Craftsman System In My Hero Academia

Planning A Rescue & Raid!


“Me found them! Me found----” A excited little girl’s voice was cut off as a similarly sized figure shushed her.

“Shh! We can’t let them know we found their hideout. We have to make sure they have the thing. Go look through the window but don’t get caught.” A little boy’s voice told her as his body was slowly spinning around.

The wild looking little girl nodded excitedly as she started scaling the building with just her fingers and toes. They dug into the building quite easily and she soon reached the floor the suspicious figures were. She raised her head and looked through the window.

“This is all the trigger we could bring on such short notice. Getting imports from Asia isn’t that easy you know. Do you have the cash?”

“Here.” The feminine figure threw over a black suitcase slight opened, filled with cash.

The scarred huge man with the drugs handed his case over as well. This is when the little girl signaled to her little friend. He nodded before jumping through the window. The little girl followed behind him by pouncing towards the drug case and grabbing it before jumping to the top of the ceiling and digging into it with her claws, making her hang from the ceiling like a monkey. She then placed the handle of the suitcase in her mouth, freeing her hands for combat.

“Sarah! Make sure they don’t take the case! I’ve called her and she should be here in a few moments!” The childish voice said.

“WHO THE FUCK!? CHILDREN!? GET THEM!” The large burly man said as a group of men started charging inside the room.

“It’s you two…..” The feminine figure said slightly shivering.

“Woman! She scaped! Last time Tiptop!” Sarah tried to say as one of the goons tossed a black sphere like object at her.

Sarah bounced from the ceiling and pounced towards the guy who threw the strange object at her. He wasn’t able to react in time to her unnatural speed and was kicked in the gut by the child robot and launched through the wall. The large criminal charged towards Sarah but was stopped by Tiptop, who kicked him in the arm and made him slide across the room.

“That actually kind of hurt you stinking brat!!” He said rubbing his arm. His body started changing as he activated his quirk. His shirt tore apart as white wings sprouted from his back along with a white spiral horn atop his forehead.

“Haha what the heck? A big tough guy like you with a freaking Pegasus quirk?! Hahahahaha!” Tiptop laughed as the criminal seemed ready to burst one of the veins on his forehead.

The man aimed his horn at Tiptop before firing a pink beam towards the pocket monster based android. Tiptop’s body began rapidly spinning and as the beam made contact with the brown and blue cyclone, it deflected back towards the large man and blasted him out of the window.

“AGHHHHHH!!!” He yelled while falling out of the building before suddenly stopping his decent with his wings and slowly hovering in the air even more pissed than ever.

He was about to fly back into the building but just before he could start rising upward, he was kicked out of the sky and lodged into the ground.

“Neep!” A familiar bird honked as she easily defeated the flying man with a yellow aura swirling around her.

She ran up the building and into the room where all the action was taking place to see Sarah and Tiptop finishing up the rest of the criminals. Sarah had a fiery aura swirling around her while Tiptop had a light blue icy aura around him.

“Rawr Rawr!” Sarah shouted happily as she ran on all fours over to Runner Road with the drug case’s handle bit down in her mouth.

Tiptop grabbed the money case and placed it on top of his head, slowly spinning 360 degrees like the rest of his body.

Runner Road rubbed Sarah’s hair with her foot before motioning the two to get on her back. Sarah crawled up her leg like a bug and Tiptop jumped up. The trio of androids heard sirens in the distance and vanished without a sound with their objective successfully completed.


“I assume the mission went well…” Medic asked the trio who arrived in the secret lab.

“Me did it!”

“It is “I did it.” Sarah. Did the modifications work as intended?” He asked while taking the drug case from Sarah.

“Yep Doc. They worked perfectly. Too bad those guys were so weak; I barely had the chance to use it.” Tiptop stated unsatisfied.

Sarah’s blonde hair slowly lifted in the air before bursting flames along with her body. Tiptop’s body started ramping up in speed as he turned into a mini blizzard cyclone. Runner Road reappeared in different spots in the room without even looking like she took a single step. Medic smiled in satisfaction as he started walking down the corridor.

“I seems our Creator’s modifications are quite impressive. Not even I know how he managed to harness the power of the elements and more. Such a grand and mysterious individual…” Medic said with passion and fierce reverence.

“Neep. Neep!” Runner Road honked.

“Ah yes… You’re right. My apologizes Runner. Let’s not get distracted.” Medic refocused.

The group walked into a room and were met face to face with a purple furred adult gorilla. Its body was filled with scars and stitches. As soon as it saw Medic, it went into an absolute rage and began banging on its containment cell. It was a large see-through box type of cell. The amount of strength in its punches caused its cell to violently shake. Sarah growled at the primate and bared her teeth at it while Tiptop started taunting it.

