Craftsman System In My Hero Academia

Tournament Part 2!

“This would be way tougher if you had your hero costume!” Ashido said after remembering Yuga’s impressive performance at the invasion.

“Even without my costume, I’m not weak.” He replied back shadowing boxing the air.


Yuga fired off a laser beam immediately and Ashido leapt over it before sliding across the arena floor and coming straight towards Yuga. Yuga dashed after Ashido instead of rapidly firing his lasers at her and she wasn’t able to get a good angle at his belt. She planned on using her acid on his belt and taking him out of the fight but with him running at her at such a low angle the only thing she could get with her acid is his hair and face. She clicked her tongue in annoyance as Yuga caught up with her. She threw a punch towards the boy and he swayed out of the way before bringing his fist from way down below and aiming straight for her chin.

“EEK!” Ashido screamed out accidentally as she luckily managed to avoid the punch.

But it wasn’t over with just one punch. Yuga threw more and more punches and Ashido could barely stay on her toes as the dangerous fists of the pretty boy continued to fly towards her. Dodging Yuga’s attacks was taking everything she had, asking for anything more is just impossible!

“I’m not surprised. If Ashido had some training in holds and locks and used her acid, she could easily take down Yuga.” Antoine muttered.

“Or if she used her acid and sprayed it randomly on the ground to get him stuck and then attack him then…” Midoriya muttered back.

“Shut the hell up!” Bakugou yelled in response to the two analyzing the fight.

“My.. My bad…” Midoriya apologized.

“Eat my ass Bakushit.”

“You better make it to the finals Bush Head. I’ll finally get to blow you to pieces.”

“That’ll be the day. Keep dreaming and it might happen.”

Bakugou glared fiercely at Antoine and Antoine glared back before they eventually got tired of it and refocused their attention on the match again. Ashido reached her limit and couldn’t avoid Yuga’s attacks any longer. Yuga landed a punch on her stomach and then finished with a straight right to the jaw, knocking Ashido down and out.

“Ashido is unable to continue. Aoyama moves on to the second round!” A crowd of cheers and boos went around due to Yuga beating up a girl.

Ashido was taken to recovery girl and Yuga returned to the stands with his classmates.

“Nice going beating the shit out of that helpless girl.” Antoine mocked.

“I… She wasn’t… I couldn’t...” He sighed before giving up trying to explain himself.

“Hahahahah don’t worry buddy I’m only kidding. It’s a good thing you’re listening to me. Don’t underestimate anyone. Especially women. In this quirk-filled world, women can be the most dangerous of all things. Second to children of course. Previously women were to be protected and shielded but now, they can kick your ass without even blinking if you let them. Always keep your guard up.” Antoine told him. “Although, maybe you could’ve not aimed for the face... just a suggestion.”

Yuga felt better after that explanation from Antoine and the girls were pretty pleased hearing about how women can be just as strong as men. In other words, Antoine just got a +1 from all the girls in the class.

“Yeah man I agree. The face is a no go.” Mineta added.

“I’ll apologize to her later..” Yuga said as the next match was about to begin.

It was pony girl vs Kirishima. Antoine doubted that the Kirishima would hit a girl. It doesn’t seem like it fits with his character. The match proceeded with Tsunotori firing off her horns and Kirishima either blocking them or breaking them with his hardening quirk but he hasn’t attacked her once and continually trying to grab her.

“I guess he’s trying to throw her out instead of hurting her.” Toru figured.

“What an idiot. Although she’s pretty cute, there is no mercy on the battlefield. KILL HER!!!! PUNCH HER GUTS OUT!!!!” Antoine yelled.

His shouts seemingly distracted Kirishima and Tsunotori took advantage of it.

“Huh? Kill? Whoa!?” Kirishima was taken off his feet as Tsunotori’s horns took him off the ring.

“Kirishima is out of the ring! Tsunotori moves on to the second round!” Midnight announced as Kirishima berated himself for getting distracted.

Antoine was busy laughing his ass off after realizing that Kirishima let himself get distracted by someone in the crowd instead of his opponent.


“It just had to be a girl….” He muttered.

The next two matches went basically the same way they did in the manga. Bakugou stomping the determined Uraraka and Midoriya losing to Todoroki but also working his main character magic. It was also time for Antoine’s next match against Kaminari. The two arrived at the ring and Antoine switched all of his equipment to the Str series.


“Without your equipment you can’t even think about beating me.” Kaminari said confidently.

“Well I wouldn’t be so sure about that.” Antoine said with a grin as he took off one of his sneakers and held it in his hand.

Kaminari walked towards Antoine confidently and assuredly as electricity sparked around his body. Antoine tossed his sneaker at Kaminari’s head. The sneaker flew at a speed that no one could logically make sense of as it knocked against the electric boy’s skull and knocked him unconscious on contact. Kaminari’s skull impacted against the arena’s floor harshly and the whites of his eyes rolled into his head. Antoine chuckled as he walked over and grabbed his sneaker. He wanted to taunt Todoroki at this time but the boy was still out of it from his match with Midoriya.

