Craftsman System In My Hero Academia

The Training Camp Arc Is Here!

Class A and Class B were boarded into their buses and officially on their way to the forest lodge.

“I swear to god if you keep using that move I’ll break your nose in!” Antoine threatened as he rapidly mashed buttons on a controller.

“Heheh! Maybe if you sucked a little less, you wouldn’t be losing so bad!” Toru gloated.

“How do I use my special move?” Yuga asked as his character just slowly walked over the edge and died.

“SHE’S A FUCKING CHEAT! THAT CHARACTER IS BROKEN AS HELL! WHY CAN SHE HAVE THAT MANY MOVES!? She can basically do anything and all I can do is watch as she rapes and murders my entire family in front of me.” Antoine raged after Toru defeated the two boys in the game.

Toru giggled at Antoine’s rage.

“No one told you to pick the worst character in the game.”

“Did I lose? What happened?” Yuga asked as the screen showed Toru’s character in the victory screen and the boy’s defeat screen side by side.

“Fuck that noise. I’m going to kick your ass with this useless pink nut sack. Let’s go again.”

“Just try it!”

The game started again and certain students came and watched them play on their miniature television hanging on the window.

“Hey what game are you guys playing?” Sero asked as he, Kirishima, Mineta, and Kaminari came to watch after they were just chatting in the back.

“It’s called Siblings Smacking Ultimate.” Yuga answered as he finally figured out how to use his special move and nearly eliminated Antoine.

“YOU FUCKING LITTLE BITCH!” Antoine cursed as Toru’s character followed up with Yuga’s lucky hit and eliminated him from the round.

“ARE YOU FUCKING KIDDING ME!? THIS GAME IS HORSE SHIT! IT’S SO FUCKING UNBALANCED!” He threw the controller on the floor hard and crossed his arms. “If I made a stupid fucking fighting game, I’d make every character viable in some way. Even the joke characters…” He pouted.

“Pretty intense huh…” Sero said.

“The girl fighters are pretty diverse.” Mineta said with approval.

“Can I play?” Kirishima asked.

Toru and Yuga looked at Antoine and Kirishima realized who he was supposed to ask. Antoine showed a wide evil grin and suddenly Yuga and Kirishima’s hearts started beating faster.

“Yeah sure.” Antoine replied normally as he took out a strangely stylish futuristic phone from his pocket.

Kirishima and Yuga let out a breath of relief.

‘I thought he surely was going to do something like make Kirishima-kun beg or owe him a favor or something…’ Yuga thought.

“Wow this controller looks perfectly fine!” Kaminari pointed out.

“Of course it is. I built the damn thing. It could take the full brunt of one of Yuga’s lasers beams and still work perfectly fine.” Antoine explained as Yuga, Kirishima, Mineta, and Sero all picked up a controller and started playing together.

Toru realized that it would be unfair for someone as skilled as her to play with these guys who haven’t even heard of the game and went off to a different seat next to the girls.


“Hey what kind of fucking place did you drop us off at Sensei? Are we sightseeing now?” Antoine asked despite already knowing what was coming next.

“It is a pretty sight.” Yaoyorozu stated.

“I gotta pee….” Mineta informed.

“Not exactly Neil.” Aizawa said before continuing. “This would be all meaningless without some sort of goal, so.”

“Yooooo Eraserhead! You haven’t contacted us in a while!” One of the members of the Pussycats said. “Lock on target with our sparkly eyes! While our cute, cute stingers sting! WILD WILD PUSSY CATS!!” The two middle-aged women dressed in cat  costumes with skirts shouted during their introduction.

“The Pro Heroes who’ll be looking after you lot are the members of the Pussycat.” Aizawa explained.

“Great…” Bakugou muttered.

“Eh… low MILF tier…” Antoine muttered as he changed his view to somewhere else.

“I have to argue with you there Neil! Mid to High tier for sure!” Mineta disagreed.

“Whooa! They’re a hero group comprising a joint office of four big names in one team! And they’re a team of verterans who specialize in mountain rescue! This will mark the 12th year of their careers…” Midoriya expositioned for everyone at home before getting interrupted by a claw to the face.

“We’re 18 at heart!” Pixie Bob fiercely stated.

“We actually own this whole area!”

“How much are you willing to sell it for? I could use all this area for some damn good research and various other matters.” Antoine asked.

“Huh…?” Mandalay questioned.

“What about like half of it then?” Antoine asked before getting silenced by Toru and Yuga.

“Please continue Ms. Hero!” Toru said.

“Like I was saying… Your lodge is at the base of that mountain.” She pointed in the far distance. The students were starting to get a bad feeling about this sudden sightseeing break. “Right now, it’s 9:30 AM. If you make it early… you might get there around 12.” She said with a smile starting to creep on her face. It was at this point most of the students began dashing back towards the bus. “All you kitties who don’t reach the lodge by 12:30 don’t get any lunch!” Mandalay stated.

