Create the Age of Magic

Chapter 686 Controlling Power

At this time, on a dry hill outside Xinghuo City.

Horn is getting familiar with his strength as a legendary mage. Once he enters the state, his every move will cause huge damage to the surroundings, so he chooses this dry mountain as a training place. As for the mage tower, it is just a simple home.

If the mage tower is to be useful, he needs to transform the mage tower, but that is not something that can be done overnight.

It is not easy to control the power to become too strong, and after he broke through that level, he became too much stronger, and he was not in the same dimension as before.

If he has the characteristics of a god, he can create a large number of transcendental beings just by the energy he usually radiates. That's how the priests of the church who are empowered by the gods come from.

It's a pity that he is not a god, but Horn will find a way to use those energies in the future.

In the Thunder Crystal World before, he simply tried his own strength, but now he wants to fully develop it.

First of all, there is a two-color flame in his body that burns quietly like the seed of the world. This flame absorbs the surrounding energy all the time, and at the same time releases energy all the time, making Horn stronger.

Now Horn's casual attacks are more powerful than the previous forbidden spells, but this can only be used as a normal attack method. He also needs some legendary magic as a killer move when he really fights with the same level of powerhouses.

After possessing the magic power and spirit beyond the limit, Horn can develop higher-level magic as long as he spends some time. Although he no longer has such a powerful magical talent as before, this does not prevent Horn from developing legendary magic.

At this level, magical talent is not that important. If Horn wants to, he can even transform his own talent, but it's not necessary.

Horn had other things to attend to besides these.

After being promoted to a legend, many things on him have lost their effect, such as those magic rings that increase the magic power. Those are the top magic props. He prepares them as rewards for meritorious magicians in the warehouse.

There is also the Lord of Siyuan, it turned out that he relied on the full power release of the Lord of Siyuan, which is the ultimate move, and now it is not as good as he hit it casually, so this thing has no effect on him.

He is going to put it in the warehouse of the Magic Council as an inheritance of the Magic Council. If a magician is recognized by this ring, let him use it. After all, this ring can allow magicians to complete leapfrog battles. Ring mages are a great help.

In addition, there is the remnant power of the original World Seed, which has no connection with the will of the world, and what is left is only a huge mass of energy containing legendary rules.

A lot of power in this was absorbed by Horn into the Eternal Flame when he was promoted, and the remaining power could still create a disabled legendary powerhouse, but this is really too wasteful.

So Horn intends to use this mass of energy to create an item that he can use at his current level.

After thinking about it, he put this group of energy into his staff, the sacrificial staff made from the branch of the world tree. Among all his things, the staff is undoubtedly the one that has enhanced him the most. thing.

Although after becoming a legendary powerhouse, he no longer needs a staff to display his original strength, but a staff that matches his strength can undoubtedly greatly improve his strength.

When Horn reached level nine, the sacrificial scepter could no longer bear Horn's power, and it could only be used normally after being modified by Luke and other mages.

After Horn incorporated the remaining power of the Seed of the World into the staff, a strange change occurred in the staff, and some strange runes faintly appeared on the wooden staff.

Then Horn seized the time to add magic to the staff so that the ball of energy would match the staff itself. After five days, Horn finally finished making the new staff.

The new staff is about one meter long, and its overall shape is similar to the original one, but the crystal nucleus of the original ninth-level monster has turned into a quietly burning flame, and two circles of constantly changing illusory and mysterious runes surround the flame Burn quietly.

This staff can greatly increase Horn's spellcasting ability, and at the same time has a certain ability to cast spells autonomously. It usually floats quietly behind Horn without additional manipulation by Horn.

After all, this thing was made in most of the world, and the power contained in it is equivalent to half of the legendary powerhouse. I believe that with this staff, Horn will have the power to fight even against those old gods.

After all, even those gods can't be extravagant enough to use the seeds of the world to make weapons.

The power of the Seed of the World still left some leftovers that could not be accommodated by the sacrificial scepter. Horn integrated that power into his throne and mask, and incidentally strengthened it with legendary power, which can be regarded as two legends level items.

After everything was done, Horn began to concentrate on controlling his own power, and more than half a month passed like this. Horn stood on the top of the mountain, exuding a strange brilliance.

At this moment, he has completely mastered his own power, and the two legendary powers of thunder, lightning and flame are coordinating in his body.

That dry mountain has completely changed its appearance, with strange flowers and plants growing everywhere, and the small creatures that used to live in the mountain have all turned into monsters. Horn just mastered his own power here, causing such a big impact on the environment. Influence.

At this moment, he remembered the vision he had seen in Mortia's hut back then. Even if he didn't have that thought, every move of a legendary powerhouse would have a huge impact on his surroundings.

The resources of this dry mountain cannot be wasted. He sent a message to ask a team of magicians to recover the materials on the mountain.

Then he spread his consciousness to Colin's space laboratory. Beside his desk, a group of useless manuscripts suddenly burned, and then Horn flashed directly in front of Colin with the burning flame of the pattern.

Why did you appear so suddenly that you startled me? Colin looked at Horn enthusiastically. His room was closed, but Horn suddenly appeared. Could it be teleportation?

Colin can also do short-distance teleportation, but another method of teleportation can bring him some inspiration and deepen his understanding of space.

My way of moving is through the power connection between flames. It should have nothing to do with the power of space. This is a skill I naturally mastered after I became a legendary mage. Even if I tell you clearly, it shouldn't have anything to do with you. help.

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