Crazy criticism of villains, I taught them how to behave

Chapter 38 His Royal Highness King Li arrives

Lin Susu stood up, raised her hand to tentatively touch the tip of the nail, and found that the thing was very sharp. If it weren't for the magic medicine in the system mall that could protect her from infection, she would not dare to roll on the bed of nails.

As for why you don't just exchange the protective cover, do you think so many pairs of eyes are dead?

You can roll over here without getting hurt, why don't you be so fake!

I think she rolled through countless mutated thorn bushes in the last days. Those things were much more powerful than this bed of nails. How could she have ever flinched in fear?

"His Royal Highness Prince Li is here!"

The sound of eunuchs singing and cheering could be heard outside the court. Magistrate Xie's scalp felt numb and he hurriedly left his seat to kowtow in the hall.

Sweat rolled down my forehead, and my heart was pounding, why is this evil god here!

The crowd knelt on the ground, and a purple figure stood against the light and walked slowly to the court.

He stood in front of Lin Susu and stopped, staring at her condescendingly with his indifferent eyes, neither happy nor sad.

Lin Susu was a little surprised and looked at Zhu Yan in surprise, full of doubts.

She didn't know if it was an illusion, but she felt that Zhu Yan's aura at this moment made people panic!

"I heard that someone in the court wanted to roll a bed of nails, so I came here to join in the fun."

His tone was as indifferent as water, and there was an inexplicable aura of awe in it.

Magistrate Xie followed Zhu Yan's direction, turned around on his knees, and said, "Since Your Highness is so elegant, I will set up a seat for Your Highness to watch!"


After receiving his answer, Xie Zhifu wiped the sweat from his forehead and complained secretly.

Your Majesty should expand your territory more and strengthen the Zhou Kingdom!

Didn’t you see that King Li is so free now? ! !

Lin Susu curled her lips in disgust, how could she just be watching! This bastard Zhu Yan actually came to see a show!


As the gavel started knocking again, the whole hall fell into silence.

"Today, there is a civilian girl named Lin Susu who went beyond her rank to redress her grievances. In order to atone for her transgression, she asked herself to roll over the bed of nails as a warning to others!"

No matter how big or small the grievance is, you need to appeal to the officials of the county or district where you are located. However, there are cases where local officials do nothing, or there is collusion between officials and gangsters. In this case, you can go beyond the level and file a complaint.

But if everyone is like this and gets into trouble with big and small things, wouldn't every high-ranking official be in trouble? So in order to scare away some people who are not serious about redressing their grievances, they set up the punishment of being nailed to a bed!

Only those with great grievances can endure such cruel methods and block unnecessary complaints from superior officials.

As the verdict was read out, two government officials stood behind Lin Susu with killing sticks, one on the left and one on the right, preparing to escort her to the bed of nails.

Lin Susu raised her hand, "I'll do it myself."

She leaned on the nail bed and jumped up, her whole body already lying lightly on the nail bed.

The two government officials stacked the killing stick across her body and pressed hard. Lin Susu suddenly felt that her entire back was suddenly pierced by countless steel nails, and a sharp sting hit her.


She groaned, and the stick on her body released its strength. Lin Susu hurriedly took the opportunity to roll forward, and the continuous stinging pain hit her whole body, as if being bitten by thousands of insects and ants.

Lin Susu swallowed the blood in her throat, her eyes were firm, and she continued to roll forward.

The original appearance of the pink clothes is no longer visible, with mottled red seeping into the fabric, revealing blooming red plum blossoms.

Magistrate Xie looked at Zhu Yan out of nowhere. He had a cold expression on his face. He leaned his elbow on the armrest, put his fist to his lips, and stared at the struggling figure with a casual and scrutinizing attitude.

Like a gambler staring at the gambling table, hoping for the result he desires.

Could it be that... King Li wants this woman... to die?

Magistrate Xie made a bold guess, and then secretly smacked his tongue, as expected of King Li, he is indeed perverted!

