Create the Age of Magic

Chapter 3 The Magician's Argument

Why don't you support me now? Horn looked straight into the eyes of old Douglas, hoping to get an answer in this inquiry.

Douglas sighed, shook his head expressionlessly, and said in silence for a while, Hurry up and eat, you have to work after eating.

You still don't want to say...then I won't ask today. Seeing that Old Douglas didn't answer, Horn shook his head in disappointment, and didn't continue to ask.

Wash the bowl after eating. Old Douglas left the table after taking a few bites hastily. Horn's question made him lose his appetite for dinner.

This kind of dialogue has been carried out countless times in the past two years, and each time it ends with the silence of old Douglas.

The Holy Maiden of the North Wind passed away two years ago, and after the appointment of a new Holy Maiden, old Douglas seemed to have changed. Like ordinary carpenters, no one except Horn knew that he was a very powerful witch, not even Enoch.

Old Douglas brought Horn back more than ten years ago. During these ten years, he taught Horn knowledge that all the witches in the world have never accepted, and it came along with this novel knowledge. Yes, there are also legendary stories that fascinate Horn.

The story of a group of people that Horn yearns for...

Manipulate nature to condense the spirit, and predict the future will change a lot. They live in the high mage tower, and they are thunder and flames with a wave of their hands!

They are powerful and noble, they don't have to bow their knees to gods, and they don't have to fear demons!

their names are,


The status of the magician in the story is similar to that of the priests of the major god religions, even more detached, because their great power comes from themselves, and they don't need to obey the orders of the high gods!

However, unlike the magicians in the story, except for Horn who was taught by Douglas and Enoch who was taught by Horn several times, most of the other witches couldn't even cast spells!

Even Horn, who has studied with old Douglas for several years, is far from the magician in the story, because he is not good enough, so he is eager.

Horn started to work with Douglas after cleaning the dishes. They wanted to make an exquisite cabinet for the Earl of Lane City. The old Douglas had already prepared the design drawings of the cabinet. Now the two began to work meticulously according to the drawings. .

Douglas picked up a piece of wood and looked it over carefully, as if he was considering where to start the saw, but he couldn't make up his mind after looking at it for a while, his mouth opened and closed as if he wanted to say something to Horn.

Seeing Horn working hard, Old Douglas still spoke:

I should have told you that the stories I told you are all imaginary products. They only appear in legends and literature. Even in my hometown, I have never seen a real magician. Magicians do not exist. , you don’t need to be so persistent for things that don’t exist.”

Teacher, are there gods and demons in your world?

Old Douglas thought about it seriously for a while: Maybe not.

But there are magicians in Ceylon. If there is no magician in your hometown, then there will be magicians in Ceylon. If there is no magician, I will create it! Horn, wearing glasses and sweating, grinned and smiled at old Douglas explain.

You are messing around...

Because I have seen real magicians, I firmly believe that magicians exist. Horn said to Old Douglas seriously.

Really? Who is it! Do I know him? Douglas was taken aback by Horn's words. I've never seen a magician. You've been living with me, where can you go to see a magician?

Of course it's you! You put me down from the stake when I was eight years old! You looked like a magician at that time, the magician in your story! Horn looked at old Douglas with reverence explain.

How can I count, I'm just an old witch. Douglas shook his head with a wry smile after hearing Horn's words.

It doesn't matter, the important thing is that you rely on your own wisdom to make us become like the magician in your story. If you can do this, then you are a magician! No one is more worthy of this title than you!

Horn said solemnly to old Douglas that he was not talking nonsense, but really thought so from the bottom of his heart.

Cough cough, Douglas coughed twice, he felt a little embarrassed.

Teacher, before you, no one among witches knew that oak wood could be used as a medium for casting spells, no one had the concept of spells, and no one thought that meditation could make witches stronger!

Everything I know now, except for the little flame that I struggled to light a cigarette when I woke up, is the result of your teaching. Horn pointed out Douglas' research results one by one.

Teacher, you are great, and the things you create are also great. You know this yourself, but why do you stop your research and become a carpenter if you are so great!

Horn asked Glass puzzledly. Horn was very angry when Enoch accused Douglas, but he was also full of puzzlement.

Douglas was silent, he didn't know how to answer Horn's words, or he didn't want to talk to Horn.

Teacher, I have made a new breakthrough in the study of staffs. Horn took out a walnut stick from his bag and handed it to Douglas.

Although Douglas no longer teaches him, he will still show Douglas every research result, and deeply expects that Douglas can give him guidance as before.

The medium effect of specially treated walnut is one and a half times that of oak. I have known this for a long time. Douglas knew what Horn's research results were with just a light stroke.

You actually knew! Horn looked blank, he was going to give old Douglas a surprise.

I know a lot more! Douglas said flatly.

Then tell me everything. Horn put down the wood in his hand and said to Douglas with a smile.


Okay, as long as you're happy.

He said no, and Horn didn't ask further. Douglas is like this, and others can't force him to do what he doesn't want to do.

The two had been busy during the day, and it was soon evening. After dinner, Horn packed up his things and prepared to go to the meeting place that he had agreed with Enuo. some guidance.

Although wild witches are much weaker than other professionals, they are essentially transcendent, at least mentally stronger than ordinary people.

If Horn wanted to, he could even go four or five days without rest without affecting his normal life. Because of this extraordinary energy, he was able to gather and practice at night and do carpentry during the day for many consecutive days.

Remember to come back early tomorrow, and I will steam the buns tomorrow morning. Before Horn left, the old Douglas waved the crutch in his hand and said.

Okay, I want to eat mutton stuffing. Horn said goodbye to Douglas with a smile and walked out of the carpenter's house. Among the many strange foods that Douglas made, buns were Horn's favorite.

Horn came to the place agreed with Enoch with ease. He was about to go directly to have a round with Enoch as usual, but he was surprised to find that the ground at that place was emitting a strange frequency of magic power.

Horn is very familiar with this frequency, because it is a code that he and Enoch made in advance, and the meaning of this frequency is,


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