Craftsman System In My Hero Academia

Final Exams!

“AHAHAHAHAHAHA FOR REAL!!? NO, BUT FOR REAL BAKUGOU!?” Sero and Kirishima laughed as Bakugou walked in with his hair neatly done instead of its usual explosive hairstyle. Making him look quite dandy and out of character.

“Don’t laugh! It’s stuck and washing it ain’t fixing it!” Bakugou said shaking in irritation. “If you keep laughing I’ll blow you apart!” He threatened the two boys.

“GO AHEAD AND TRY IT AMAZING HAIR LAD! HAHAHAAH!” They continued to joke as Bakugou lunged after them.

“Heya Ochako, how was it for you this week?” Tsuyu asked Ochako.

Ochako responded by standing in a Chinese martial artist stance as a fiery aura surrounded her.

“It was very fruitful.”

“She looks like she awakened.” Ashido stated.

“She went to that battle hero guy’s right? Didn’t Toru go there as well?” Jiro asked.

“Yeah! It was fun interning together!” Toru responded happily as Ochako’s seemingly shivered for a second. The girls didn’t miss this strange action and immediately went on the offensive.

“What’s wrong Ochako? Did Toru do something crazy?” Ashido asked.

She looked at Toru before whispering to the 3 other girls.

“She’s a complete monster… She on a completely different level…”

“What do you mean?” Ashido chuckled not quite believing that the bubbly and happy-go-lucky could be anything like what the terrified Ochako is describing.

Ochako refused to explain more as Toru came over.

“Women are demons from the outset, they’re just hiding their true selves..!” Mineta said reminiscing about his time on his internship.

“Me, I had a fair amount of fun getting fussed over but y’know the ones who’ve transformed the most are you four!” Denki said referencing Midoriya, Aoyama, Iida, and Todoroki.

“Dude, yeah the hero killer!”

“I was so worried about you guys…”

“I’m so happy you’re alive! No joke that’s the most important thing!”

“They said you got rescued by Endeavor! That’s the #2 hero for you!”

“How lucky… Maybe I should’ve chose to go Hosu as well..” Antoine said before quickly shaking his head. “Nah!! I definitely had the greatest intern experience.” He said as his eyes turned into $ signs.

“He was really scary Antoine! Trust me you don’t want anything to do with Stain.” Yuga quickly retorted.

“Scary? Like some guy whose only capable of incapacitating and killing weak heroes is all that scary. My mom is probably scarier than that bastard.” Antoine said.

“Neil!” Midoriya yelled angered.

Iida put his hand over Midoriya’s chest while Bakugou seemed to be more interested now.

“Neil. You may insult and make fun of me all you want, but once you involve my family you’ve gone too far.” Iida said staring seriously at Antoine.

Antoine smirked.

“And I suppose you want an apology? Fuck off you little shit. If you want respect, you better have the balls to command it. It isn’t my fault your brother is a weak bitch. Isn’t he a speedster type of hero? And he lost to some fucking villain who popped up only a few weeks or months ago?” Antoine only laughed as Iida’s body only shook in anger.

“You don’t know how strong he was!! So shut your mouth Neil!” Midoriya shouted for his friend.

“And you do know how strong he is Cabbage Head? I didn’t know your name was Endeavor now.” Antoine grinned as Midoriya went silent.

Todoroki was about to talk but Aizawa walked in and class started.

“Antoine… You really got to stop antagonizing our classmates… Is it really that hard to be nice for you?” Yuga whispered.

“Of course not, Yuga my gentle and caring friend. But it would be a little out of character if I started acting all nice out of the blue now wouldn’t it? My acts of niceness would be looked at in suspicion and not gratitude. And I’ve yet to see any benefit to acting all friendly friendly with a few of these people.” Antoine explained.

Yuga just sighed.

“Okay at least don’t insult their families…” Yuga tried to compromise.

Antoine rolled his eyes.

“You’re just like an annoying wife you know that… If only you were a girl you’d be perfect Yuga.” Antoine said.

“I think I’m fine being the friend that tries to keeps you in line.”


“Let’s see here.. right, summer break is fast approaching but of course, it stands to reason none of you have enough leeway to just relax for thirty…” Aizawa spoke.

“Could it be…..”

“We’ll be going to a summer break forest lodge.”


“Let’s do some dares!”


“And fireworks.”


“Summer break means romance!”

“The parameters of our activities will probably change in a natural environment.“

“Challenging us to choose wisely in any environment…”

“However…” Aizawa continued. “Should any of you fall short of a passing grade for the end-of-term test, then you’re stuck in school, in remedial HELL.

“LET’S DO OUR BEST EVERYBODY!!!” Kirishima exclaimed.

The class was dismissed and Antoine invited Toru and Yuga over his house.

“Hey Mr. Neil.” Yuga greeted Antoine’s father.

