Cowardly Stepmother Dressed As the Hero

v2 Chapter 102

When all resources are only prepared for reconstruction, the city seems to have its own will.

The history of Jurong City is not too long, and it has not yet reached the age of two hundred years. Although it changed hands several times in the middle, some of the initial traces were not erased at all.

Cao Mi didn’t think of it as an old man in his old age. In her mind, Jurong City was more like a seriously injured young soldier.

When properly cared for, the wounds begin to heal, and the warrior is quickly able to display amazing resilience and vitality.

The “healing” work is divided into two parts.

The army left behind in Jurong City was led by Qi San. He led the people to redraw the topographic map of Jurong City and its surroundings, and started the repair work of the outer city walls.

The city wall of Jirong City was originally built with high-quality stone materials. Even though the outer loess layer has been mottled after hundreds of years of weathering and erosion, the inner bluestone is still firm and strong, retaining the glory of the city at the beginning.

And Cao Mi’s people gathered together and prepared to rebuild the buildings in the outer city.

It took more than half a month for these people to clear out the original ruins of the outer city.

It was like the wound after the rotten flesh was removed. When Cao Mi and his three children set foot on the road to the outer city, the surrounding area seemed to be open.

The land that has been covered by ruins for decades is retouched by the sun, like twigs waiting for blessing, and there are infinite possibilities in the future.

Qi Rui restrained his horse at the gate of a courtyard beside the city gate, and the guard at the gate immediately bowed his hands to him: “Eldest son.”

Qi Rui nodded, gave his exclusive pony to the attendant next to him, turned around and went to pick up the carriage behind him.

The twins who were stuck in the carriage jumped out first and stood beside their eldest brother. Then, Cao Mi took Zhou Xue out of the carriage.

Qi San got the notification and came out to greet him, and Cao Mi led the people into the courtyard together.

Directly asking Qi San to stand up, Cao Mi asked, “How is the repair of the city wall?”

Qi San responded: “Back to Princess, the repair work on the west city wall has come to an end temporarily, and now the north gate and east gate are being repaired simultaneously.”

Cao Mi said: “Well, this progress is within our plan.”

“The blue bricks and cement produced in the city are given priority to the army.” Qi San said with sincere gratitude, “I would like to thank the princess for the arrangement.”

Cao Mi smiled.

She pondered for a while, and then asked, “Next, do you have any other plans here?”

Qi San thought about it and answered truthfully: “After the repair of the city wall is completed, the subordinates will start to build various outposts and arrow towers around…”

Guessing Cao Mi’s intentions, after he finished talking about the plan, he asked again, “What instructions does the princess have?”

Cao Mi nodded and said straight: “I want to remodel the moat first.”

“Moat?” Qi San was a little surprised.

Cao Mi made a sound of “um”.

She said: “The moat outside the city has been cut off because no one has cleaned it for a long time. While the weather is still hot, I want to order people to go to the bottom of the river, dig up the silt, and let the water flow.

“It just so happens that the surrounding crops will be fertilized soon, and the silt at the bottom of the river will just come in handy.”

Qi San suddenly said: “The villain understands. The villain will send a team first…”

“No need.” Cao Mi shook his head, “I received news that the construction team that is building the road between Changling and Jirong has already completed half of it a few days ago.

“Next, they will arrive at Jurong one after another. In this way, the manpower on my side will increase again.

“As for the moat, you can send a few people who are good at water or who know how to handle it to help me watch, and let my people do it.

“Now the cement factory and the blue brick factory have limited production capacity, and they can only supply the repair of the city wall. Even if I want the construction team to do something else, they have nothing to prepare.”

Qi San nodded and said, “Yes, my subordinates understand.”

Then, the two discussed the work of repairing the city wall and the moat for a while.

Seeing that the work was arranged in an orderly manner, Cao Mi gave Zhou Xue a wink.

Seeing this, Zhou Xue came up with a drawing on a piece of paper.

She spread out the picture, and Qi San asked with some doubts, “What is this?”

I saw that the content on the painting was not the common flowers, birds, insects and fish, or even painted with ink.

The paper is criss-crossed, mostly geometric figures, but it looks like a map, but there are big differences.

Cao Mi took a sip of tea to moisten his throat and said, “City plan.”

In modern times, urban planning has always been an extremely important task. But a few days ago, when there was a need, Cao Mi found it difficult to find relevant talents in this field.

She could only refer to the few city maps in the space, and after elaborating her thoughts, she drew it together with Zhou Xue and others.

After scrapping several manuscripts, the current version was finally determined.

“This is what I came here today and wanted to tell you.” Cao Mi said.

She started with the picture presented by Zhou Xue, and introduced her plan to the city of Jurong with Qi San.

“A residential area will be opened on each side of the east and west. The residential area will be built uniformly by the cement craftsmen, and built into two-story buildings with similar appearance. At the beginning, a house can accommodate up to 50 people. Each household is allocated, and one house can live in four to eight households.

“It’s still summer, and there is no problem with the soldiers and workers living in the temporary straw huts, but after a while it gets cold and many people can’t bear it, so this place has to be arranged first.