‘Oh well. At least Izuku made my next match easier for me. If Bakugou couldn’t force him to use his flames, I surely can’t. Not that I’d want to in this situation anyway. Maybe when I got my equipment I’ll take him on at his full power.’


Antoine returned to seat with his class as Kaminari was taken to recovery girl.

“If my muscles weren’t so ripped and powerful, I don’t know how I would’ve been able to beat Kaminari. His quirk is great in 1v1 situations. Anything other than ranged combat or nullification of his electricity is just impossible to win against his electricity. I could be missing something else though.”

“Absorption.” Toru added.

“What muscles?” Sero asked before laughing.

“These mother fucking guns right here!!!” Antoine flexed his noodle arms and gained the laughter of most of the class.

“What’s so funny!? Jealousy isn’t a good look for you all. Get over yourselves.”

Tokoyami and Yuga met each other in the ring.

“This will not turn out like the training exercise.” Tokoyami said.

“Let’s have a good match.” Yuga said with a soft smile.


Yuga’s eyes turned serious and he dashed off towards Tokoyami. He understood that Tokoyami’s shadow is better at a distance rather than up close. Tokoyami also realized Yuga’s plan. He launched himself around the arena to keep some distance from Yuga while the handsome boy kept running towards him. Eventually it devolved into a game of cat and mouse until Yuga turned his back to Tokoyami and fired his laser, shooting himself towards Tokoyami. Yuga turned himself around and aimed his fist at the surprised Tokoyami. Dark Shadow blocked his fist and grabbed it but not before being rapidly shot 3 times in a row with his sparkle cannon and knocked to the edge of the arena. Dark Shadow had shrunken due to that attack and Yuga could be seen holding his stomach with one arm.

“Ow…. I gotta keep going… He’s almost finished...” Yuga muttered to himself.

Tokoyami sent Dark Shadow to attack the weakened Yuga as he stayed at a distance from him. Yuga weaved from side to side to avoid Dark Shadow’s attacks while also throwing some jabs and punches in the mix. Dark Shadow was slowly whittled down by the punches until the sparkling boy managed to knock it out of his way and dash towards the defenseless bird boy. His entire body was screaming in pain at this point but the thought of winning was his main focus. The drive to better himself and go even further was pushing him along.

He reached the boy just before his shadow partner could return and threw a sharp punch towards the boy’s face, that he could barely dodge in time. But the incoming flurry of punches after the first one, wasn’t something that he could defend against. Tokoyami was knocked out of the ring.

“Tokoyami is out of the ring! Aoyama goes to the semi-finals!”

“Haha what the hell Bakushit? What’s with you fighting against girls so often? I’m starting to think it might be your calling card, beating up cute and harmless women.”

“There’s nothing harmless about them Bush Bastard…” He cursed as he left for the stage to fight against pony girl from Class B.

Uraraka blushed after being called cute by the two. Antoine didn’t think much of it though. He wasn’t really interested in gravity girl. Sure she’s cute but, that’s not enough to capture his heart. Now Jiro and Froggy have something else that adds to their beauty. That’s worth being attracted to. Plus she’s kind of boring to him.

The next match ended up in Bakugou’s victory as expected but Tsunotori was a much more capable fighter than everyone though. She did pretty well against Bakugou and even managed to wound him. But eventually he figured out her weakness and threatened to blow her to kingdom come if she didn’t surrender. The timid but ferocious girl had no choice but to surrender. So Bakugou would be facing Yuga in the semi-finals and Antoine would be facing a distracted Todoroki.

‘I’m going to shit all over this poor guy.’ Antoine thought while getting up and heading towards the stage.

“Thanks Cabbage Head. This win will be a piece of cake thanks to you.” Antoine smiled while Midoriya was confused.

Antoine met the Icy Hot boy in the ring looking distracted. He equipped all of his Str series and started laughing. The power coursing through him going to his head almost immediately.

“DON’T GIVE UP TOO SOON ICY HOT! I’M GOING ALL OUT!!!” Antoine yelled savagely. “Lackey. Boxing variation.” He whispered as the match started and Todoroki fired off his giant ice wall move.

“MUDA MUDA MUDA MUDA MUDA MUDA MUDA MUDA MUDA!!!!!” Antoine shouted loudly as he rapidly punched all the ice coming towards him like a wave. The ice broke and shattered at contact with his fist as his shouting got louder eventually he punched himself out of the ice wave.

“Lackey. Pro Wrestler variation.” He whispered.

Everyone was shocked in the stands and even those who thought they knew Antoine were shocked as well.

“If he was this strong, why does he rely on building stuff?” Jiro asked.

“Maybe it’s a distraction tactic? Fooling his enemies into thinking that he’s really weak up close and then once they get past his tech, pummel em!” Mineta suggested.