“Hi Markus!” Toru greeted as well.

“Hey you two. Nice seeing you two after a while. Keep watching over my little troublemaker would you?” Markus said with a smile.

“That should’ve been your hero name instead Antoine.” Yuga joked.

Toru and Markus laughed as Antoine forcibly pulled them into his room.

“Alright you fucking jokesters. I need your help.”

“You need our help?” Yuga asked in disbelief.

“Yeah I didn’t stutter did I?” Antoine said as he pulled out a suitcase from under his bed and clicked a button.

The suitcase transformed into a handsome doctor wearing doctor clothes.

“Greetings.” He bowed to Yuga and Toru.

“Wooow!!! So you finally started building robots huh?” Toru asked excitedly.

“Why does it look so much like a real person…? If I didn’t see it transform I would think I would be looking at a normal person!”

“Yeah yeah I’m the greatest in the world I get it. Thank you but that’s not what I brought you here for.”

“Medic here is going to watch over as you two do a few tests for me. You see recently I’ve began studying quirks and my quirk in particular isn’t anything to write home about and wouldn’t help me much in my research. So, I need you two to use your quirks for me as Medic here.” He patted the handsome doctor’s back.

“Takes notes and scans your entire body. I’m trying to figure out exactly what are quirks and how they do give us the superpowers we have now.” He explained.

Toru rubbed her head slightly confused while Yuga shared her sentiments with an equally confused expression.

“So, you just need us to use our quirks right?” Toru asked.

“That’s correct! So, fire them suckers off till you’re tired or can’t anymore.” Antoine said as he put on some goggles and threw 1 suitcase in the air. It transformed into one humanoid metal dummy.

“Don’t move.” Antoine ordered as he also gave Yuga some goggles. “Okay start!”

Yuga fired his navel laser at the robot in short rapid-fire bursts while Toru seemingly turned into a blinding white light. If Antoine didn’t have those goggles he prepared, he surely would’ve been blinded for a couple of seconds. Toru’s bright light flashed on and off like a strobe light while Yuga continued to fire beams at the metal dummy. The metal dummy’s arms were slightly dented in after Yuga couldn’t continue using his quirk anymore.

“I believe I have enough data to start the research Creator. However, I’ll need more samples in the future to make any conclusive data.” Medic relayed.

“That’s fine. Return back to stationary mode.” Antoine ordered as Medic transformed into a suitcase once more.

Antoine smiled happily.

“Thank you guys for helping me out! You see besides you two, I don’t have many other people I can call on for help!”

“I wonder why…” Yuga rolled his eyes.

“I agree with Yuga! Our classmates are pretty fun to be around.”

“Can you at least try to be sociable with them?” Yuga asked.

“I am sociable. I don’t ignore our classmates at all.”

“You know what I mean!” Yuga yelled.

“I REFUSE!!!! I’m not lowering myself to those sensitive babies. Eventually they’ll see how right I am or they’ll notice how far behind they are compared to me. I’m not in the wrong here Yuga and I get 0 benefits for lowering myself to their level.”

Yuga sighed as Toru patted his shoulder.

“You tried.” She said with a soft smile.

Antoine sat on his bed and turned on the tv.

“So, what do you guys wanna watch?” He asked.

“I haven’t seen the new episode of Death’s Kitchen.”

“Oh yeah he really gives it to them in that episode. One of the chefs even starts crying.” Toru said as she also sat on Antoine bed. Yuga joined them and the three spent most of the day watching shows on tv.


All of Class 1-A’s students were outside in their hero costumes. Along with them outside were 8 of the teachers.

“Right, the test will begin shortly. Obviously, you can fail this test, too. So, if you want to head to the forest lodge, then we’d better not see any pitiful blunders from you. I’ve no doubt you all learned what information you could of the test beforehand so I think you already hold a vague notion of what you are to do…” Aizawa said.

“Sure, just like the entrance exam it’ll be a search and destroy game only with robots!!”

“I can just see the fireworks! The curry! The dare sessions!”

“SORRY! I’M AFRAID NOT! DUE TO VARIOUS REASONS, WE’RE CHANGING THE CONTENTS OF THE TEST, STARTING TODAY!” The principal surprisingly announced after popping out from Aizawa’s scarf.

The class were shocked and surprised.

“I hope it’s not as easy as the entrance exam.” Antoine muttered even though he already knew what was coming.

“From now on, we’ll focus our tests more on person-on-person battle activities and emphasizing a teaching environment closer to that of a real battle.” Nezu explained before continuing his speech. “Which, boys and girls, is all to say… that henceforth we will have you form pairs to engage in combat with one of these here educators. With the exception of one team because we have an uneven number of students.”

“Now this is a great test.” Antoine said in excitement.