“To make sure that you all weren’t fooled, we have to test one of them to know if they work.” Medic said as he opened the door to the gorilla’s cell and calmly closed the door behind him as the Gorilla ran full speed towards him.

Medic pulled out a few surgical sutures as the beast leapt towards him overhead with its fists intent on smashing him to paste. Medic smoothly avoided the beast’s attack and got behind him as his thread wrapped the animal up. It screeched and hollered as it tried to break free from the seemingly normal looking threads that tied its body up. Eventually once it figured out that brute force wasn’t enough, green smoke began ejecting from its body.

“You’re sleeping gas won’t be able to affect me. I have no need for breathing after all haha.” He politely mocked before injecting the creature with the drug known as Trigger.

The gorilla started screaming even louder than it was earlier before suddenly…. Medic’s threads passed right through it.

“Oh ho…. It does work. It seems the quirk enhancing drug managed to advance your sleeping gas quirk into becoming a gaseous being entirely!” Medic exclaimed excitedly.

The gorilla, now a green gaseous figure shaped like a gorilla, punched forward with its enlarged fist. Medic was sent flying to the other side of the cell from the attack and recovered effortlessly. He dusted off his medical suit as he put away his sutures and pulled out two light blue gloves.


“Now. Let’s begin shall we?”

The Gorilla seemingly mindless flew towards Medic intent on smashing him to pieces. The beast wildly punched repeatedly as Medic easily dodged the now even stronger creature. Eventually the creature’s mind came back to it as it suddenly used its gas to surround Medic and then capture him! Medic’s body was completely immobilized as the creature’s gas slowly crushed him.

“Well done.” He smiled. “I didn’t think you’d be capable of such tactics. But I’ve gained enough data from you. It’s time to put a halt to this line testing.” Medic spoke calmly as his hand went into his arm and came back out transformed into a hose.

The hose then began sucking up the quirk-using animal’s gas body. It screamed and shouted while trying to resist the suction force from the hose but wasn’t able to get free itself in time before Medic completely sucked it up. Medic eventually released the gas creature into a sealed jar before exiting from the containment cell and smiling in a satisfied way towards the other three.

‘I’d say its gas is strong enough to put a herd of elephants to sleep when it only previously capable of making a human sleep for 24 hours at full strength.’

“The mission was a success. I thank you all for your hard work. You may return to your usual activities while I send this to get analyzed.” Medic said holding the case full of Trigger.

“Bai Bai Medic!!” Sarah waved as she got on Runner Road’s back.

“See ya later Doc. I’m going to go see if Smokey is doing anything fun after I give this moolah to the money dudes.” Tiptop said.

The four androids went along their way and did whatever they usually do when they aren’t asked to do something. While on the other side of the secret lab, three teenagers were together.

“I got somewhere to be today, so I won’t be able to stick around after you two. The foods already made in the “feast room” and the nurses will give you the serum when you’re done.” Antoine told them even though they were being worked so hard that they couldn’t even give him a response.

“Don’t forget to push your quirk to the limit as well! Alright I’m out bitches!! Got hero shit to do.” Antoine said as he left Yuga and Toru in the secret lab and then hopping on his glider and flying off.

The Overhaul arc was coming soon and Antoine just had to get his hands-on Overhaul’s broken ass quirk. Not to mention that his research with the Trigger drug is almost complete. Soon he’ll be able to exponentially increase the power of someone’s quirk without any side effects! All through a neat device that could attach itself to the wearer. He couldn’t wait to test it out himself and maybe even give Yuga and Toru a copy. He was interested in seeing the peak of Yuga’s powers and his many stolen quirks at their possible apex.

Eventually Antoine made it to the meeting where the heroes and sidekicks were going to talk about saving Eri and raiding Overhaul’s hideout. He landed down just as Midoriya, Kirishima, Uraraka, Asui, and the big three were about to enter the large building.

“Senpai. Hardhead. Others.” He greeted.

“Neil is here too?!” Uraraka exclaimed.

“Something big has to be going on for sure.” Midoriya pointed out.

“Well you fuckers ain’t gonna figure out standing out here. Let’s go in already.” Antoine said as he was about to go in through the electronic sliding doors.

“Hey wait up Neil! I wanted to thank you for those badass gloves you gave me and helping me take my quirk one step further. You ran off before I could thank you man.” Kirishima thanked.

[ Relentless Battle Gloves – These gloves were made based on the ancient battle gauntlets used in Ancient Greece boxing competitions. The main intention of this weapon was for the wearer to have an unrelenting offensive assault till their opponent is broken and beaten into submission.]