Sympathetic eyes fell on Lin Susu. If King Li really wanted this woman to die, he might not be able to do anything!

Lin Susu rolled down the bed of nails covered in blood, struggled to hold up her upper body, and showed a victorious smile on her lips.

Regressed! Regressed!

I thought back then I could roll through thorn bushes and still be able to fight zombies, but now I almost couldn't get up!

She trembled, slowly straightened her posture, knelt down in the courtroom, and raised her eyes to look at Magistrate Xie.

"The civilian girl has rolled over the bed of nails. I hope you will listen to the civilian girl's grievances!"

The people outside the courtroom recovered from the shock and burst into thunderous applause. Everyone looked excited and could not hide their admiration.

Zhu Yan stared blankly at the girl in front of him who was covered in scarlet and still had her back straight, and felt her heart feel hot and hot.

Fierce numbness crawled across his limbs and bones, causing him to tremble uncontrollably, and he could only bite his phalanges to restrain himself.

His eyes were sinister and sticky, surrounding the girl's slender but flexible body, like a silkworm weaving a cocoon, trying to wrap her up and monopolize her.

Magistrate Xie glanced at Zhu Yan out of the corner of his eye and saw that he had no instructions, so he looked at Lin Susu with confidence.

"If you have any grievances, report them immediately!"

Lin Susu endured the severe pain all over her body and bowed tremblingly.

"Both women Gao Tang died suddenly a month ago. It was originally thought that Gao Tang was old and hard-working, so he suffered this disaster. However, recently, the women carefully recalled the time when Gao Tang was placed in the coffin. Her lips were dark red and her nails were black. She was heartbroken at that time. I definitely didn’t study it in detail, but now that I think about it, it’s terrifying to think about it!”

"The daughter of the people suspects that Gaotang's death was caused by someone poisoning him!"

"Now Gaotang has been buried, so the daughter of the people begged the magistrate to open the coffin for the daughter of the people Gaotang and conduct an autopsy! Find out the cause of death!"

Magistrate Xie looked majestic, stroking his beard and thinking for a moment, then said, "Since you have a request, I should also understand your worries about your children!... Come here quickly! Follow me to Lin's cemetery!"

A Yamen servant took the order and went forward.

Some rotten people outside the hall wanted to criticize Lin Susu for disturbing the ancestors. They were treasonous. Their eyes touched the bloody holes all over her body. The words were stuck in their throats and they could not come out.

The crowd stared blankly at the girl who was covered in blood but still had her back straight.

Lin Susu secretly took the medicine from the system mall a long time ago. Now the wound is almost healed, but her clothes are stained with blood, which makes her look particularly scary.

She knelt down in front of the court, her thin body straight, which made people feel sad and distressed.

Zhu Yan's eyes were like a cold and slippery snake, entangled in her body and lingering for a long time.

Lin Susu couldn't bear it and looked sideways. As if he had been inspired by something, a sickly and excited light flashed in his eyes.

Lin Susu looked away in disgust.


"Miss Lin, can you still hold on?"

About to go to Lin's cemetery, Magistrate Xie saw Lin Susu covered in blood and couldn't help but ask.

Zhu Yan's eyes on the side were glued to her, almost turning into substance and wrapping around her.

Lin Susu endured goosebumps and replied, "Thank you for your concern, sir. The civilian girl only has a flesh wound, but she can still hold on!"


Zhu Yan snorted coldly and raised the corners of his mouth in a sarcastic arc.

Magistrate Xie was so frightened that he immediately raised his hands and leaned over, "Your Highness?"

"For such a thick-skinned woman, Magistrate Xie is sympathetic to her!"

The corner of Lin Susu's mouth twitched and she glanced sideways at Zhu Yan, not wanting to pay attention to him.

Magistrate Xie forced a laugh and said, "Your Highness is joking. He is no longer confused when he is a junior official. He is just caring about his people."

I hope everyone can comment more and let Nanfeng know that he is not a single player (w)!

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