Craftsman System In My Hero Academia

The Final Part Of The Exam!

“Ahem.. Everyone.” The monitor inside the room came on showing the previous exam location.


The entire multi-terrain erupted into explosions. It was being systematically destroyed all over, all to the mass confusion of the remaining 100 winners.

“The next exam is the last! You will all act as bystanders and conduct rescue operations at a disaster site!” The announcer explained.

Antoine whistled before laughing loudly.

“Looks like you guys are fucked!!!” He mockingly laughed at his own classmates. “We didn’t do any fucking rescue training!!! HAHAHAHAH!!”

“I don’t see what’s so funny Neil! You didn’t get any rescue training either!” Jiro retorted.

“I trained myself you bunch of losers!” He gloated as the announcer continued his explanation.

“You will not be acting as ordinary citizens, but as people who have already secured a provisional license. This will be a test of your aptitude for rescue operations.”

“There are people out there...” Yuga pointed out.


“Old people and little kids!? What are they doing out there?! It’s dangerous!!”

“They just explained that this will be a rescue operation test…. For fucks sake listen you dipshits.” Antoine muttered loudly much to the annoyance of some of the others.

“These folks are in very high demand for all sorts of drills as Pros at needing rescue!! They’re the staff of the Help Us Company or HUC for short!” The announcer explained.

‘I might need a company like that… My robots can simulate life-threatening injuries if I create them too… Hm..’

“The folks at HUC are on standby all over the field disguised as casualties and it’s your mission to extricate them. Now, this time you and your rescue efforts will be graded via points. If, at the end of the exercise, you have exceeded the watermark score, you will have cleared the exam. The test starts in ten minutes, so go use the facilities now if you need to.”

Antoine pulled out a video game console from his lab coat (Inventory) and started playing it while waiting. Eventually Shiketsu students came over towards U.A. and apologized for one of their friend’s behavior. Antoine figured this would be a great time to rile some people up and maybe even gain some taunt skill experience. Antoine threw two pieces of bread at the Shiketsu students, one at the disguised Toga and the other at the completely haired boy who wanted to make good relations with U.A..

Toga managed to catch the bread while giving Antoine stank eyes while the furry boy, Mora, had the bread bounce off his hair.

“What a shame! A lot more of you managed to make it to this stage than I wanted.” Antoine said while walking over.

“Neil! Don’t be rude! These guys were just about to get on good terms with us!” Yaoyorozu said.

“Who would need to be on good terms with a bunch of fucking trash? You think U.A. has degraded this far to just associate with any fucking hero school? Know your places and don’t embarrass us any further.” Antoine said to both his classmates and Shiketsu.

Yaoyorozu stepped up as Kirishima, Ojiro, and Sero grabbed Antoine away.

“HEY GET OFF ME! I’M JUST TELLING THE TRUTH! U.A. WILL BE NUMBER ONE AS LONG AS I’M PART OF THE SCHOOL!!!” He shouted as Kaminari began apologizing for Antoine’s behavior.

“I’m so sorry about that…. He doesn’t speak for any of us. We would love to be on friendly terms with Shiketsu.” She smiled while shaking Mora, the hair extension quirk guy’s, hand.

Mora rubbed the back of his head confused but accepting the apology and walking away with the others. Antoine was about to fiercely break free from the three boys until an alarm started blaring inside the room.


“You fuckers are lucky the exam is starting or I would’ve kicked all three of your asses.” Antoine said shaking off the three.

“Come on man! You don’t gotta make enemies with everyone you see.” Kirishima said.

“For real! We can just be chill sometimes!” Kaminari agreed.

Antoine ignored them as the building opened up again.


Antoine switched to the Agl series of his hero costume and was one of the firsts to arrive on the scene. He saw one of the judges crying his eyes out with blood dripping down his face and breathing irregular.


‘I have a soft spot for children but not actors… Although I can’t afford to lose points by acting honestly.. Time to place my faith in my Lv.3 Acting skill.’ Antoine prayed as he changed his entire personality.

[Acting Lv3 – You’re able to play nearly any character you want! Build this skill up higher to become the greatest actor or manipulator ever known.]

[All interactions will have a 6% chance of the recipient having a positive view of the user.]

[Has a slightly low chance of having people believe your acting.]

Antoine smiled in a comforting way.

“Are you alright little man? Look at me.” Antoine asked as the boy continued to scream about his grandfather but also following Antoine’s commands as he made sure if the boy was okay. “Don’t worry little dude. I’ll go save your grandpa right away but for now I gotta make sure you’re safe! Come on let’s go and you’ll see your awesome grandpa in no time!” He said while his tentacle detached and carried the boy in a safe and secure manner while returning to the scene of the crime and saving more people.