[+50 Str added to stats when equipped.]

[+50 Vit added to stats when equipped.]

[Consecutive attacks gives an attack speed buff that increases by 5% every critical blow. (Critical blows are achieved when attacking an opponent in a debilitating way. Such as breaking a limb, incapacitating blows, eye attacks, and such.) Buff lasts for 2 minutes and restarts when a critical blow is achieved.]

[All strikes slightly drains the opponent’s stamina. (Does not give drained stamina to wearer.)]

[Wearer slowly becomes weaker when on the defensive and will progressively get weaker the longer the wearer stays in a defensive position.]

Antoine looked at him annoyed as Midoriya, Asui, and Uraraka had shocked looks on their faces. But Antoine was actually pretty happy his work was being appreciated, not to mention Midoriya is still wearing his watch he gave him from the provisional exam.

“Hmph. I didn’t do it for you Rockhead. I just can’t stand being brought down by others.” He snorted before walking inside without them.

“Does he think that me and Fat Gum are liabilities as well…? He gave us some gear too…” Amajiki questioned in a sullen mood.

“Haha don’t worry senpai! I got a feeling that maybe he’s just doing it to protect us in his own special way.” Kirishima said while patting Amajiki’s back.

“I kind of have that feeling as well Kirishima.” Midoriya agreed.

“He’s still kind of scary to me though.. I mean did you see the way he took down the shooter in that video? It was so brutal and shocking…” Uraraka shivered.

“It made me a bit scared too. The way he treated that guy and didn’t care for a second about his crying and desperate pleas. It makes me shudder thinking about what if he was on the other side..” Asui added.

“Come on now! Is that any way to talk about your fellow classmate?! Let’s go inside and figure out what we’re all needed here for!” Togata said trying to defuse the negative atmosphere.


“Gran Torino huh…. I’m happy even the elderly are still respected in this hero business. You must have a really strong quirk for them to have invited you as well. And hello sensei.” Antoine chatted to Gran Torino and Aizawa.

“Not a bad guess kid.” He said before turning away while Aizawa greeted him back.

“Fat Gum. How are the boots so far?” Antoine asked.

“I’m still getting used to them but they are great! They resize to whatever shape I’m in and now I’m more capable than ever! You’re pretty amazing Neil.” Fat Gum complimented.

[ Rocket Boots – These boots were made with decent materials and were intended on burst speed rather than constant high-speed movement, long distance movement, or flight.]

[+30 Str added to stats when equipped.]

[+30 Agl added to stats when equipped.]

[Wearer can use the engine built inside to boost their speeds.]

[Capable of boosting wearer’s speed in three different speeds. X2, X3, and X4.]

[Higher chance of malfunctioning at higher speeds.]

[Can reform to fit any user.]

“Good to hear.”

Then the man of the hour came inside the room, Sir Nighteye.

“Thanks to all of the information you supplied, the investigation has progressed considerably. The small Yakuza organization, The Eightfold Cleansers… What exactly are they plotting? Along with the sharing of acquired information, I would like to consult you all today!” He told them as they were led into the meeting room.

The meeting began and Nighteye and his sidekicks began explaining how they have been observing a certain villain group known as The Eightfold Cleansers. Sir Nighteye’s office has been investigating the group for over a year and found out that the organization is moving with the intent to expand themselves and accumulate funds. Not to mention that they have been in contact with the League of Villains.

“Not those fuckers again…” Antoine muttered.

“Oh yeah… aren’t you the boy that was kidnapped by them?” Hado bluntly asked.

The irritation could be visibly seen on Antoine’s face as he controlled himself not to fiercely rebuke Hado, despite her remark being correct in that he was kidnapped. His classmates fully expected him to curse out Hado for bringing up that experience for Neil but were genuinely surprised when he held it in and let it go. Aizawa was similarly surprised as well and pleased to see that maybe Neil was changing slowly.

But despite their thoughts, Antoine hasn’t changed at all.

‘I swear I’m going to beat the shit out of you, you fat tittied bitch. I don’t even know how fucking Compress managed to sneak up behind me even with Lackey’s assistance. Like I could’ve done anything against that bullshit.’ He cursed internally.

“Please continue…” He grinded his teeth.

The meeting continued on to talk about how the Eightfold Cleansers were in acquisition of a bullet that erases quirks. Albeit, temporarily. The bullet was identified as capable of damaging a person’s quirk factor and not allowing them to use their quirk for hours. But it was explained that the quirk factor could recover from this damage with plenty of rest. (A quirk factor is the mechanism that actively lets a person use their quirk, not the quirk itself.) And the ingredients used to manufacture such a bullet was identified as human blood and human cells, causing many in the room to show a myriad of negative emotions.

