Craftsman System In My Hero Academia

The Villains Attack Finale!

Antoine leapt towards All Might and Kurogiri created a portal in front of him to catch him. Antoine already knew that something like this would happen and using his metal arms, he threw himself in front of Kurogiri and grabbed his metal piece with his gripping tentacles. Kurogiri couldn’t resist as Antoine lifted him up and smashed him into the ground. The young hero-in-training then placed one of his punching tentacles over where Kurogiri’s head is supposed to be and grinned maliciously.

“Don’t move a fucking muscle you purple misty eyed bastard. You move an inch and I’m pounding your face into paste!” Antoine told him as Aizawa started fighting the Nomu.

But he didn’t have any attacks strong enough to force the Nomu to release All Might. Thankfully though, the students didn’t follow Aizawa’s orders and Yuga fired his laser and managed to hit the Nomu’s arm that was digging into All Might’s sides, forcing its grip loose. All Might forced the Nomu’s other hand loose and got back on his feet as Tomura was attacked by Bakugou and Todoroki. Tomura dodged the large ice attacks and could easily avoid Bakugou’s blows.

“I’ll blow you to pieces!” Bakugou roared before getting swept off his feet and seeing Tomura’s hand coming straight towards his face.

“A little weak for a hero-in-training aren’t you…?”

Bakugou blasted Tomura in the face with his quirk and as the smoke cleared only managed to remove the disembodied hand on his face and not harm him at all. Bakugou’s eyes shifted into a slight panic as he rapidly used his quirk on Tomura who continued to move his hand downward towards the boy. Fear was settling into the boy’s system. He desperately wanted to call for help but his pride wouldn’t let him. Just as Tomura’s hand was mere inches away from his face, his mouth moved before his mind.

“All Might…!!” The boy cried out in his heart.

But it wasn’t All Might that came to his rescue. It was the boy he always looked down on and previously thought was quirkless.

“Kacchan!” Midoriya yelled with tears in his eyes.

His quirk fully activated and ready to save Bakugou. The young boy was desperately hoping that he could somehow manage to regulate his quirk and save Bakugou at the same time as he appeared in front of the villain.

“Nomu.” Tomura said and the previous incapacitated Nomu appeared in front of the homicidal villain and blocked Midoriya’s hit.

“No…..” Midoriya muttered as the Nomu attempted to grab him.

And just as the trope goes, the hero always shows up late, Aizawa saved the Bakugou and Midoriya while All Might combated against the Nomu once again. Aizawa swept up the two boys and got them to safety. It would take a while before Bakugou would come back to his senses. It kind of seemed like this event may cause him to change in some way. Tomura realized that their way out of here was trapped and then ordered the Nomu to get rid of that kid who was constantly proving to be a thorn in his side.

“Finally noticed me you handy bastard?” Antoine grinned as he was forced to dodge. The Nomu forced itself past All Might and came towards him.

As Antoine leapt away, he threw a flash grenade at the science experiment and momentarily blinded it. All Might took advantage of the creature’s blindness and began rapidly beating it.

“Are you okay Neil?!”

“Why wouldn’t I be? Didn’t you see how heroic I was? One of you haven’t fallen for me have you?” He asked.

The girls rolled their eyes.

“Pfft.” Toru tried to hold her laughter.

“Don’t laugh you bastard. A hero has to know his fans.”

Antoine and the other students watched on as All Might began pummeling the Nomu with everything he had.

“It’s absorption not negation! So, he must have a limit no?!” “Built to counter me, you say?! Made to withstand everything I got!? Then I’ll just go beyond that!!” All Might shouted as blood spurted from his mouth.

“A hero’s always ready to smash through trouble!! Tell me villain. Do you know the meaning of…. PLUS!!!!!! ULTRA!!!!!!!!!”

All Might asked as he smashed the Nomu with a punch so fierce, the creature was knocked out of the rescue area and far far away into the sky. Just like in the manga.

“This scene was way cooler in person holy shit….” Antoine muttered before resolutely decided on building a robot for close combat and uploading certain fighting styles into them.

‘Wait a second that’s fucking brilliant.. With Lackey able to help out with a few adjustments.. I could just upload videos and informational pages of different fighting techniques for specific robots. A wrestling robot, a karate robot, a taekwondo robot, and so many more! Hell why stop at just those types of robots!? Why not even a support bot that can heal others or fuck fix up the other robots!?’ Antoine was getting visually giddy as his brain continued to think more and more ways of increasing his strength and weaponry.

“It’s just like straight out of the comics…. Defeating an enemy meant to be his greatest weakness…”

“And even with regeneration, the villain couldn’t keep up with his courage! His determination! His motto to always go Plus Ultra!”

All Might smiled.

“Yep. I’m definitely slowing down. In my heyday, five of those would’ve been enough. But that there was over 300 hits just now.” All Might’s body began producing smoke, slightly obscuring his body.

“Well villains. How about we hurry and finish this?” All Might asked as his time limit was already up and any further movement would surely expose his true form.

“You cheated….!” Tomura shouted. “You’ve weakened? Not that I can see… We’re completely outmatched. How dare you do that to my Nomu…” Tomura began scratching his face, completely distressed. “He’s not weak at all!! They… They lied to me?!”

“Well? Weren’t you here to kill me!? Come and kill me! If you can take me, then bring me down!” He glared seriously.

Tomura visibly shuddered before being comforted by Kurogiri.

