Create the Age of Magic

Chapter 42 Execution of the Troll

For this task, Anne in the South District is the most comfortable to do. She just recites the spell silently and waves the staff,

A light blue humanoid creature came out of the magic circle in the void, and knelt down on one knee in front of Annie.

The skin of this humanoid creature has the texture of stone, and the body is entwined with electric light, and the extra places emit light blue electric light, just like the color of Horn's lightning touch, it should be a creature of the lightning department.

After Annie gave the blue creature the order to attack the church people on the street, she went to the prepared safe place to hide.

I don't know if it's Annie's illusion,

She thought the creature actually laughed after receiving this order!

It seems that he likes this order very much!

Matches wandered among the defensively empty church buildings and started setting fire.

Snowflakes can only condense a thin layer of ice on some necessary paths.

Qingfeng pretended to be the deacon of the North Wind God and went to various powerful forces in Len City to attract hatred...

The black dog is the most aggressive, he chose to find the black-clothed deacon who was alone to be tough.

As for the sages, voices, marshmallows and other wild witches who have no combat effectiveness, they have already prepared hiding places in advance.


Lien City was on fire everywhere, and there were chaos everywhere, and a deacon came to say that alien creatures from the direction of Kano City attacked.

The priest was about to order the white-clothed deacons to deal with it when a black-clothed deacon ran over panting.

No, it's not good, Lord Priest!

His face was extremely frightened, as if he had faced something terrible.

What's the matter again! The officiant shouted loudly, why is there no end to today's affairs! It's annoying enough now, what else is there?

East District, there are bugs again in the East District! The black-clothed deacon said with a sad face. He has experienced the battle of strangling bugs, and he knows the horror of those bugs!

insect? wizard! The officiant's teeth were about to be gritted to pieces, and the blue veins on his bald head with rounded eyes were bulging, which mixed with the scar on his head was very hideous.

Alan Ke! Alan Ke!

A gust of wind erupted from the priest's body, and the people around him were blown into chaos. After he calmed down, he said to the only three white-clothed deacons left beside him:

Let's go, let's go to Alanke first, we can't let that guy mess around in Len City!

Report! Some people say that the evil-faced man is heading towards the prison!

Damn it! the priest said viciously, but he didn't have time to catch that evil-faced man now!

Master Edgar, let me go to the prison. Glady said softly behind the priest.

How dare you bother Her Majesty the Holy Maiden! Edgar the priest repeatedly refused.

He knew that the saint's strength was not low, but he didn't dare to let the saintess fight. The status of the saintess in the church was much higher than his. If the saintess came to his jurisdiction and needed to fight in person, she would be stabbed to the upper echelons of the church , he will definitely be too hungry to walk around.

I'm going by myself, no one dares to embarrass you with this matter. Glady said indifferently.

Then trouble the saint. Since the saint said so, the priest has no reason to refuse.

He hurriedly took his three white-clothed deacons to the direction of Alanke's disturbance.

It's best not to delay for a moment about Alan Ke's affairs!

The rest follow me! Grady took the remaining twenty black-clothed deacons here to go to the prison to catch Horn.

They set off quickly, not wanting to wait for a moment.

Grady thought to himself.

You'd be sad if he died, Douglas...

That would be wonderful!

Few people know that Saint Grady, who is the church of the God of the North Wind, is also a fifth-level magician!

If she wanted to deal with Horn, Horn would have no way to escape!

However, just as they were about to reach the prison, a huge red dragon descended from the sky!

incandescent flame,

Sweeping and coming!


church prison

Horn came slowly, Enoch threw away the brush in his hand, dispersed several fugitives wearing prison uniforms and said to Horn:

You came just in time, and I just finished here.

Speaking of Enoch opened the gate of the prison, Horn nodded to Enoch and walked in.

At this time, there was nothing in the prison that could stop Horn, the road was unimpeded, and all obstacles were cleared away by Enoch.

Enoch has already opened the door for Horn, not to mention that the road is unimpeded, at least the current Len City Prison can no longer prevent Horn from entering!

No one can stop Horn's vengeance on the trolls!

The gates opened one after another without any obstruction, and Horn walked directly to the place where the troll was held. Now the only prisoner in the entire prison is the troll, and the rest were released by Enoch.

Pushing open the door, Horn finally saw his revenge target,


At this moment, the troll was suspended in mid-air by iron chains, his upper body was naked, without a single scar.

However, judging from the various types of torture instruments around him, he was definitely not less abused, but his self-healing ability was amazing, so he didn't seem to have any wounds.

The church still has follow-up plans for him, and will not kill him in a short time, but it is really overthinking to expect the church to treat a witch well.

Horn glanced at the surrounding environment, and then said to the troll:

It seems that your little trick is self-healing. I was really careless at the time. This time you will never have any chance to be resurrected.

Can you spare my life? Please, I don't want to die.

The troll no longer had much strength to speak, the continuous torture and self-healing exhausted his physical strength, his voice was hoarse and weak, but he still begged Horn for mercy.

Stop begging for mercy, keep the last bit of dignity, the result of begging for mercy will not change in any way, after all, this is an extremely cruel world for wild witches!

It has never been kind to any witches!

The only companions of witches are witches, and you are a traitor!

No matter what he said, Horn would not let him die. People always have to pay for what they have done!

Horn undid his chains and lowered the troll who was suspended in the air. The troll fell to the ground and he had no strength to stand up.

Please, please let me go this time!

Even though he knew Horn would never let him go, the troll kept begging for mercy, begging for the forgiveness that would never come.

This time, Horn didn't answer him a word, he took out his staff and released a big fireball at the troll from a distance!

The fire blazed, and then set fire to the house where the troll was held, and finally the entire prison caught fire.

Since we are going to do something, it is most appropriate to end with the blood of the betrayer!

As the prison caught fire, the huge pentagram that Enoch instructed the prisoners to draw before appeared, and this pentagram was much bigger than the one in the central square!

Horn and Enoch leave the prison in flames.

Without looking back!

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