Creating a Virtual World

Chapter 470 - Freya Cup

Gaby Vitz’s Freya’s room.

Qiu Jiangqiao stood in this room, which was not so luxurious, and seemed to hear the bards played by the bard, as well as his vocal humming.

In reality, Gaby Weitz had confirmed brain death ten minutes ago, and his Freya closed her eyes forever after the fire of the Holy Spirit’s soul had dissipated.

But in the game, his character lay quietly in Fliya’s arms as if she had just slept in.

“Have a good dream, Holy Spirit.”

Minjiang Bridge did not move anything in the room, leaving this room after leaving this sentence.

Gabe Weitz’s death has caused huge waves in the game circle around the world. After all, he is a world-renowned game producer. Even people who have never played the game can know the news of his death through the Internet.

However, most people on the Internet are mourning after the wind, feeling that a person has died, and then sending some Weibo to commemorate the following wind and the like.

The way that Minjiang Bridge can mourn is to save him and his Freya room forever, and at the same time, create two NPs based on him and his Freya.

A bard named Gaby … in a wooden boxcar with his Freya, may appear anywhere on the map of the Holy Spirit.

These two NPs have some descriptions of their past hidden missions, but more often they will stay in one place for a while. If a player meets them, Gaby will play an unknown song for the Holy Spirit. , And his Freya followed the same unknown song.

两 The two of them traveled together in this way to the end of the Holy Spirit world, and then wandered forever from the end.

盖 In Gaby’s will, he told Jiangqiao not to disclose his ID in the Holy Spirit to the outside world, because he also has friends in the Holy Spirit, and he did not want his friends to be disturbed because of his true identity.

So Jiangqiao can only use this method to commemorate the Holy Spirit who once existed briefly in this world.

This is a very rushed story, rushing to Jiangqiao can’t even find too many words to describe Gaby Wiz’s life in the Holy Spirit.

But the legacy left by Gaby Weitz is destined to set off a **** wind in the real world, which will spread to the world of the Holy Spirit.

What Hanjiang Bridge can do now is to formulate the rules of the first Holy Spirit League as soon as possible. First of all, Gaby left this legacy to decide to invest in the Holy Spirit Fund.

This is his original idea. In the communication between Jiangqiao and him, he was impressed by the crazy idea that the Holy Spirit Fund “does n’t earn a dime and pours it all to the players”, but maybe he was playing the Holy Spirit himself. What was noticed during the process.

Therefore, after some discussion, Jiangqiao proposed that the legacy of Gaby Weitz be awarded to the best players and groups in the Holy Spirit in various fields every year. He agreed with Jiangqiao’s request, but also made another request, that That is, NP must be qualified to participate in the competition.

After a series of discussions, the first Freya Cup of the Holy Spirit League was born, or the Freya Award.

This award is a bit like a Nobel Prize. Based on the legacy left by Gaby Weitz, it is managed by the Holy Spirit Fund. There are five types of awards, the best individual award, the best team award, the best collector, and the most Best Builder, Best Support Award.

Is very vulgar, but Jiangqiao just uses an easy-to-understand statement, and whatever cool name you want to put on the package is fine.

The first award, as the name suggests, is … a reward for an individual competition. This Jiangqiao decided to take the bonus bonus directly as a reward.

The second award may be the most concerned by the outside world, and it is also the one closest to the professional league, because it requires a team to fight for, and it is also the main body of the Holy Spirit professional league. The champion, the runner-up and the third runner-up will get a controlling stake in the dispute next door.

The next three are awards designed for life professionals. The best collector awards are awards based on fishing players, mining players, lumberjacks, herbs collectors, and so on.

The Best Builder Award is an award mainly for architect players, alchemy engineer players, alchemy players, blacksmith players, etc.

The best auxiliary award is to give the player the status of returning blood, but he can’t produce any output, and he will still be ‘take me a punch!’ ’This kind of auxiliary player abused by unfriendly assassin players is set up.

The next three awards also gave dividend bonuses.

How is it so specific? The answer, of course, is the road to ascension.

The existence of Feisheng Road gave Jiangqiao a natural game rule and fair and just referee.

The specific game system of the bridge can be studied for a while. There are still many mechanisms in the road of ascension that are not clear.

Among the challenges to promote the dominator class, Thorne once mentioned to Jiangqiao that the ‘dominator challenge is not difficult, but the number of places is limited, there are no more than twelve, and … there is a high probability of meeting other challengers It is also possible for regulators to have difficulty, if anyone wants. ’

Jiang Qiao asked if the twelve people want to be promoted after they are full, then the challenger is facing the current dominator. Even if they are not full, the current dominator can also act as the checker of the level. Appears on the road to ascension.

Worst of all is meeting other challengers. This is a mechanism called ‘Invasion’.

Combining the above, Jiang Qiao’s qualifications for the most important ‘Team Tournament’ rules for the first Holy Spirit League are as follows.

Register first, the minimum requirement for registration is to get the supervisor qualification on the road of ascension, and register a five-member squad on the official website of the Holy Spirit, and you can add one or two substitutes!

Second is the content of the game. The content of the game is to challenge the difficult task of the supervisors of the five-member team at the level. The challenge will score one point for success, and no score for failure.

In order to limit the majestic liver emperor-level players from harming their livers and allow players to arrange their schedules reasonably, Jiangqiao also set the game to a limited time ~ ~ The finalists are limited to every Friday to It is open for three days on the weekend, and it is open from 12 noon to 8 pm every day for three months.

三个 After three months, the twelve teams with the highest points will advance … Dominator Challenge.

In summary, this looks like a PVE game with little attention, but the existence of the ‘invasion’ mechanism on the road of ascension leads to a game that may become PVPVE, that is, two teams are fighting against each other at the same time. Fight against the defenders on the Ascension Road.

After the Jiangjiang Bridge has written a series of rules, the official interface of the Holy Spirit League-Fuliya Cup has been launched on the official website, as well as the corresponding registration page.

After doing all this work, Jiangqiao began to check all kinds of news on the Internet. As Jiangqiao expected, more people care about why his legacy is left to the Holy Spirit than Gaby ’s death. Player?

Except for some players who have failed to qualify for the Holy Spirit game, they have become lemon spirits. Those sponsors and shareholders who have sponsored dispute leagues and companies have stated that this will is invalid.

But this protest is not meaningful, because the Holy Spirit Fund is a legitimate fund custodian, and most of the assets in Gaby’s will are managed by the Holy Spirit Fund.

Winning the Holy Spirit League can inherit the disputed equity. Although there is only one year, this year is enough to do a lot of things, not only the players’ hearts, but the capitalists behind the scenes have begun to act in realizing this.

But the world of the Holy Spirit is not a world where these capitalists can cover the sky with one hand. This is a field dominated by players.

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