“Sorry kids.” Aizawa said as Pixie Bob used her quirk to make the surrounding earth rise and gush them off a cliff into the large dense forest area below.

“You can use your quirks all you like on our private land! You have two hours! Within that time, make it to the facility on your own two feet! And make it past this forest of devil beasts!” Mandalay explained as all the students were washed into the forest.

“How disgusting…” Antoine said as he dug into his pocket (Inventory) and unleashed a swarm of robotic bugs that began cleaning his entire person.

“I didn’t take you for a clean freak Neil.” Jiro said with a small smile.

“We can get to know each other more over this lodging trip.” Antoine said sliding up close to her, also allowing his bugs to crawl onto her shoulder and soon her entire body.

She started screaming before using her quirk and stunning all of Antoine’s bugs to falling on the ground. She then turned around pissed as all hell to see Antoine dashing away while smiling at her.


“I’M GOING TO KILL YOU!!” Jiro shouted before her words got caught in her throat as something else wanted to kill Antoine first.

A ferocious predator made of dirt pounced towards Antoine whose face turned serious for a second.


Neil slid under the creature and once he made it behind the creature, he hopped onto its back before multiple layers of teeth grew in his mouth. His jaw and head started slightly enlarging as rows of multiple sharp teeth grew in. He bit down on the beast’s neck and decapitated it before chewing its large head into pieces.

“Disgusting….” He said after crunching down and swallowing.

The class looked on in complete shock as Antoine’s face, teeth, and head went back to normal. He smirked.

“Try to keep up kids.” He said before dashing off towards the lodge. The class followed behind him as they were constantly attacked by earthen beasts of various sizes and shapes.

“Toru! Duck!” Yaoyorozu warned.

An earthen monkey leapt towards Toru’s defenseless back and once Toru heard Yaoyorozu’s warning, she threw a rock at its head and stunned it as it crashed on the forest’s floor. Toru then jumped on top of the creature’s back, knees first, and grabbed its arms before bending them until they broke off. To finish the creature off, she started kneeing its neck repeatedly until it started cracking and eventually breaking and decapitating the earthen beast.

She wiped off her forehead before thanking Yaoyorozu in a bubbly manner.

“Thanks, Yaoyao!”

Antoine threw a bandage roll at her for her bleeding knees and she wrapped her knees up after cleaning them.

[Recovering Bandages – This item was made with slightly above average materials. Thanks to the improving skill of the craftsman who worked on this, it has been imbued with recovery effects.]

[+25% recovery rate when applied over wound.]

[Lessens pain of wounded area moderately.]

[Disinfects some harmful bacteria from entering wounds.]

Antoine, Yuga, and Toru stayed ahead of the class for the most part as they worked together to easily defeat most of the earthen beasts. Antoine and Yuga could usually one shot most of the creatures if they had the chance. That chance was created mostly by Toru who acted as bait for the boys.

A dirt gorilla pounded its chest as it encountered the trio. They shared glances between each other and charged. Toru ran in straight towards the ape while Antoine ran in from the left and Yuga from the right. The beast mimicked roaring as it braced itself to attack Toru, who very flexibly dodged the attack and slithered herself up close to the beast. Antoine got on all fours before leaping and taking off the creatures left arm with his teeth and swallowing it after chewing it to tiny pieces.

‘I really wish I could turn my taste buds off with this quirk… I’ll have to invent a sort of taste bud dampener somehow…’ He thought while wiping his tongue off as Yuga blasted the creature into pieces.

“How was the meal chief?” Yuga asked with a small smile.

“Real fucking funny chuckle nuts. Why don’t you take a bite and see?” Antoine swore before they got on the move again.


Antoine, Toru, and Yuga managed to reach the cabin a bit ahead of the others.

“I think we found our all stars of the camping trip.” Mandalay said as the trio arrived slightly out of breath and completely filthy.

“I’m serious about that offer though. I’ll even rent it.” Antoine said while catching his breath.

“No thanks kiddo.”

“Fuck. What a tease… You’re staying in low MILF tier now.” He said slightly upset.

“Whose kid is that by the way..?” Yuga asked.

“That’s my nephew. Kouta come say hi, you’re going to be living with them for the next week.”

Kouta walked over to Yuga.

“Hey. I’m Aoyama,” He smiled brightly, forcing the kid to shield his eyes from the brightness.

“Screw off! I’m not going to play around with a bunch of losers who want to be lame heroes… How old even are you!?” He yelled before leaving.

“Ooh that’s a lot of angst for his age.” Antoine stated.

“Did I do something wrong…?” Yuga questioned seemingly hurt by the child’s outburst.

“Maybe he just needs some time to get used to us.” Toru said optimistically.

“Go get your luggage from the bus and once you get settled into your rooms, grab dinner in the dining hall. After that, take a bath, kick back and unwind. The real deal starts tomorrow. Now move it.” Aizawa said.

The trio did as their sensei said and after taking their bath all regrouped into Antoine’s room.

