Create the Age of Magic

Chapter 660 Goodbye Ilonil

After coming out of the warehouse, Horn's figure attracted the attention of most people, and there were very few guests here who were human.

Moreover, Horn is different from ordinary humans. He wears a strange mask and hides a huge power hidden in his body. How can such a human not surprise the aliens?

But none of them dared to get close to Horn, because Horn was very difficult to mess with just on the surface.

As Horn was walking, a few energetic dark elf girls ran over, accidentally bumped into Horn, and then smiled and apologized to Horn and ran away.

They are Sylvie and her team. A hundred years ago, they were full of curiosity about everything here, but now they are veterans of the alchemy house.

As for girls...

Dark elves, like elves, have a lifespan of at least a thousand years, so their teenage years are also very long.

After a brief stroll and experiencing some of the various facilities, he walked out of the alchemy house and headed straight for the nearby vampire family.

Horn knew where Ilonir lived, so he went directly outside his castle, and finally came to the other end of the continent. It would be unreasonable for him not to visit Ilonil.

Knocking on the door, a stooped servant came out.

Hi, I'm here to visit Prince Ilonier. My name is Horn Memherin. Horn said to the servant.

The hunchbacked servant's nose moved, his eyes turned red when he looked at Horn, and saliva was secreted from his mouth: You are a human being, what is a human being doing to visit His Highness?

Why, don't you welcome humans? Horn asked with a chuckle. He was wearing a mask, and the little vampire couldn't see Horn's expression.

Guests, please wait a moment. I want to go in and make an announcement. Whether or not to receive you depends on His Highness's wishes.

The hunchbacked vampire turned around and walked into the castle. He has been using the special food for the vampires for a long time. They don't eat human blood, which makes them feel a little greedy when they see humans, but it is also thanks to those foods. Although these vampires are eager for blood, they must resist it. This kind of temptation is not difficult anymore.

If I had to describe it, it used to be like food on their table for them, but now it is on the food leaflets. Although they all have desires, the level of desire is very different.

Horn waited for a long time before the old servant opened the door and led Horn in. Horn was not impatient with the wait. There are hundreds of castles here, and the one Ilonir lived in was absolutely It is the largest one, so it will take a lot of time just to inform Illoneer that he is coming.

In the living room of the ancient castle, Horn saw Ilonir who had hardly changed. In the past hundred years, the Will of Ceylon organized many targeted activities against the church. For all members , You can participate in these activities if you want to participate, and you can’t participate if you don’t want to. Horn has also participated in several times, so this is not the first time they have met in a hundred years.

Compared to the last time we met, you seem to be a little different again. You are not so sharp, but you feel a lot stronger. This speed of improvement is really amazing. Ilonier looked Horn up and down for a while , and then said in surprise.

Last time I was promoted to a nine-ring magician, and it wasn't easy to grasp my own power. Now after so many years, I have certainly mastered it. Horn said modestly.

But there's not much time, it's only been thirty years. Ilonier's body suddenly turned into a cloud of blood, and then appeared behind Horn in an instant, and greeted Horn's back with his paw.

Horn didn't even turn around. A small colorless shield appeared on the back of his neck, blocking Ilonir's claw strikes. The moment the two collided, invisible waves spread, shaking the entire castle for a moment.

Although we haven't seen each other for a long time, you don't have to welcome me like this. Horn drank his tea calmly, without any ripples on his face.


Ilonir returned to his seat and gently stroked his palm, You have indeed touched that boundary, it's only been thirty years, and many people have spent hundreds of years or even You can't reach this realm even in a thousand years, I really don't know how you did it, genius or monster?

Illonir looked at Horn as if he was looking at a monster. None of the nine-level powerhouses was trash, but most of the nine-level powerhouses could not reach this level in their lifetime.

Just like under Ilonir's command, there are several ninth-level vampires. Even though they have a long lifespan, they are still far from touching the threshold of becoming a legend.

Of the hundreds of ninth-level powerhouses in the entire continent, only a handful of people can truly touch this level.

You are overrated.

Horn smiled and replied that he did not refute the titles of genius and monster. Although he reached this state ahead of time with the power of the Seed of the World, even without the Seed of the World, it is not difficult for him to reach this state. At most, there will be another few decades.

It's just right for you to come this time. After a while, there will be a big operation. Do you want to participate? After the two chatted for a while, Ilonier said to Horn.

What task, tell me, if I am interested, I will go and have a look.

Ilonir smiled, and he knew that Horn would have this attitude. After reaching their level, it is completely meaningless to practice. If they cannot be promoted to legend, no matter how much they practice, it is futile. So at this time, Generally, they will act in order to seek opportunities for promotion.

A lot of churches will go to the northern ice continent recently. They get the news that in a few months, there will be a ruin there, and there will be something useful to them. Are you familiar with this rhetoric?

Horn nodded. When the ruins in the canyon opened a hundred years ago, they also got the information in advance, saying that there was something they needed.

We're going to see if we can take advantage of it this time. With so many churches working together, we can't go head-to-head with them. As long as we can disrupt their plans a little bit, we will be considered successful.

Northern Ice Continent... Frost Continent... Horn whispered twice.

Why, are you afraid of the notoriety there? You should know that the so-called dangerous land is only for those who lack strength. With our strength, apart from those gods and the three old monsters in Dragon Island, what else is left? Dangerous place. Ilonier joked.

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