Create the Age of Magic

Chapter 655: One Hundred Years

After speaking, Annie also finished the last stroke, and the magic circle was officially drawn.

Then she slipped over to a cage, and inside the cage were big bats that were a little smaller than Edward's. This bat was one of Annie's pets.

She has always liked to keep some small animals, but after becoming a vampire, her taste in keeping pets has been distorted to a certain extent, and bats are also included in the cute small animals.

But speaking of it, Horn has seen this big bat quite a few times. With the increase of the time spent together, Horn's prejudice against creatures like bats has gradually disappeared. Now he has to admit that this bat is actually quite pretty. good-looking.

The bat was thrown in the center of the magic circle, lying on the ground obediently, not daring to fly away. Although its IQ couldn't understand what Horn and Annie were doing, its biological instinct made it dare not have the slightest thought. change.

Annie pricked her finger, dripped a drop of blood on the bat's forehead, and then chanted a strange incantation. The magic circle emitted a dazzling white light. Horn could feel that there was a strange power in the magic circle. The power was building a strange connection between Annie and the creature.

When the brilliance of the magic circle dissipated, the bat had changed its appearance, its size shrunk a little, and red fluff grew on the outside of its body, making it look much more handsome.

Hello, my master. Under Horn's horrified gaze, the bat actually spoke, speaking human words like Edward!

See, this is the result of my research. I call it the magic pet contract. Once the magic circle is successfully released, the magic pet will establish a connection with the master, possess a certain amount of wisdom, and also possess a certain amount of power. This power will not be too strong, but it is enough to distinguish it from ordinary creatures.

After learning about Annie's pet contract in detail, Horn couldn't help admiring that every magician will have his own pet in the future. This pet can do many things for the magician. Although it is not as powerful as the Angora symbiotic beast, it is also very incredible.

This is really powerful, but why didn't you choose that unicorn cub as your familiar, but choose this bat instead. Horn said, pointing to the bat squatting on Annie's shoulder.

First, this magic circle cannot be used against creatures with too much energy for the time being. Second, I like bats. Holding the bat that had changed its appearance, Annie snorted and left.

Hmph, smelly man, I thought I was looking for him for that matter, and I wouldn't let him go to bed within two months... Wait, one month will be fine.

Looking at Annie's back, Horn muttered in a low voice: Third, unicorns only get close to pure virgins, obviously you are no longer.

Did you just say something? Annie turned around, looked at Horn suspiciously and said.

No, no, I didn't say anything. Horn waved his hands in a panic.


The magic pet contract is almost the most popular new gadget in the magic council recently. Almost every magician doesn't mind having a wise assistant. In fact, don't look at Horn's disgusted look at Edward, but many magicians The teachers were all salivating over Edward.

Therefore, a wave of magic pet contracts has arisen in the magic council, and various small animals have become in short supply nearby. However, the first choice for most magician's pets is owls, because they can't find them like Edward. hawk.

All kinds of intelligent animals can be seen everywhere in the current parliament, which makes the magic parliament more interesting. However, there are always some magicians in the parliament with strange tastes. For example, Terry signed a contract with a partner who only The giant sub-dragon beast with muscles and no brains moved closer to the giant dragon after signing the contract, which made the magicians very envious...

Afterwards, the Magic Council began to develop steadily. As the Magic Council became stronger and stronger, its status in the Land Abandoned by God became more and more important, and the conflict between the Council and the Church became more and more serious.

Ten years later, the unbearable Church organized a large group of fighters to raid the Magic Council, including two ninth-level fighters, but this army composed entirely of fighters was easily annihilated by the Magic Council, and no one survived.

The corpses of two ninth-level warriors were hung in front of the gate of Starfire City, deterring all directions, and made every force that wanted to take action against the council to weigh its own strength first. After this battle, the reputation of the magic council was unprecedented. Some people even regard Xinghuo County as a small kingdom independent of Akuin Kingdom.

Fifteen years later, Luke created a relatively independent druid school based on the transfiguration technique of the elves. Many elf mages came to the Magic Council to study, and the cooperation between the Magic Council and the elves deepened.

The council is not only satisfied with letting the magicians outside the God's Abandoned Land fight against the church spontaneously, but now also specially sends a large number of business magicians to infiltrate the church territory to destroy it, infiltrate the church territory in all directions, and the war has been secretly escalating.

Seventeen years later, the magical machine researched by Karp was officially put into use. With the support of the council, the new production method quickly occupied the entire Xinghuo County market. Xinghuo County's productivity increased rapidly, further occupying the mainland market.

Twenty years later, Horn was promoted to be an eighth-ring magician. There are more than 20 magicians above the seventh ring and more than 200 above the fifth ring in the Magic Council. There are more than 150,000 registered idle mages and more than 50,000 council mages.

Afterwards, Horn began to build the magic academy. He personally served as the dean of the magic academy, appointed Douglas as the honorary dean, recruited suitable babies for education in the entire Starfire City, and discovered their talents for special education. The development of magicians entered a new era. chapters.

A pair of sons and daughters of the Elf King came to the council to receive professional magic education, and the relationship between the magic council and the elves further deepened.

Seventy years later, Horn was promoted to a nine-ring magician. The academic mages supported the sky in the magic council, and their power skyrocketed again. Various magic techniques were approaching perfection, and the development of the council slowed down.


At this time, more than a hundred years have passed since Anne and Horn got married, and there are only more than one hundred and seventy years left before the catastrophe mentioned by Mortia.

A special visitor came outside Xinghuo City. This is a beautiful woman with an extremely temperament, but it can be seen from her eyebrows that she has reached middle age and is no longer a young girl.

Looking at the tall and majestic city walls, she couldn't help but sigh.

At this time, Xinghuo County is not the same as it was a hundred years ago. After a hundred years of wealth accumulation, the financial resources of the Magic Council are astonishingly strong. The city wall is no smaller than the original city wall of Maman City. All kinds of magic effects, just in terms of sturdiness, are far behind Maman City.

From this chapter, the progress starts to skyrocket

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