Create the Age of Magic

Chapter 696: Battle Thunder God

Don't make a move, let me do it myself. After thinking for a while, Horn took a step forward and said that the God of Thunder is the last god, and after his death, there are very few opponents for Horn to fight.

And he wants to take this opportunity to fight for dominance, to prove his strength in front of all the legendary powerhouses, he wants to prove that he is the strongest.

In this way, after everything is over, the Magic Council will dominate the entire continent.

As the leader of the Magic Council, Horn needs to think about it this way.

This guy is not easy to deal with, is it just you? Enoch asked with concern. After his illusion entered the legendary realm, he can use illusion to create real things. For people under the legend, Enoch The illusion is reality.

It's okay, I think I can win! Horn said confidently. Seeing Horn's confidence, no one else stopped him.

With that said, Horn stood opposite Austin.

You think you can win. You are really arrogant. You bastards, that battle didn't rely on your numbers. If it weren't for our gods to be trapped in the Kingdom of God, there would be no possibility of you rising up like a young man. Austin said disdainfully.

Whether we can win or not, we'll wait until after the fight. Horn didn't want to argue with him, he just wanted to fight with all his might.

Legendary Magic: Inner Flame!

Horn's right eye twitched, and the surroundings of Austin began to burn silently. This kind of flame did not have high temperature or color, but was almost transparent.

This flame is fueled by emotions, and as long as Austin's emotions are not settled down, it will never be extinguished.

But Austin is not a vegetarian. Although he was taken aback by the sudden appearance of the flames, he was not too panicked, because the power of the flames was not strong, but it was difficult to extinguish it. As long as he killed Horn, the attack would be natural. will disappear.

Huge electric arcs several meters thick spread all over the world, forming a huge thunderstorm, chasing Horn non-stop. Every tiny arc is more powerful than Horn's all-out power when he was in the state of the spirit of thunder and lightning before. Much more powerful.

Whatever these electric arcs hit will be wiped out, and even a legend-level powerhouse will find it difficult to resist.

Roland and others, who were watching the battle from the sidelines, also had to dodge the lightning. It is conceivable how much pressure Horn was under in the thunderstorm.

Horn is indeed not easy, but he can handle it. The God of Thunder is indeed very powerful, but the current Horn is not weak.

The God of Thunder's attainment in lightning is much higher than that of Horn, so if Horn wants to hurt him, he can only choose to use flame attacks. Fortunately, his attacks cannot be fully effective against Horn.

The soul flame has been weakening Austin's strength, but this is not enough, he also needs a powerful attack that can severely damage Austin.

After the two stalemate for a while, Horn stretched out his index finger to the God of Thunder, and a small wisp of flame condensed on his fingertips. Seeing that small wisp of flame, Austin was inexplicably palpitated. This attack must be extraordinary.

Legendary Magic: Aurora Fire Sword!

A finger-wide flat flame ray shot towards Austin, and Austin quickly released a thick thunderbolt at the ray, but the thunderbolt was cut neatly!

This is impossible!

Before Austin finished sighing, the ray of flame shot directly through his shoulder, the body of the god was shot through directly, and the explosive flames erupted from his wound, causing Austin to fall like a broken paper mandarin.

But the power of the flame ray is more than that. After passing through Austin's body, there is still power left, and it directly hits the sky of the Kingdom of God.

The hard barrier of the Kingdom of God was directly shot from the inside, cutting out a huge hole!

The power of a magic is so powerful!

This... with just this move, you can already attack directly from outside the kingdom of God... Franks shrinks his neck, even if he has become a legendary dragon, he will still be cowardly when it is time to coax.

Other legendary powerhouses were also amazed by Horn's move. Horn was promoted to legend decades earlier than them at most, but his strength has already widened the gap with them, and the gap is very, very big.

It is not easy for Horn to implement this trick. Even with the legendary level of massive magic power, this trick cannot be used infinitely.

From the perspective of the scope of destruction, this trick may not be as powerful as some ordinary ninth-level magic, but at the legendary level, whether it is powerful or not has no direct relationship with destructive power.

The move of the Aurora Fire Sword is to compress the magic power enough to release several legendary magics to the extreme, so that the power of collapsing mountains and seas can be concentrated in an attack track that is narrower than that of ordinary sword blades.

Before the power of this magic is exhausted, nothing can stop the offensive of this magic, not even a space barrier!

So with just one move, Austin, who was once the strongest god, was seriously injured.

It shouldn't be like this, you are just a humble reptile on the ground, how dare you, how dare you!

Austin climbed up from the ground, with the shot shoulder as the center, the body fist with a diameter of 30 cm disappeared, and the thunder kept filling the gap, so that he would not die because of it, but everyone can see that Austin status is no longer available.

You are the last one, so let me say a few more words to you. We wild witches were born to be persecuted by your oracle. Just because we might be transformed into wizards, we will be exterminated by you. However, this is not something we can do. Selected.

Horn looked at Austin from a distance, aimed at him with magic, and continued.

Our resistance was all forced out by you. If you want to resent, then resent yourself.

After finishing speaking, Horn's magic was released...


Several decades have passed, and there is not much time before the will of the world goes dormant.

During these years, the Kingdom of Kuin conquered all the parishes in the entire continent of the gods and established a huge human empire.

Magic, on the other hand, spread across the continent.

The entire Land Abandoned by God became the private land of the Magic Council, while other places belonged to the Kuin Kingdom.

The rest of the forces also have their own territories. Under Horn's deterrent force, the major forces with legendary powerhouses divided their territories peacefully.

In the entire continent, wild witches can freely walk on the land, and any belief in gods is not allowed to spread in the continent. Horn wants to turn the former continent of gods into a continent without gods!

Many things happened during this period, but these things are not worth mentioning under the current strength of Horn and the force of more than a dozen legendary mages in the Magic Council.

At this moment, Horn can be said to have opened up an era of magic in the continent of the gods!

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