Create the Age of Magic

Chapter 652 Mem Hailin's Alchemy House

The big ship of the branch was very fast, and it didn't take long to return to Xijiao Town.

The magicians of Bitsway City will be quarantined in a safe place for a few days before they can move into Rhino Horn Town. Although they have been checked on the ship, they still have to beware of church spies and potential traitors among those people.

There are too many magicians and witches in Xijiao Town. Although there are not many church forces in the Free Federation, there is no problem at all.

Also beware of the fact that the few priests in the town are suspicious of the many people in the town. These priests live under the surveillance of mages every day. From their point of view, the town is full of devout believers. But he didn't realize that this place had become a den of heresy.


In the depths of the Demon Forest, in the distorted forest, there are only a few rays of sunlight shining through the dense shade of the trees. With these sunlight, a group of petite women with long bows and dark skin are jumping flexibly in the forest.

Their movements are extremely light, and they can jump a few meters away with just a tap of their toes when they fall on the tree. The leading woman is wearing a short black animal skin skirt, with smooth black hair floating behind her head, and a pair of sharp ears naughty Protruded from the hair.

Her name is Sylvie, and she is a dark elf who lives in the depths of the demon forest. Some people on the mainland also call them drow.

In ancient times, the dark elves believed in a legendary creature who called themselves the Spider Goddess, but the Spider Goddess was killed by the gods not long after the gods came, so the dark elves do not believe in it now, but The impression they left on humans is that they are sinister and cunning dark creatures, so dark elves rarely appear in the civilized world.

Thousands of years ago, the entire Demon Forest was the territory of dark elves, but as they weakened and more and more powerful monsters appeared here, their life in the forest became more difficult. Only after the blood alliance survived.

She is going to the territory of the blood clan this time, but their target is not those blood clans. In fact, their trip this time is not for a major event in the clan, but just a few boring little dark elf girls coming out to play.

Although they were just running among the trees, their speed was not slow, and soon they reached the edge of the blood clan's territory, where there was a big wooden house.

The wooden house was built in recent years, and there is still a large crooked sign hanging on it, which says Mem Hailin's Alchemy House, and then there are two small words 'branch' in the lower right corner.

Yes, this is a branch of the Alchemy House, which is mainly operated by the Magic Council branch, and the blood clan is responsible for safety, and some interesting gadgets will be sold inside.

When they arrived at the door, these seven or eight nimble dark elf girls landed on the ground smoothly, arranging each other's clothes. After some simple combing, they miraculously changed from wild girls to fair ladies. Their attire did not change, but their temperament But it is very different.

Although this is not their real appearance, it can prevent them from being laughed at.

After tidying up, Sylvie walked in front of the elves, pretended to be a guide and said to the other dark elves, It's the first time for you to come to the alchemy house, so there are some rules to remember.

The other dark elves stood upright and listened to Sylvie's lecture, like soldiers about to go to the battlefield, but the unconcealable joy on their faces revealed their expectations.

First of all, you can't use the things here until you pay the bill at the exit. Don't stuff them in your pockets when you see good things, and you can't eat them! Sylvie said seriously.

Report to Chief Sylvie, why can't you eat? A somewhat short dark elf raised her small hand and asked cutely.

Because of the things here, as long as you use them without paying the bill, everyone will know, and you will be embarrassed. If the mistress is ridiculed by others because of your behavior, I don't need to say what will happen to you. Licking is the worst punishment. relaxing.

Sylvie showed an expression of lingering fear. When she came here for the first time, she stole food here. After being found out by the mistress, she was licked ten times. Thinking about it now, she is still terrified!

The so-called licking punishment is to smear honey on the ears of the dark elves, and then let the black panther cubs lick the honey clean...

Heard licking. Those dark elf girls were all terrified. Did they know the horror of this punishment? The dark elf's ears are extremely sensitive, and the panther cub has barbs on its tongue!

After the lecture, the dark elf girls suppressed their temper and walked into the wooden house with small steps. After entering, they found that the interior of the wooden house was extremely bright, and the soft magic lamp illuminated the huge space.

This wooden house is very large. Although it is made of wood and has only one floor, it is much larger than an ordinary castle. It is not so much a wooden house as it is a small market.

There are dozens of rows of huge shelves in the wooden house, and there are everything on the shelves, such as food, clothes, jewelry, decorations, tools, weapons, etc., all of which are good things that they don't usually see often. There are many more things in the human market.

Except for the direct sales of the Magic Council, all the products here are purchased by the branch from nearby cities, and sold here, the price is about twice as expensive as when they purchased it.

But this is already very cheap from the perspective of the foreign races who come here to shop. Many races simply cannot go to human cities to buy things because of their striking appearance. Occasionally, human merchants go to their tribes to sell things. The market price is several times more expensive.

And for the races that can conveniently go to the human territory to shop, there are also things they cannot buy in the normal human territory, such as magic props that are useful to them, such as various products of the Magic Council that are much cheaper than the outside world.

Things like distilled wine, fruit wine, magic books, etc., are sold from the Magic Council to the mainland, and the price is several times higher than the original price, but here, because it is a direct sale of the Magic Council branch On the contrary, it is much cheaper than the outside world.

The branch of the Magic Council cannot directly sell these things in human cities, because their existence may be exposed, but it is possible to set up such an alchemy house in the Demon Forest.

This alchemy house is very influential among the foreign races in the nearby cities on the southern coast. Many foreign races come here especially, and then return with a good reputation of the alchemy house.

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