn’t react. Later, when they got closer, we found out that those people were not dressed up at all.”

Wang Shu nodded.

He said: “Don’t be afraid, the officers under the lord will patrol the vicinity every day for drills, and those soldiers cannot be so stupid that they will come to the door by themselves.

“And… the princess also said that the section from Changling to Jirong City has been controlled by the prince, and there is absolutely no danger.”

Hearing the words, the young man made a complicated “hmm” sound on his face.

He explained: “We also thought it was strange, so we didn’t all run back. Lao Li said that I ran fast, and that’s why I came back to call you.”

Wang Shu tilted his head and grinned at him: “Well, you guys handled it well!”

“Hey!” The young man showed a cheerful smile, “It’s all Captain Wang, you taught me well, don’t you often tell us that you can’t mess up when things go wrong?”

“That’s not what I said.” Wang Shu said: “Didn’t the assigned student in the team teach us during the night class?”

“Really?” The young man scratched his head, “Is that what I remember?”

The flattery didn’t work out, and he laughed a little embarrassedly “hehe”.

The place where the youth was working was not far from where Wang Shu was originally, and soon, the two came to this place.

Wang Shu came to the crowd, and really found a horse team not far away.

Unexpectedly, the horses have stopped. The people who were originally riding on the horses all descended to the ground, leading their horses and slowly walking towards them.

Obviously, this method greatly reduces the threat, and the construction workers who were originally frightened also calmed down.

Wang Shu has good eyesight. He looked at it for a while, and asked Lao Li next to him, “Lao Li, look at those soldiers, is the one leading a Sheng Dynasty woman?”

“Sheng Dynasty woman?” Old Li was stunned for a moment, then squinted his eyes and looked over: “Oh, captain, what you said…it does look a bit like it!”

Suddenly, someone behind Wang Shu shouted, “Yeah, isn’t that the Zhang family? People from the Ale tribe?”

After he opened his mouth, seeing that everyone was looking at him, he explained again: “You forgot, the Ale people. The people who come to the villa to deliver wool to us every few months.”

This person was originally in charge of the wool trade, so he was familiar with the Zhang family.

Wang Shu got such an answer, and he had a bottom line in his heart.

He said to the people around him: “I probably know what’s going on. Since it’s the Zhang family, it’s definitely not an enemy.

“You stop watching here, why should you go?”

Everyone nodded when they heard the words, and quickly dispersed, and continued to do their own work.

Mr. Zhang brought people and quickly came to Wang Shu.

The two exchanged their names with each other, and Zhang said, “Captain Wang, I know that the princess wants to build a road, so I came here with someone, wanting to help a little. “

Wang Shu was stunned: “This… Madam’s heart is enough, I will report to Manager Rong Guan and let him inform the princess.

“But now that there are enough people here, I don’t need to bother Madam… and all the Ale people.”

“Not all of us are from the Ale tribe.” Zhang Shi smiled and introduced: “Captain Wang may not know that there are several small tribes around us, just less than ten miles east of this road. .

“We often need to travel between places because of the transport of wool and the market trade.

“The road that the princess has built also benefits us. After I discussed with several tribes, the major tribes sent people to do their bit for this matter.”

The two of you came to me and greeted me for a while, but Wang Shu actually didn’t want to agree.

In the end, Qi San led the team to patrol here. After knowing the whole story, he helped Zhang Shi and Wang Shu agreed.

Qi San was in charge of monitoring the movements of these small tribes of the Ale tribe before, knowing that no matter what they were doing, now they are in the same heart as Qi You.

Building a road might be an opportunity, but there was no danger, so he helped facilitate it.

After the dust settled, Wang Shu assigned some work to the people Zhang brought.

Originally out of harmony, Wang Shu kept Zhang’s group far away.

If he took the construction team to work in the front section, he would put the Rong people in the middle or back section.

Although the two sides are doing the same thing, there is a sense of non-interference.

But after half a month, this arrangement did not work.

Thanks to the help of these Rong people, the road paving progress on Wang Shu’s side has reached the mid-term stage ahead of schedule. Wang Shu had to lead everyone to start stirring the mud and paving the road, and the two parties inevitably came together.

In the past two days, Lao Li was a little shivering when he was working.

It was also a coincidence that in order to help, Zhang brought all the warriors from the Rong tribe.

These people have been selected, all of them are tall and big, and one person can hold the strength of three people.

However, the construction teams under Cao Mi do not have such “discrimination”. As long as they work hard, they can all be selected into the team. Obviously, in this way, the people in the construction team are somewhat uneven in terms of strength.

There are people like Wang Shu who are full of tendons, and there are people like Lao Li who are not very strong and can only do light work at ordinary times.

Surrounded by these strange-looking Rong warriors all day, Lao Li couldn’t sleep well at night.

It was just dawn, everyone finished breakfast and started the day’s work as usual.

While yawning, Lao Li squatted beside the cement pit and put the cement that Wang Shu had mixed into his wooden bucket.

Suddenly, he staggered and fell straight into the concrete pit.

In a trance, Lao Li woke up because of the feeling of falling, but he couldn’t stop the tendency to fall.

Seeing that he was about to fall into the mud pit, a pair of big hands grabbed his clothes behind him and tugged at him.

That is, this time, to prevent Lao Li from becoming a clay figurine.

After Lao Li stood still, he patted his chest in shock: “Oh my God! God bless! God bless!”

Rejoicing, he turned his head to thank the person who rescued him, but when he turned his head, he saw that the person was a man of the Rong tribe with a full beard.

The two looked at each other, and Lao Li shrank his neck and turned his head away, swallowing the words of thanks in his mouth.

The Rong people didn’t seem to notice anything wrong, they scooped up a bucket of cement and left.

