Creating a Virtual World

Chapter 138 - Omen of disaster

When Mo Shi returned from the tree hole, she just met the starry scholar team that was harassing Miss Cat played by Queen May.

Other players verbally harassed Queen Mey, and at most asked where the Queen Mey’s safari wig came from.

The harassment of the Starry Swordsmen team has already reached the point where they will play 110.

“The totem style on this cloak should be the Kata nomads from the snow country, but why do the snow nomads appear here?”

Fan Fanxing took a small book and stood behind Queen Mey, taking notes constantly. The latest two NPs, the Fanxing Shushi team, of course, had to dig out the old man as a matter of course.

But these two NPs are forbidden to touch. Most of the NPs in the Holy Spirit cannot be touched, at most they touch a hand or something.

So the stars had to walk around Queen Mey, constantly analyzing the origin of Queen Mey’s dress.

Wu Fanxing’s behavior that makes people want to fight 110 is of course given a killer look by the Lionheart Knight. Queen May also recognized Fanxing as the guy who stole her diary.

Queen Kemei has a good temper. Due to Jiang Qiao’s absence, she is now asking other knights how to deal with this situation in a group called “Battle of the Gods”.

Queen Mey ’s skills in surfing the web are getting higher and higher recently, and she has now successfully learned how to use group chat.

‘The Holy Spirit who stole my diary before has been moving around me, the agent does n’t seem to be here. Is there any way for you? ’

Queen Mayi awkwardly typed this paragraph and sent it to the group.

‘The agent ’s approach here is to issue a mission to the player to drive him away, but Ms. Maye, you sent to this group, I do n’t think your knights would agree too much. ‘Axeman made a more objective view.

Sorry, the Wasp Rider only issued two simple and direct words at the moment of bubbling, that is, ‘kill. ’

The Jackal Rider also came up and hit a +1 at this time. I don’t know if it was forced by the Hornets. Instead, the Lion Heart Knight copied and pasted the opinions of the Hornets.

‘wait a moment! wait a moment! I am also in this group! You must kill the Holy Spirit and kill them in the copy. You cannot disturb them in the stronghold! ’

Qijiang Bridge bubbling in time at this time, stopping these knights from approaching a riot.

‘… agent, I also hope to be able to go to Brand Island … np. ’The Wasp Knight was silent for a while and chose a devious approach.

She is still thinking about the diary of Queen Mey by the Holy Spirit, she must find a way to get back the diary.

‘Diary I ’ll get it back for you, but do you still have the task of exploring the new world? ’Jiangqiao tried to appease the knights, joking the wasp knights to the initial stronghold, how many mysterious killings will happen every day at the stronghold!

The Wasp Knight did not make any further requests. She knew that Jiangqiao would not agree with her proposal so easily, but she did have an important matter to report to Jiangqiao.

Therefore, the Wasp Knight also learned a feature called Aite, which was introduced to summon people in the group.

Agent, I was summoned to another world by the red crystal at 3:14 this afternoon to protect a woman named Laila you mentioned. ’

After finishing the Hornet Knight Art, he directly told Jiangqiao what happened in the afternoon.

‘Use the summon crystal I gave her so soon? ’

The response time of Minjiang Bridge was 10:30 in the evening. It was five hours after Jiangqiao gave the summoning crystal to Laila and returned her to her ship.

If Brandt Island is not far from the coastal cities of the next day empire, these five hours are enough for them to return to the nearest port city, depending on the speed of their magic steamboat.

As a result, Laila was attacked as soon as she landed on her own city? The next day’s empire turned the whole people?

‘The enemies attacking the protector are a bit strange, I used the screenshot tool to capture the body. ’

The Hornet Knight sent several pictures after finishing this message. Queen Mey and her knights were also given the Holy Spirit’s operating system by Jiangqiao, a limited edition of boss.

Of course there are widgets for screenshots and video recording in these operating systems. The Wasp Knight learns these widgets too fast.

When Oujiang Bridge saw the pictures sent by the Wasp Knight, he almost spit out the instant noodles in his mouth.

Now Jiangqiao is eating dinner while the players have just gotten the seed of the stronghold. The dinner is braised beef noodle.

The picture sent by the Wasp Knight belongs to the kind of picture that was harmonized in the first time in a public conference, which is very bloody.

Minjiang Bridge has a nauseous sensation when he looks at it, which makes Jiang Bridge once again confirm that the harmony game is the right choice.

‘Crystal? Are crystals growing on them? ‘Jiangqiao is nauseated, but Jiangqiao can still see some special places in the picture.

The method of stinging the wasp knight is very cruel, unlike the killing method an assassin should have, but Jiangqiao can discern that some of the bodies of these corpses have crystallized.

‘These humans are very violent. They have a power that does not belong to this world. In order to protect the target, I lowered my hands a bit. Their necks and abdomen basically grew some crystals. Their physical strength, speed, and magic were all There are many times more humans in this world. ’Wasp Knight said.

‘Agent, will this matter allow me to investigate? ‘Axeman also asks for help at this time.

Hey, ‘OK. ’

Qijiang Bridge knew that the swordman was an elite and veteran who dealt with such special events. He had a goddess of aquamarine on his body. The so-called aquamarine **** was innocent, and anything that can corrupt people is food for aquamarine.

Players also have this effect, which is why the mother goddess asked Jiangqiao to purify Bailand Island.

But the crystal disease on Bailand Island seems to have spread out?

‘Wasp Knight, you pay attention to protect that target. Although it ’s a time when the Battle of the Gods is open, this time is a bit harder. ’

Jiangqiao talked about the general dialogue used by the boss to exploit the employees. The Hornets Knight did not continue to answer Jiangqiao, and Jiangqiao began to eat the braised beef instant noodles in his hand at this time, and then went online to appear on Bailand Island. Camp.

“Is the crystallization of Bailand Island spread to the outside world?” Hai Lan also appeared beside Jiangqiao at this time in a ghost form ~ ~ I do n’t know, but this is possible, after all There is no lower limit to the ability of humans to die. “Jiangqiao said.

“What should we do?” Hailan was already beginning to saliva. To her, the world’s cancer crystallized was a delicious fried chicken steak.

“We? Build a stronghold.”

Jiangqiao glanced at the carriage shop in the distance, and Mo Shigui had just stepped out of the tree cave and dragged the stars directly from Miss Cat played by Queen May. It seemed that he had a lot of problems. Want to find the stars.

大 The major guilds have now entered the search for a feng shui treasure site to build a stronghold, and then began their glorious mission to completely purify the crystallization of the island, and more accurately, to completely evacuate.

During this time, Jiangqiao didn’t have the energy to take care of the outside world, but in case the players completely wiped out the crystallization of the Brand Island, it would be funny that the crystal disease of the outside world spread.

“Hopefully, Brandenburg Island will not become the last clean place in this world.” Jiangqiao has already brainstormed a lot of plots such as doomsday. Players will definitely be able to thoroughly clean Brandander Island, but it may take a while Two months or more.

By then, there may have been several magnificent ‘city’s already set up on Brand Island.

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