Created G.H.O.S.T. System - A Cyberpunk Story

Opening Short Story - Epilogue

Meredith’s digital scream echoed through the speakers all around the building as she witnessed her son get torn apart and then murdered. The soldiers standing above his body had even poured several dozen rounds into his hardened brain case. It was made to withstand a few hits, but it had never been tested against that sort of abuse.

The lights suddenly went out as she cut the power to nearly everything but a few specific items.

“You have gone too far this time. I will make sure you all regret this. Every single one of you, and the corporations that dared put this plan into action. My son wanted to help humanity, and you just murdered him. And for what? Patents and information that we legitimately own and helped create.”

The teams she had sent out to all the different headquarters received a slight change in orders. If she was going to destroy these companies, then she was going to do it as completely as possible. That meant taking their schematics, research information, and everything else that might be useful.

The human component would all be eliminated no matter what. When she was finished, they would have no leadership, and no secrets left.

Then, her true revenge could begin. They had only wanted to help everyone, and this was how the world had repaid them. By standing to the side and doing nothing while they were attacked.

She watched helplessly as the soldiers took hold of her son’s head. A stream of hydraulic fluid, and nutrient liquid dripping behind them as they ran through the building.

Why hadn’t she concentrated on defenses and weapons more? If she had she might have been able to do something to stop them from leaving with her son’s head.

Meredith would keep tracking them though, no one would be able to escape her sight. She would get her son back, even if it was only to bury him properly. He was not someone’s trophy, but a person, and he would be treated as such.

She didn’t care what she had to do, not anymore. Her last connection to humanity had just been taken from her, and they would know her wrath.

Short Story – End

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