Create the Age of Magic

Chapter 662 Blasphemy

In addition to flying, this throne has many powerful functions.

For example, when sitting on it, Horn's thinking will be more transparent, and the casting of spells will be smoother. The alchemists of the Foundry Tower have added many practical functions to it, making this thing more than just a seat. Chair, but also a powerful enough magic prop.

Sitting on the flying seat, Horn landed on the headquarters of the Wild Witch Annihilation Alliance with extreme arrogance.

This is the largest church of the God of Thunder in the City of Liberty, and the God of Thunder is the most powerful of the gods, so the church of the God of Thunder is naturally the leader of this alliance that includes all major churches.

A large number of believers pray in the church, longing for the gaze of the gods, but the real situation is that, except for some special existences, the gods will never show mercy to anyone who prays to him.

There are many believers here, but they are much less than when they were at their peak. The priests believe that this is all because there are too many evil magicians in the Free Federation. If it weren't for these magicians, they should be better now.

For the assembly of a large number of priests, the high-level leaders of the Free Federation did not stop them, but they did not help them either. Frankly speaking, they were very happy to see the weakening of the church.

The pastors harvest believers in the Free Federation and spread rumors that are not good for the Free Federation among the believers. They can't do anything to these pastors, and they have hated them for a long time.

But they can't take action against these pastors, because although the Freedom Federation is independent, it is not easy to offend the church even more. If they directly take action against the church members, the major churches with excuses will make them pay more cost.

So the magicians let the church suffer, and they are very happy to see it. Even the Wild Witch Annihilation Alliance has repeatedly asked the Freedom Federation to ask for information about these witches. The high-level officials of the Federation gave specious fake news. Indirectly, the Wild Witch Annihilation Alliance hit a wall many times.

The believers were praying, and a servant of God was reciting the teachings of the God of Thunder in front of him. The whole church was filled with the radiance of divinity. Even a non-believers would be touched by the atmosphere here when they came to such a place.

But at this moment, a domineering seat that seemed to come out of mythology rushed into the church and landed in the middle of the believers, containing magic power to push the believers aside.

This way of appearance instantly attracted everyone's attention. Horn was wearing a red and black wide robe with various magic circles tattooed on it, and a strange mask with changing shapes on his face, made of a branch of a world tree. His staff was lying across his knees, and a faint halo of magic power shrouded Horn's surroundings, full of strange charm.

Compared with the immovable, tall, gold-plated god statue in front of them, this Horn has a greater impact, because Horn is alive in front of them.

Horn's appearance made the priest who presided over the ceremony in front of the statue of the gods panic. He was just a first-level priest, and he had no way to deal with a strong man of Horn's level.

Horn looked up at the huge statue of the gods. The God of Thunder was naked from the upper body, showing off his toned body unscrupulously. He held a lightning spear. There was a huge metal ring sculpture behind it. The center of the metal ring was the God of Thunder's emblem. .

This statue seems to have a strange allure, and it is easy to be admired just by looking at it, but there is a hint of sarcasm in Horn's eyes.

During more than a hundred years of my life, you have been standing on the clouds overlooking me, and I have been working hard to climb. Although I am far from your height now, at least now, you cannot look down on me!

After speaking softly, Horn pointed at the statue, and a thick thunderbolt appeared out of thin air, blasting the priest standing at the foot of the statue and the huge statue to pieces. The broken stone slag, accompanied by dust, covered the entire church .

Those believers who had been stunned by Horn before were frightened and fled the cathedral in panic.

After a while, there was no ordinary person in the church anymore. A large number of priests of all levels poured into the church and surrounded Horn. There were people from any church.

A silver-haired old priest in a blue-purple robe pointed at Horn angrily and said, Evil heretic, you don't know what you have done, you will pay for what you have done!

Of course I know what I did. I smashed your master's statue, so tell me, what price do you want me to pay? Horn said while sitting on a chair, fiddling with the staff in his hand.

You will be tied to the stake and burned to death. After death, your soul will be scorched by divine fire forever. Your punishment will last forever and never end. The old pastor pointed at Horn and said, spitting.

It's scary, I'm scared.

Horn shivered exaggeratedly, and then snapped his fingers. The old pastor spontaneously combusted without warning, and amidst the violent howling, his life ended.

It seems that you were burned to death first, and I seem to have committed another crime. Please tell me, what punishment should I suffer now? Horn looked at the hundreds of priests of all levels who surrounded him, Zhang Yang said.

Everyone who was swept by Horn took two steps back subconsciously, and no one wanted to be the target of this madman just because of a sentence or two.

You are so arrogant. Where do you think this is, you will definitely stay here today.

A middle-aged priest who was also wearing a blue-purple robe and had white temples appeared in front of Horn with a flash of thunder.

His body has surging power fluctuations, and it is completely different from the old pastor before him. He is the leader of the Wild Witch Annihilation Alliance, the ninth-level Thunder Priest Rex.

After Rex finished speaking, a large cloud of lightning condensed in his hand and pressed towards Horn who was sitting on the seat.

The thunderbolt and the shield collided with each other, and the scattered power turned all 20 meters into scorched earth, and the gorgeous church was also destroyed badly. The priests onlookers hurriedly retreated, not wanting to be involved in this battle.

After the gunpowder smoke dissipated, Rex looked at Horn solemnly. Although he didn't exert all his strength just now, this man was able to resist his moves unscathed. This shows that Horn is at least at the same level as him, or even stronger master.

Rex said with a gloomy expression: So you are a ninth-level magician. Have you bastards grown to this point? But you don't even look at this place. This is a place favored by the gods. With so many priests of all levels around, do you think you can get out alive?

Whether you can get out alive, let's see.

Horn frivolously said that this place is too far away from the power centers of the major churches. Even if he fights here for a few days, the general reinforcements will not be able to arrive. What he has to face is a group of rabble led by a ninth-level priest. He has nothing to fear!

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