“The part to the north near the inner city is the education area. Nanxi will bring people over after a while. Children under the age of fourteen will enter the school regardless of their status, and study from low to high.

“I will move the industrial area to the outside of the city, to the southwest, where the cement factory and brick factory are today. In the future, all paper and glass workshops will be built there. As for the planning of the factory area, I will use it later. Another planning map to explain in detail with you.

“The commercial district is divided into three areas, the outer, central and inner city…


As Cao Mi said that, everyone around followed her thoughts to imagine.

In her mouth, the deserted city of Jirong was really turned into a piece of white paper, waiting for the painter to paint it with rich and colorful patterns.

Qi San was also almost fascinated.

After Cao Mi stopped, he asked in disbelief, “This… can this really be built?”

Cao Mi nodded: “Of course.”

She smiled: “However, this is a huge project. According to the labor force in the city today, it will take about two or three years to build a prototype.

“This also requires the prince’s side to go smoothly, so that the construction of Jurong City will not be disturbed by the war. At the same time, it also needs continuous material support from Kangcheng and Changling to make Jurong run smoothly.”

Qi San nodded.

He calculated an account in his heart, and then said with lingering fears: “This… In this way, the initial cost will be huge.”

Cao Mi tapped on the table with his fingers and said, “I have an idea.”

“Huh?” Qi San looked at her, cupped his hands and said, “I also ask the princess to teach me.”

“Now that the expedition outside the Great Wall has begun, all trades have to stop.” Cao Mi hooked his lips, “But we control the way of communication between the two places, why not transfer the Changling market to Jirong?

“General Qi San can send his soldiers to the depths of the grassland to buy all kinds of special products of the Rong people at a low price, and we will use these to attract merchants from the Sheng Dynasty to Jurong City, and exchange important development materials and gold and silver with them.

“In this way, the huge financial pressure in the early stage can be relieved.”

This is probably the benefit of monopoly.

Cao Mi is not afraid of money issues at all. Her husband is now the number one person in Liaozhou. She didn’t think much about it before. If she really needs it, her mind is mostly about the ways to realize power in history.

“In addition to attacking businessmen, those noble families… should also bleed…” Thinking of this, she murmured.

Qi San suddenly felt a cool breeze blowing across the back of his neck.

He was a little puzzled. The princess was clearly just a delicate woman. Why was she somewhat similar to the king of Bei’an who led the army when she talked about money?

But Cao Mi quickly put on a smile, and also dispelled Qi San’s unwarranted nonsense.

She said: “Well, let’s do this for now. I don’t know about your side, but what do you want to add?”

Qi San hurriedly bowed and said, “No, but according to the princess’s instructions.”

Cao Mi nodded and said, “En.

“Then, it’s up to you to cooperate more.”

Qi San bowed and said “yes”.

Then, he respectfully sent Cao Mi and others out.

Cao Mi went out of Qi San’s courtyard and did not leave, but took a few children to the west wall.

Qi Rui held a pair of binoculars and looked into the distance seriously.

Cao Mi smiled and asked him, “Did you see anything?”

Qi Rui put down the telescope and shook his head: “Father’s army can no longer be seen.”

To the northwest is where the Anti-Rong City is located, and it is also the direction where Qi You led his troops away half a month ago.

At the end of the summer, the sun is still very fierce, and the grass on the field is a little sullen, as if unable to bear the care of the sun pouring down.

The twins were so short that Qi An and Qi Ran couldn’t see the scenery outside the city walls when they stood on tiptoe. At this moment, Xiao Pangdun could only touch the city wall and said angrily: “Father has been away for so long, of course he can’t see it anymore.”

He raised his head to look at Cao Mi, and asked for the 80th time, “Mother, will my father successfully capture the Anti-Rong City?”

“Of course.” Cao Mi replied.

She patted Qi Rui on the shoulder and said, “Look to the south.”

Qi Rui obediently turned his eyes.

“I saw the cement road, and it has spread to the end.” Qi Rui said while watching, “There are a lot of people rushing here.”

“Yeah.” Cao Mi responded with a smile.

“Is it the road construction team that Fang Cai’s mother said?” Qi An suddenly said.

“Yes.” Cao Mi replied.

She let out a sigh of relief and said, “No matter what, as long as people are still there, the city will not lose hope.

“Your father will capture the anti-Rong and Feng Rong, and we can rebuild these cities into a more prosperous appearance than before.”

Qi Rui put down the telescope and nodded to her.

Qi You, who had already set up camp outside the Anti-Rong City and was perfecting his battle plan in a few days, suddenly glanced thoughtfully towards the southeast.

Seeing him in a daze, Lei Li joked, “My lord, are you homesick?”

Qi You turned his head, raised his eyes and glanced at him, rarely did he remain silent, and gave a faint “um”.

The author has something to say: there is one more chapter at nine o’clock in the evening.

Thanks to the little angel who irrigated the nutrient solution: 30 bottles of Xueluo; 28 bottles of Momo; 4 bottles of Tangli; 072 bottles of Xue Xingchen; 1 bottle of Doraemon;

Thank you very much for your support, I will continue to work hard!

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