After that, Lao Li didn’t dare to be confused any more, he suppressed the drowsy ** and started to work seriously.

At noon, everyone gathered in a makeshift wooden shed to rest.

These Rong people and Sheng Chao people did not eat together. Zhang’s thought was very thoughtful, and all the Rong men brought their own meals.

So in the two wooden sheds, a group of people headed by Wang Shu gnawed on the wheat cakes mixed with minced meat, while the Rong people on Zhang’s side were tearing at the jerky with their teeth and drinking the goat milk in the water bag.

Old Li kept thinking about the incident in the morning, and after eating, he leaned over to Wang Shu’s side.

He explained the reason for the incident and said, “Then… Captain, please accompany me over there to thank you!”

Wang Shu glanced at him in surprise: “Aren’t you quite afraid of those people? We got together a few days ago, and you have the biggest opinion.”

“This, isn’t this different?” Old Li stammered.

During this period of time, the more Old Li thought about it, the more rude he felt. He felt that he had been rescued, and he couldn’t even say a word of thanks.

There were people who played better with the Ale people and joked: “Yeah, Lao Li, you have today too. Hey, I told you earlier, Gule’s group is not bad.

“They look fierce, but in fact they are ordinary people just like us.

“I have dealt with them when I was in the villa, and they are more honest in buying and selling wool than many merchants in our Sheng Dynasty!”

“Who knows that!” Old Li blocked back in dissatisfaction, “I didn’t say before that the Rong people are all barbarians who can eat people? Look at this place, they were occupied a few years ago.”

Hearing this, Wang Shu quickly explained, “Hey, this has nothing to do with the Ale people.

“Mr. Qi San told me that they were forced back then, otherwise they would not have been driven to this place to seek life.

“Now that people have changed their minds, and even the soldiers of Qi Sanji have nothing to say, we can’t talk about it in the back.”

Some people around nodded in agreement.

Another person praised: “Actually, these Zirong people are also very good, they know they have the strength and are willing to work.

“If it weren’t for them, how could we be so relaxed now? Just the work of carrying cement and mixing cement in the morning can make us tired, and now we can’t even lift the wheat cakes!”

“Yeah!” Another said, “Actually, not only Old Li, but also a soldier from the army helped me yesterday.

“But I thanked them on the spot, um… he doesn’t seem to understand at all.”


In this way, the matter of Lao Li became an important opportunity, which ignited the discussion of the Rong people in the construction team. The people around Wang Shu began to talk to each other, recalling the recent words, deeds and kindness of these Rong people.

The two groups of people who were originally jealous of each other have unknowingly buried their desire to communicate and get to know each other because of their recent interactions.

The voices of the discussion grew louder and louder, and Wang Shu hurriedly covered his ears and shouted, “Alright, alright, stop arguing.”

He glanced at the Rong clan and said, “Since you all said so, then we can go directly to thank you.”

“Hmm.” Everyone nodded.

Wang Shu took advantage of the situation and took Lao Li and said, “Go, brothers, accompany you to thank you, so that the brothers of the Rong tribe know our sincerity.”

Old Li blushed instantly.

The matter was originally brought up by him, but now that the matter that he wanted to solve in private has attracted everyone’s attention, he hesitated again: “Really, really?”

“Then there is still a fake?” Wang Shu, despite his struggles, took him by the shoulders and walked towards Mrs. Zhang.

A few days later, this matter reached Cao Mi’s ears, and Cao Mi took it as a true story and told it to the three children.

“…Well, my mother is done.” She cleared her throat, “After you listen, do you have anything to say?”

Qi Ran took a sip of saliva and asked earnestly, “Mother, is the milk tea of ​​the Ale tribe… delicious?”

Cao Mi gave him an embarrassed yet polite smile, then directly ignored him and put his eyes on Qi An and Qi Rui.

Qi An frowned and thought, it really looked like that.

Seeing Cao Mi come over, he said, “Under the leadership of the Zhang family, these Rong people have become more polite.

“It seems that as long as we are strong enough, and then order people to educate the Rong people, it is not impossible for these people to be subdued.”

Cao Mi nodded at him, then looked at the last Qi Rui.

Qi Rui put down the book in his hand and said, “We are actually the same as Wang Shu and Lao Li before. Because we don’t know enough about the Rong clan, and we are born in an antagonistic position, there is a deep misunderstanding.”

He paused, frowned and said, “Before, in the eyes of the people of the Sheng Dynasty, the Rong tribe was a generation that drank blood, and they were not allowed to associate with them.

“But recently, the longer I stay in Changling, the more I feel that the Rong people are actually similar to our Sheng Dynasty people.

“Although there are ambitious people who want to launch wars and loot, most of the Rong people are just like our people in the Sheng Dynasty. They only want to feed themselves. It’s just that our way of life is different. The people of the Sheng Dynasty farm and the Rong people shepherd sheep.”

Cao Mi smiled encouragingly at him.

Qi Rui breathed a sigh of relief and said, “Perhaps… the peaceful coexistence between the people of Sheng Chao and the Rong people is not as difficult as we imagined.”

“Yes!” Cao Mi agreed.

“However!” Qi Rui raised his head suddenly, “Before that, use absolute force to kill those Rong people who want to thump to death, and let them know who is the real master of the world!”

“Maybe…” Cao Mi nodded and turned his eyes out of the window.

She murmured, “Isn’t that what your father has been doing?”

Several children heard the words and looked out the window together.

At the end of summer, the sky is high and the clouds are clear, and there are goshawks hovering over the Changling Mountains, and the sound is long.

The author has something to say: Thanks to the little angel who irrigated the nutrient solution: Kaqi 100 bottles; Ba Wei

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