“How the hell did your old ass get stuck up there..?” Antoine muttered while looking at a woman hanging off the side of a tilted building. She was screaming for help as her grip was slowly loosening more and more.

Antoine flew up with his glider and picked up the old lady before slowly flying towards the makeshift evac center. As he gave the elderly woman who was thanking him while trying to stain his lab coat in tears and snot.

“She’s fine for the most part just a little shooken up.” He explained.

“Thank you. I’ll take it from here.” One of the heroes taking care of the “injured” civilians said.


Explosions erupted once more around the already destroyed testing field. Which caused mass panic among the examinees and the “civilians.”

‘Finally, time to fucking have some fun.’ Antoine said as the villains of this exam finally showed up.

His tentacles popped off his back and shapeshifted their tips into hands as they began searching and looking for more people to save and rescue. ‘But a few little more rescue points could never hurt.’ He chuckled while walking towards the villains.


Antoine pulled out a replica of Shao Kahn’s war hammer while equipping the Str series of his hero costume and amplifying his muscles secretly.

[The Kahn’s Hammer – This long-handled hammer with a heavy metal head was created based on the design of the original one. Due to being crafted with decent materials and identical looks to the original, additional effects have been added.]

[+80 Str added to stats when equipped.]

[+75 Vit added to stats when equipped.]

[Able to recall hammer telepathically.]

[Those defeated by the hammer have a 5% chance of having a random skill stolen from their “souls.”]

“Now let’s conquer this realm!” Antoine laughed as he smashed his hammer into a single member of Gang Orca’s group.

The mock villain was launched away like a flying star in a space. He spiraled all the way back through the hole the villains created and took a few additional ones with him.

“Not bad kid.. but don’t you think you’re-----” The mock villain boss was cut off via small ice glacier attack and windstorm.

“HEY THESE FUCKERS ARE MINE YOU DIP SHITS! If you get in my way I’ll kill you both myself!” Antoine threatened the two recommendation students before leaping towards the villains and smashing the ground underneath them. The impact from Antoine’s war hammer caused the ground to quake and shake before breaking into pieces. The villains were halted in their assault and also mostly unbalanced.

Antoine threw his large hammer into the air and threw an icy-blue colored poké ball in the middle of the villains. Before the villains could escape from the strange item, the poké ball exploded into an icy wonderland. The ground and any nearby mock villains were encapsulated in ice, completely incapacitated. Antoine’s hammer came crashing down from the sky towards the villain boss, Gang Orca.

“What an impressive kid… managed to halt our assault all by himself but I can’t let this be too easy.” Gang Orca muttered as he used sound waves to blast away Antoine’s hammer.

He then ran straight to the boy whose hammer managed to return straight to his hand. Antoine swung towards the incoming Orca who used his sound waves to combat against Antoine’s strangely powerful strength. His “henchmen” or sidekicks began shooting their cement guns at Antoine, Todoroki, and Inasa. Inasa and Todoroki began trying to fight against villains but since they were at odds with each other they ran into some problems. Antoine also couldn’t completely focus on Gang Orca thanks to his henchmen backing him up. The numerous cement bullets coming towards him didn’t allow him to fully give his all-in attacking Gang Orca and he was blasted away by the villain’s sonic waves.

“Those side kicks are really cool….. I guess this is why they tell you in every game to get rid of the mooks first before you try and take out the main boss…” Antoine muttered while lying on the ground. Suddenly he felt a fierce heat heading straight towards him..

He looked up and saw a wave of fire coming to engulf him into a fiery embrace.

“You’ve got to be kidding me…” Antoine muttered as he saw Midoriya coming to try and save him. Antoine grabbed the boy’s hand and slammed him into the ground before swinging his hammer straight at the wave of fire and extinguished it with powerful winds created by his hammer.

He then glared at both Todoroki and Inasa while running his thumb across his throat. He then helped up Midoriya.

“My bad cabbage head… I just couldn’t possibly let myself be saved in such a pathetic manner. I appreciate the gesture though. Take this.” Antoine pulled out a regular looking watch that automatically attached itself to Midoriya’s wrist.

Midoriya looked on, completely freaked out at the strange moving watch but didn’t refuse Neil’s gift. He was more freaked out by the fact that Neil apologized and even treated him like a decent human being! Midoriya watched as those tentacles that were originally part of Neil’s costume flying around carrying and saving people.

The two distracted recommendation students were made incapacitated by Gang Orca after Antoine recovered and now Antoine and Midoriya stood against the remaining mock villains and their boss.

“That watch will boost certain attributes depending on the time. 12-3 will boost agility. 4-7 will boost vitality. 8-11 will boost strength.” Antoine explained as Gang Orca was suddenly engulfed in a fire tornado and him and Midoriya started taking out the henchmen.