“Wanna play uno?” Yuga asked.

“Sure but this time I’m shuffling the deck you fucking cheating bastard. There’s no way in all fucking hell you could have got 3 draw fours when the game first began.” Antoine said.

“Still upset you got your butt whooped last time?”

“Kill yourself. Now give me those fucking cards.”

The trio started their game of Uno, which Antoine taught them when they were younger along with some other famous board games from his past life in America. The other students finally arrived around the time that their game was coming to an end.

“HAHAHAH YOU HANDSOME BITCH! NOW LICK MY BALLS AND TAKE THIS DRAW FOUR! UNO!” Antoine yelled as the other students came in.

“Excuse us…” Ochako said scared and exhausted before the other students awkwardly avoided Antoine and friends to go their rooms in order and then eat.

“Hehe… I wouldn’t be so giddy yet Antoine.” Toru giggled evilly.

“Don’t you fucking fuck me.. Don’t you fuck me.. Don’t you dare fuck me over Toru… I swear you will regret it…” He pleaded as Toru forced Antoine to draw four more cards with her last card and effectively win the game.

Antoine exploded and jumped up on his feet. He pulled out a silver pistol from his shark pajamas pants and disintegrated the Uno cards with precise red laser beams.

“Such a sore loser….” Yuga smirked.

“Haha! Antoine you suck at games!” Toru laughed.

“I’M A PRO GAMER! DON’T MOCK ME! I’VE DEFEATED THE ENDER DRAGON WITHOUT ANY ARMOR! I BEAT DARK SOULS WITH JUST MY FISTS! I’VE PLAYED OUTLAST BLIND AND ONLY JUMPED TWICE!” Antoine crazily shouted as Yuga and Toru just tuned him out while continuing to make fun of him.

Eventually the rest of the class came and soon they began interacting with them and playing games with them before going to bed. They were forcibly awoken at 5:30 AM the next day and told to wear their gym uniforms. Antoine was given a premade uniform. The entire class was seemingly drowsy and sleepy with the exception of Antoine, Toru, and Yuga. Antoine rarely fell asleep anymore due to his endurance skill and rank. He wouldn’t really suffer any negative effects of not going to sleep unless he stayed awake for at least two weeks straight. Toru and Yuga were simply used to waking up early and training in the morning till it was time for school.

“Good morning everyone. Today we begin a rigorous round of reinforcement training. This trip’s mission statement is to strengthen everyone’s quirks as a whole, thereby allowing everyone to achieve their temporary licenses. This is preparation to stand against and up to live-action hostility and aggression from your enemy. Prepare your hearts and minds. With that said, Bakugou try throwing this.” Aizawa explained before throwing the measuring ball to Bakugou.

“This is from the physical strength exam…” He muttered.

“Let’s see how much you improved since then.” Aizawa said.

He then explained how most of the classes’ growth have been emotional and technical rather than physical.

“So, starting today we will focus on upgrading your quirks. I will be pushing you beyond your limits… So try not to kick the bucket on me.” Aizawa grinned excitedly.

‘He says beyond our limits but the training is only half as effective as it would be if I gave the training.. I’ll have Toru and Yuga on a different training regime from the others. I guess I can train my quirk some more…. But metal and other tough objects are really disgusting….’

“Follow me. We’ll do our own training.” Antoine whispered to Yuga and Toru.

“I don’t think we should blatantly go against the teacher’s training….” Yuga said.

“Aizawa-sensei isn’t going to be happy Antoine.” Toru stated with a smile.

“It’ll be fine.” Antoine said confidently.

Aizawa and the Pussycats then began setting up the training area and equipment for all the students. Antoine took Yuga and Toru into the forest a slight bit away from the rest of the students. Aizawa saw them before they could leave though.

“And where do you three think you’re skipping off to?”

“Sensei this type of half assed training is only good enough for these fucking babies. What I have in mind is actual quirk training meant to push to the absolute limits. I’ll show you some fucking Plus Ultra training.” Antoine said.

Aizawa was slightly interested in Antoine’s claim. He thought he was already pushing it with this set up.

“Alright then Neil.. Show me your Plus Ultra training.” Aizawa said.

“This is the only fucking charity work you’ll get from me. Anymore favors will cost you an arm and a leg.” Antoine said before going behind a tree and coming out with a stack of suitcases.

“Where did he get those suitcases from…?”

“Wait? Yeah how the heck!?”

Antoine coughed loudly as he laid the suitcases across in a row and having them transform into 5 humanoid metal dummies and a child-sized medical robot. It got around on a single wheel and had a red plus sign on its body.

“Toru would you please demonstrate for me?” Antoine asked politely.

Toru nodded as she stepped up to the 5 robots.

“You guys might want to stand a bit farther away. It’s going to get pretty fucking bright in a second.” Antoine said while putting on some goggles. Yuga also pulled out some goggles from somewhere as some of the class stood back.

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