Create the Age of Magic

Chapter 51 An Unexpected Encounter

After lamenting a wave of hardships in the world, the witches all went back to rest. Although it was a big event that had never been heard of, it had nothing to do with the witches and it was basically over, so everyone no longer cared about it.

The witches booked a total of five rooms,

One for Horn and Enoch, one for Hoe Luke and Ian Parker, one for two girls, Anne and Shirley, one for Black Dog Terry and Match Daniel, and finally Grandma Sharon lives in one room by herself.

When they left Len City, everyone brought all their belongings with them, and they had enough money to support them to reach the Land Abandoned by God, so they didn't need to save money on a daily basis.

After dinner, according to the usual practice, Horn solved some cultivation problems for the witches.

Their problems are all kinds of strange, and some of them can't be solved by Horn. For example, Enoch's problem of how to strengthen the illusion, Horn doesn't know where to start, but even so, Horn has the most knowledge reserves among them. rich people.

In the process of teaching everyone, Horn's understanding of magic is also deepening a little bit.

Before, Horn was only guiding Enoch and Annie. Horn didn't even have the most basic understanding of the illusion and the summoning. He could only guide them in the basics. I didn't feel that I gained any knowledge.

But this time, not only did he teach more people, but he also had a match of the same fire element as him. The combination of all the strange and weird problems benefited Horn a lot, and the wild witches were also very satisfied.

After answering these questions, Horn returned to the room and began to study. The things old Douglas left him were very complicated, and he couldn't understand them without spending a lot of time.

The dark blue heavy sky faded, the blue morning sun appeared on the horizon, and the sun shone into the hotel room, a new day came!

After washing and packing, everyone left the town from the hotel and continued on the long journey to the Land Abandoned by God.

It was still the two carriages, and Horn was still studying the pamphlet left by old Douglas. The more he studied Horn, the more he felt that he knew too little and didn't know too much!

Except for Horn, the other men have to take turns to drive. As a mentor, Horn naturally doesn't need to drive. He actually wants to drive, but no one can trust a blind man to drive...

The most comfortable person on the road was Horn. Horn was blind in one eye, which made Annie feel bad. She kept asking for his health and caring for Horn along the way.

Horn felt very uncomfortable at first, but gradually got used to it. After all, it feels good to be cared about.

There were no blind robbers coming out to rob, and there were no churchgoers standing in the way. The carriage was driving on the road full of wild flowers, and Horn felt unprecedented ease.

Even if he has not reached the Land Abandoned by God, even if the road ahead is still long, at least Horn is not bound by the heavy shackles brought about by his identity as a wild witch.

He was dizzy from studying the booklet, looked up at the blue sky, the sky was very blue, the air was fresh and cloudless, and there were blue figures flying around,

so good……

Wait, the cyan figure is flying around?

Horn stared at the figure flying in the sky wrapped in a blue whirlwind, and sat up abruptly.

Damn it!

Be careful everyone, there may be people from the church nearby!

Horn hurriedly shouted at the witches.

The carriage stopped immediately, and everyone looked at Horn.

Horn said in a deep voice: Just now I saw a person from the North Wind Church flying across the sky, so I flew in this direction, and the speed should be at least the fourth-level deacon!

Then what should we do? Black Dog Terry said depressingly.

Everyone discussed for a long time but there was no solution. After all, there is only one way to take the carriage. They can't give up the carriage and take the mountain road when they don't know anything, right?

Maybe the deacon in white was just passing by?

Besides, is the mountain road really safe? Not necessarily.

You can't give up the original path just because a church member passed by, everyone can only move on.

After marching for about an hour, Ian Parker suddenly waved his hand to signal the crowd to stop!

He said solemnly: I feel that there are church people coming in this direction! There are a lot of people and they are very strong!

The atmosphere suddenly became tense.

Everyone looked at each other, wide-eyed and small-eyed, so what should we do?

Let's hide the carriage and go into the mountains to hide for a while. We will go after they pass by. If they stop here, we will give up the carriage.

Horn thought for a while and said, this is the only way to do things now, as long as conditions permit, they will never meet with so many deacons in white!

Everyone hastily hid the carriage and got into the dense forest by the side of the road. If they didn't move quickly, they might be blocked by the people from Beifengshen Church.

They walked some distance into the mountains, trying to find a decent place to hide.

Suddenly, Yi'an's face became ugly and everyone stopped. They didn't need Yi'an Parker to detect everyone, they knew that they were in trouble!

Because at this time, in front of the wild witches, there is a dark and deep cave!

And at the mouth of the cave,

There are more than twenty blue creatures standing!

It's a stranger!

Ian Parker's perception did not detect the existence of these outsiders!

Horn dissipated his mental power in awe, and couldn't perceive these outsiders at all!

The loss of spiritual power perception means that they know nothing about these outsiders at this moment!

The witches discovered these outsiders, and these outsiders naturally also discovered Horn and the others!

At this moment, both sides,

The sword is on the verge of breaking out!

It was a bit embarrassing for Horn's group and those blue outsiders at this time.

For Horn and the others, they just went into the mountains to avoid the priests, and they just went out after the limelight passed.

For those blue creatures, what they are doing here is a secret operation that their family has paid a huge price to succeed. Before the final stage has begun, their existence was discovered by these Ceylons!

Go ahead, we didn't see anything, so we're leaving. Enoch said to those outsiders, laughing.

But Enoch turned his eyebrows to the blind, because these outsiders didn't understand the language of Ceylon at all!

They said something loudly to Horn and others,

Sigh, sizzling, sizzling...

Yes, they can only make this sizzle sound.

Naturally, the witches couldn't understand this language.

The wild witches pulled out their staffs one after another, Horn also recited the spell, and seeing the lightning crackling all over the blue figure, he seemed to be ready to fight.

Horn is under a lot of pressure now, and he doesn't know anything about the other side when he can't perceive it!

But judging from the lightning flashing on those outsiders,

At least three outsiders are third-level existences!

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