“Seems kind of convoluted if you ask me.” Yaoyorozu said.

Yuga and Toru stayed silent as they knew that Antoine was actively cheating right now and he was nowhere near as strong as this normally.

“FEAR NOT TODOROKI! FOR I AM HERE!!! HAHAHAHAAHAHA!!” Antoine shouted as he switched to the Agl series and then vanished and appeared right in front of Todoroki. He switched back to Str series and grabbed Todoroki’s left side, his fire side, and lifted him off the ground.

“WHAT’S WRONG? TOO PUSSY TO USE YOUR LEFT SIDE?! MAYBE I CAN CHANGE THAT FOR YOU!” Antoine yelled as he slammed Todoroki into the ground harshly and then picked him back up and slammed him against his ice, crashing him through it. Antoine stood over the fallen boy with his foot raised above his head.

“Don’t try and stand with the real heroes when you don’t even realize that you need saving yourself. How pathetic..” Antoine said as his foot came crashing down towards Todoroki’s face.

“DON’T GIVE UP TODOROKI!!! COME ON!” Midoriya yelled from the stands.

The vanquished lights in Todoroki’s eyes suddenly resurfaced and it seemed as if he was really going to use his left side in battle. Regardless of he did or not, Antoine would still finish through with his attack. Todoroki moved his head to the side and Antoine stomped a foot-shaped hole in the arena. He fired off an ice wave towards Antoine to force him back but Antoine dashed forward and grabbed Todoroki’s left side once again and started spinning rapidly.

“WHAT’S THE POINT OF EVEN TRYING TO BE A HERO IF YOU AREN’T SERIOUS ABOUT IT!? I’M GIVING THIS ALL I GOT EVEN WHEN ITS STACKED AGAINST ME! LIKE I COULD LOSE AGAINST SOME BASTARD WHO ISN’T EVEN TAKING THIS HERO SHIT SERIOUSLY!” Antoine finished his whirlwind spin and launched Todoroki out of the ring and into the wall. The half ice and half fire boy imprinted in the wall unconscious. Antoine’s mind cooled off and he realized that he may have went a bit overboard with the boy. He is going through some stuff right now. Maybe he should’ve been a little softer with his words.

He shrugged as Midnight announced him the winner and Todoroki being taken away to recovery girl. He locked eyes with Bakugou and they both used their thumbs to cut across their necks.

‘I fucking love Bakugou. The kid is a fantastic character and I’ve always liked him. He reminds me of a more wild Vegeta but at the same time way more of an asshole. It’s probably because he’s still young and Vegeta got a family. Oh man I would be fucked if I was reincarnated into the dbz universe with this system I think. Unless I made something like the Big Gete Star and fused myself with it to take it over. Or wait! I could probably even create something like crafted humans!! Cell, Andriod 17, Andriod 18!? Those mother fuckers were created with a little bit of science and genius from 1 scientist on earth! While I don’t know if I can compare myself to Dr.Gero I’m pretty sure with the system boosting my mind and body, it wouldn’t take nearly as long as it did for him to create something like that.’

As Antoine was absentmindedly stuck in his thoughts, Yuga and Bakugou’s match began. The two charged towards each other and engaged in close combat fighting. Yuga’s been watching Bakugou’s matches from the very beginning and knew that he wouldn’t be able to attack the agile boy with his quirk unless he somehow immobilized him. He punched and swayed as Bakugou also did the same but instead of punching he used his quirk.

“Twinkling bastard!!!” Bakugou roared as he cupped his hands and let off an explosion focused directly at Yuga.

Yuga’s eyes focused as he used his quirk in retaliation. The two quirks clashed for a moment and it seems the sudden power of Bakugou’s quirk was stronger but as the seconds went by, Yuga’s laser was overpowering Bakugou’s explosion.

“I’M NOT DONE YET!!!” Bakugou rapidly fired off multiple explosions in his cupped hands and forced Yuga to power his laser to dangerous levels to where he felt like his stomach was being grinded in a meat grinder.

The two quirks eventually exploded in a mix of smoke, sparkles, and blue as two figures were sent blasting to the edge of the ring. As the smoke cleared, one figure could be seen standing with his hands shaking and jacket wrinkled all over.

“Aoyama huh….” Bakugou muttered as Midnight called his victory and along with Yuga, taken to recovery girl to get healed.

Antoine would have to wait for his battle with Bakugou since the ring was destroyed and needed time to be fixed.

“The battle between the two villain faces! Which one will prove to be the most terrible in this next match!?” Kaminari mockingly announced.

“I don’t look like a villain. I mean did you see my last match? I looked like All Might out there.”

Toru burst into laughter.

“I even said his famous line. You can’t have missed it.”

Toru was laughing her guts out and some of the others started laughing too.

“You mean when you were acting entirely unlike All Might and more like the villains he defeats?”

“A win’s a win.” Antoine shrugged as he went to the waiting room for his next match.

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