Create the Age of Magic

Chapter 53 Lightning Weapon

Horn realized that these weapons were very special the first time he saw the electric glow from these weapons!

As a lightning mage, he has an unusual perception of lightning, so he immediately realized the difference in these weapons.

But now is not the time to study these weapons. Although I am very curious, those deacons in white clothes patrolling in the air will search here soon!

There are more than 30 white-clothed deacons, and there must be a fourth-level priest among them.

And there are only five white-clothed deacons stationed in the entire Len City!

Not to mention that behind so many white-clothed deacons, there must be senior professionals at the priest level, and Horn himself can't even deal with a fourth-level priest!

Tell them quickly, there are more than 30 white-clothed deacons flying over soon, either go into the cave and hide together, or die together!

Horn hurriedly asked Annie to act as an interpreter, and explained to those outsiders that there was no time to waste time with them now.

Annie spoke very fast and explained everything to Xiaolan clearly. She can guarantee that this is the fastest time since she was born.

After Xiaolan heard about it, she also understood that something serious had happened, and immediately reported it to the leaders of the Shanlei tribe, their elders.

After the elder finished listening, electricity flashed across his stone-like face, and then he made another strange movement. His family seemed to use movements to express their emotions.

After explaining to the clansmen, the elders and other Shanlei tribes got into the cave one after another. The last one to go in was Xiaolan. Before going in, he waved to Horn and the others to let them go in too.

When they were all in, Luke the Hoe planted a row of seeds at the mouth of the cave, and after saying the incantation, a cloud of green light poured from the tip of his staff.

The light sprinkled on the seeds, and those seeds quickly took root and germinated, and gradually the branches spread to seal the hole completely!

Many Shanlei tribes were amazed at this method of giving birth to plants. They had never seen such a strange spell. In fact, there were no plants in their world.

After settling down, Horn also confirmed through Annie that it wasn't that the Shanlei ethnic group had the means to block perception, but that the cave itself could block perception!

So as long as the entrance of the cave is not discovered, then it is safe in this cave.

It seems that the things lost by the Shanlei ethnic group in Ceylon are extraordinary things, otherwise no cave would have such a layout.

While waiting nervously, more than 30 white-clothed deacons flew slowly in the sky, and the blue whirlwind kept scanning outside!

Horn and the others even held their breath nervously, and the Shanlei ethnic group was trying their best to suppress the lightning on them!

Finally, the blue wind outside the cave dissipated, and those deacons had already left here!

They didn't find Horn them!

This cave really blocks perception!

After the deacons left, the elders of the Shanlei ethnicity did not rush to drive away Horn and others.

After all, the situation outside is still uncertain. If he went out rashly and was caught, the cave would also be exposed. Just in case, the elder let Horn and the others stay here.

There was nothing to do in the cave, and Horn implicitly expressed to the witches that they could ask him as much as they wanted, but the journey had already started for two days, and the witches had no questions to ask Horn for the time being.

Annie pretended to ask questions and asked Horn a few small questions, but Horn could tell at a glance that she actually didn't understand anything.

Seeing that Anne didn't seem to have much to do, Horn asked her to translate for him, because he was very interested in the weapons of the Shanlei tribe.

Through Anne, he asked these Shanlei tribes to show off their weapons. Horn thought that these Shanlei tribes would not agree to Horn's unreasonable request, but he didn't expect these Shanlei tribes to be very talkative, at least Xiaolan was very Easy to talk to.

Xiaolan drew out his weapon and placed it horizontally in front of Horn.

This is a stone long knife, the blade is not very sharp and does not look very strong, it is worthless compared with the steel sword of Ceylon.

Even those legendary barbaric races don't bother to use such weapons.

But this weapon also has something that all weapons in Ceylon can't match, it has the power of thunder and lightning!

Wielding such a sword is like wielding a lightning spell!

Because of such characteristics, I am afraid that in Ceylon, apart from artifacts, only weapons like Elijah's keel sword can be used better than these weapons.

So why are these weapons able to discharge?

According to Horn, there are two possibilities:

One is that the raw materials of these weapons have strong elemental abilities, that is to say, these thunderbolts are self-contained with these weapons, and the flame affinity potion that Horn first fed Li Carl was mixed with similar materials.

The second is that these alien creatures have a way to add elemental damage to these weapons!

Regarding the first possibility, Horn felt a little unreliable. If it was that kind of material, then the power of lightning would be very restrained. No material could withstand the release of energy all the time. Old Douglas once taught him that energy is conserved!

And that kind of material is also very expensive, and it can't be extravagant enough to make inferior swords.

Of course, if this different world is really extravagant to this extent, it is also qualified to say that Ceylon is barren.

So Horn asked these Shanlei ethnic groups what he thought were more presumptuous questions through Anne.

Ask them how the weapons are actually made.

Unexpectedly, Xiaolan didn't feel that Horn's question was inappropriate at all, but danced and narrated excitedly, and the tiny electric currents from her body seemed to be very excited.

Qualified fighters of their family will kill a special and powerful monster at the coming-of-age ceremony, and then use the blood of the monster to engrave the mark of their ancestors on the stone weapon.

Finally, a special ceremony will be held in the tribe for sacrifice. After the ceremony, the stone weapon becomes the warrior's exclusive lightning weapon!

Horn quickly summed up three main points, the blood of specific and powerful monsters, ancestral runes, and sacrifices!

Xiaolan was very cooperative with Horn's request, because in his opinion, what Horn asked had nothing to hide, and it was well known among them.

In addition, Horn's introduction of these weapons is actually introducing his record, which is to show Horn that he is a qualified fighter!

So when Horn looked at the mark of his ancestors, he happily pointed to the symbol of the blade.

It was a bewildering symbol with a lot of useless frills, but Horn found something familiar in it.

One is an exclusive imprint similar to the emblem of the North Wind God Church, and the other is a pentagram embedded in a circular outer ring!

After removing countless useless decorations, it is clearly a magic circle!

Although it is different from the magic circle used for normal casting, there is no doubt that this so-called ancestral rune and magic circle have a lot in common!

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