“I hope you keep that attitude as all the pairs have already been decided. The way you tend to move, your grades, and your degree of familiarity…. We personally judged how you’ll be pairing up based on all sorts of things, and we’ll list the matchups now.” Nezu informed.

“First off Todoroki’s with Yaoyorozu as a team against me. Midoriya, you’re with Bakugou as a team, and as for who… your opponent will be..”

“I’m here to oblige!” All Might shouted with his powerful voice and stature.


Principal vs Ashido and Kaminari

No.13 vs Aoyama and Uraraka

Present Mic vs Kouda and Jirou

Ectoplasm vs Asui and Tokoyami and Ojiro

Midnight vs Sero and Mineta

Snipe vs Hagakure and Shoji

Cementoss vs Satou and Kirishima

Power Loader vs Iida and Antoine


“So I’m guessing we either have to defeat you or make it through that shining flashy gate behind us Loader-san.”

“Almost. You have 30 minutes to handcuff me or one of you make it through the gate to pass the test.”

“Come on Loader-san. That sounds too easy. What’s the trick here?” Antoine asked the man who he sees nearly every school day. Since he basically visits the Development Studio every day, where Power Loader oversees, they are quite close.

“Try and win and you’ll see.” He said as he begun tunneling through the ground.

‘I see they teamed me and Iida up because of our clear opposing attitudes to each other. But unlike with Midoriya and Bakugou, I’m not facing the absolute monster that is All Might as my opponent and won’t require Iida’s help to win. They should’ve planned this out a bit better if they wanted me and Iida to get on better terms.’

“Well. Go on and run through the gate President. You’ll reach there much faster than me for sure.” Antoine said with a grin on his face.

“As unpleasant as it is, I am the class president and shall not be stubborn. I am willing to work with you to pass this test Neil.” Iida said as if it was the last thing he wanted to do.

“While I might be many things, being a team player is something I can manage.” Antoine said as one of his tentacles latched onto Iida’s back. “Let’s get moving President!” Antoine said as Iida tried to move.

Antoine sighed.

“Seriously how fucking weak are you? That just ruined the entire mood you know… And I’m not getting on your fucking back.” Antoine said as he released his tentacle and began moving ahead without Iida.

The ground beneath him started falling and Antoine quickly kicked off the side of the pit before he could fall completely in.

‘I have so many ways of clearing this I’m literally at a loss of which one I should pick… I could just speed past all the pitfalls, defeat sensei whose holding back with those high density weights, fly high and the sky and cruise through the gate, work together with Iida and have us both get through the gate, or I could…’ Antoine was interrupted as Power Loader’s low tier mech, Antoine would describe it, shot from the ground to grab him.

Iida dashed over and tried to save Antoine but only managed to fall into a pitfall and get trapped himself. Antoine’s tentacles built with Lackey controlling it, automatically defended him and clashed in a power of strength against Power Loader’s mech.

“Loader-san! Although this mech of yours does match your hero costume quite nicely, I have to say it’s a bit limiting isn’t it?” Antoine grinned as he pulled out his golden revolver and aimed it at Power Loader. “I mean you actually have to pilot and control those arms on that mech! Leaving you completely defenseless against let’s say… A bullet.” He shot towards Power Loader’s defenseless chest and laughed.


The bullet bounced off as a force field appeared and protected Power Loader’s entire body.

“You fucking madman! You really do listen to me talk don’t you?!” Antoine said while smiling.

“School isn’t a place for only students to learn.” He chuckled as his mech’s arms rocket blasted off and pushed Antoine backward into the collapsing battlefield.

Antoine laughed in amusement as he also fell into a pitfall and was trapped by all the dirt and rocks.

“Look at us President! We look like a bunch of fucking shitty moles!” Antoine laughed as Iida’s anger was building.

“Now now don’t get so red in the face dick munch. Let me show you how to win like a true hero.” Antoine said as his tentacles transformed into shovels and began digging him free.

Once he got out he walked over to Iida and freed him as well.

“Thank you Neil but please refer to me by my name.”

The two stood side by side as Antoine suddenly grabbed Iida with one of his tentacles and had the other 5 shapeshift into propeller blades. The blades began spinning and soon the duo was in the skies. Power Loader shot two rocket fists at the flying duo that started homing in on them.

“GONNA NEED MORE THAN THAT LOADER-SAN!!” Antoine shouted as he pulled out his revolver again and took aim before quickly shooting two bullets at the rocket fists.

The bullets exploded once they made contact with fists and took them out of the skies. Antoine and Iida were speeding towards the exit as Power Loader was unable to do anything with them so far in the air and going as fast as that. They passed through the gate and successfully passed the final exam practical portion.

“Although you were pretty much useless, I can at least say that… you’re pretty fucking weak! HAHAHAHAH!” Antoine laughed as he let go of Iida and walked off. Iida seemed to be shaking while balling his fist as he looked at Antoine from behind.

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