Create the Age of Magic

Chapter 12 Monster Invasion

Knowing that Ilya's fighting power from Locke, Horn no longer insisted on finding trouble with him, after all, he would never be able to beat that guy.

He told old Douglas the news that Elijah was a sixth-level fighter, but what he got in exchange was a smile on the corners of Douglas' old face.

He didn't have the slightest awareness that a sixth-level boss was chasing him down!

However, since old Douglas himself was not in a hurry, Horn would no longer worry about this person. His goal was a magician, and the teacher hadn't done anything for more than ten years. It would be really strange if he could find the teacher.

The days passed day by day, and the raging incident of the evil-faced man that was rumored in the city a few days ago also lost the heat in the hearts of everyone in Len City. People still lived as usual, and the arrival of the big man Elijah Alduin also Did not bring a little change to this small town.

In the past few days, Horn has been doing carpentry work with Douglas during the day as usual, and practicing magic with Enoch at night. After a few days of careful practice,

Enuo's sea of ​​magic power has finally stabilized. Perhaps Enuo was stimulated by being hunted down by the North Wind Sect before, and now Enuo is practicing very hard.

Seeing that his sea of ​​magic power was stable, Horn taught Enoch the three first-level magic spells and magic circles he had mastered,

Enoch tried them one by one, and finally found that the magic circle of the flame and thunder spells could not be condensed in his sea of ​​consciousness. Only the water-type water flow spell had a slight sign of success.

Enoch's enthusiasm for learning new spells was so high that he even wanted to close his eyes and meditate for a while while eating.

Naturally, there is no exception when working during the day. He always thinks of ways to be lazy, but it is a pity that looking for opportunities to practice when he wants to work is simply a dream. Because old Douglas would never give him this chance.

Enoch had no chance to be lazy at all. He once tried to cast illusions on old Douglas to make him work and then cultivate by himself, but every time he was easily dispelled by old Douglas. It was the first time that he realized that old Douglas was not a simple characters.

It didn't take long for the peaceful days to happen again in Len City. Recently, weak monsters have often made trouble in the North District. These monsters are not powerful, but they are annoying enough and pose a great threat to ordinary people.

In the beginning, they only relied on bounty hunters to carry out the siege, but these monsters would not leave corpses after they died, causing many disputes between employers and hunters, and even if these monsters were killed, new monsters would appear soon.

The helpless City Lord Lien could only turn to the church for help. Of course, the North Wind God Cult would not stand idly by. This is their parish, and as long as there is no brain problem, monsters will not be allowed to act recklessly in the city.

But the North Wind God Sect, which has always been invincible, suffered its second defeat this year against these monsters.

Of course, the first defeat was caused by Horn and Enoch.

The problems they face are the same as those bounty hunters. These monsters are not powerful, and a well-trained north wind knight can easily deal with them, but these monsters will randomly appear in a place in the North District after a while place!

It appears in a random place, disappears when killed, and then a different one will appear out of thin air after a while, how can people deal with this!

The people of the North Wind God Sect have encountered a tough nut to crack, and many places in the entire North District have been attacked by monsters

It can't be hidden from people. Now the whole city knows that there are monsters in the North District. Instead of evil faces, it has become a new topic of conversation for uncles and aunts after dinner.

Here Enoch and Horn are eating dinner, Enoch sat down on the edge of the chair without leaving the table and began to meditate,

Horn was still eating slowly. He didn't like to eat too hastily, and always chewed slowly in small bites, so he was the last to finish every meal, and he was the one who cleaned up every meal.

The rule of the carpenter's shop is that whoever finishes the meal should do the dishes, which Horn has never won in more than ten years.

Suddenly, a small dark head poked out from the door, it was a child with a smooth head, his small eyes watched eagerly at the food in Horn's hand, drooling, and looked very hungry.

Why, you're hungry, do you want something to eat?

With Horn's keen perception, he had already noticed that someone had turned into the yard, so he was not too surprised by the child's appearance.

Under the rule of the North Wind God Sect, the city is naturally a picture of the people's prosperity, but if you walk around the slums of Leon City in the countryside, if you don't see the false prosperity whitewashed by the nobles and the church,

You will find that there are many people who can’t eat. This is why Douglas old opened a carpentry shop to take care of the carpenters in the country.

Horn poured out a bowl of porridge, picked up a steamed bun and handed it to the child. He was lying on his side at the door, with only his upper body exposed, weak and unable to stand up. His pitiful appearance made Horn soft-hearted.

Here, let's go after eating, next time don't look around other people's yards casually, if you meet someone with a bad temper, it will be light to beat you up.

Horn pushed back his disc glasses and smiled kindly at the kid.

Hungry, I'm hungry. The child didn't take Horn's food, but looked straight at Horn.

Eat when you're hungry, I won't beat you. Horn passed the food forward again.

Okay, thank you, you are such a good person, I am ready to eat. The child's eyes became red, and the sides of his cheeks were split open, turning into a terrifying bloody mouth. The lower body is also exposed!

The upper body of a normal human child is connected to the body of a caterpillar the size of an adult! And it's a full two meters long!

This monster rushed towards Horn fiercely, and Horn, who was caught off guard, was directly thrown down by the monster. The monster gnawed at Horn, and the flesh and blood flew everywhere.

Enoch, aren't you being too cruel like this? It's still a child. Horn covered his face and couldn't bear to watch it anymore, it was too cruel.

Which normal child is so hungry that he wants to eat people? You are still too kind.

Enoch kicked the monster's chubby stomach viciously, the caterpillar's body splashed some green juice on Enoch's legs, and the disgusting Enoch swung his legs straight.

The monster was kicked, and he was very dissatisfied with being interrupted to eat. He roared and turned his head to look but saw nothing, so he turned his head and continued to gnaw down on Horn who was already dripping blood on the ground.

It's a pity that the monster couldn't see that it was not Horn who was dripping blood under it, but a huge one-meter-long iron saw for sawing wood!

The blood on the chainsaw was not Horn's, but from the monster's own mouth!

Its mouth is already covered with wounds from the chainsaw, but it still doesn't realize it!

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