“Thanks Neil!” Midoriya said while thinking that maybe Neil isn’t as horrible as he thought. Maybe he’s just misunderstood.

Eventually the rest of the students that were capable of fighting joined in with Antoine and Midoriya, helping them fight back the mock villains while the non-combatant heroes continued evacuating the civilians. Before long Antoine and Midoriya were standing in front of a freed Gang Orca while Inasa and Todoroki were about to be eliminated by the villain boss.

“Although it’s a bit unfair, get ready to get fucking murdered villain.” Antoine threatened with a grin on his face and his hammer over his shoulder.

“We’ll stop you Gang Orca!” Midoriya added with green lightning surging across his body.

The two charged towards him with Antoine taking the lead. Antoine appeared underneath Gang Orca and swung upwards towards his chin while Midoriya snuck from the side and kicked from behind. Gang Orca used soundwaves to clash against Antoine’s strike and blocked with his metal gauntlet against Midoriya’s kick.

“Erm—If I could have you’re attention please. All stationed members of HUC have been rescued from the crisis area. This may be considerably selfish of me, but with that I must bring these provisional license examination to a close!!!!” The announcer said.

Antoine clicked his tongue in annoyance as he stared at the #10 ranked Pro Hero.

“I’ll get you next time Fish Face.” Antoine said while walking off.

“Orcas are mammals. Not fish.” Midoriya muttered softly.

“Shut the fuck up you nerd! I know what fucking dolphins are!” Antoine shouted.

“How did he hear me from all the way over there….?” Midoriya jumped in surprise.

“I’m looking forward to your future achievements kid. Shame I had to wear this restrictive protector on.” Gang Orca said.

“Still would’ve kicked your ass….” Antoine said softly as his tentacles returned back to him and attached themselves back onto the back of his costume.

“After we tally the scores, I will present the results of the examination to you all here. Those who have suffered injuries, please direct yourselves to the medical office. The rest of you, please change back into your normal clothes and await further instructions. Thank you.” The announcer said.

Everyone did as the announcer instructed and a couple of minutes later returned back to the field.

“I wonder how I did…” Yuga said slightly anxious.

“I’m nervous too!! I wonder if they managed to catch my sweet rescues!” Toru said shaking with excitement and nervousness.

“Those assholes better attribute my tentacles as part of my rescue…” Antoine muttered.

“I couldn’t show off my first aid techniques because none of them were really injured.” Toru said sadly.

“It would’ve been more helpful if they were actually injured. I fucking hate ketchup.” Antoine said rubbing his nose.

“Still don’t like ketchup?” Yuga laughed.

“Fuck off you sparkling bastard. Everyone has different taste buds and mine say that ketchup taste like cock and balls.”

“How do you know what that taste like? HMMMMM?!?!?” Toru asked teasingly.


“SHUT UP YOU FUCKING TARDS!!!” Antoine yelled angrily before also laughing with those two dumbasses. ‘That was a good one… They are learning some terrible habits from me…’

The group was eventually calmed down as one of the judges walked up on stage ready to present their results.

“In terms of how we went about evaluating you, between us members of the hero public safety commission and our colleagues from the HUC, we had two systems of point deduction that were combined to evaluate your performance. In short, we were examining both the quality and nature of your conduct in situations of crisis. The names of those who passed the examination will be displayed here in alphabetical order. With all that in mind, please go ahead and review the results yourself.” The board behind him lit up and turned on before revealing a list of 100 student’s names.

Antoine, Toru, and Yuga all saw their names on the boards.

“YAY!!!!!” Toru cheered.

“I passed… I really did it..! Without leaning on anyone either.. I really am progressing…!” Yuga claimed while clutching his fist in joy.

“Like any other outcome could have possibly happened.” Antoine said smugly as the class began consoling Bakugou and Todoroki.

Antoine grinned as wide as he could before walking over. But before he could enact his plan, he was swiftly stopped by both Toru and Yuga.

“You traitors!!! LET ME MAKE FUN OF THEM!!! PRINCESS AND ICY HOT HAVE TO BE MADE FUN OF!!!!! I’LL KILL YOU LATER TODOROKI FOR ALMOST CHARRING ME!!!” Antoine yelled as he was taken away by his best friends.

“Ahem. All participants, have you had a chance to confirm the results? Moving right along now, we will distribute some handouts. The specifics of your scoring are described there in great detail, so please look over them carefully.” The examiner said as men in black suits started handing out folders.

“Antoine Neil.” One of the black suits asked while handing him his folder.

“AHAHAHAHAH 99 POINTS!!! ME!!! HAVE YOU BLIND FUCKS REALIZED YET THAT I’M THE GREATEST!?!?” Antoine gloated to his classmates who expressed explicit disbelief and shock before Antoine showed them.

