Creating a Virtual World

Chapter 47: Why Fight With Me?

The rifle knight, like the way he had dealt with the Holy Spirit before, threw his spear at the beginning of the duel.

These holy spirits at the moment of playing will pose some strange poses, and the Knights of Guns don’t know what the meaning is, but this is undoubtedly an opportunity.

Many holy spirits were dropped by the gun knight during the opening pose. After five or six holy spirits in a row for the second time, the holy spirit learned well, knowing to find a chance to give himself BUFF.

Zhao Mingwei is different. He came up and made a half-closed action on his chest, and the Knight of the Gun judged that he was also posing!

But Zhao Mingwei did not release the BUFF skills but did the air mask!

半 A translucent energy shield is released with Zhao Mingwei as the center. This ability can absorb a certain amount of damage, and it will shatter if it exceeds the damage.

The spear thrown by the Rifle Knight hit Zhao Mingwei’s hood that was released. The hood was instantly shattered into pieces, and the lance of the Rider was also bombed into the air.

明 Zhao Mingwei took this opportunity to directly give himself the core BUFF of three spirit masters.

The breath of the wind!

念 兽 · 龙 虎啸!

Nianqi surround!

The three BUFFs were released within 1.5 seconds, and the Knights of the Gun also recalled their lances at this instant, and rushed straight towards Zhao Mingwei.

This is also a deadly killing move. Most of the Holy Spirits will be worn by the Gun Riders if they fail to respond.

But Zhao Mingwei reacted, he turned aside and stepped sideways to avoid the stabbing of the knight by less than a centimeter.

明 Zhao Mingwei could have hid farther, but turned not to avoid the attack, but to fight back!

At the moment the shotgun knight was about to adjust his posture, Zhao Mingwei kicked him directly.

脚 This foot is judged with skills, side kick.

As a general combat skill of the martial arts fighters, Zhao Mingwei’s side kick was very tricky, and he kicked directly at the weakest waist interface of the Rider’s armor, and the Rider’s body floated uncontrollably into the air.

In the moment of floating, he swept his spear and swept, so that he could easily break the floating state.

However, Zhao Mingwei bowed his head and escaped from the Knight Rider’s sweep at the cost of his long black hair being cut off by the scarlet spear. The next second was a punch punch, followed by a series of attacks attached to the beast dragon and tiger howl.

The phantom of Xun Longhu accompanied by Zhao Mingwei’s fist hitting the gun knight’s armor gave a harsh thunder. The gun knight felt a thunderous magic in his whole body, although there was a slight paralysis that did not affect his movement.

After Zhao Mingwei carried out four consecutive combos, the Gun Rider adjusted his body movements. He blocked his fifth fist with a long gun, and then took the opportunity to directly push his long gun out.

Huge power can make the Gun Rider distance away from Zhao Mingwei and escape from the floating state, but … Zhao Mingwei gave the Gun Rider a side kick almost at the same time.

The side kick hit the spear launched by the gun knight. At this moment, the knight felt another kind of gravity that made him disgusting, and threw him directly into the air far higher than before.

The rifle knight changed his strategy. In the moment when he floated, he pierced the ground with his spear, and jumped towards the rear by the force of the spear piercing the ground.

He successfully escaped from Zhao Mingwei’s attack range, but as soon as he landed, a wave of thought-size waves arrived at the same time, directly confusing him.

Destructive thoughts The purple gun knight’s face spread out, his skin was burnt with burnt marks, which completely angered the knight, and his scarlet spear burst into dazzling eyes. The light burst, the ground burst, and suddenly a large number of spears made of magic stabbed at Zhao Mingwei.

明 Zhao Mingwei jumped into the air at the moment when he noticed something on the ground, but it was the purpose of the Cavaliers to make Zhao Mingwei jump.

“Let’s go!” The scarlet lance in the hand of the gun knight cut a red arc and pierced Zhao Mingwei in the air. He had nothing in the air to take advantage of, and it was reasonable to say that the shot was a must.

But in Zhao Mingwei’s eyes, the spear stabbed by the gun knight was a point of force, and Zhao Mingwei’s feet appeared a ray of thought.

Eagle step!

明 Zhao Mingwei only had a response time of less than 0.1 second, but he stepped on the spear stabbed by the gun knight accurately, and the system also gave a completely new judgment.

See through!

The rifle knight only felt that his hand carried far more weight than Zhao Mingwei’s body, as if the gun head was pressing a giant mammoth, and the huge weight caused the lance knight to pierce into the air and fell uncontrollably into the ground.

The pistol’s tip penetrated into the ground, and a large number of cracks appeared on the ground centered on the tip.

明 Zhao Mingwei also fell to the ground, but his foot was stepped on the gun of the Rider’s lance.

This scene gives the Gun Rider a sense of humiliation. His own shot was trampled by the enemy. There is nothing more humiliating than this.

The Rifle Knight pulled the spear from the ground angrily. When he wanted to make a counterattack, Zhao Mingwei kicked him again with a side kick.

淦 Your mother!

When the Sword Knight floated into the air again, he suddenly remembered the words that those holy spirits who had been spiked by himself before would be spoken by himself.

是 For the first time, he felt that the special attack of the Holy Spirit was too disgusting and perverted.

虽然 Although your mother shouted, Zhao Mingwei still did not take any action. The fist blessed by Long Huxiao once again hit the gap where the knight knight armor was connected, and his thoughts poured directly into the body of the knight knight, making him feel all over him. It’s about to explode.

The gun knight repeated his tricks and pierced the spear into the ground. He wanted to escape from the floating state in this way, but Zhao Mingwei had already prepared. When the gun knight’s spear pierced the ground in less than 0.3 seconds, Zhao Mingwei down The kick directly hit the gun knight’s spear, and then another side kick after the cooldown was over.

The shotgun knight floated ruthlessly into the higher air.

Why fight with me?

Zhao Mingwei’s series of suppression attacks came down ~ ~ this idea suddenly came to mind.

Why does this elite NPC that does not even have overlords, forced displacement, and get up and explode? Why fight against a player who has a series of system blessings such as floating combo, block, see, and knife?

No reason …

Zhao Mingwei’s spirit master does not have the skills of block and knife. Only weapons-like occupations such as swordsman, assassin, and paladin are available, and combative professions such as fighting fighters can only be used. Only weapons such as armour and claws can be judged by the dagger, but in exchange, this type of short-handed occupation will have a system called see through. Zhao Mingwei is not commonly used when playing monsters because those large creatures are all Unreasonable.

But to deal with this humanoid NPC, Zhao Mingwei is not often used … Because most human NPCs in the Holy Spirit have their own domineering body, a few tricks in the air will cause the domineering body to explode, and then there is any trouble to get up and protect it. skill.

The problem is that this elite NPC has nothing! As long as Zhao Mingwei avoided his attack, he could connect him to Shuang.

The premise is to avoid the counterattack of the gun knight in the floating state. This is not the response of most players, but Zhao Mingwei can do it and it is easy.

Once I realized this, it was a complete unilateral sling, and the chance of the gun knight counterattack was extremely poor.

At the last moment, the Gun Rider successfully got out of the air, and took another step back to fight back with a spear that magicalized, but at the moment he landed, it wasn’t a matter of arrogance, Zhao Mingwei directly ‘ Oh, a voice, the voice turned directly into a roaring lion that passed into the ears of the Gun Rider and made him dizzy.

明 Zhao Mingwei grabbed him and threw the poor gun knight out of the ring.

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