Create the Age of Magic

Chapter 684 Pulling Wool

After becoming a legendary mage, Horn still has a lot of abilities, which are more than one level stronger, just like the forbidden spell that he used as an ultimate move before can now be cast at will, and the energy in his body is almost infinite compared to before.

Just how powerful it is, Horn has not figured it out for a while, but now he knows one thing, he is very powerful, very powerful!

He is so strong that he doesn't need to worry about anything, and when he returns to Ceylon, he is one of the few legendary strongmen in Ceylon who can walk on the land wantonly.

After successfully advancing, he should go back, but before going back, Horn wants to search the Thunder Crystal World.

With a thought in his mind, a cluster of flames appeared in the center of the royal city of the Shanlei tribe a hundred miles away, and then Horn disappeared as a flame, and when he reappeared, he had already appeared in the flames in the center of the royal city.

This is already a means of approximate teleportation.

As soon as he appeared, a powerful aura enveloped the entire Shanlei King City, and all the Shanlei ethnic groups couldn't help trembling. High-level creatures suppressed low-level lives almost instinctively.

Horn didn't care about the thoughts of those ordinary Shanlei people, flew into the palace, and came to Shanlei.

I want to make a deal with you.

It turned out that when Horn entered the thunder state, although he could understand the words of the Shanlei tribe, he couldn't make their voices, and now Horn still can't make that sound.

But his words can already be understood by any intelligent creature, because what he uses to communicate is not only language, but also soul.

Can I refuse...

Shanlei smiled bitterly and said that there is a decisive power gap between this person and them. Even if Horn said that he wants to rule the world now, no one would dare to resist, because there have been no gods in the world of Thunder Crystal for a long time.

No, it's a deal.

Horn corrected that he didn't want these natives to think that he was robbing, because he wanted to have another chance. This place is a treasure trove for magicians. A backup base.

Well, you said that a deal is a deal. Shanlei echoed, and Horn is the most powerful now, so naturally he is what he says. He brought Horn to the treasure house of their Shanlei tribe, and directly The treasury opens.

You can choose the things here, I just ask you to forgive our previous offense... Shanlei said in a low voice, he couldn't help but be humble, because Horn held the life and death of their race in his hands.

Horn ignored Shanlei's mood, randomly selected from the treasure house, and put everything that seemed to be useful into the space ring. Horn brought several space rings when he came.

However, Horn can only carry a part of it, the space of a few interspatial rings is really not enough compared to this huge treasure house.

Although the current Shanlei ethnic group is not very strong, their technology has a great reference for the Magic Council. Horn still remembers that the first magic item he made was the Lord of Origin, which was from Inspired by the weapons of the Thunder clan.

So in addition to the things in the treasure house, Horn is also very interested in various technologies handed down from ancient times by the Shanlei tribe. After taking all the things he was interested in, Horn began to ask Shanlei for Shanlei Various technologies of the Lei ethnic group.

Shanlei really wanted to refuse, but he didn't have the ability or the guts. Now Horn wanted to kill them easily.

So Horn successfully obtained various technologies of the Thunder Tribe, including but not limited to the manufacturing methods of various enchanted weapons, the use of various materials in the Thunder Crystal World, and a large number of knowledge about lightning that belonged exclusively to the Thunder Race. manipulation method.

None of these things can be used directly, but if they are brought into the magic council, the magicians should be able to use this to make the council more powerful.

Every time there is an impact of a large number of new elements, the Magic Council can become stronger. The power of magic lies in that it can absorb nutrients from other power systems to become stronger and stronger, instead of being tied in In an already perfect power system, one can only stand still.

For example, the power system of the Yarrow people seems to have nothing to do with magic, but it has also allowed the strength of the Magic Council to grow by leaps and bounds.

However, what Horn values ​​most here is not the ones mentioned above, but the method of plane transfer.

Mortia once said that apart from the true gods, there are very few existences that can freely travel through the planes, but when Horn's strength was still very low, he had seen the Shanlei tribe come to Ceylon.

At that time, their strength was not strong, but they could come and leave whenever they wanted in Ceylon.

Even the Magic Council paid a high price. In addition, Colin's space talent only completed the plane teleportation array, and it can only come and go once. is particularly important.

After a brief glance, Horn found that he couldn't understand...

It doesn't matter if you don't understand it, someone in the Magic Council can understand it. This method of space transmission is much simpler than the plane transmission array of the Magic Council, although it also needs to consume a lot of resources.

Horn believed that when Colin got the information, he would definitely be pleasantly surprised.

After all the things that should be searched have been searched, Horn is about to return. Of course, he did not plan to take the things of the Shanlei ethnic group for nothing. He took the things in the ring as a reward for Shanlei.

Although they are not valuable things, things from other worlds should be quite valuable here. In addition, Horn left a space ring for Shanlei, so this deal is still fair, even in Shanlei's heart. , It may be him who earns.

Horn didn't do this out of good intentions. The plane coordinates of this world are in Horn's left eye. After the technology of plane transmission matures, Horn will inevitably come to this world.

So in order not to be hostile next time, Horn does not want to squeeze the Shanlei tribe too hard, but at that time, Horn may not come alone. After all, this place is equivalent to magicians. a treasure trove.

After all the preparations were completed, Horn didn't waste any more time, and he was going back to Ceylon.

He made a flat ground casually, then put the plane teleportation array on it, stood on the teleportation array, launched the teleportation array, and Horn disappeared into the Thunder Crystal World.

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