“The cutoff line was 50 points. We utilized a point reduction system to determine your scores. You can read over the various actions and behaviors which resulted in a deduction of your points, followed by how many points were deducted for each one.”

“How did he get 99 points!?” Iida said completely shocked.

“I’m surprised as well..” Shoji said.

“He only lost a point because he harmed a fellow teammate!” Mineta said.

“Who did he attack!?” Uraraka asked concerned.

Midoriya chuckled nervously before bringing attention to himself.

“It’s fine. I’m sure Neil didn’t mean to do it on purpose.” He excused.

“I got 95!” Toru shouted.

“93 for me! It seems I could’ve smiled a bit more and acted more reassuring when rescuing the old people.”

Antoine shrugged his shoulders as the examiner began talking again after everyone looked at their scores.

“To all of the participants who passed… from now on, depending on the nature of the emergency, your new position will grant you the authority to exercise privileges equal to that of Pro Heroes. That is to say, combat against villains, conducting disaster and accident relief, and the like… even without orders from pro heroes, you are now able to act at your own discretion. However, with that power comes an even greater responsibility to society, which with every individual action you take… will grow even larger! You’d do well to remember that!”

“Blah blah blah… sum it up already you drowsy-eyed fuck…” Antoine softly said annoyed while Yuga was listening wholeheartedly and Toru also listening intently.

“And lastly… erm, to all those who were not fortunate enough to pass.. you do not have the luxury of allowing yourselves to become dejected over losing too many points. There is still a chance remaining for you all! After first attending a special training course in March, if you produce strong results on your individual tests, we intent to issue all of you provisional licenses as well!”

Eventually, everyone left with those who gained their licenses in high spirits and those who failed getting motivated to try even harder in the special course in March.

[Mission Completed!]

[Gained 10 gear effects and 2,000 exp. Choose which reward you would like: 20 block of Adamantium or Vibranium.]

“Vibranium.” Antoine said as he received all of the rewards and quickly looked inside his Inventory to see 20 blocks of Vibranium and 10 gear effects. ‘Inventory.’ He pulled up.

[ Freezing Gear Effect, Random Gear Effect, Boosting Gear Effect, Vampiric Gear Effect, Vicious Gear Effect, Speedy Gear Effect, Advancing Gear Effect, Defensive Gear Effect, Charisma Gear Effect]

“I’m going to be up all night…. Labeling all the blood, deciding what to make with this Vibranium, choosing which gears should receive gear effects, which skills I should use as experience for mixing certain items, and using up my skill points finally. I’m going to be a new man or at least half of a new man. I doubt I’m going to get even half of my current plans done by tomorrow. I only got a couple of hours! I need to hurry!”

Antoine took off towards his secret lab underneath his store and started work alongside his android lab assistants who take care of things while he’s gone. Antoine looked over his plant test subjects and saw that none of them manages to manifest a quirk or anything like it quite yet but his animal test subjects have already shown signs of awakening.

He watched as a white mouse emitted a strange gas from its body and caused the other nearby mice to fall asleep. A different cage held a rabbit completely covered in sharp thorns. Any thorns removed were immediately replaced by another thorn however, it seems it couldn’t continuously replace the thorns forever. After enough thorns are destroyed, the rabbit starts bleeding if it tries to create more forcefully and now has the appearance of a regular rabbit.



“I guess I should’ve replaced that glass with stronger material capable of defusing or spreading out physical force better…” Antoine muttered as he headed over to the rampaging monkeys.

He eventually came face to face with the group of troublemakers making a mess of the hallway and almost leaving the mammal area. One primate had bones projected outwardly from his body. The second one’s skin was red and steaming. The third one had their arms disconnected but attached through lengthened connective tissue. The last one was capable of taking out its spine and having it regrow within seconds and was waving it around like a stick while beating anything near it.

“While I’m insanely happy at the number of various quirks I’m seeing, I’m not a fan of beating animals.” He said with a hypocritical smile on his face as he headed towards the group of primates.

The monkeys started hooting and hollering before running towards Antoine ready to attack him together. The steaming monkey was much faster than the others and pounced at Antoine before he could even blink. He was tackled and taken to the ground as the monkey was about to start clawing his face.

“Oof. That speed was surprising….” Antoine muttered as he headbutted the monkey off of him and launched towards other monkeys.

Antoine then pulled out a black gun and fired at the pile of monkeys. A net shot out of the muzzle and entangled the creatures. Even with their quirks, the animals weren’t capable of freeing themselves from the strengthened net and were soon sedated by the armed security androids in the lab.

“Hm.. well… it’s time for crafting and science!!!” He shouted before getting to work.

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