“In other words… That effect is derived from a person or, a quirk… A quirk to destroy other quirks…”

The meeting continued on and explained that this drug was connected to the Cleansers loosely. But then Sir Nighteye brought forth some more information that would connect the drug to the Cleanser more solidly.

“The quirk of the capo, Chisaki is named overhaul. It’s a power that can disassemble and reassemble any target. A quirk that can dismantle… To destroy and repair at once. That, along with the bullets that can destroy quirks.”

“So he’s making bullets out of the kid’s body..” Antoine muttered for everyone too slow on the uptake.

Making many of the pros and sidekicks enraged and sickened. Though eventually, they calmed down enough to continue the meeting to discuss exactly how they should go about attacking the gangster group. They’ve found many locations and groups that are associated with the Cleansers and asked all the heroes and sidekicks present to help in locating the Cleansers.

“Locating the girl and securing her rescue! Our goal is to resolve the situation as quickly and effectively as possible. Thank you all for your cooperation.” Sir Nighteye said, finishing up the meeting.

Everyone dispersed and the U.A. students took off together. They sat together at a table as Midoriya explained exactly why he and Mirio were so bummed out.

“So frustrating…..”


“While I can’t say I would have done the same, I can’t exactly fault you. It’s not like you would’ve stood a chance against a guy who’s capable of disassembling and reassembling anything. But then again… with your full speed and Vault Boy’s speed, I’m sure you could have easily outran that fucker after taking the kid…” Antoine muttered, not helping in the slightest.

“Neil!” Uraraka shouted.

He glared at her and swiftly shut her down.

“Neil come on man.” Kirishima said indicating that what he said wasn’t cool.

“No… He’s right… but that’s in the past now. I have to make up for my mistakes. I will save her this time.” Midoriya said determined, also rousing Mirio from his bad mood.

“You’re right Midoriya! We have to do our best now to make up for the mistakes we made failing her before. We will save that child.” Togata said.

The group eventually dispersed and everyone went home. They were on standby until Eri’s whereabouts were determined the days afterwards.


Antoine was watching over as the animals in his care continued to show more and more quirks related to those he’s stolen from people over time. Using nanites, he was capable of rearranging the genes of embryos of pregnant animals. He had the nanites reform them into similar genes like those of the quirks he’s stolen.

“A dog with an additional tail capable of spinning them at fast speeds which allows the dog to propel into higher speeds. A goldfish that is able to harden its fins and use them to defend itself or attack others. A turtle with wings. A cat that can shapeshift its tail into different objects. And even a chicken that’s the size of a giraffe.” Antoine started chuckling lowly before erupting into a full-blown mad scientist laugh.

“FANTASTIC!!! BUT THIS ISN’T GOOD ENOUGH! Everyone knows that evolution is made through successfully passing on genes that were made to survive. So, having all of these animals in this testing environment is more harmful than beneficial future wise.” Antoine said while rubbing his chin.

“It seems I might have to create something like Jurassic park… or a type of area where these guys can live freely, die freely, and breed freely.” His face slowly transitioned into a smile. “I’m going to have to make a fucking better version of zoo if I want to see any big changes. I’ll have to make an environment fit for all these different types of animals and make sure they aren’t affected by any human actions.” Antoine decided before ordering certain androids to come to his position.

“I need some free land. Wide enough to contain all these creatures to live like regular wild animals. If it’s not in the budget, then open up trades across the world. I’m sure that the rest of the world would like to buy some of our wares. Build some cages or boxes that can hold these animals when it’s time to transport them. Even the intangible ones. I’ll open up a few more things to sell to the masses, to increase the amount of money we’re gaining.” Antoine said.

‘I’m sure the world would like some T-shirts that increased their confidence or made them appear a bit more attractive to others. Or some appliances that gave certain buffs to the things they’ve worked on.’

“Use the drones for transporting like usual, but if something unfortunate happens to them on their journey, make sure they self-destruct along with the costumer’s item. Have a different drone take a different route to resend that costumer their purchased merchandise and give them a 10% discount for making them take longer. You can leave now.” Antoine ordered the robots. ‘Eventually I’ll make drones capable of flying fast enough that it’ll only take a few hours to deliver even if the costumer is in Canada!’

The androids dispersed and Antoine grinned as he watched his progress on the trigger drug increasing more and more.

“Maybe it’ll finish before the raid starts. But I’m not sure I’d be able to use it with so many people around. Let’s keep it a secret for now. Until I get enough power to take over countries I suppose. Who knows what could happen to me if I revealed I had a way to upgrade quirks? Even I’m not all-knowing.”

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