“Tomura. Calm yourself. It’s apparent that Nomu did manage to deal some real damage. The kids are holding back for some reason and reinforcements from the school are bound to arrive in a few minutes. But if the two of us double-team him, we still have a chance..”

“Yes… yes.. yes! Right… Right.. we can still do this. The final boss is standing right there…”

Antoine and Midoriya stayed watching as some of the other students believed that All Might had this.

“Why doesn’t he just crush them into a pulp already? What’s keeping him..?” Antoine asked to throw off Midoriya.

“Maybe he’s just..” Midoriya was cut off as Tomura and Kurogiri charged at All Might.

Midoriya took off using his quirk and broke his leg while Antoine leapt using his tentacles, although clearly slower than Midoriya using 100% of his quirk. Midoriya tried to punch Kurogiri while Antoine sent his punching tentacles towards Tomura. Tomura managed to cause two of Antoine’s tentacles to slowly disintegrate but just as he was close to touching Antoine, one of Antoine’s tentacles punched Tomura in the face and knocked him far away while another tentacle stretched out and saved Midoriya by knocking Kurogiri away.

“Thanks…..” Midoriya strained to say as he winced in pain after landing on his broken leg.

“They’re here!” All Might announced as bullets flew towards Tomura and Kurogiri.

“Sorry everyone. We’re a little late. We brought everyone we could.” The principal said.

“PRESIDENT OF CLASS 1-A, TENYA IIDA REPORTING FOR DUTY!” Iida announced loudly as he appeared with a group of Pro Heroes behind him.

“Ah….. They’re here.. Game over. Guess we gotta try again another time, Kurogiri…” Tomura said sadly.

Bullets began raining down towards them as they rapidly started escaping.

“I may have failed here, Symbol of Peace… But the next time we meet…. You’re DEAD All Might.” Tomura finished as he and Kurogiri got away in a purple portal.

Antoine shedded tears for his destroyed tentacles as he left All Might and Midoriya alone.

“Don’t worry…. I’ll fix you and make you far better than before.. By the time of the sports festival… Even that Nomu from before wouldn’t be enough to stop me…. This is where things take a shift for the better.. With U.A.’s various supplies… crafting what I want with the system will be like getting a system with a shop and then wishing for infinite points! Although I can’t match an iron man suit in strength, I can definitely build something like it. For now…” Antoine muttered as he walked towards the entrance as Toru and Yuga ran over to him.

They walked in silence as the police and pro heroes dealt with everything else. Classes were canceled the next day and Antoine spent the day training with a strangely determined Yuga and Toru.

“What’s gotten into you two? You’re going much harder than you have been in the past.” Antoine asked as he barely managed to avoid Yuga’s punches and hopped back firing a rubber bullet towards the incoming charging Yuga.

“Yesterday made me realize that against real villains I’m not enough…” Yuga said while swaying his head to the side and dodging the bullet.

“You two are plenty strong enough you know. Compared to our class, there are few that could take you two out. But against real villains, you might be right. I won’t stop you from training harder or wanting to get stronger because you think you’re weak or something. What future hero would not want to become stronger in some way? The only thing I can say is keep training your quirks and your bodies.” Antoine said as Toru managed to sneak up behind him and latch onto his back and attempting to place him in a sleeper hold as Yuga was nearly upon him.

“Damn it Toru!” Antoine yelled as he managed to put up an arm in time to prevent Toru from finishing the hold.

“Hehe! Don’t keep your back so open!” She responded happily.

Antoine clumsily staggered backwards as Toru locked her legs around his waist and he pointed his gun towards Toru’s side. He knew that that sparkling bastard would definitely manage to dodge his shot, but Toru on the other hand…


Toru quickly unlocked her legs and lifted herself on top of Antoine’s shoulders with her hands, dodging the shot and letting gravity move her body forward and kicked Antoine in the chest. Antoine grunted in pain as he slid backwards.

“You two are really putting me in a tough situation here.” Antoine smiled as he took off 4 metal balls from his waist and threw them in random directions.

Yuga fired from his navel laser and shot one of the mini turrets out of the sky as the other three activated and began shooting at Yuga and…

“Where the fuck did she go!?” Antoine yelled as Toru suddenly disappeared.

“I’m fucking giving them infrared sight next time because of you Toru.” She giggled at this response.

Yuga ran as he was faced with a swarm of rubber bullets aiming towards him. But the AI installed in the turrets already figured out Yuga’s movements and began shooting where he was going to be and shooting where he was at the same time. Soon Yuga was under fire and was forced to block the onslaught of rubber bullets, straining in pain before focusing himself and rapidly firing his laser at the three turrents. Antoine didn’t think he’d do it because he knew how much pain the boy would be in.

“Alright guys. Let’s end it here for today.” Antoine suggested as Toru popped up behind him again.

“Jesus..! Toru come on.” Antoine sighed.

“You need to use your nose more Antoine.” Toru told him.

Antoine looked at her before remembering he had a fucking quirk!

“You’re right! You can’t hide your scent!” Antoine said while sniffing an embarrassed Toru and then Yuga.

“Okay. I remembered your scents. Don’t forget that the sports festival is coming up a couple weeks. So train hard and prepare for all scenarios. I know I’m going to be in the development studio till then getting ready to take first place.” Antoine laughed as he went home.

Toru and Yuga looked at each other.

“Let’s do our best Toru.” Yuga said with determination in his eyes.

“Yeah! Let’s go all out!” Toru replied with equal amounts of excitement in hers.

The two returned home and started preparing themselves for the upcoming greatest annual event held at U.A.

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